高中英语第五册Unit 6 Going West课件

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UNIT 6 EXERCISES1. When I try to understand _ that prevents so many Americans from being as happy as one might expect, it seems to me that there are two causes. A. why it does B. what it does C. what it is D. why it is2. Where have you been? We _ you back much earlier.A. were expectingB. are expecting C. have expectedD. expected1.C understand后接一个宾语从句,而宾语从句的本身是一个后接一个宾语从句,而宾语从句的本身是一个强调句,而且是强调句的疑问形式,是根据强调句,而且是强调句的疑问形式,是根据sth.提问的疑问句,提问的疑问句,它的基本形式是它的基本形式是what is it that,其充当宾语从句,要用正装,其充当宾语从句,要用正装语序,所以选语序,所以选what it is that。 2.A 本句意为本句意为“我们一直盼望你回来我们一直盼望你回来”,从前一句,说明,从前一句,说明“你你”现在已经回来了,所以用过去进行时表示过去某一段时间一直现在已经回来了,所以用过去进行时表示过去某一段时间一直进行的动作。进行的动作。3. Im afraid I cant finish the book within this week._.A. Please go aheadB. Thats right C. Not at all D. Take it easy4. We need a person badly to think up such an idea._ the new comer have a try? A. Shall B. May C. Should D. Need3.D 根据句意,可以排除根据句意,可以排除A;not at all是回答是回答Im sorry的;的;thats right意义不对。意义不对。Take it easy意为意为“慢慢来,别着慢慢来,别着急急”。4.A 选项选项B可以排除,因为可以排除,因为may表示请求时,只能和第表示请求时,只能和第一人称连用;而一人称连用;而shall和第三人称连用,表示请求。和第三人称连用,表示请求。5. The habit of having eight hours sleep a night she was accustomed to _ greatly since last year.A.changeB. has changed C. changingD. have changed6. There were a lot of people in the reading room, most of _ with their heads bent down over their books. A. them B. whom C. thatD. which5.B 句中的句中的 the habit 作主语,作主语,she was accustomed to是定是定语,句子的宾语应该是语,句子的宾语应该是has changed。6.A 因为后面不是一个句子,而是带有因为后面不是一个句子,而是带有with的独立结构,的独立结构,所以不能看作是定语从句。所以不能看作是定语从句。7. I wonder if I could win the match. Tom is so good a player. _, John! You know you can beat him. A. Make itB. Go for it C. Get it D. Do it8. Despite _ hundreds of jobs, he is still out of work. A. apply forB. applying forC. findD. finding7.B 后一句是鼓励的话,后一句是鼓励的话,go for it意为意为“努力争取努力争取”,符合,符合句意。句意。make it是是“做成功了做成功了”;get it是是“理解;明白理解;明白”。8.B despite是介词,相当于是介词,相当于in spite of,后接动词,后接动词ing形式;形式;find是是“找到找到”之意,不合句意,可以排除。之意,不合句意,可以排除。 9. What amazed us most is that our success was far _ what we thought possible.A. outB. offC. beyondD. within10. One of the most important things in a partner is a _ of humor.A. stateB. feelingC. mindD. sense9.C beyond在句中是在句中是“出乎出乎之外之外”之意。之意。10.D 表示表示“感感”,用,用sense,a sense of humor意为意为“幽幽默感默感”。11. The Hope Project gives hands to those parents in remote villages _ a high pay for their children to go to school.A. burdening withB. burdened withC. being burdened withD. having been burdened with12. Dont be too _ on himhe was just trying to help.A. strictB. hardC. cruelD. tough11.B be burdened with是固定搭配,意为是固定搭配,意为“有有的负担的负担”,在句中作后置定语,相当于在句中作后置定语,相当于who are burdened with,修饰前面,修饰前面的的those parents。12.B be tough with sb.是是“对对严厉严厉” be tough on sb.对对很倒霉很倒霉,不幸的不幸的/be strict with sb.对对严格严格 / be cruel to 对对残忍残忍 be hard on sb.对对 苛刻苛刻13. Helen is much more kind to her youngest child than to the others, _, of course, makes others unhappy.A. whoB. which C. itD. that14. Jack is one of those men who I am sure always do _ best even in the most difficult situations.A.His B. your C. their D. ones 15. A new people was found recently who still _ old custom of eating enemies after fighting. A. keeps upB. keeps toC. keeps offD. keeps down 13.B which引导非限制性定语从句,替代前面的句子。引导非限制性定语从句,替代前面的句子。 14.C 人称代词应和前面的人称代词应和前面的those men一致一致.15.A keep up是是“保持保持”之意之意Keep off 使离开使离开, 不接近不接近Keep down 伏卧身体伏卧身体,蹲下蹲下,使使(头头,声音声音)压低压低


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