广西东兴市江平中学九年级英语全册 Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes课件2 人教新目标版

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广西东兴市江平中学九年级英语全册 Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes课件2 人教新目标版_第1页
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广西东兴市江平中学九年级英语全册 Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes课件2 人教新目标版_第2页
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广西东兴市江平中学九年级英语全册 Unit 3 Teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes课件2 人教新目标版_第3页
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Section A 1a4Period 1Do you have any rules at school ?Do your parents allow you to do the following things?Do you have any rules at home?Do you agree?This is Ming MingHe is only 10 years old.But he can drive a bus, or car. OBEY THE FAMILY RULES! As a teenager, you have a lot of rules at your house. Can you write down some of them? Im allowed to Im not allowed to (should ) be allowed to do Agree and disagreeDo you think ?Yes, I agree.No, I disagree.(应该)允许做某事But in America, sixteen-year-olds shouldbe allowed to drive.I DONT THINK FIFTEEN-YEAR-OLDS SHOULD BEGET THEIR EARS PIERCED.Teenagers should not be allowed to take a part-time job at night.Can the teenagers in China be allowed to get their driverslicense ?drive 驾驶驾驶 driver 驾驶员,司机驾驶员,司机drivers license 驾驶证驾驶证get her ears pierced 穿耳穿耳 wear earring戴戴耳环耳环buy/choose your own clothes 买选自己的衣服买选自己的衣服Key phrases1 be allowed to do 被允许去作2 go out with their friends 与朋友们一起出去3 a part-time job 一份兼职工作4 get their ears pierced 穿他们的耳朵5 their own clothes 他们自己的衣服6 drivers license 驾驶执照7 too wild 太野性的8 serious enough 足够严肃9 silly earring 难看的耳环10 Instead of 替代11 on weekends 在周末 LISTEN AND CIRCLE “T” OR “F” .1.Anna can go to the mall with John.( ) 2.Anna wants to get her ears pierced.( )3.Anna is allowed to choose her own clothes. ( )TFTPAIRWORK1, 根据根据1a的听力内容找出的听力内容找出enough 短语,并用自己的话造短语,并用自己的话造句。句。2,翻译下列短语或句子,翻译下列短语或句子 drivers license at that age get their ears pierced Its fun to watch. choose their own clothes I guess so. I want to be sure you get something nice. Listen and check what Kathy thinks.kathy 1. Sixteen-year-old should not be allowed work at night. 2. Larry shouldnt work every night. 3. He should cut his hair. 4. He should stop wearing that silly earring. 5. He doesnt seem to have many friends. 6. He shouldnt work on weekends. You may circle “Agree”, “Disagree”, or “Doesnt know” to show what Molly thinks.kathymolly1. Sixteen-year-old should not be allowed work at night. 2. Larry shouldnt work every night. 3. He should cut his hair. 4. He should stop wearing that silly earring. 5. He doesnt seem to have many friends. DisagreesAgreesDoesnt knowDisagreesDoesnt know LISTEN AGAIN. FILL IN THE BLANKS WITH CORRECT FORMS Molly says that Larry is working late tonight,but kathy thinks Larry shouldnt be _ to work late.Molly _ with Kathy,She thinks teenagers never gets _.Then Kathy thinks Larry shouldnt work every night.This makes Molly agree.They think he needs time _ homework,Also they think Larrys hair should _ because it doesnt look _. Kathy thinks Larry shouldnt wear that _ earring,but Molly thinks she _ like it.allowedagreestiredto dobe cutcleansillykind ofUseful expressionswork latesixteen-year-oldsbe allowed to work at nightdisagree withget tiredwork every nightdo homeworkcut ones hairkind of likelooks coolhave many friendswork on weekendsspend time with 结构结构:be +动词的过去分词动词的过去分词一般现在时一般现在时:am/is/ are +动词的过去分词动词的过去分词一般过去时一般过去时:was/were +动词的过去分词动词的过去分词Period 2THE ANSWERS TO 3ASun Fei 1,Dont go out on school nights. 2,You can study at a friends houses 3,You have to be home by 10:00 PMWu Yu 1, Dont go out on school nights.2,You have to stay at home on school nights.3,You can go to the movies with friends on Friday nights4,You can go shopping with friends on Saturday afternoon.5, You can choose your own clothes.6, Dont get your ears pierced. Useful sentences and expressions1,have a lot of rules2, at ones house3, for example4,stay at home5,on school nights6,study at a friends house7,go to the movies8,on Friday nights9,to be home by 10:00 pm10,on Saturday afternoons 11,go shopping with12,choose ones own 13,get ones ears pierced1,So do we. So + 助动词+另一主语 “也是如此”So +前句相同主语+助动词 “的确如此”表示赞同,主语是同一人,主谓不倒装;主语是另一人时,主谓倒装USEFUL SENTENCES Im not allowed to go out on school nights, either.1,泛指用泛指用in the morning/afternoon/eveningat noon/night若有修饰语或表具体某日(及其早若有修饰语或表具体某日(及其早/中中/晚)时用晚)时用on 2,too,also用于肯定句,用于肯定句,too用于句末,用于句末,also用于句中用于句中either用于否定句句末用于否定句句末2.So do we. 我们家我们家也是也是(有有). 1)用副词用副词 too 多用于口语多用于口语,句末句末, 肯定句肯定句/问句问句. either多用于口语多用于口语,句末句末, 否定句表否定句表 “也一样也一样”, also 多用正式文体多用正式文体,句中近动词句中近动词,各句各句型型. 2)用倒装用倒装 陈述部分肯定用陈述部分肯定用 “so+谓动谓动+ 主语主语” 陈述部分否定用陈述部分否定用 “nor/neither+谓动谓动+ 主语主语”练习练习: 1)Li Ming had a good holiday, _I.2)He can swim, _I.3)He cant lift the box, _I.4)I have never been to England, _my friend .5) My friend will go abroad, _he.6) I didnt go to school. _ he.7) Im a teacher, _ he .7. though( 虽然虽然)与与 but(但是但是); because(因为因为)与与so( 所所以以)不能同时用在同一个句子不能同时用在同一个句子._ I am allowed to choose my own clothes, but Im not allowed to get my ears pierced yet.= Though I am allowed to choose my own clothes, _ Im not allowed to get my ears pierced .8. stay up 不去睡不去睡, 熬夜熬夜PAIRWORKWhat rules do you have at home?Well, Im not allowed to go out on school nights. How about you?Im not allowed to go out on school nights either. But I canSection A1.go out with sb 与某人一起外出 2. have part time jobs 从事业余工作3. get ones ears pierced 打耳眼 4. choose ones own clothes 选择自己的衣服5. a drivers license 驾驶执照 6. go to the mall 去市场7. serious enough 足够严肃 old enough 年级足够大 calm enough 足够沉着8. sixteenyearolds 十六岁的孩子们9. Allow sb to do sth 允许某人做某事 allow doing sth 允许做某事10. cut ones hair = have ones hair cut 理发11. stop doing sth 停止做某事 stop to do sth 停下手中的事情去做另一件事 stop sb/sth from doing sth 阻止某物/某人做某事 cant stop doing sth 禁不住做某事12. on weekends 在周末 13. need to do sth 需要做某事 14.instead of doing sth 代替做某 instead of sth/sb 代替某物/某人15. at that age 在那个年龄 at the age of 在某人多大时16. seem +形容词/名词/介词 看上去 seem to do sth 看上去要做某事 It seems +that从句 看上去17. look/ feel/ sound/ taste/ smell 等感官动词后接形容词18. so+ 助动词+主语 和一样 相关:so +主语+助动词 确实如此19. on school nights 在上学时间的每个晚上20. what about/how about doing sth 怎么样?(表示建议)21. go shopping 去购物 22. stay up 醒着不睡23. clean up 打扫、清除 24. stay at home 待在家里HOMEWORK 1. 青少年们应该被允许去做兼职工作。 2.我不同意,他们只是闲聊而不是做作业。 3. 我得到允许可以挑选我自己的衣服,但是我不可以穿耳洞。 4.去年我有个机会去当地医院做志愿者。 5.我们会感觉更好,并且那对学习也有好处。 6.你什么时间可以完成篮球训练呢 ? 7.我决定不下来该买哪条牛仔裤,所以我两条都买了。


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