高考英语一轮总复习 阅读与理解 学校生活课件 外研版

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阅读与理解(2)主旨大意题(读首段(句)抓大意)学校生活学校生活是人一生中最珍贵的,在此期间有成长的烦恼,也有成功的喜悦。此话题是学生最熟悉的话题之一,也是高考中最常考的话题之一,如2013浙江卷完形填空,2013陕西卷阅读理解D篇,2013天津卷阅读理解A篇。美文赏析Harvard is a worldclass university.Some famous leaders,including American President Barack Obama,graduated from the Ivy League school.It is a college that claims to teach students“integrity”,which is why a recent cheating scandal surrounding it has come as a surprise.Last month,during a takehome exam,125 students from one course were accused of sharing answers.Suspected cheating was found in half of the exam papers handed in.Exam rules stated that students should not discuss answers but could use the Internet and textbooks.However,a lot of answers were practically identical,leading teachers to think something was wrong.Harvard responded to the cheating in two ways.They have launched an inquiry into what happened but also asked professors to be clearer about what counts as“group work”Some academic experts think cheating has become more common and the message about what is OK and what isnt is no longer clear.Donald LMcCabe,a professor at the Rutgers University Business School in the US and leading researcher on cheating,told The New York Times that the Internet has made cheating easier.Howard Gardner,a professor at the Harvard Graduate School of Education,said that he studied academic integrity over 20 years and that“the ethical muscles have atrophied(萎缩)”because nowadays people want success but do not care how they get itwhether it is through honest or dishonest means.Universities around the world have strict policies on copying work.After a survey in 2008 said that nearly half of Cambridge University students had cheated,the university said that“we regard deliberate acts of cheating as serious offences which can lead to failure to obtain,or withdrawal of a degree.”Peking University will tell off a student or issue him or her with a written notice to go with their personal record.In more severe cases students will not be allowed to complete their degrees.At Yale,a suspected cheater will be interviewed before the matter is referred to a committee to check.If they are found guilty,a letter will be issued saying how bad the offence is and what the next steps will be.The results of Harvards inquiry are to be announced soon.But the news of students dishonesty has left people wondering where the“integrity”that Harvard has prided itself on for so long has gone.【解题导语】本文是一篇新闻报道,介绍了哈佛大学学生被怀疑考试作弊一事引起了人们的怀疑,同时介绍了其他大学对类似事情的处罚。一、阅读与积累1攻克疑难词汇integrity n完整, 完善, 正直, 诚实You can trust him;he is a man of complete integrity.你可以相信他,他是一个刚正不阿的人。scandal n丑闻The scandal caused tempests in the newspaper.那件丑闻在报纸上引起了轩然大波。identical adj.同一的, 相同的launch vt.发起, 推出(新产品),发射, 使(船)下水The manager decided to launch a sales drive.经理决定展开一次促销活动。ethical adj.伦理的, 道德的withdrawal n撤退, 退回,取消tell off训斥;斥责The director told off Jim for being late for work again.吉姆又一次迟到了,受到主任的训斥。issue vt.发表, 公布,正式发给The office will be issuing permits on Tuesday and Thursday mornings.办公室将会在星期二和星期四早晨发许可证。2攻克疑难句But the news of studentsdishonesty has left people wondering where the“integrity”that Harvard has prided itself on for so long has gone.结构分析left是谓语动词,people是宾语,wondering是现在分词作宾补,构成“leave sb doing”句式,意为“使某人处于某种状态”;where引导宾语从句,其中又含有一个that引导的定语从句。尝试翻译但是学生不诚实的这个消息使人们纳闷,哈佛大学那么长时间曾引以为豪的“诚实”已消失了。二、理解与尝试命题1理解文章主旨What does this passage mainly discuss?_.答案This passage mainly discusses universities punishments on cheating.2自主尝试命题请你依据阅读理解主旨大意题型的特点,给下面试题写出干扰项,然后叫你的同桌试做一下。The passage is meant to_.A_B_Ctell us of the suspected students cheating in Harvard UniversityD_参考答案Atell us the“integrity”that Harvard has prided itself on for so long has goneBtell us why students cheat in the examDtell us Harvard has taken measures to look into the case of students cheating3解题技巧点拨阅读理解主旨大意题解题技法之一:读首段(句)抓大意有些文章或段落的主题句居首,即常常出现在文章或段落的开头,开门见山,提出主题,随之用细节来解释,支撑或发展主题句所表达的主题思想,在说明文、议论文、科技文献和新闻报道中多采用这种格式。因此,要寻找这类文章的主旨大意就需要研究文章的首句和首段。同样,寻找段落的主旨大意则要研究段落的首句。真 题 典 例(2014合肥模拟)Some supermarkets have a special way of getting people to come to the bakery counters.Sometimes they spray a“cake smell”into the air.At other times they spray the fresh smell of baking bread.These smells are enough to make peoples mouths water.The customers then race madly to the counter to buy cake,bread,rolls,and other baked goods!The main idea of the paragraph is_.Awhat cake smells likeB.why bakeries make moneyChow people are attracted to bakery countersDwhat bakery counters in supermarkets sell答案C本文的首句交待“有些超市有一个让顾客来面包柜买面包”方法,下面便介绍这个方法。所以C项是最佳选项。A项指蛋糕的味道,这是具体的信息。B项文章没有提及,D项侧重所卖的内容而不是卖的方法,所以也不是本段的主题。


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