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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上仁爱版八年级(下)英语素质检测题 (Unit 6)一 词汇考查。 A:根据句意写出单词(词首的字母已给出)。 1.I need a room with windows f_ _ the sea.2.A s_ _ room with double beds costs¥160.3.The farmers are busy harvesting the crops in the f_ _.4.“Are you the driver of this v_ _, sir?” asked the policeman.5.The airplane l_ _ at the airport on time yesterday.6.You are always so c . You must be careful next time.7.We must obey our country l .8.Everyone should improve our environment and a air pollution.9.The teachers e the students to take part in the sports meeting.10.At the t of the building, we can see beautiful sight. B:用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。11.My sister is glad (receive) her birthdays present.12.Could you help me (do) the washing this afternoon?13.They (build) this factory in 2008.14.How about (go) shopping?15.It (take) me ten minutes to wash my hair yesterday.16.Im looking forward to (meet) him.17.He was afraid of _ (cross) the street.18.Lily was _ (surprise) to hear the bad news.19.The story is so _ (interest) that we all love it.20.If everyone obeys the traffic rules, the road _ _ (be) safe.二 单项选择:从每小题A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出能填入句中空白处的最佳选项。( ) 1.The students like to go _ _ a trip _ _ spring. A. on.on B. in.on C. to.in D. on.in( ) 2.Mr. Green lives in a _ _ room on the fifth floor. A. three-beds B. three bed C. three-bed D. three beds( ) 3.Li Ping hardly hurt his feet in the accident, _ _? A. did he B. does he C. doesnt he D. didnt he( ) 4.My teacher was _ _ angry that she couldnt say a word. A. too B. so C. very D. quite( ) 5.Shenzhen is in the _ _ part of China. A. southB. southernC. southeastD. southwest( ) 6.Would you help me plan some _ _ adventures in Dalian? A. excitingB. to exciteC. excitedD. excite() 7.Darren was surprised the huge stone animals lining the passage.A.in B.on C.at D.about() 8.Ill ring you up I get to Beijing.A.whenB.as soon asC.whileD.until() 9.When he got home, his family supper.A.were havingB.had C.are having D.have()10.My grandpa always sleeps his eyes open.A.whenB.andC.butD.with()11.When theres snow, it isnt cold.A.too much.much too B.much too.too muchC.too much.too much D.much too.much too()12.Well go out for a picnic as soon as it .A.stops raining B.rains C.stops to rain D.rain ()13.The train until he .A.left.got on B.didnt leave.gets onC.left.didnt get on D.didnt leave.got on()14.You wont catch the bus you dont run.A.unless B.if C.when D.because()15.The girl was leaving home yesterday she saw a man coming towards her.A.while B.afterC.when D.if三 完形填空:阅读下面的短文,然后从文后每空所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个能填入文中相应空白处的最佳选项。 Early one morning, an old woman was carrying a big basket of potatoes on her head to the market. She hoped to 1 them to the people from town. The mountain road was narrow(窄的)and the old woman was walking 2 , because she did not want to have 3 and lose her potatoes. Suddenly she 4 a loud bell, and a bicycle came round the corner. It passed her and went very fast 5 the hill. The old woman had to jump to one side of the 6 so quickly that the basket of potatoes nearly fell into the valley(山谷). She looked up and saw that a young boy was on the bicycle. He was 7 on without even 8 round to see whether the old woman was all right. The old woman began to shout,“Come back, young man! You dropped something!” When he heard this, the boy stopped the bicycle so suddenly that he nearly fell off . Then he turned and began to 9 the bicycle back up to the hill.“What is it?”he asked,“What did I drop?”“Little boy,”the old noman answered, “you dropped your 10 .” ( ) 1. A. sendB. giveC. sellD. take( ) 2. A. carefulB. carefullyC. politelyD. quiet( ) 3. A. a matchB. a restC. an accidentD. a talk( ) 4. A. hitB. madeC. foundD. heard( ) 5. A. downB. upC. toD. over( ) 6. A. roadB. streetC. townD. hill( ) 7. A. drivingB. ridingC. runningD. walking( ) 8. A. sawB. watchedC. lookingD. found( ) 9. A. carryB. catchC. giveD. push( ) 10. A. fruitB. potatoesC. manners(礼貌)D. bicycle四 阅读理解。A What do you know about the sea? Some people have seen it but other havent. The sea looks beautiful on a fine sunny day and it can be very rough(狂暴)when there is a strong wind. What other things do you know about it?Of course, the sea is very large. In the world there is more sea than land(陆地).If you have swum(游泳)in the sea, you know that the water is salty(咸的). Rivers carry salt from the land into the sea. Some places of the sea are more salty than other places. Do you know the Dead Sea? Fish cant live in it!根据上文内容,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)。()1.All the people in the world have seen the sea.()2.The sea always looks beautiful when the sun is shining.()3.The sea is larger than the land.()4.The salt in the sea comes from the land.()5.Fish cant live in the Dead Sea because the water there isnt salty.BMr. White lived in the country. One day, he bought a second-class train ticket and went to London to buy something. All the seats in the second-class carriages had been taken when Mr. White got on the train. 1. Half an hour later, 2. So he went into one of them and took an empty seat. The other four men seemed to be rich people because they all wore fine clothes. But just before the train started, a different kind of person jumped in and sat down.3. It was clear that he was very poor. Everyone in the carriage looked unhappy with the young man. Mr. White thought that he would not be the only person to pay more. 4. If so, he was wrong. For when the train had traveled an hour, the door opened and the ticket-collector came into the carriage. Of course, Mr. White had to pay more money for his ticket. But to his great surprise, one by one each of the four men held out a second-class ticket. 5. He was the only man who had the first-class ticket in the carriage.根据上文内容,从方框内选出适当的句子将短文补充完整(将其字母标号填在相应的横线上)。A. Only the young man sat there quietly.B. He was a young man in old and dirty clothes.C. Maybe the young man hoped that the ticket-collector would never come.D. he found that there were some empty seats in the first-class carriages.E. He had to stand up all the way. 五 根据括号内的要求变换下列句子。1.We will get there by bus. (就划线部分提问)_ _ _ _ we _ _ there?2.I want to book some hard sleeper tickets .(改为同义句)I _ _ _ _ to book some hard sleeper tickets.3.Eight soft sleeper tickets cost me eight hundred yuan. (改为同义句 )I _ _ eight hundred yuan _ _ eight soft sleeper tickets.4.Going by train is comfortable.Going by air is more comfortable.(合并为一句)Going by train is _ _ as _ _ _ _ _ by air.5.Going by airplane is too expensive.I dont take the airplane.(合并为一句)Its _ _ _ _ for me _ _ _ _ by airplane. 六 综合填空:从方框中选择适当的词语填空。or, slow down, wear, happy, follow, both, take care, side, through, stopTraffic rules are made to keep order on the road. They also help to keep people . The pedestrian has as many rules to as the driver of car. You should walk at the sidewalk or at the of the road. Always look carefully before you walk across the street.If you ride a bike, dont ride in the middle of the road or run red traffic lights. When you ride a bike with a friend, dont look around to talk. If you drive, you should at the traffic lights. You must always a seat belt(安全带). Without belts the driver and the passengers may be badly hurt in a sudden accident. Someone may be thrown out through the window.You may not need to drive a bus, but if you have to travel in one. Get in or get off a bus only when it has come to a . When it is full, dont try to get inside you may fall off.七 书面表达: “五一”节快到了,你和你朋友的旅游计划做好了吗?试用英语来描述一下你们的日程安排(80个词左右)。 仁爱版八年级(下)英语素质检测题参考答案一 1.facing 2.standard 3.field 4.vehicle 5.landed 6.careless 7.laws 8.avoid 9.encourage 10. top 11.to receive 12.(to)do 13.built 14.going 15.took16.meeting 17.crossing 18.surprised 19.interesting 20.will be 二 1-5 DCABB 6-10 ACBAD 11-15 AADBC三 1-5 CBCDA 6-10 ABCDC四 1-5 F F T F F 6-10 EDBCA五1.How shallget 2.would like 3.spendon 4.notcomfortable as 5.too expensiveto go 六 happy.follow.side .through .slow down. wear .both.take care .stop.or七 One possible version:My friend Li Hua will visit me on May Day. During the following days I will show him around the city. We are going to the Beijing Museum on the morning of May 2. I think we can learn much about the history of Beijing. In the afternoon we will climb Mount Yan and the Great Wall. It is really great fun!In the evening I will take Li Hua to the night zoo in Beijing. It is interesting to see animals at night. Next day we are going to the bookshops to buy books. We may be very tired in the two days, but we will enjoy ourselves very much.专心-专注-专业


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