高中英语 Unit 3 Australia Grammar课件1 新人教版选修9

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Unit 3语法精解语法精解1. 表语表语 Predicative表语是由系动词引导的主语补足语,表语是由系动词引导的主语补足语,补充说明主语。补充说明主语。什么是系动词:什么是系动词:表语的位置:表语的位置:表语位于系动词之后,与之构成所谓表语位于系动词之后,与之构成所谓的系表结构。的系表结构。 系动词是表示不完全谓语关系的动词,系动词是表示不完全谓语关系的动词,常与后面的表语一起构成系表结构充常与后面的表语一起构成系表结构充当谓语。当谓语。1. be 动词是最常见的系动词,可以有多动词是最常见的系动词,可以有多 种表语。种表语。2. 表示结果表示结果 become成为,当成为,当3. 表示状况,样子等:表示状况,样子等: seem, appear, look 看起来,看上去看起来,看上去4. 表示变化:表示变化: go, get, turn, fall, run, grow 变得,变成变得,变成5. 感官系动词表示感觉:感官系动词表示感觉: feel摸起来,感觉;摸起来,感觉; smell闻起来;闻起来; taste尝起来;尝起来; sound听起来;听起来; look看起来看起来6. 表示状态:表示状态:prove证明是;证明是;remain保持,保持,仍然仍然; stay保持,停留;保持,停留;keep保持;保持; stand位于;位于; lie位于位于 充当表语的成分有名词、形容词、充当表语的成分有名词、形容词、副词、代词、数词、介词短语、词副词、代词、数词、介词短语、词组、不定式、组、不定式、ing 形式、过去分形式、过去分词、从句等。词、从句等。He finally became a successful pianist. My father used to be a football player.She is very tired and looks it.We are seven. 1. 名词,代词,数词用作表语:名词,代词,数词用作表语:He become a doctor.Boys are boys.Hes not the right man for the job.She seemed an ideal wife for him.名词或名词词组作表语,一般用来确定名词或名词词组作表语,一般用来确定主语的性质,或者表达主语的看法,例如:主语的性质,或者表达主语的看法,例如:Time is precious to everybody.In time of danger, he remains calm.The dream will come true.The price sounds reasonable.The man is said to have gone mad.They stood still, saying nothing.2. 形容词用作表语:形容词用作表语:形容词作表语,用来修饰说明主语。形容词作表语,用来修饰说明主语。形容词只能作表语,不能作定语,如:形容词只能作表语,不能作定语,如: afraid asleep ready unable alive aware glad sorry well alone sure可以说可以说 “She felt glad.” 但不能说但不能说 “a glad woman”.1 Are you there?2 The manager is out to dinner with the customers.3 He has been away from his hometown for many years.3. 副词用作表语:副词用作表语:4. 介词(短语)用作表语:介词(短语)用作表语:1 Are you on duty today?2 Everything is in good order.3 She is in good health.4 They appear out of breath.1 Its surprising that you havent met.2 Im so much surprised at it.3 They seemed disappointed at the news.4 Are you well prepared?5. 分词用作表语:分词用作表语:1 All I could do was to wait.2 His job is to feed the animals.3 Our aim is to hold the 2008 Olympic Games in China successful.4 He seemed to be very tired. 6. 不定式用作表语:不定式用作表语:that 引导表语从句(在从句中不作句引导表语从句(在从句中不作句子成分,没有意义)子成分,没有意义)7. 从句用作表语:从句用作表语:The reason why he failed the examis that he played too much.whether是否是否(在从句中有意义,(在从句中有意义,常和常和or not 连用连用,不可用不可用if)The question is whether he will come or not.疑问代词和疑问副词疑问代词和疑问副词(在从句中作句(在从句中作句子成分,有意义)子成分,有意义)The problem is how many people will take part in the game.This is where my parents used to work.It looks as if a storm is coming. CHOOSE A SUITABLE ANSWER FOR EACH SENTENCE.1. The cotton fells _ . ( A. soft B. softly )2. I felt _ sorry at his words. ( A. terrible B. terribly )3. The little hero looked _ at the enemy. ( A. angry B. angrily )4. Tasting _, the food was soon sold out. ( A. good B. well ) 5. It is _ of you to act _ . ( A. B.)6. Traveling is _, and I am _ in it. ( A. interesting B. interested )bad badly interestinginterested7. After ten years hard work ,he _ writer. ( A. became B. turned )8. He felt a little _ when he was _. ( A. alone B. lonely )lonelyalone1. Australia is made up of six states and two territories. ( )2. Australia is a young nation on an ancient continent. ( )3. After the Second World War, Australias economy grew rapidly. ( )Tick the sentence if its under lined part isthe predicative.4. Before baby kangaroos grow strong enough, they feed on their mothers milk. ( )5. When it turns cold in Northern China, the hot summer in Australia has just begun. ( )6. If you go near Koala bear, it will get very upset. ( )7. Australia keeps about one sixth of the worlds sheep. ( )8. Australia has got the biggest iron mines in the world. ( )9. The milk has been kept for too long; it has gone sour. ( )1)As a nation, Australia has a history of only one hundred years. It _.2) Australia produces metals, precious stones, coal and iron. It _.Read the facts about Australia and write an “S-V-P” sentence to describe each subject.is a young nationis rich in natural resources3) Australia has an area as large as the USA It _.4) Australians mostly use English as their national language. English_ _.is almost as large as the USAis the first language inAustralia5) You may find many differences between Australian English and British English. Australian English _ _.6) The Koala bear has large ears, small eyes and a big nose. It _.is different from British Englishlooks very funny / is a lovely animal7) You may often see Australians drinking beers or lemonade together. Australians_ _.8) Most Australians love outings. Outings _.are fond of drinkingbeers and lemonade togetherare popular in Australia1. It isnt socially _for parents to leave children unattended at that age. 2007 山东卷山东卷 Aaccessible Badorable Cadaptable Dacceptable 2. Do you need any help, Lucy? Yes, The job is I could do myself. 2007 福建卷福建卷 A. less than B. more than C. no more than D. not more than3. This magazine is very with young people, who like its content and style. 2007 湖北卷湖北卷 A. familiar B. popular C. similar D. particular4. The traditional view is _ we sleep because our brain is “programmed” to make us do so. 2007 上海卷上海卷 A. when B. why C. whether D. that


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