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初中毕业英语演讲稿 初中毕业英语演讲稿1尊敬的领导、老师,亲爱的同学们:下午好!这是一场鼓舞士气、催人奋进的大会,它将使我们振作精神,扬起理想的风帆,向着人生的第一个目标启航。有人说:不经历初三是一种遗憾,因为它在一定程度上决定了今后的人生方向!六年小学,三年初中,九年来的学习生涯,我们走过来了。面对即将到来的中考,或许有的同学正在因为自己成绩不理想而彷徨,或许有的同学会因为时间的短暂而叹息,或许有的同学不以为然逍遥的数着日子。可是我们是否曾想过我们的父母正为即将到来的中考而心急如焚;我们的老师正在为即将到来的中考而承受着巨大的压力,我们的竞争者正在秣马厉兵,跃跃欲试。中考,容不得我们有迟疑,有停滞,我们必须为了梦想而战。这里我想提出一些怎样学好英语的几点建议:对一些初学英语的学生来说,学英语比登山还难。他们的话把学英语比作一项艰苦的劳动了,其实不然,如果你喜欢英语并掌握了学英语的方法和技巧,你就会把学英语当一种乐趣。练好基本功是学好英语的必要条件,没有扎实的英语基础,就谈不上继续学习,更谈不上有所成就。要想基本功扎实,必须全神贯注地认真听讲,上好每一节课,提高课堂效率,脚踏实地、一步一个脚印地,做到以下“五到”:一、“心到”。在课堂上应聚精会神,一刻也不能懈怠,大脑要始终处于积极状态,思维要活跃、思路要开阔,心随老师走,听懂每一句话,抓住每一个环节,理解每一个知识点,多联想、多思考,做到心领神会。二、“手到”。学英语,一定要做课堂笔记。因为人的记忆力是有限的,人不可能都过目不忘,记忆本身就是不断与遗忘作斗争的过程。常言说,“好脑筋不如烂笔头”。老师讲的知识可能在课堂上记住了,可是过了一段时间,就会忘记,所以,做好笔记很有必要。英语知识也是一点点积累起来的,学到的每一个单词、词组以及句型结构,都记在笔记本上,甚至是书的空白处或字里行间,这对以后的复习巩固都是非常方便的。三、“耳到”。在课堂上,认真听讲是十分必要的,不但要专心听老师对知识的讲解,而且要认真听老师说英语的语音、语调、重音、连读、失去爆破、断句等发音要领,以便培养自己纯正地道的英语口语。听见听懂老师传授的每一个知识点,在头脑里形成反馈以帮助记忆;理解领会老师提出的问题,以便迅速作答,对比同学对问题的回答,以加深对问题的理解而取别人之长补自己之短。四、“眼到”。在认真听讲的同时,还要双眼紧随老师观察老师的动作、口形、表情、板书、绘图、教具展示等。大脑里形成的视觉信息和听觉信息相结合,印象就会更加深刻。五、“口到”。英语是一门语言,不张嘴不动口是学不好的,同学们最大的毛病是读书不出声,害羞不敢张嘴。尤其是早读课,起始年级时,学生对英语课有新鲜感,积极性比较高,早读课是“书声琅琅”。逐渐地,到了高年级,他们就只用眼看、手写。早读课都快变成“鸦雀无声”的书写自习课了。同学们只是用眼看或默读,这样就只有视觉信息,而没有听觉信息在大脑里的反馈,当然记忆也不会太深刻,口部肌肉也得不到锻炼,也就很难练就一口纯正的英语。这样下去直接影响着早读的效果,也就不能有效地促进英语的学习、巩固和提高。这也是部分学生掉队、放弃学习英语的关键环节,同学们讨厌背书有以下正当理由:第一、课文很难背;第二,背完就忘;第三、总是没时间背;第四、背完对考试帮助不大。这些理由都是充分的!然而这些问题都是由于没有良好的学习方式和习惯造成的。在中国学习语言最好的、最先进的方法就是多读:第一,书读百遍,其意自见。第二,熟读唐诗三百首,不会作诗也会吟。第三,读书破万卷,下笔如有神。我相信,大家都知道这些名言,但是没有几个人能做到!所以,成功的人永远是少数!为什么完形填空难、阅读难、作文难,就是因为你从来没有语感!语感就等于_朗读和背诵的遍数!大量背诵_能提高你的语感,一段时间积累下来,你不再需要专门去记忆单词、语法规则,考试时自然势如破竹,又快又好!而且背诵_让写作流畅起来,你能脱口而出大量的_,就能随手写出漂亮的_,口头能力和笔头能力是相互促进、相得益彰的。大量地背诵短小实用的_是提高英语写作水平的捷径!所以,要充分利用早晨头脑清醒的时间,大声朗读;课堂上要勇跃回答老师提问、积极参与同学间讨论和辩论,课下对不清楚的问题及时提出,要克服害羞心理,不耻下问。对学过的课文要多读、勤读、苦读,一些精典_最好能背得滚爪烂熟。除了对课本中的范文要细读精读之外,还要多看些适合中学生的课外读物,既可增长知识,又能开阔视野,也可以提高阅读水平。学习英语,无论如何,勤奋是不可少的,它是一个日积月累的渐进过程,是没有任何捷径可走的,也没有所谓“速成”的灵丹妙方。任何成功的获得都要靠自己的努力,要勤勤恳恳、兢兢业业、一步一个脚印地学习,端正态度,认真对待学习中的挫折和失败。失败并不可怕,可怕的是对自己丧失信心而一蹶不振。对考试的失败,冷静分析,认真思考,只要对胜利充满信心,善于总结经验教训,不断努力,不断追求,胜利一定是属于你们的。从现在开始,给自己订个计划和目标。每天强制性进行,养成学习英语的习惯。如果一个人的自觉性不够,可以找一个学习伙伴相互监督、共同进步。总之,如果你热情、有效地去学英语,你也会成为一名英语达人。让我们大家一起同心同德,齐心协力,把我们的复习备考工作做到最有效,共创20_年我镇中考的新辉煌!谢谢大家!初中毕业英语演讲稿2Dear leaders, teachers, dear students,Good afternoon, everyone!In June, with all the Chui Chui and the fruits of brewing, we welcomed the 20_ junior high school graduation ceremony. It is a great honor for me to speak at such a grand ceremony. On behalf of all the students of third grade, please allow me to pay the highest tribute to our alma mater and the teachers who have taught us carefully. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to our parents.At this moment, I feel very excited, not only the joy of graduation, but also the endless attachment to my alma mater. Three years of junior high school life, full and beautiful, we shed tears, but accompanied by laughter; we tread thorns, but smell the fragrance of thousands of flowers.Three years ago, we moved to the third high school with the emotion of excitement and admiration.In the past three years, we felt the warmth and richness of our alma mater. In junior high school, we are like a small tree, though not luxuriant, it has already revealed new buds. Our beloved leaders and teachers, like the diligent gardeners, care for us day and night: to prune and wither the redundant branches and leaves for us to irrigate our knowledge of science, to remove the vermin of the moth tree, and to cover us with warm clothes. Without the training of alma mater leaders and teachers, there will be no healthy growth. Tirelessly nurture talent, follow the true knowledge. Here, on behalf of all the students in the junior grade, I would like to say to the dearest leader and teacher of the Alma school and to all the employees we have paid for: hard work, thank you!Three years, the friendship of the same window, let us learn to trust each other, let us understand that we are all only one wing of an angel, only to embrace each other to fly. When we are in a low ebb, we cheer on each other; when we succeed, we cheer together. With warm smiles and warm atmosphere, we can learn to love, to persist and to believe that sunshine is always in the wind and rain. Intimate friendship and mutual affection will all precipitate into a valuable spiritual wealth. In the future, we will warm our hearts with each other no matter what the weather is like, no matter what the ends of the earth are. My dear classmates, take this opportunity to say thank you! to all the classmates who helped and warmed each other.Three years, more than 1000 pages of books, recording how many wonderful fragments we have, and how many eternal moments freeze. Let us look back on the growth of this way with a feeling of life transformation: in the classroom, we are concentrated and written. In the sports field, we have a great leap and the first for the first time; in the room of the experimental composition, we capture the inspiration and the truth. For the mid-term exam, how many cold and windy mornings we had, how many sweaty afternoons, and how many lonely lights the long night. We suffered from wind and rain and tasted bitterness and bitterness. We trudged through the thorns and searched in the torrent. The satisfaction is that the achievement is always in direct proportion to the effort. In the deep footprints left by the alma mater, we have the belief that we are constantly pursuing and never fail to achieve the ideal. We are down to earth, one step and one footprints, together with the teacher to create the glory of the alma mater.Three years of walking is solid and hurried, and three years of sweat are hard and happy. In three years, we grew up with the alma mater. From third middle school to suitable middle school, from the borrowing of school buildings to moving into their beautiful campus, the change is only the name and address, the same is the strict school discipline of the alma mater, the strong style of study and the gentle and gentle between teachers and students. In this happy family, we use diligence and wisdom to write the magnificent chapter of struggle. We weave gorgeous junior high school life with dreams and youth. We are about to enter the field of the high school entrance examination and accept an important challenge in life. Dear students, the sea is crossed, the hero is showing the true colors. Life is always surpassing in the competition, and life is always shining in the struggle. Now that we have chosen the challenge, we have no reason to shrink. Students, in the exam, we must succeed! Let us treasure this precious time, carefully prepared, with a positive and optimistic attitude into the examination room, with excellent results to return to the alma mater, teachers and parents!Three years of junior high school life is fleeting, dear school younger brother and sister, you are in the great period of study, the alma mater is full of knowledge and strength of the fertile soil, I believe that you will cherish this good time of study, with perseverance, self-confidence and sweat to write a regrets for the three years. There are roads and diligence in learning mountains. Take this opportunity, on behalf of all my older brothers and sisters in my third grade, I wish you all the best: live happily, strive for progress, never give up, and make progress every day!Waving goodbye to yesterday, teachers and students, classmates and friends, it is hard to forget. Graduation from junior high school is just a post office on the road of life. Let us take the grace of the alma mater, with the spirit of the alma mater, with the heart of good memories and gratitude, on the new journey, and to deduce the wonderful life with the mind and the wisdom.Finally, on behalf of all the graduates in grade three, I wish to wish our best wishes to our alma mater, wish our teachers happy and healthy, and wish all our classmates a good future!Thank you初中毕业英语演讲稿3Dear teachers, dear classmates:Hello everyone!Today, I stand here to say goodbye to our alma mater on behalf of all the first three graduates, to say goodbye to the teachers in nineteen, to say goodbye to the students who get along with each other, and to say goodbye to the unforgettable years.At this moment, I feel very excited, both joy of graduation, but also can not hide unlimited memories and nostalgia. Three years of life, we live full and beautiful, we shed tears, but accompanied by laughter, we follow the thorns, but smell the fragrance of thousands of flowers.I remember that three years ago that shallow autumn, just entered the nineteen middle school gate, ignorant of our curiosity and joy. In the Shaw building, we worked hard together and worked hard together, bringing together the fresh and fresh together to fight for the future. In the first second, in the yellow tower, in the gap of sweat and sweat, we do not forget to stand in the blue sky before looking at the blue sky and thinking of the future. For the sake of a problem, we have become the most beautiful scenery in this campus. In the first three years, the main building, which was drowned in the title sea, suddenly found out that our impression of junior high school is no longer a stack of test papers and exercises, but the gratitude and love of the middle school, which makes us heart and nurture our growing knowledge palace. It is both eyes that touch the Nineteen middle. The strong sense of the name and the pride that followed it. Looking back at every shot in the past three years, teachers in the classroom or endless, or follow the lead, or cited.Here we see the past, present and future of the world. Teacher, with your diligent sweat and selfless dedication, you have taught us to analyze and think, enrich and practice, cooperate and compete, to inherit and innovate, and to further learn how to continue to surpass and break through the limits of our own. Our life. The magnificent rhetoric can not express our respect and love for you, both teachers, friends and relatives. Now that we are graduating, all these warm memories will be engraved on our hearts and carefully collected. The future is a magic cube that changes constantly. People need more efforts and efforts. There are more twists and tests on the road that is about to enter, and you have to smile to face, to meet quietly, to fight bravely. We are going to go on a journey in the first three days of the long voyage. At this moment, what we are going to do is to adjust our mind, to witness a miracle in a day after a day, to bring a smile to life and to make life surging. Bring out the best results to repay our alma maters kindness to us. Lets work in the beautiful campus for three years and go to the eight party to write a new colorful chapter in high school and future learning life.My speech is finished, thank you.


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