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物流中心选址译文英文原文Logistics center location analysisLogistics center location refers to some supply networks in a has some demand of the network and the economic area, choose an address set logistics center planning process. Better logistics center location scheme is giving the goods through the logistics center to the collection, transfer, distribute, until the whole process of conveying to demand the benefit of the best site. Usually, the logistics center have buildings, fixtures and equipment, if location undeserved, will pay a long-term costs. Thus, the logistics center location planning, deal with logistics center location principle and influence factors analysis, and put forward the policy recommendations forecaster.In logistics center for scientific location, make logistics center distance of the overall customer service, and convenient transportation nearest supply disruptions or transit transport, the probability of outside events will greatly reduce, which can effectively reduce the logistics center insurance storage cycle and items, thus reducing the insurance storage logistic center inventory levels, reduce unnecessary items backlog and capital takes up and improve the utilization efficiency of vehicles.This paper reviewed logistics center location problem in based on the present research on logistics center, the location of the model and algorithm is studied. The first part of this topic of logistics distribution center location research background, the author introduces the importance of logistics center location; The second part of logistics distribution center siting of the relevant theory of some methods, flat is introduced. The third part logistics center of the various factors affecting the site is analyzed. The fourth part is logistics center with the location of the model, the total cost at least for target function modeling. Finally , verified by case, linear programming - the rationality and feasibility of transport law. Through the reasonable location can realize logistics center resources disposition, and it is enterprise saving cost of an efficient way.Key Words: logistics center , location , influencing factors and method1. Research purpose and meaning1.1 Research purposeThis paper on logistics distribution center location and related problem analysis, theoretically further enriched and complement the logistics distribution center location research. From the practical ways, this paper has the following aspects of meaning content: through established distribution center location model, effective sure distribution center position, make distribution center construction of more rapid convenient can satisfy the needs of the enterprises, effectively expand service groups, so as to improve the distribution center competitiveness, improve the distribution center operating profit; As construction distribution center priority, and meets the new environment in the distribution center location for logistics distribution center internal facilities and distribution path optimization provides prerequisites.Research meaningLogistics center as the logistics network node, its reasonable location not only affect the operation cost of logistics center itself, operating performance, competitive strategy and the future development, but also affects logistics center upstream suppliers, downstream distributors or retailers logistics cost, and logistics strategy and competition strategy, even affect the development of regional economy.Because construction logistics center, a large scale of investment occupied after the completion of the urban land and not to adjust, social logistics and enterprise management has the long-term effects of logistics center, so the location decision must carry on the detailed reasoning. Address mistakes in social logistics system is concerned, could lead to social production and the Commodity Exchange without order and low efficiency; For enterprise management is concerned, perhaps because inefficient cannot meet the customer needs and directly affect the enterprise operating profits. Logistics center is regular and long-term, can be very good location can save a lot of transportation cost, strengthen cargo turnover and timely delivery rate, satisfies the customer the cost and actual requirements.In the logistics system, the distribution center occupies the important hub. The location of logistics distribution center, it is to point to in a features a number of outlets and certain demand point of economic area, choose one or more address set distribution center planning process. Better logistics distribution center location scheme can effectively save cost, promote the production and consumption of coordination and cooperation, guarantee the balanced development of logistics system. Therefore, reasonable location of logistics distribution center becomes crucial.2. Logistics center location factors( 1)Goods distribution and quantity. This is distribution center and distribution of the object, such as goods distribution of source and go, history and current and future forecast and development, etc. Distribution center should as far as possible and producer and distribution area formation short optimization. The quantity of goods is growing with the distribution scale growing. The higher growth rate of the goods, the rationality of the required center location, thus reducing conveying process unnecessary waste.( 2) Transport conditions. The location of logistics distribution center should be close to transportation hub, and that in the process of forming logistics distribution center in a proper nodes. In conditional circumstance, distribution center should be as close to port and highway, railway CFS in.( 3) Land conditions. Logistics distribution center covers an area of problems in land increasingly expensive today seems more and more important. Is the use of the existing land, or land again? Land price? Compliance with government planning requirements, etc, in the construction of distribution center to considered.( 4) Commodity flow. Enterprise production of consumer goods as the population transfer and change, should according to enterprises better distribution system positioning. Meanwhile, industrial products markets may also transfer changes, in order to determine the raw materials and semi-finished products such as changes in the flow of logistics distribution center, the location, should consider the specific circumstances of the relevant goods flow.( 5 ) Other factors. If Labour, transport and service convenience degree, investment restrictions, etc.3. Logistics center location principles( 1) Adaptability principleLogistics center with the location of the country, provincial shall be economic development policy, the policy adapt, and our logistics resource distribution and needs to adapt, and distribution of national economy and social development adaptation.( 2) Harmony principleLogistics center on the location of the countrys logistics network shall be considered as a system to make logistics center, equipment, regional distribution, content flow in homework productivity, technology level co-ordination.( 3) Principle of economyLogistics center development process, the location of cost, mainly including construction cost and operating expenses two parts. Logistics center location in the city, an inner suburban or determined according, whose future logistics activity of auxiliary facilities construction scale and construction cost as well as the freight and other logistics cost is different, with total expenses should be siting the minimum as logistics center location to the principle of economy.( 4) Strategic principlesLogistics center location, should have a strategic vision. One is to consider the overall situation, 2 it is to take long. Local obey global, at present interests must be subordinated to long-term interests, both must consider the current actual need, and to consider possible future development.4. Logistics center location method( 1) Qualitative analysis. The qualitative analysis was based on location and the factors affecting the location principle, rely on experts or management personnel rich experience, knowledge and comprehensive analysis ability, determine the specific location distribution centers. Main have expert scoring method, the Delphi method. The advantages of qualitative method is to pay attention to the historic experience, is simple. Its defect is prone to make empiricism and subjectivism mistake, and when optional location relatively long, not easy to make ideal decision-making, lead to reliability of decision-making is not high.( 2) Quantitative analysis method. Quantitative method includes the gravity method, bobby Moore - wolff method, transport planning, Cluster method, CFLP method, hybrid 0-1 integer programming, double programming, genetic algorithms, etc. The location of the quantitative methods of comparative advantage is able to find out the solutions and honest. Among them, the gravity method is on the single logistics distribution center location commonly used method, this method will logistics system demand of point and resource point as in a plane distribution within the scope of the logistics system, each point in demand and resources the weight of respectively as object, the object systems centre of gravity as the best logistics outlets setting.5EpilogueQualitative location method was more about historical experience, is simple, but prone to make empiricism and subjectivism mistake, and when optional location relatively long, not easy to make ideal decision-making, lead to reliability of decision-making is not high. Compared with the qualitative approach, using quantitative location method for locating was able to find out much more accurate, reliable solutions, but often in order to quantify, make originally complex things simplification, mold, even some of the signs after opinion be quantified may be misleading and misinterprets. Therefore, combining qualitative and quantitative method, a more scientific and practical location method. This paper due the location metric method considering both quantitative and qualitative factors, and considering the actual situation, and combines the cost factor and the factors which influence the cost of gravity method improvement, after the location of logistics distribution center makes more scientific and reasonable. The method combined the two aspects of qualitative and quantitative analysis of the advantages, can make the ideal decisions.中文译文物流中心选址分析物流中心的位置是指一些供应网络中有一些需求的网络和经济领域 , 选择一 个地址设置物流中心规划中。 物流中心位置更好的方案是使商品通过物流中心收 集、传输、分配、直至整个过程的利益输送要求的最佳地点。通常 , 物流中心有 建筑物、构筑物和设备 , 如果位置不当 , 将会付出长期的成本。因此 , 物流中心选 址布局、处理和物流中心位置的原理和影响因素分析 , 并提出了政策建议的预测。物流中心作为物流网络的节点, 其合理选址不仅影响到物流中心本身的运营 成本、运营绩效、竞争战略和未来的发展, 而且还影响到物流中心上游的供应商、 下游的分销商或零售商的物流成本、 以及物流战略和竞争战略, 甚至影响到区域 经济的发展。 对物流中心进行科学选址, 使物流中心距离所服务的客户的总体距 离最近、且运输方便,供给中断或在途运输以外事件发生的概率将会大大降低, 这样就可以有效降低物流中心的保险存储周期和物品的保险储备量, 从而降低物 流中心的库存水平,减少不必要的物品积压和资金占用,提高车辆的利用率等。本论文在综述物流中心选址问题研究现状的基础上, 对物流中心选址的模型 和算法进行了研究。 本课题通过对物流中心选址的研究背景进行介绍, 阐述物流 中心选址的重要性; 在对物流中心选址问题的相关理论进行平述, 然后对物流中 心选址时的各种影响因素进行分析。 接着是物流中心选址的建模及方法, 最后通 过案例,验证选址度量法的可行性和合理性。关键词 :物流配送中心;选址;影响因素1研究研究目的及意义1.1 研究目的本论文通过对物流配送中心选址及相关问题分析, 从理论上进一步丰富和补充了物流配 送中心选址研究。 从实践方面来说, 本文的意义有以下几方面内容: 通过建立的配送中心选 址模型,有效的确定配送中心建设方位,使得配送中心可以更快捷便利的满足企业的需求, 有效地扩大服务群体, 从而提高配送中心竞争力, 提高配送中心经营利润; 作为建设配送中 心的首要问题, 符合新环境下的配送中心选址为物流配送中心内部设施建设以及配送路径优 化提供了先决条件。1.2 研究意义物流中心作为物流网络的节点, 其合理选址不仅影响到物流中心本身的运营 成本、运营绩效、竞争战略和未来的发展, 而且还影响到物流中心上游的供应商、 下游的分销商或零售商的物流成本、 以及物流战略和竞争战略, 甚至影响到区域 经济的发展。因为建设物流中心投资规模大, 占用大量城市土地以及建成后不易调整, 对 社会物流和企业经营具有长期的影响, 所以对物流中心的选址决策必须进行详细 的论证。地址的失误对于社会物流系统而言, 可能会导致社会生产和商品交换的 无秩序和低效率; 对于企业经营而言, 可能因为效率低下不能满足客户需要而直 接影响企业的经营利润。 物流中心是经常性和长期性的, 能很好的选址就能节省 大量的运输等费用, 加强货物的周转率和及时送达率, 满足客户的费用和实效的 要求。在物流系统中, 配送中心居于重要的枢纽地位。 物流配送中心的选址, 是指 在一个具有若干供应点及若干需求点的经济区域内, 选一个或多个地址设置配送 中心的规划过程。 较佳的物流配送中心选址方案可以有效地节约费用, 促进生产 和消费的协调与配合, 保证物流系统的平衡发展。 因此,物流配送中心的合理选 址就显得十分重要。2物流中心选址的影响因素(1)货物分布和数量。这是配送中心配送的对象,如货物来源和去向的分 布情况、历史和现在以及将来的预测和发展等。 配送中心应该尽可能地与生产地 和配送区域形成短距离优化。 货物数量是随配送规模的增长而不断增长的。 货物 增长率越高, 越是要求配送中心选址的合理性, 从而减少输送过程中不必要的浪 费。(2)运输条件。物流配送中心的选址应接近交通运输枢纽,使配送中心形 成物流过程中的一个恰当的结点。 在有条件的情况下, 配送中心应尽可能靠近铁 路货运站、港口及公路。(3)用地条件。物流配送中心的占地问题在土地日益昂贵的今天显得越来 越重要。是利用现有的土地, 还是重新征地?地价如何?是否符合政府规划要求 等等,在建设配送中心时都要进行综合考虑。(4)商品流动。企业生产的消费品随着人口的转移而变化,应据此更好地 为企业的配送系统定位。 同时,工业产品市场也会转移变化, 为了确定原材料和 半成品等商品的流动变化情况, 在进行物流配送中心的选址时, 应考虑有关商品流动的具体情况5)其他因素。如劳动力、运输与服务的方便程度、投资额的限制等。3. 物流中心选址的原则(1) 适应性原则物流中心的选址须与国家、 省市的经济发展方针、 政策相适应 , 与我国物流 资源分布和需求分布相适应 , 与国民经济和社会发展相适应。(2) 协调性原则 物流中心的选址应当将国家的物流网络作为一个大系统来考虑 , 使物流中 心的设施设备 , 在地域分布、物 流作业生产力、技术水平等方面互相协调。(3) 经济性原则物流中心发展过程中 , 有关选址的费用 , 主要包括建设费用及经营费用两 部分。物流中心的选址定在市区、 近郊区或远郊区 , 其未来物流活动辅助设施的 建设规模及建设费用 , 以及运费等物流费用是不同的 , 选址时应以总费用最低 作为物流中心选址的经济性原则。(4) 战略性原则物流中心的选址 , 应具有战略眼光。 一是要考虑全局 , 二是要考虑长远。 局 部要服从全局 , 目前利益要服从长远利益 , 既要考虑目前的实际需要 , 又要考 虑日后发展的可能。4物流中心选址方法1. 定性分析法。 定性分析法主要是根据选址影响因素和选址原则, 依靠专家 或管理人员丰富的经验、 知识及其综合分析能力, 确定配送中心的具体选址。 主 要有专家打分法、德尔菲法。定性方法的优点是注重历史经验,简单易行。其缺 点是容易犯经验主义和主观主义的错误, 并且当可选地点较多时, 不易做出理想 的决策,导致决策的可靠性不高。2. 定量分析法。定量的方法主要包括重心法、鲍莫尔 -沃尔夫法、运输规划 法、Cluster法、CFLP法、混合0-1整数规划法、双层规划法、遗传算法等。定 量方法选址的优点是能求出比较准确可信的解。 其中,重心法是研究单个物流配 送中心选址的常用方法, 这种方法将物流系统中的需求点和资源点看成是分布在 某一平面范围内的物流系统, 各点的需求量和资源量分别看成是物体的重量, 物 体系统的重心作为物流网点的最佳设置点。5结语定性选址方法比较注重历史经验,简单易行,但是容易犯经验主义和主观 主义的错误,并且当可选地点较多时,不易做出理想的决策,导致决策的可靠性 不高。与定性方法相比较,用定量选址方法进行选址时是能求出比较准确、 可信 的解,但又常常为了量化,使本来比较复杂的事物简单化、模栩化了,甚至有的 意见被量化以后可能被误解和曲解。 因此,定性与定量方法相结合是一种比较科 学而又切合实际的选址方法。本文中的选址度量法由于既考虑了定量因素、 又考 虑了定性因素,并结合了实际情况、成本因素和非成本因素的影响,对重心法改 进以后使得物流配送中丿L、的选址更加科学和合理。 此方法综合了定性和定量两方 面的优点,能够做出比较理想的决策。


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