七年级下Unit 2测试

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精品文档,仅供学习与交流,如有侵权请联系网站删除Unit 2.单项选择(10分)( ) 1. I hope you have a good trip! _. A. Thank you B. Thats all right C. Youre welcome( ) 2. _, where is the post office? Its on New Street. A. Im sorry B. Excuse me C. Thank you( ) 3. If you are hungry, you can buy something in the _. A. hospital B. supermarket C. bank( ) 4. Hello! Can I take a bus to the zoo here? Sorry, there are _ buses here. A. some B. any C. no( ) 5. Next to our school _ a big bookstore. We often buy books in it. A. are B. is C. am( ) 6. Wheres the pay phone? It is next _ the library. A. on B. in C. to( ) 7. Kelly, can you go to the park _ us this afternoon? A. and B. with C. for( ) 8. Im going to watch the soccer game the Japanese team(队) and the Chinese team.A. betweenB. ofC. on( ) 9. Where is the hotel? Its Bridge Street the right. A. down; onB. on; downC. on; of( ) 10. He wants to the library because he enjoys there. A. going; reading B. to go; to read C. to go; reading.完形填空(10分) Welcome to Green Street. Green Street is a great place to 11 fun. There are many people on it every day. And there are 12 stores and shops on it. It is a very 13 street. If you want to 14 you can go to the video store. It is 15 from the big supermarket. There is 16 a new park near the supermarket. It is clean 17 quiet. You can 18 your lunch in it. If you want to see 19 , you can go to the movie house. It is 20 the supermarket and the park.( ) 11. A. have B. be C. play( ) 12. A. very much B. a lot C. lots of( ) 13. A. quiet B. small C. busy( ) 14. A. have lunch B. buy CDs C. watch TV( ) 15. A. across B. next C. behind( ) 16. A. too B. also C. just( ) 17. A. and B. but C. or( ) 18. A. buy B. make C. enjoy( ) 19. A. books B. games C. movies( ) 20. A. on B. between C. through.阅读理解(20分)AOne day a policeman(警察) walks on a street in England. A car runs on the right side of the street. He stops(阻止) the car. In the car there is a visitor from another country.“Whats the matter?” the visitor asks. “Why do you drive on the right side of the street?” the policeman says.“Do you want me to drive on the wrong(错误的) side?” the visitor looks at the policeman. “You are on the wrong side now,” the policeman answers. The visitor says, “But you said I was on the right side.”“Thats right,” the policeman answers, “you are on the right side. Thats wrong.”根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正误(T/F)。(10分)( ) 21. The policeman and the visitor are from England.( ) 22. The underlined(画线的) word “right” means(意思是) “正确的”. ( ) 23. The car runs on the wrong side. ( ) 24. The policeman doesnt stop it when he sees the car. ( ) 25. The visitor doesnt understand the policeman. BI live in a small town(镇) near Xingan, Guilin. You cant see it on the map of China, because it is too small. There are not many tall buildings(大楼) in our town. The best building is our school building. There are 400 students and 25 teachers in our school. In front of the school, there is a playground. I often play basketball with my classmates there. There is a little garden behind our school. And we can enjoy beautiful flowers in it. Next to the garden, there is an orange orchard(果园). We often eat oranges there. Its a great place to have fun. There is a river not far from our school. I usually go swimming with our friends in it. We study Chinese, English, math and other subjects at school. The teachers are very nice. We love our school. 阅读短文后,完成下列任务。(10分)a. 填入恰当内容完成表格。PlacesActivitiesSchool26 and other subjectsPlayground 27 with the classmatesGarden 28 Orange orchard29 River 30 with the friendsb. 根据短文描述,在方位图上填入恰当的处所名词。31 34 35 32 33 .词汇练习(10分)A) 根据句意及首字母提示填入恰当的单词。(5分)36. There are two big l_ in our city. We often read books there. 37. Mom, Im h_. I want to eat some bread.38. The little garden is a q_ place to have a rest.39. Your classroom is very d_. Please clean it.40. The Greens live in the c_ of the city. There are lots of busy streets in the neighborhood. B) 根据句子意思用适当的介词填空。(5分)41. The post office is _ the park and the supermarket.42. There is a big tree _ front of our school.43. Look! The pay phone is _ from the store.44. This is my bike and his is _ the right.45. Hello! Can you tell me the way _ the airport?.观察下面的路线图,填入恰当的单词完成图后的对话,每空一词。(10分)Zhongsha RoadBankHoteleeRiver A: Hello! Is there a bank 46 here?B: Yes, there is. But its a little far 47 here. A: Can you tell me how to 48 to the bank?B: Sure. Go 49 this street, and walk across the 50 over the river. Then turn 51_ on Zhongshan Road. Go 52 and turn left at the 53 turning(转弯处). Then you can 54 it. Its next to the 55 . A: Thanks very much. .根据要求完成句子,每空一词。(5分)56. The restaurant is on Gold Street.(对画线部分提问) _ the restaurant? 57. There is some bread in the box.(改为否定句) There _ _ bread in the box. 58. Excuse me, is there a library near here?(改为同义句)Excuse me, is there a library _ _ _? 59. We get to Beijing at six.(改为同义句)We _ _ Beijing at six. 60. That is a small city. It has only one busy street.(合并为一句) That is a small city _ _ one busy street.根据语境及首字母提示,填入正确的单词使对话通顺、完整。(10分)A: Excuse me!B: Yes? A: Could you tell me the (61)w to the Summer Hotel?B: (62)L me see. Go down this street, and turn right at the (63)t crossing(十字路口)A: Oh, (64)s . I cant follow(听清) you. Would you please (65)s that slowly(慢地)?B: OK. Go down this street, and turn right (66)i Center Avenue at the third crossing. Walk straight to the end of the (67)a , and youll find it.A: Is it far from (68)h ? B: Yes, it is. But you can (69)t a bus. The bus stop(车站) is (70)j over there.A: Thanks a lot.B: Youre welcome.书面表达(10分) 根据下面的图示写一篇短文,说明图中各个地点的位置。要求:位置表述正确; 60词左右。BookstoreMy school RestaurantCenter StreetPark Supermarket Post Office 参考答案.1-5 ABBCB 6-10 CBAAC.11-15 ACCBA 16-20 BACCB.A) 21-25 FFTFTB) 26. study Chinese, English, math 27. play basketball 28. enjoy beautiful flowers 29. eat oranges 30. go swimming 31. garden 32. school 33. playground 34. orange orchard 35. river.A) 36. libraries 37. hungry 38. quiet 39. dirty 40. centerB) 41. between 42. in 43. across 44. on 45. to.46. around / near 47. from 48. get 49. down 50. bridge 51. right 52. straight 53. second 54. find / see 55. hotel.56. Wheres 57. isnt any 58. in the neighborhood 59. arrive in 60. with only.61. way 62. Let 63. third 64. sorry 65. say 66. into 67. avenue 68. here 69. take 70. just . One possible version: My school is on Center Street. On the right of the school there is a bookstore and a restaurant. If you like reading, you can buy some interesting books in the bookstore. Across from the bookstore is a beautiful park. You can play games and have fun there. Next to the park is a supermarket. Its between the park and the post office.【精品文档】第 4 页


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