云南省开远市第四中高中英语 unit1《Cultural relics》 Reading课件 新人教版必修2

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云南省开远市第四中高中英语 unit1《Cultural relics》 Reading课件 新人教版必修2_第1页
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云南省开远市第四中高中英语 unit1《Cultural relics》 Reading课件 新人教版必修2_第3页
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Unit 1 Cultural relicsReading 高一人教新课标版必修二高一人教新课标版必修二Have you ever seen a piece of amber?What do you know about it?AmberHave you ever seen anything made of amber? What is this?Raw amber with inclusions What is amber?琥珀是史前松树脂的化石。琥珀是由千琥珀是史前松树脂的化石。琥珀是由千万年前植物所分泌出来的树脂万年前植物所分泌出来的树脂, 经过地壳经过地壳变动而深埋地下变动而深埋地下, 逐渐演化而成的一种逐渐演化而成的一种天然化石。形成于天然化石。形成于4000万年至万年至6000万年万年前前, 琥珀的主要成分是碳、氢、氧以及琥珀的主要成分是碳、氢、氧以及少量的硫少量的硫, 硬度硬度2-3, 比重比重1.05-1.10, 熔点熔点150。C-180。C, 燃点燃点250。C-375。C。琥珀。琥珀是很是很“涩涩”的物质的物质, 没有两块琥珀是完全相没有两块琥珀是完全相同的。品种有金珀、虫珀、香珀、灵珀、同的。品种有金珀、虫珀、香珀、灵珀、石珀、花珀、水珀、明珀、蜡珀等石珀、花珀、水珀、明珀、蜡珀等, 尤以尤以含有完整昆虫或植物的琥珀为珍贵含有完整昆虫或植物的琥珀为珍贵 。What characteristics does the amber have?It has a beautiful yellow-brown color.It feels as hard as stone.It is easily melt when heated.Once it is heated, it can be made intoany shape.Can you imagine what a room made of amber looks like?RawRawamberamberDo you know what picture this is?A picture of the Amber Room in St Petersburg in RussiaOnly original color picture of the Amber RoomThe amber room was first built in 1709.It is said that the amber room is worth_ dollars.100-250 million (1亿亿-2.5亿亿)How much does it cost?Suppose the Amber Room got lost. How would you feel? What will you do? What do you think the text may talk about according to the title? In Search of the Amber RoomReadingListen and read the passage quickly and find out characters, years, and places in the passage. (clues线索线索)charactersyearsplaces123Read the text quickly, trying to get the main idea about the text. It tells us the strange history of the_ _, a cultural relicof two countries: _ and _.Amber RoomGermanyRussia William1716177019412003Years PrussiaRussiaGermany?Places TOPIC SENTENCES:Para 1: How was the Amber Room made?Para 2: Why did King of Prusssia give the Amber Room to the Czar of Russia as a gift?Para 3: How did the Amber Room become one of the wonders of the world?Para 4: How did the Amber Room get lost?Para 5: How was a new Amber Room built? Paragraph 1: The Amber Room and its _ Paragraph 2-3: _ of the Amber Room Paragraph 4: _ of the Amber Room Paragraph 5: _ of the Amber RoomDESIGNthe historythe missingthe rebuilding1. What did these four people do to the Amber Room?2. What happened in these four years (1716; 1770; 1941; 2003)?Careful reading:2.Frederick William1.FrederickPara 1: Detailed information about the Amber RoomColourBirthplaceDesignMaterial Time to complete ityellow-brownPrussiain the fancy style popular in those daysseven thousand tons of amber; gold and jewelsIt took the countrys best artists about ten years to make it.FrederickFrederick Williampass downPeter the Great Czargive as a giftWHAT DID PETER THE GREAT DO AFTER HE RECEIVED THE GIFT?Frederick William I Peter the Great In returnWhat happened to the Amber Room in 1716?Frederick WilliamI (the king of Prussia) 1. his winter Palace in St Petersburg2. a small reception hall for important visitors.as a gift of friendshipgave to in return touse forPeter the Great (the Czar)gave a troop of the his best soldierspass downstolePara. 4: the missing of the Amber RoomTime : Event: 1941 Russia(the Russians)Nazi Germany (the Nazis)at war stole the Amber Roomthe Nazis arrivedsent it to Konisbergthe Amber Room was missingwere only able to removefurniture and small art objectsFrederickFrederick WilliamNazi1. The Amber Room, which was the best work of amber art ever made, was originally made to be a gift to the Russian people. 2. It was Frederick William I who gave the Amber Room to Peter the Great. True or False?FT3. It took some best artists about ten years to make the old Amber Room.4. The Amber Room served as a reception hall for the guests of Frederick I. 5. Nowadays, a new Amber Room has been made in St. Petersburg.TFT6. Peter the Great had the Amber Room moved to another place. 7. The Amber Room was one of the great wonders of the world, but no one knows where it is. 8. We dont know what happened to the Amber Room during the World War I.FTF9. The Amber Room was taken apart, put inside some wooden boxes and taken away by the Nazis.10. The new Amber Room was built at the winter palace.TF1.The Amber Room was made for _. A. Catherine II B. the palace of Frederick I C. Peter the Great D. the Prussian people2. Although amber feels as hard as stone, it easily melts when heated, “melts” here means _. A. becomes liquid B. becomes freezing C. becomes solid D. is broken BAChoose the best answer.3. The king of Prussia who gave the Amber Room as a gift to Russia was _. A. Frederick I B. Frederick William I C. Peter the Great D. Catherine IIB4. The king of Prussia gave the Amber Room to Russia because _. A. he wanted to marry Catherine II B. he thought it was no use C. he needed better soldiers D. he wanted to be friendly to RussiaD5. The Amber Room was stolen by _. A. Russian soldiers B. German soldiers C. People in Konigsberg D. People in St Petersburg6. In 1941, the city of Konigsberg was in _. A. Germany B. Russia C. Sweden D. FranceBA7. The Russians didnt hide the Amber Room because _. A. they were at war B. the couldnt find a place C. the German soldiers arrived too soon D. no train could take it awayC8. The Amber Room was one of the great wonders of the world, but it is now missing because _. A. Most precious pieces of the Amber Room could be taken apart, packed and moved away. B. The Amber Room was very small so that German soldiers could move it away easily. C. It was destroyed by Peter the Great. D. There was a mystery in it.A9. The new Amber Room looks much like the old one because _. A. the Russians and Germans are good at building the Amber Room. B. it was rebuilt by the Russians and Germans with the help of its old paintings and photos. C. they found the site of the Amber Room. D. Catherines artists gave detail advice. BFill in the form:Frederick William I gavethe Amber Room to Peter the Great, as a gift of friendship.The Amber Room was completed the way Catherine wanted.In September, 1941, the Nazi German and Russia were at war, the Nazi German army stole the Amber Room.A new Amber Room was builtat the Summer Palace.A. stole the Amber RoomB. sent a troop of his best soldiers to the King of PrussiaC. had the Amber Room madeD. had it moved outside St Petersburg.E. gave it to Peter the Great as a gift.F. built a new Amber Room after studying pictures of the old one1. Frederick2. Frederick William3. Peter the Great4. Catherine5. The Nazi army6. The Russians and GermansJoin the correct parts together. Discuss the following question in groups of four.Is it worth rebuilding lost cultural relics such as Yuan Ming Yuan? Give your reasons.DebateforagainstIs it worth rebuilding Yuan Ming Yuan?I am for because I am againstbecause I agree that /I agree with your opinionI dont agree with you, In my opinion, I think My opinion is that I think it is better to I believe for against1. enjoy the beauty again2. increase the income of tourism3. 1. a waste of money and time2. let people forget the shameful history3. 1. search: 1) n. 搜索搜索 in search of 搜索,搜索,(以以) 寻找寻找 in the search for They are in search of the missing girl. 他们正在寻找那个失踪的女孩。他们正在寻找那个失踪的女孩。 I looked everywhere in search of my glasses. 2) v. 搜查搜查 search sb./ sth. 搜身搜身/搜查搜查 search for 寻找寻找 search for 在在中寻找中寻找Language points1) The police_ him to see if he had a gun. A. searched for B. searched C. in search of D. looked for2) Many farmers go into towns and cities in search _ good jobs and higher pay.3) Many people joined them in the search _ gold.4) They searched the whole house _ the book. offorforB 2. Frederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such a strange history. (P1, L1) 普鲁士国王腓特烈普鲁士国王腓特烈威廉一世从来也不会威廉一世从来也不会想到他赠送给俄国人民的礼物会有如此想到他赠送给俄国人民的礼物会有如此离奇的历史。离奇的历史。 could not/never have done 对过去所发生事情的否定推测对过去所发生事情的否定推测 could have done 可能做过;本来可以做可能做过;本来可以做(却未做却未做) might have done 或许做过;本来或许会做或许做过;本来或许会做 may have done 或许做过或许做过 would have done 本来要做本来要做(却未做却未做) must have done 肯定已做过肯定已做过(表推测表推测) neednt have done 本来没必要做本来没必要做(却已做却已做) should(nt) have done 本来本来(不不)应该做应该做(却没做却没做/做做 ought(nt) to have done 了了)情态动词情态动词 + have done 表示对过去发生的表示对过去发生的事情的推测、批评、反悔等意。如:事情的推测、批评、反悔等意。如:You should have told him about it yesterday. The ground is wet everywhere. It must have rained last night.Exercise: 1)_(我本可以我本可以把钱借给他把钱借给他), but he didnt tell me he needed it.2)_ (你一定你一定感到很紧张感到很紧张) when you spoke in front of so many people.I could have lent him moneyYou must have felt very nervous3) His brother met him at the Great Theatre yesterday afternoon, so he _ have attended your lecture. A. couldnt B. neednt C. mustnt D. shouldnt4) -Your mother was really anxious about you. -I know. I _ home without a word. A. mustnt leave B. shouldnt have left C. couldnt have left D. neednt leave AB3. design 设计设计vt. be designed to do sth 目的是目的是 ;be designed for sth./sb. 打算给打算给用用; 为为而设计的而设计的The experiment is designed to test the new drug.The book is designed for children.n. make designs / a design 设计设计 in design 在设计上在设计上 by design 故意地故意地The building was burnt down by design.design (v. / n.)(1) They _ the building carefully.(2) I like the _ of the new school.(3) The activities _ (design) for boys above 12. are designeddesigneddesign4. fancy adj. 奇特的奇特的; 异样的异样的 vt. 想象想象; 设想设想; 喜欢喜欢People will wear fancy dress at the party. fancy +从句从句 以为以为fancy +(ones) doing 想象想象(某人某人)做某事做某事fancy sb. as/(to be) 认为某人是认为某人是(1) _ (别以为别以为) you can succeed without hard work.(2) He cant fancy _. (获得一等奖获得一等奖)(3) He _(自以为是自以为是) a good cook.(4) I dont fancy walking in the snow.Dont fancy winning the first prize fancied himself as in stylein the style of 以以的风格的风格in the fancy style 以奇特的风格以奇特的风格他买了一幅毕加索风格的画。他买了一幅毕加索风格的画。He bought a painting in the style of Picasso.我喜欢他的办事风格。我喜欢他的办事风格。I like his style/way of doing things.5. style n. 风格,风度,类型风格,风度,类型He has developed his own style of writing.6. belong to 属于;是属于;是的成员的成员/一部分;同一部分;同有关有关 (只能用于主动语态只能用于主动语态)This is my pen. = This pen belongs to me.All the cultural relics belong to all the mankind.这桌上所有的书都是属于他的。这桌上所有的书都是属于他的。All the books on the desk belong to him.这花园属于谁的?这花园属于谁的?Who does this garden belong to?这鸟属于哪一科?这鸟属于哪一科?What family does this bird belong to?改错改错:1) The house was belonged to an old lady.2) China is a country is belonging to the Third World.3) As a writer, he really belongs the 18th century.4) This lamp is belonging on the table. belongs toChoose the best answers:1) The dictionary _ me. A. belongs to B. is belonged to C. belong to D. is belonging to2) What party do you _? A. belonged to B. belong to C. belong D. being belong to3) The priceless Chinese vase _ the old man. A. doesnt belong to B. isnt belong to C. not belong to D. isnt belonging ABA7. in return 作为回报作为回报, 作为回馈作为回馈He bought me a present for my birthday. I gave him a dictionary in return. in return for 作为作为的回报;以报答的回报;以报答 = in reward forI bought him a drink in return for his help.What should I do in return for his kindness?in turn 依次依次, 逐个地逐个地The girls called out their names in turn.那些女孩逐一报出自己的名字。那些女孩逐一报出自己的名字。1) He bought her a gold watch _ (以答谢她的帮助以答谢她的帮助). 2) I came to thank you and _the coat you lent me. A. return B. returned C. return to D. return back in return for her help A 8. reception n. 接待接待, 接待会接待会 a reception room/hall 接待室接待室/大厅大厅 reception desk (旅馆等的旅馆等的) 接待处;柜台接待处;柜台 give a warm reception to sb. 热情地接待热情地接待 受到受到的友好接待的友好接待 get a friendly reception from sb. 举行招待会举行招待会 hold a reception9. This was a time when the two countries were at war. 这是两国交战时期。这是两国交战时期。 at war 处于战争状态处于战争状态, 介词介词at可表示可表示 状态或动作。状态或动作。 at peace at breakfast at rest at table at work at school at the piano at ones best10. remove v. 移动移动, 搬开搬开Please remove your shoes before coming in.进屋前请脱鞋。进屋前请脱鞋。The doctor tried to remove the patients fear.那医生尽力地消除病人的恐惧。那医生尽力地消除病人的恐惧。remove from 把把从某处移开从某处移开请把你的包从座位上拿走那样我就可以坐下。请把你的包从座位上拿走那样我就可以坐下。Please remove your bag from the seat so thatI can sit down. remove: 排除,去掉排除,去掉 = get rid of He removed all his doubts.remove: 开除,把开除,把解聘解聘/免职免职= dismissHe was removed from school. remove & move共性共性: 两者均可用作动词两者均可用作动词, 表示表示“移动移动”。remove 侧重于侧重于“拿开拿开, 取走取走”。move表示表示“移动移动, 搬动搬动”, 侧重于指改变位置。侧重于指改变位置。eg.谁动我的书了谁动我的书了?Who has moved my book? 不许动不许动! 否则我就开枪了。否则我就开枪了。Dont move, or Ill shoot.Exercise: 1) The man was _ from the office for some reasons. 2) She _ her hat and coat. 3) They were taught to learn the spirit of the Foolish Old man _ the mountain. A. removed B. moved C. who removed D. movingremovedremovedC 4) The boy is _ from school because he often plays truant. A.gone B. removed C. to remove D. be at 5) The man was so badly hurt that he couldnt _ his leg. A. remove B. move C. carry D. send B B 11. doubt n. 怀疑怀疑, 疑惑疑惑 v. 怀疑怀疑, 不信不信1) Do you doubt _ she will succeed?2) I doubt _ he will keep his word.3) I have no doubt _ he will win the game.thatif/whetherthat在肯定句中常接在肯定句中常接whether/if 从句从句, 在否定句在否定句和疑问句中常接和疑问句中常接 that 从句。从句。e.g. 我不怀疑他会告诉我们真相。我不怀疑他会告诉我们真相。I dont doubt that he will tell us the truth.Theres no doubt that 毫无疑问毫无疑问 毫无疑问毫无疑问, Tom 会赢得这场比赛。会赢得这场比赛。 There is no doubt that Tom will win the match.There is no doubt about/of sth. 毫无疑问毫无疑问 =We have no doubt about/of sth. There is no doubt about/of his honesty.=We have no doubt that Theres no doubt that hell come this afternoon. 1)-Do you doubt _ hell be fired by the school? - No, not a bit. A. that B. whether C. if D. about 2)- Lily is sure to win the oral English contest. - But I doubt _ she will make it. A. that B. whether C. how D. when 3) I have no doubt in my mind _ they will be glad to see me. A. if B. whether C. that D. of A B C Theres no need (需要需要) to do/for sth/sb.eg. There is no need to buy the book now.Theres no possibility (可能性可能性) that(Its) no wonder (that) 难怪难怪-He left his cellphone in the office. -No wonder he couldnt find it at home. 1)这辆自行车值这辆自行车值50英镑。英镑。_2)这个博物馆这个博物馆(非常非常)值得参观。值得参观。The museum _The bicycle is worth 50.is (well) worth a visit.12. worth prep./n. / adj. be worth +钱数钱数 be (well) worth + n 值得值得be worth doing sth. 值得做某事值得做某事3)这本书值得买。这本书值得买。The book is _worth buying. worthy: adj. 值得的值得的 be worthy to be done be worthy of being done be worthy of + n. The museum is worthy of a visit.e.g. This suggestion is worthy to be considered /of being considered.这个建议值得考虑。这个建议值得考虑。worth adj. 只能做表语只能做表语13. amazing 令人惊喜的令人惊喜的 an amazing achievement/discovery 惊人的成就惊人的成就/发现发现 amazed adj. 吃惊的吃惊的, 惊奇的惊奇的 I was amazed at his stupidity.Visitors were _ at the _ drawings on show.A. amazed; amazing B. amazed; amazed C. amazing; amazing D. amazing; amazed A HOMEWORK1. Try to tell the story about the Amber Room.2. Do Exercises 1 and 2 on page 3.


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