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个人资料整理 仅限学习使用铁钻镍基二元合金论文:铁钻镍基二元合金微纳M结构的控制合成、磁学及催化性能【中文摘要】磁性合金材料作为一类重要的功能材料,引起了科学家的广泛关注,并在很多领域得到广泛的应用,如:磁流体、催化、生物科技和生物医药、磁共振成像、数据存储、环境治理等领域。 而纳 M材料的性能常常受其尺寸、形貌和组成的影响,因此,可控制 合成磁性微纳 M 材料与性能研究成为了化学和材料学研究的重要领 域之一。本论文旨在发展不同的合成方法制备具有不同形貌、尺寸 和组成的铁钻镍基二元合金微纳M 材料,同时,对其形成机理、相关磁学性能和在对硝基苯酚【英文摘要】 Magn etic alloys materials are very importa nt fun ctional materials, which have attracted exte nsive atte nti on because of theirspecial physical, chemical properties and their potential applications inferrofluids, magn etic resonance imagi ng, biotech no logy, biomedici ne,data storage, catalytsis, and en vir onmen tal remediatio n, etc., and whichstron gly depe nded on their size, morphology, compositi on, and structureetc. In this thesis, we focused on develop ing differe nt methods to synthesize mag netic bi nary alloys micro-/nano structures based on Fe, Coand Ni with differe nt morphologies, sizes, and compositions. At the sametime, their formation mecha ni sm, magn etic properties, and catalytic个人资料整理 仅限学习使用applicatio ns in reducti on of 4-Nitrophe nol were studied. The maincontents and major results are given as follows:1. Uniformsized, monodisperse, and sin gle crystalli ne 3-dime nsional NiCo2 den driticmicrostructures were successfully syn thesized in high yield by a simpleand facile soluti on phase route in prese nee of CTAB. By adjusti ng theexperime ntal parameters NiCo alloys nano structures with differe ntmorphologies, sizes, and compositi ons were con trollable syn thesized,at the same time, the formatio n mecha nism was inv estigated. WhileNiCo2 alloys microstructure with shapes of sphere-like and flower-likewere prepared by hydrothermal and solvothermal methods, respectively.Magn etic measureme nts revealed that all of the NiCo2 alloys obta inedare ferromag netic at room temperature. The saturati on magn etizati onvalue of the Ni33.8Co66.2 dendrites 163.55 emu/g ) is lower than that ofthe Ni32.3Co67.7 spheres 212.29 emu/g ) and Ni33.4Co66.6flower-likes 195.79 emu/g ) , but the Ni33.8Co66.2 den dritic structuresexhibit an enhan ced coercivity value. NiCo2 alloys with differe nt shapes(Ni33.8Co66.2 den drites, Ni33.4Co66.6 flower-likes and Ni32.3Co67.7spheres have bee n used as reusable heteroge neous catalysts to reduce4-n itrophe nol 4-NP)into 4-aminophenol 4-AP) by NaBH4. From the averagereacti on rate con sta nts at three differe nt temperatures, we determined个人资料整理 仅限学习使用the activation energy, the entropy of activation, and the pre-exp onen tialfactor for each shape of NiCo2 alloys. The ki netic data in dicate thatNi33.8Co66.2 dendrites are catalytically more active than that of both theNi33.4Co66.6 flower-likes and Ni32.3Co67.7 spheres probably due to itslargest surface-to-volume ratio and surface areas.2. The Ni-based metals,such as Ni, and FeNi alloy nano structures with differe nt shapes were synthesized by solvothermal method in polyol system. The reacti onparameters such as reacti on time, the concen trati on of NaOH,temperature, solve nt, and the in itial concen trati on of metals ions thataffected the morphology of FeNi alloys were inv estigated systematically.Whe n we cha nged the type of solve nts, the Ni nano structures with chain-like were obta in ed, and the possible formati on mecha nism was alsodiscussed. Magn etic data show that all of the Ni and FeNi2 alloys obtained are ferromag netic at room temperature. The saturati on magn etization value of the Fe34.8Ni65.2 sphereswith size of ca. 300 nm 174.62 emu/g ) is higher than that of theFe34.1Ni65.9 spheres with size of ca. 230 nm 166.71 emu/g) andFe33.5Ni66.5 spheres with size of ca. 170 nm 160.05 emu/g ) , but theFe33.5Ni66.5 spheres ca. 170 nm ) exhibit an enhan ced coercivityvalue. The saturati onmagn etizati on value of the cha in-like Ni nano structures个人资料整理 仅限学习使用68.3 emu/g ) is lower than that of flower-like Ninanostreutures 84.9 emu/g) , but all higher than that ofthe bulk nickel 55 emu/g ) . Especially, the flower-like Ni nano structuresexhibit an enhan ced coercivity value ca.204.81 Oe) . At last, the FeNi2 alloys with three different sizes wereapplied to reduce the 4-Nitrophenol to 4-Amin ophe nol by NaBH4 in aqueous soluti on, and the reacti onrate con sta nts were obta in ed. The kin etic data in dicatethat Fe33.5Ni66.5 nanospheres ca. 170 nm ) are catalytically moreactive tha n that of both theFe34.1Ni65.9 nano spheres ca. 230 nm ) and Fe34.8Ni65.2 nanospheres ca. 300 nm ) probably attribute to its smallest size, which induces the largest surface-to-volume ratio and surface areas. The BET3.Crystalli ne FeCo alloys Fe59Co41, Fe37Co63 nan oparticles indiameter of 6?12 nm were syn thesized by reducti on of FeCI3 with hydrazine un der ultras on ic wave, which is a simple, low-cost, surfacta nt- freeroute, and may stimulate tech no logical in terests. The reacti onparameters such as temperature, the total concentration of Fe3+ +Co2+, and the initial ratio of Fe3+/Co2+ that affected the FeCo sizes andmorphologies were inv estigated systematically. As-s yn thesizedFe59Co41 nano crystallite shows excelle nt soft magn etic behaviour with个人资料整理 仅限学习使用high saturatio n magn etizatio n up to 216.2 emu/g that is comparable withthat of bulk Fe and Fe60Co40 alloy, and could have applicati ons incatalysis, biotech no logy, and magn etic storage devices.4. Themetals/r-graphe ne and alloys/r-graphene hybrid materials, such asNi/r-graphene, Co/r-graphe ne, Cu/r-graphe ne, NiCo/r-graphe ne,FeCo/r- graphe ne, FeNi/r-graphe ne, CoCu/r-graphe ne and NiCu/r-graphe ne hybrid materials were successfully syn thesized by a fiacle twosteps method used hydraz ine as reducti on reage nt. The samples werecharacterizated by SEM, TEM, HRTEM, XRD, EDX, and ICP, respectively,the results shown that the nan oparticles were uniform dispersed on thesurface of the graphe ne sheets. The reacti on parameters such asreaction time, the concentration of metals ions,the modified of graphe ne, and the added seque nee of the materials thataffected the formatio n of hybrid materials were inv estigatedsystematically, based on which possible formati on mecha nism for thehybrid materials was proposed. The room temperature magn eticproperties were characterizated by SQUID vMPMS XL-7), the metal oralloy/r-graphe ne hybrid materials exhibited an enhan ced saturationmagnetization or coercivity. At last, the reducti on of 4-NP to 4-AP werecarried out used five differe nt materials as catalysts. The rate con sta ntsof the five catalysts is 5.82x10-3 S-1S1, Ni/r-graphene), 4.63个人资料整理 仅限学习使用x10-3 S-1S2, Ni/r-graphene), 4.95x10-3 S-1S3, Ni/r-graphe ne), 2.60 x10-3 S-1r-graphene), 3.50 x10-3 S-1Ni nanoparticles), 4.15x10-3 S-1Co_(66.6合金结构的分析38-392.3.3球状Ni_(32.3Co_(67.7合金结构的分析39-402.3.4不同形貌的NiCo_2 合金微结构的磁学性能 40-412.4不同形貌的镍钻合金在对硝基苯酚催化中的应用41-452.4.1 催化实验 412.4.2 催化可行性分析以及催化过程的跟踪41-422.4.3 催化结果与讨论42-452.5 本章小结 45-46参考文献 46-57 第三章高饱和磁化强度的镍基金属材料的溶剂热合成及其催化性能研究57813.1 引言 57-583.2 实验部分 58-593.2.1 试剂和仪器583.2.2 镍基金属的制备 583.2.3 样品的表征 58593.2.4 催化性能 593.3 结果与讨论 59-723.3.1 FeNi合金纳 M 结构的控制合成 59-663.3.2 镍纳 M 结构的表征 66-67 3 33 Fe-Ni 和 Ni 纳 M 材料的磁学性能 67-70334 不同尺寸的 Fe-Ni 合金的催化性能 70-723.4 本章小结 72-73 参考文献 73-81 第四章超声法合成高饱和磁化强度的铁钻合金纳M晶 81-954.1 引言 814.2 实验部分 81-824.2.1 试剂和仪器 81-824.2.2 Fe-Co 合金的制备 824.2.3 样品的表征824.3 结果与讨论 82-884.3.1 Fe-Co 合金的合成和结构分析 82-874.3.2 样品的室温磁性能分析 87-884.4 本章小结88-89参考文献 89-95 第五章 石墨烯复合磁性材料的合成、个人资料整理 仅限学习使用形成机理及其磁学性能 95-1215.1 弓 I 言 95-965.2 实验部分96-985.2.1 试剂与仪器 965.2.2 样品制备 96-985.2.3催化性能 985.2.4 样品表征 985.3 结果与讨论 98-1155.3.1 Ni 纳 M 粒子和 Ni/r-graphene 样品的结构和形貌分析98-1105.3.2 磁性金属及合金/石墨烯复合纳 M 材料的磁学性能110-113 5.3.3 不同负载密度的 Ni/r-graphene复合材料在对硝基苯酚还原中的应用 113-1155.4 本章小节 115-117 参考文献117-121 第六章 全文总结与展望 121-1246.1 结论 121-123 6.2 展望 123-124科研成果及所获奖励 124-125 致谢125【采买全文】1 39938848 1381 13721同时提供论文写作一对一辅导和论文发表康务.保过包发.【说日月】 本文仅为中国学术文献总库合作 lift*无活版权亠作者如有异谊请与总库或学校联茅


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