七年级英语上册Unit3 Topic3 SectionB课件 湘教版

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UNIT 3 TOPIC 3What would you like to drink? 假设某同学邀请几假设某同学邀请几个同学去家中吃饭,个同学去家中吃饭,几人一组进行表演,几人一组进行表演,过程中要注意使用自过程中要注意使用自己准备的有关食物的己准备的有关食物的图片或幻灯片上展示图片或幻灯片上展示的食物。的食物。something to drinksomething to eata glass glassesa glass of apple juiceMay I take your order, sir?A: May I take your order, sir?B: Yes, Id like some ., please.A: Would you like something to drink?B: A glass of ., please.A: OK. Wait a moment, please.What do you often have in the morning?I often have milk for breakfast.What do you often have at noon?I often have chicken for lunch.What do you often have in the evening?I often have jiaozi for supper.Michael has _ and _ for breakfast. He usually has _, _ and _ for lunch. He has _ for supper.milkbreadricechickenvegetablesjiaozi(录音录音1)Listen and fill in the blanks.(影片(影片1)Listen and repeat. Then act out.NameItemBreakfastLunchSupperFoodDrinkFoodDrinkA: What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/supper?B: I usually have(影片(影片2)What would Mr.Lee like?Hed like fish with vegetables, rice and apple juice.Key words:A: May I take your order? B: A: Would you like B: Yes, A: Wait a moment, please.Listen and repeat. Then act out.Pair workChoose the proper sentences to complete the conversation and then act it out.Rabbit:Monkey:Rabbit:Monkey:Rabbit:Monkey:Rabbit:Monkey:Rabbit:_Let me see. Mm ._ No, thanks._ Bananas. Well, Id like seven bananas._ Banana juice, please._A. Would you like some vegetables?B. OK. Something to drink?C. May I take your order?D. Oh . All right.E. What do you usually have for lunch?1=G44Sing this song.Old McDonald Had a ShopOld McDonald had a shop. E, I, E, I, O. And in his shop he had some rice. E, I, E, I, O. With a ham-burger here and a hot dog there. Here a Coke, there a fish, everywhere some French fries. Old McDonald had a shop. E, I, E, I, O.(影片(影片3)Make a survey after class and report it in next class.NameBreakfastLunchSupperStudent 1Student 2Student 3Student 4Student 5Student 61. Go on learning countable nouns and uncountable nouns.2. Useful expressions: What do you usually have for breakfast? May I take your order? Would you like something to drink? Wait a moment, please.1. REVIEW THE LESSON.2. WRITE THE REPORT, AND REPORT IT IN CLASS NEXT DAY.


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