科普版英语四下Lesson 7Let’s go swimming课件1

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科普版英语四下Lesson 7Let’s go swimming课件1_第1页
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科普版英语四下Lesson 7Let’s go swimming课件1_第3页
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swim (swi ing)-go swimmingmmshop (sho ing)-go shoppingppskat (skating)-go skatingefish (fishing)-go fishingswim (swimming)-go swimmingthis morning今天早上 this evening 今天晚上tomorrow 明天 this Sunday 这个周日after class下课后 after school放学后Lets go fishing this Sunday.Lets go skating tomorrow.天线宝宝打来电话找天线宝宝打来电话找你们做朋友,你们想你们做朋友,你们想和他们出去做什么?和他们出去做什么?Letsride a bikego shopping课外加油站课外加油站play soccerthis afternoongo skatingthis morningplay the pianogo fishingsinggo to the librarythis eveningtomorrow this Sundayafter classafter schoolplay soccerthis morning.go skatingthis afternoon.play the pianothis evening.go to the library tomorrow .go fishingthis Sunday.ride a bikeafter class.after school.go shoppingsing谁是造句小能手?谁是造句小能手?Lets+动作动作+时间。时间。Who are they?他们是谁?他们是谁?What are they doing?他们正在做什么?他们正在做什么?What did Li Li say? 李丽说了李丽说了什么?什么?Li Li: Hello.Is Kate there?Kate: Hi, Li Li. This is Kate.Li Li: Lets go swimming this afternoon.Kate: Great!This is Li Li.Who are they?他们是谁?他们是谁?What are they doing?他们正在做什么?他们正在做什么?What did Li Li say? 李丽说了李丽说了什么?什么?学校这星期要举行几项活动,能帮老师通知一下同学们吗。组长来选任务,一个通知一个。 Task1: Lets go swimming this afternoon. Task2: Lets go to the library after school. Task3: Lets go skating tomorrow. Task4: Lets ride a bike this Sunday.我是小小通信员我是小小通信员A: Hello, Is_ there?This is _B: Hi,_. This is_.A: Lets _.B: Great!演艺竞技场演艺竞技场LiLi: Hello.Is Kate _? _ Li Li.Kate: Hi, Li Li. _ KateLiLi: Lets go _this afternoon.Kate: _!This isswimmingGreatthereThis is Life lies in motion. 生命在于运动。生命在于运动。打电话常用语:打电话常用语:Is there? This is用英语提建议:用英语提建议:Lets go swimming 1. Listen and read the text. 2.Copy swim for five times.


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