高中英语一轮复习 Module6 The Worlds Cultural Heritage课件 外研版选修7

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基础基础 知能知能 回扣回扣重点重点 难点难点 突破突破 When I returned home, there was nothing but_ food on the table. A. left B. remainedC. remaining D. leaving【解析解析】选选C。“剩余的食物剩余的食物”应用应用“remaining food”, remain为不及物动词,不能用它的过去分词作定语,为不及物动词,不能用它的过去分词作定语,“剩饭剩饭”也可用也可用“food left”表示。表示。 Your hard work _ your great progress in English. A. contributed to B. resulted fromC. depended on D. lied in【解析解析】选选A。考查动词短语辨析。句意为:你的刻苦学习促。考查动词短语辨析。句意为:你的刻苦学习促进了你英语水平的极大进步。进了你英语水平的极大进步。contribute to促成,有助于,符促成,有助于,符合句意。合句意。result from源于;源于;depend on依赖;依赖;lie in在于。在于。 I recommended _ an English-Chinese dictionary, which I thought would be of great help to his studies. A. buying B. boughtC. to buy D. he bought【解析解析】选选A。recommend doing sth. 建议做某事,如果后面建议做某事,如果后面跟从句即跟从句即D的形式,则的形式,则he bought需改为需改为he buy形式,因此选形式,因此选A。 _ busy schoolwork, the children also have to take arts, music and sports classes in their free time. I wonder what they will become. A. Rather than B. Owing toC. Except for D. Apart from【解析解析】选选D。前句的意思是:除了繁忙的功课,孩子们还要。前句的意思是:除了繁忙的功课,孩子们还要在业余时间参加艺术、音乐和体育课程。在业余时间参加艺术、音乐和体育课程。rather than胜过,而胜过,而不是;不是;owing to由于;由于;except for除除之外其他都;之外其他都;apart from除除外还有。根据句意可知应选外还有。根据句意可知应选D。 用适当的介、副词填空用适当的介、副词填空We cant afford a holiday, so well just have to go without . I dont go in for skating. Never let a good opportunity go by . Lets go through the whole thing again from the beginning. A clean environment can help a city bid for the Olympics, which _will promote its economic development. A. in nature B. in turnC. in return D. in fact【解析解析】选选B。考查介词短语辨析。句意为:清洁的环境可以。考查介词短语辨析。句意为:清洁的环境可以帮助一个城市申办奥运会,反过来又会促进该城市的经济发展。帮助一个城市申办奥运会,反过来又会促进该城市的经济发展。in nature事实上,本质上;事实上,本质上;in fact事实上;事实上;in turn反过来,因反过来,因而;而;in return 作为回报。结合句意,作为回报。结合句意,B项最佳。项最佳。备考要点补充备考要点补充 完成句子完成句子他对那些囚犯没露出半点仁慈。他对那些囚犯没露出半点仁慈。He showed little mercy to the prisoners. 她同情地看着那些孤儿。她同情地看着那些孤儿。She looked at those orphans with mercy . Im afraid I cant find anything _ in the book. A. of valuable B. of valueC. of values D. great valuable【解析解析】选选B。of value=valuable。D项错在项错在great上,应改为上,应改为greatly。句意为:恐怕在这本书中我找不到有价值的东西。句意为:恐怕在这本书中我找不到有价值的东西。of+抽象名词在句中作后置定语。抽象名词在句中作后置定语。. 单词拼写单词拼写1. The organization came into existence(存在,出现)(存在,出现)10 years ago. 2. Few of the early manuscripts(手稿)(手稿)have been preserved(保存)(保存). 3. Potatoes turn green when exposed(暴露)(暴露)to light. 4. I undertook(许诺)(许诺)to teach the children English. 5. The school sees its job as preparing students to make a contribution(贡献)(贡献)to society. 6. This rare bird has become an endangered(濒危的)(濒危的)species. 7. Progress has been made towards a political compromise(妥协)(妥协)between the two nations. 8. There is a general awareness(意识)(意识)that smoking is harmful. 9. You are infinitely precious(珍贵的)(珍贵的)to me, my child. 10. On the table were the remains(剩余物)(剩余物)of the evening meal. . 完成句子完成句子1. 英语对我们来说至关重要。英语对我们来说至关重要。English is of great importance to us. 2. 这个国家经历了太多的曲折。这个国家经历了太多的曲折。The country has gone through too many ups and downs. 3. 剩下的那五个孩子是我的学生。剩下的那五个孩子是我的学生。The remaining five children were my students. 4. 这个问题很容易理解。这个问题很容易理解。This question is easy to understand . 5. 他的解释有助于我们对这个难题的理解。他的解释有助于我们对这个难题的理解。His explanation contributed to our understanding of the difficult problem. . 单项填空单项填空1. Did your classmate accept your invitation? No, he _ refused. A. as far as B. as well asC. as soon as D. as good as【解析解析】选选D。句意为:。句意为:你的同学接受你的邀请了吗?你的同学接受你的邀请了吗?没有,实际上他拒绝了。没有,实际上他拒绝了。as far as就就而言;而言;as well as(除(除之外)也,既之外)也,既又;又;as soon as 一一就就;as good as实际上,几乎等于。实际上,几乎等于。2. You are so kind to me, madam. I do wish I could do something for you _ one day. A. in return B. by returnC. in turns D. on return【解析解析】选选A。句意为:女士,你对我太好了。我的确希望将。句意为:女士,你对我太好了。我的确希望将来有一天我能为你做点什么作为回报。来有一天我能为你做点什么作为回报。A项项“作为回报作为回报”;B项项“接到信后立即回复接到信后立即回复”;C项应为项应为in turn“轮流,替换地轮流,替换地”,根据句意,可知选根据句意,可知选A。He is always helping people without expecting anything _ . A. in need B. in factC. in danger D. in return【解析解析】选选D。句意:他总是帮助别人而不期望得到回报。句意:他总是帮助别人而不期望得到回报。A. 需要;需要;B. 实际上;实际上;C. 处于危险之中;处于危险之中;D. 作为回报。从句意作为回报。从句意可知选可知选D。 3. He was _ his courage in the battle. A. honoured for B. honoured asC. honoured to D. honoured【解析解析】选选A。句意为:他因为在战争中表现出来的勇气而受。句意为:他因为在战争中表现出来的勇气而受到尊重。到尊重。be honoured for表示表示“因因而受到尊敬而受到尊敬”;be honoured as表示表示“作为作为而受尊敬而受尊敬”;C、D两项放在句中两项放在句中搭配错误,据句意答案为搭配错误,据句意答案为A。 4. Its already ten in the morning. The store _ closed. Whats the matter? 2010西安模拟西安模拟A. is remained B. remainsC. was D. has【解析解析】选选B。句意:已经上午十点了,这家商店还关着。怎。句意:已经上午十点了,这家商店还关着。怎么回事?么回事?remain表示表示“仍然仍然”这个意思时是系动词,没有被这个意思时是系动词,没有被动语态,因此选动语态,因此选B。C、D选项意思不对。选项意思不对。 John is well-known for _calm in troubled times. But he shouldnt have kept _at the meeting. A. seeming; calm B. remaining; silentC. looking; still D. appearing; quiet【解析解析】选选B。remain calm为系表结构,意思是为系表结构,意思是“保持平保持平静静”;seem, look, appear也可以作系动词,但它们表示也可以作系动词,但它们表示“表表面上,但实际上并非如此面上,但实际上并非如此”。keep silent意思是意思是“保持沉默保持沉默”。故选故选B。 5. The old man was expected to get better, but the bad weather _ to his cold. A. attributed B. contributedC. stimulated D. distributed【解析解析】选选B。考查动词词义辨析。考查动词词义辨析。attribute“归因于归因于”;contribute“贡献;促成,导致贡献;促成,导致”;stimulate“刺激刺激”;distribute“分布,分配分布,分配”。句意:这位老人的身体本来有望好。句意:这位老人的身体本来有望好转,但是恶劣的天气加重了他的感冒。转,但是恶劣的天气加重了他的感冒。6. The early pioneers had to _ many hardships to settle on the new land. 2010济南模拟济南模拟A. go along with B. go back onC. go through D. go into【解析解析】选选C。句意:为了在这个新大陆上落脚,早期的先行。句意:为了在这个新大陆上落脚,早期的先行者经受了许多磨难。者经受了许多磨难。A项项“赞同,支持赞同,支持”;B项项“违背(约定,违背(约定,承诺)承诺)”;C项项“经历(坏事,苦事)经历(坏事,苦事)”;D项项“从事(某职从事(某职业),进入(某行业)业),进入(某行业)”,由句意可知,由句意可知C项正确。项正确。Mother _ the drawer looking for the sweater. A. went ahead B. went throughC. went by D. went against【解析解析】选选B。句意:妈妈在抽屉中翻找毛衣。句意:妈妈在抽屉中翻找毛衣。go ahead干吧,干吧,说吧;说吧;go through仔细检查;翻找;查看;仔细检查;翻找;查看;go by(时间)过(时间)过去;去;go against违背。根据句意可知选违背。根据句意可知选B。7. He said he would _ me to Professor Mcrae as his postgraduate student. A. comment B. suggestC. command D. recommend【解析解析】选选D。comment评论;评论;suggest建议;建议;command指命,指命,命令;命令;recommend推荐。推荐。recommend sb. to sb. 把某人推荐给把某人推荐给某人。句意为:他说他将向某人。句意为:他说他将向Mcrae教授推荐我做他的研究生。教授推荐我做他的研究生。8. The accident might not have happened had we been more careful. But we _ at that time. A. dont B. didntC. hadnt D. werent【解析解析】选选D。句意为:。句意为:要是我们当时更小心点事故也许要是我们当时更小心点事故也许就不会发生了。就不会发生了。可我们当时并不小心。上句是对已发生可我们当时并不小心。上句是对已发生事情的一种虚拟,下句由事情的一种虚拟,下句由at that time可知是陈述过去的事实。可知是陈述过去的事实。9. David, keep _ in mind that you have to be home by 10 oclockOK, Mom, I willAit BmeCthis Done【解析解析】选选A。考查代词。句意为:。考查代词。句意为:戴维,记住戴维,记住10点钟之点钟之前你必须在家。前你必须在家。好的,妈妈,我会的。好的,妈妈,我会的。keep. . . in mind记住,此处记住,此处it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面为形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面that引导的从句。引导的从句。10. A remote-controlled bomb exploded outside a hotel yesterday,_ at least 12 people. A. having been injured B. having injuredC. injuring D. injured【解析解析】选选C。现在分词作结果状语。分词与主句的主语之间。现在分词作结果状语。分词与主句的主语之间为逻辑上的主动关系,故排除为逻辑上的主动关系,故排除A和和D。因先是炸弹爆炸才造成。因先是炸弹爆炸才造成伤亡的结果,故排除伤亡的结果,故排除B项。项。 Shenzhou returned to the earth safely, _ the success of the manned spaceship project. A. marked B. to mark C. marking D. having marked【解析解析】选选C。考查非谓语动词。句意为:神舟七号飞船平安。考查非谓语动词。句意为:神舟七号飞船平安返回地球,标志着载人航天工程的成功。现在分词作结果状返回地球,标志着载人航天工程的成功。现在分词作结果状语表示一种自然而然的结果,而不定式作结果状语,则表示语表示一种自然而然的结果,而不定式作结果状语,则表示“出人预料的结果出人预料的结果”。根据句意可知选。根据句意可知选C。如选。如选A,则其前面,则其前面应加应加and。 11. What do you think about his advice? To be honest, I can see nothing _ . A. of any use B. to be useC. to be useful D. to be of use【解析解析】选选A。考查。考查of+名词在句中作名词在句中作nothing的后置定语,如的后置定语,如果用形容词则可以说果用形容词则可以说:I can see nothing useful. 12._ global warming, those present at the international meeting also discussed other issues. 2010银川模拟银川模拟AApart from BIn spite ofCBut for DExcept for 【解析解析】选选A。apart from相当于相当于in addition to/besides, 表示表示“除除之外(还有)之外(还有)”,in spite of“尽管尽管”,but for“如果如果不是不是”,except for“除去(一些细节)除去(一些细节)”。句意:出席国际会。句意:出席国际会议的那些人不仅讨论了全球变暖还讨论了其他问题。议的那些人不仅讨论了全球变暖还讨论了其他问题。13. _ then Macao ten years ago has become _ more attractive Macao since its return to China. 2010合肥模拟合肥模拟A. /; a B. The; a C. The; / D. A; the【解析解析】选选B。考查冠词。句意为:自从回归中国以来十年前。考查冠词。句意为:自从回归中国以来十年前的那个澳门已成为一个更富吸引力的澳门了。第一个的那个澳门已成为一个更富吸引力的澳门了。第一个Macao前前有有then修饰修饰, 后面有后面有ten years ago限制,是指特定时间的那个限制,是指特定时间的那个澳门,故用澳门,故用the; 第二个空是泛指,故用第二个空是泛指,故用a。 According to _World Health Organization, health care plans are needed in all big cities to prevent _spread of A(H1N1)virus. 2010温州模拟温州模拟A. the; / B. the; the C. a; a D. /; the【解析解析】选选B。考查冠词。句意:根据世界卫生组织的报告,。考查冠词。句意:根据世界卫生组织的报告,在所有的大城市需要医疗保健计划来阻止甲型在所有的大城市需要医疗保健计划来阻止甲型H1N1流感的蔓流感的蔓延。第一个空由普通名词所组成的专有名词前面需加定冠词。延。第一个空由普通名词所组成的专有名词前面需加定冠词。第二个空特指甲型流感的蔓延。因此也需用定冠词第二个空特指甲型流感的蔓延。因此也需用定冠词the。14. “If”, he added, “_enough time, I would almost certainly have done it better. ”A. to give B. givingC. Im given D. given【解析解析】选选D。考查省略。考查省略。If given enough time相当于相当于If I had been given enough time, 作条件状语。句意为:作条件状语。句意为:“他接着说,他接着说,如果当时给我充足的时间的话,我会做得更好的。如果当时给我充足的时间的话,我会做得更好的。” 15. _ tomorrow, our ship will set sail for Macao. A. However the weather is likeB. However is the weather likeC. Whatever is the weather likeD. Whatever the weather is like【解析解析】选选D。本题考查让步状语从句。本题考查让步状语从句。whatever引导让步状引导让步状语从句,并在从句中作介词语从句,并在从句中作介词like的宾语。的宾语。however不能作宾语,不能作宾语,因此排除因此排除A、B项。项。whatever引导让步状语从句时不倒装,因引导让步状语从句时不倒装,因此排除此排除C项。项。 . 阅读理解阅读理解 This is the place that presented a grand Olympic Opening Ceremony to the world; the place where Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt made history. The National Stadium, or the Birds Nest as weve come to know it, is a landmark of the country. Now it has also become a place to have fun. The stadium is hosting a snowy winter wonderland in the heart of Beijing. The first snow festival is running from December to February next year. So what attractions are there for the visitors? According to China Daily, the 57, 000-square-meter area offers a ski slope(雪道雪道), ice rink, snow sculptures, a snow mountain and scooters(滑板车滑板车), and the list doesnt end there. Yang Cheng, deputy general manager of National Stadium Co. Ltd. , said that “the snow fun will be accompanied(伴随伴随)by festive activities, including rock and roll concerts, a New Years Eve party and Spring Festival celebrations. ” However, changing the Birds Nest to a ski resort has not come cheap. China Daily reports that the snow festival cost 50 million yuan to prepare and about 25, 000 tons of intermediate water(中水中水)is being used to produce the snow months. “When the snow melts, the water can be recycled to flush(冲冲)toilets and irrigate(浇灌浇灌)landscapes, ”Xiang Jun, an official with the Birds Nest, told China Daily. 1. Which would be the best title for the passage? A. The National StadiumB. The First Snow Festival C. A Newly-opened Ski ResortD. Birds Nest Becomes a Winter Holiday World 【解析解析】选选D。主旨大意题。本文主要介绍国家体育馆。主旨大意题。本文主要介绍国家体育馆鸟鸟巢将举办首届欢乐冰雪季,鸟巢将成为冬季人们游玩、进行巢将举办首届欢乐冰雪季,鸟巢将成为冬季人们游玩、进行冰雪比赛项目的好去处,所以最佳答案为冰雪比赛项目的好去处,所以最佳答案为D项。项。A、B两项太两项太片面;片面;C项未涉及鸟巢,描述不准确,故这三项均被排除。项未涉及鸟巢,描述不准确,故这三项均被排除。2. The 57, 000-square-meter area offers the following things EXCEPT_. A. ice rink B. snow sculpturesC. snow mountains D. scooters 【解析解析】选选C。细节理解题。短文第三段提到。细节理解题。短文第三段提到 “a snow mountain”,一座雪山,而不是多座,故此题,一座雪山,而不是多座,故此题C项与原文信息项与原文信息不符。不符。3. According to the passage, _. A. Birds Nest will become the landmark of our country B. one can go to rock and roll concerts during the snow festivalC. it will take two months to prepare for the snow festival D. the snow festival will waste a large quantities of water 【解析解析】选选B。细节理解题。从第三段最后一句中的。细节理解题。从第三段最后一句中的“. . . including rock and roll concerts. . . ”可以看出可以看出B项正确。项正确。4. It can be inferred from the passage that _. A. perhaps more snow festivals will be held in the Birds NestB. the first snow festival cost 50 million dollars to prepare C. the water from the snow can be recycled D. the first snow festival will last two months 【解析解析】选选A。推理判断题。短文中第二段第二句提到的是。推理判断题。短文中第二段第二句提到的是The first snow festival(第一届第一届“鸟巢欢乐冰雪季鸟巢欢乐冰雪季”),由此推,由此推断以后将举办更多的这样的活动,所以此题选断以后将举办更多的这样的活动,所以此题选A。C项为文中项为文中所述事实,故排除。所述事实,故排除。B项与原文信息(项与原文信息(50 million yuan)不符,)不符,D项也不能由文章推断出,故排除。项也不能由文章推断出,故排除。. 任务型阅读任务型阅读2010海口模拟海口模拟 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 My husband and children think they are very lucky that they are living and that its Christmas again. They cant see that we live in a dirty street in a dirty house among people who arent much good. But Johnny and children cant see this. 1 I decided that my children must get out of this. The money that weve saved isnt nearly enough. The McGaritys have money but they are so proud. 2 The McGarity girl just yesterday stood out there in the street eating from a bag of candy(糖果)(糖果)while a ring of hungry children watched her. I saw those children looking at her and crying in their hearts; and when she couldnt eat any more she threw the rest down the sewer(下水道)(下水道). Why? Is it only because they have money? 3 Miss Jackson who teaches at the Settlement House isnt rich, but she knows things. 4 Her eyes look straight into yours when she talks with you. She can read your mind. 5A. Id like to see the children be like Miss Jackson when they grow up. B. There is more to happiness than money in the world, isnt there? C. I myself saved some money. D. They look down upon the poor. E. What a pity it is that our neighbours have to make happiness out of all this dirt. F. She understands people. G. Money is the key to everything. 15. EDBFA. 单词拼写单词拼写1. The organization came into existence(存在,出现)(存在,出现)10 years ago. 2. Few of the early manuscripts(手稿)(手稿)have been preserved(保存)(保存). 3. Potatoes turn green when exposed(暴露)(暴露)to light. 4. I undertook(许诺)(许诺)to teach the children English. 5. The school sees its job as preparing students to make a contribution(贡献)(贡献)to society. 6. This rare bird has become an endangered(濒危的)(濒危的)species. 7. Progress has been made towards a political compromise(妥(妥协)协)between the two nations. 8. There is a general awareness(意识)(意识)that smoking is harmful. 9. You are infinitely precious(珍贵的)(珍贵的)to me, my child. 10. On the table were the remains(剩余物)(剩余物)of the evening meal. . 完成句子完成句子1. 英语对我们来说至关重要。英语对我们来说至关重要。English is of great importance to us. 2. 这个国家经历了太多的曲折。这个国家经历了太多的曲折。The country has gone through too many ups and downs. 3. 剩下的那五个孩子是我的学生。剩下的那五个孩子是我的学生。The remaining five children were my students. 4. 这个问题很容易理解。这个问题很容易理解。This question is easy to understand . 5. 他的解释有助于我们对这个难题的理解。他的解释有助于我们对这个难题的理解。His explanation contributed to our understanding of the difficult problem. . 单项填空单项填空1. Did your classmate accept your invitation? No, he_ refused. A. as far asB. as well asC. as soon asD. as good as【解析解析】选选D。句意为:。句意为:你的同学接受你的邀请了吗?你的同学接受你的邀请了吗?没有,实际上他拒绝了。没有,实际上他拒绝了。as far as就就而言;而言;as well as(除(除之外)也,既之外)也,既又;又;as soon as 一一就就;as good as实际上,几乎等于。实际上,几乎等于。2. You are so kind to me, madam. I do wish I could do something for you _ one day. A. in returnB. by returnC. in turnsD. on return【解析解析】选选A。句意为:女士,你对我太好了。我的确希望将。句意为:女士,你对我太好了。我的确希望将来有一天我能为你做点什么作为回报。来有一天我能为你做点什么作为回报。A项项“作为回报作为回报”;B项项“接到信后立即回复接到信后立即回复”;C项应为项应为in turn“轮流,替换地轮流,替换地”,根据句意,可知选根据句意,可知选A。He is always helping people without expecting anything _ . A. in needB. in factC. in dangerD. in return【解析解析】选选D。句意:他总是帮助别人而不期望得到回报。句意:他总是帮助别人而不期望得到回报。A. 需要;需要;B. 实际上;实际上;C. 处于危险之中;处于危险之中;D. 作为回报。从句意可作为回报。从句意可知选知选D。3. He was _ his courage in the battle. A. honoured forB. honoured asC. honoured toD. honoured【解析解析】选选A。句意为:他因为在战争中表现出来的勇气而受。句意为:他因为在战争中表现出来的勇气而受到尊重。到尊重。be honoured for表示表示“因因而受到尊敬而受到尊敬”;be honoured as表示表示“作为作为而受尊敬而受尊敬”;C、D两项放在句中两项放在句中搭配错误,据句意答案为搭配错误,据句意答案为A。4. Its already ten in the morning. The store _ closed. Whats the matter? 2010西安模拟西安模拟A. is remainedB. remainsC. wasD. has【解析解析】选选B。句意:已经上午十点了,这家商店还关着。怎。句意:已经上午十点了,这家商店还关着。怎么回事?么回事?remain表示表示“仍然仍然”这个意思时是系动词,没有被动这个意思时是系动词,没有被动语态,因此选语态,因此选B。C、D选项意思不对。选项意思不对。John is well-known for _ calm in troubled times. But he shouldnt have kept _ at the meeting. A. seeming; calmB. remaining; silentC. looking; stillD. appearing; quiet【解析解析】选选B。remain calm为系表结构,意思是为系表结构,意思是“保持平静保持平静”;seem, look, appear也可以作系动词,但它们表示也可以作系动词,但它们表示“表面上,但表面上,但实际上并非如此实际上并非如此”。keep silent意思是意思是“保持沉默保持沉默”。故选。故选B。5. The old man was expected to get better, but the bad weather _ to his cold. A. attributedB. contributedC. stimulatedD. distributed【解析解析】选选B。考查动词词义辨析。考查动词词义辨析。attribute“归因于归因于”;contribute“贡献;促成,导致贡献;促成,导致”;stimulate“刺激刺激”;distribute“分布,分配分布,分配”。句意:这位老人的身体本来有望好。句意:这位老人的身体本来有望好转,但是恶劣的天气加重了他的感冒。转,但是恶劣的天气加重了他的感冒。6. The early pioneers had to _ many hardships to settle on the new land. 2010济南模拟济南模拟A. go along withB. go back onC. go throughD. go into【解析解析】选选C。句意:为了在这个新大陆上落脚,早期的先行。句意:为了在这个新大陆上落脚,早期的先行者经受了许多磨难。者经受了许多磨难。A项项“赞同,支持赞同,支持”;B项项“违背(约定,违背(约定,承诺)承诺)”;C项项“经历(坏事,苦事)经历(坏事,苦事)”;D项项“从事(某职从事(某职业),进入(某行业)业),进入(某行业)”,由句意可知,由句意可知C项正确。项正确。Mother _ the drawer looking for the sweater. A. went aheadB. went throughC. went byD. went against【解析解析】选选B。句意:妈妈在抽屉中翻找毛衣。句意:妈妈在抽屉中翻找毛衣。go ahead干吧,干吧,说吧;说吧;go through仔细检查;翻找;查看;仔细检查;翻找;查看;go by(时间)过去;(时间)过去;go against违背。根据句意可知选违背。根据句意可知选B。7. He said he would _ me to Professor Mcrae as his postgraduate student. A. commentB. suggestC. commandD. recommend【解析解析】选选D。comment评论;评论;suggest建议;建议;command指命,指命,命令;命令;recommend推荐。推荐。recommend sb. to sb. 把某人推荐给把某人推荐给某人。句意为:他说他将向某人。句意为:他说他将向Mcrae教授推荐我做他的研究生。教授推荐我做他的研究生。8. The accident might not have happened had we been more careful. But we _ at that time. A. dontB. didntC. hadntD. werent【解析解析】选选D。句意为:。句意为:要是我们当时更小心点事故也许要是我们当时更小心点事故也许就不会发生了。就不会发生了。可我们当时并不小心。上句是对已发生事可我们当时并不小心。上句是对已发生事情的一种虚拟,下句由情的一种虚拟,下句由at that time可知是陈述过去的事实。可知是陈述过去的事实。9. David, keep _ in mind that you have to be home by 10 oclockOK, Mom, I willAitBmeCthisDone【解析解析】选选A。考查代词。句意为:。考查代词。句意为:戴维,记住戴维,记住10点钟之点钟之前你必须在家。前你必须在家。好的,妈妈,我会的。好的,妈妈,我会的。keep. . . in mind记记住,此处住,此处it为形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面为形式宾语,真正的宾语是后面that引导的从句。引导的从句。10. A remote-controlled bomb exploded outside a hotel yesterday, _ at least 12 people. A. having been injuredB. having injuredC. injuringD. injured【解析解析】选选C。现在分词作结果状语。分词与主句的主语之间。现在分词作结果状语。分词与主句的主语之间为逻辑上的主动关系,故排除为逻辑上的主动关系,故排除A和和D。因先是炸弹爆炸才造成。因先是炸弹爆炸才造成伤亡的结果,故排除伤亡的结果,故排除B项。项。Shenzhou returned to the earth safely, _ the success of the manned spaceship project. A. markedB. to markC. markingD. having marked【解析解析】选选C。考查非谓语动词。句意为:神舟七号飞船平安。考查非谓语动词。句意为:神舟七号飞船平安返回地球,标志着载人航天工程的成功。现在分词作结果状语返回地球,标志着载人航天工程的成功。现在分词作结果状语表示一种自然而然的结果,而不定式作结果状语,则表示表示一种自然而然的结果,而不定式作结果状语,则表示“出出人预料的结果人预料的结果”。根据句意可知选。根据句意可知选C。如选。如选A,则其前面应加,则其前面应加and。11. What do you think about his advice? To be honest, I can see nothing _ . A. of any useB. to be useC. to be usefulD. to be of use【解析解析】选选A。考查。考查of+名词在句中作名词在句中作nothing的后置定语,如的后置定语,如果用形容词则可以说果用形容词则可以说: I can see nothing useful. 12. They were lost at sea, _ wind and weather. A. at the mercy ofB. with mercyC. without mercyD. in the mercy of【解析解析】选选A。句意为:他们在海上迷了路,任凭大风和天气。句意为:他们在海上迷了路,任凭大风和天气的摆布。的摆布。at the mercy of. . . 听凭听凭的摆布,正合题意。因此的摆布,正合题意。因此选选A。without mercy毫不怜悯地,在句中作状语,其后不再加毫不怜悯地,在句中作状语,其后不再加宾语。宾语。13. _ then Macao ten years ago has become _ more attractive Macao since its return to China. 2010合肥模拟合肥模拟A. /; aB. The; aC. The; /D. A; the【解析解析】选选B。考查冠词。句意为:自从回归中国以来十年前。考查冠词。句意为:自从回归中国以来十年前的那个澳门已成为一个更富吸引力的澳门了。第一个的那个澳门已成为一个更富吸引力的澳门了。第一个Macao前前有有then修饰修饰, 后面有后面有ten years ago限制,是指特定时间的那个澳限制,是指特定时间的那个澳门,故用门,故用the; 第二个空是泛指,故用第二个空是泛指,故用a。According to _ World Health Organization, health care plans are needed in all big cities to prevent _ spread of A(H1N1)virus. A. the; /B. the; theC. a; aD. /; the【解析解析】选选B。考查冠词。句意:根据世界卫生组织的报告,。考查冠词。句意:根据世界卫生组织的报告,在所有的大城市需要医疗保健计划来阻止甲型在所有的大城市需要医疗保健计划来阻止甲型H1N1流感的蔓流感的蔓延。第一个空由普通名词所组成的专有名词前面需加定冠词。延。第一个空由普通名词所组成的专有名词前面需加定冠词。第二个空特指甲型流感的蔓延。因此也需用定冠词第二个空特指甲型流感的蔓延。因此也需用定冠词the。14. “If”, he added, “_ enough time, I would almost certainly have done it better. ”A. to giveB. givingC. Im givenD. given【解析解析】选选D。考查省略。考查省略。If given enough time相当于相当于If I had been given enough time, 作条件状语。句意为:作条件状语。句意为:“他接着说,他接着说,如果当时给我充足的时间的话,我会做得更好的。如果当时给我充足的时间的话,我会做得更好的。”15. _ tomorrow, our ship will set sail for Macao. A. However the weather is like B. However is the weather likeC. Whatever is the weather like D. Whatever the weather is like【解析解析】选选D。本题考查让步状语从句。本题考查让步状语从句。whatever引导让步状引导让步状语从句,并在从句中作介词语从句,并在从句中作介词like的宾语。的宾语。however不能作宾语,不能作宾语,因此排除因此排除A、B项。项。whatever引导让步状语从句时不倒装,因引导让步状语从句时不倒装,因此排除此排除C项。项。. 阅读理解阅读理解 This is the pla


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