江苏省徐州市高中英语 语言点检测练习课件 牛津译林版必修4

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江苏省徐州市高中英语 语言点检测练习课件 牛津译林版必修4_第1页
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江苏省徐州市高中英语 语言点检测练习课件 牛津译林版必修4_第2页
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江苏省徐州市高中英语 语言点检测练习课件 牛津译林版必修4_第3页
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牛津译林版模块4语言点检测题(A)1. Bills aim is to inform the viewers that cigarette advertising on TV is illegal ,_? A. isnt it B. is it C. isnt he D. is he 2. The lady _in red is a successful writer , who_ Jack last year.A. dressed; married B. dressing; married toC. dressed; get married with D. dressing; was married to3. I suggested that a doctor _ immediately.A. be sent for B. must sent for C. should sent for D . was sent for 4. We saw the hill, and _there used to be a temple.A. in front of which B. on the top of which C. at the foot of it D. from it 5. His money was _buying this kind of things. A. cost B. wasted C. took D. paid 6. The dog _Huang Huang belongs to _.A. named ;the Smiths B. named ;the Smiths C. named by; Smith D. whose name was ;the Smiths7. It _that I met one of my old classmates on my way home yesterday. A. occurred B. happened C. took place D. broken out8. Hearing the news , he rushed out of the room _the book _ on the table and disappeared into the distance.A.left ;lain open B. left ;lay opened C. leaving ;lie opened D. leaving ;lying open 9. - _, a fire-engine is running over towards us . -Yes , a big fire _nearby , I guess.A. Take care; must break out B. Look out; must have broken outC. Be careful; must break out D. Look; was broken out10. _ is known to all that the Chinese is a hard working people.A. As B. That C. This D. It 11. She is used to _. Though he is _, he doesnt feel _.A. live alone; alone; lonely B. living alone; alone; lonelyC. living lonely; lonely; alone D. live lonely; lonely; alone 12_ the meeting himself gave them a great deal of encouragement.A. The president will attend B. The president to attend C. The president attended D. The presidents attending13.The plane flew _ in the sky and the people spoke _ of the experienced pilot.A. highly ; high B. high ; high C. highly ; highly D. high; highly14. -Sorry to _ you, but could I ask a quick question? -No problem.A. worry B. preventC. trouble D. disappoint15. It is what you do rather than what you say _ matters. A. that B. what C. which D. this16. -Its cloudy outside. Please take an umbrella. -_. A. Yes, take it easy B. Well, it just depends C. OK, just in case D. All right, youre welcome 17. .I cant remember when exactly the Robinsons left _ city. I only remember it was _ Monday.A. the; the B. a; the C. a; a D. the; a18. .He suddenly saw Sue _ the room. He pushed his way _ the crowd of people to get to her.A. across; acrossB. over; throughC. over; into D. across; through(B)1.He insisted that he _ the best, so he insisted that he _ the work all by himself.A. be; doB. was; doC. be; did D. had been; had done 2. He came to the meeting _ his serious illnessA. despite B. throughC. past D. despise 3. I am not used _ to like that.A. to being spoken B. to speakC. being spoken D. to speaking4. Children at the beginning of this century _ a lot and _ themselves greatly even without television.A. used to read; enjoyingB. used to read; enjoyedC. were used to reading; enjoyD. were used to read; enjoying5.The police are _ a big reward for any information about the murder.A. dealing B. gainingC. offering D. offending6. The last man _ the sinking ship was the captain.A. leftB. to be leavingC. to leaveD. leaves7. I fell in love with her_ I met her. This is the first time we _. So it is time I _.A. first time; have a date; leaveB. for the first time; had had a date; have leftC. the first time; have had a date; leftD. by the first time; have a date; left8. You have been late for 2 hours; otherwise, we _ the whole design.A. have fulfilledB. fulfilledC. should have fulfilledD. will have fulfilled9. Of course, she behaved awfully, but _ she is your sister.A. after all B. in allC. at allD. all in all10. It was a matter of _ would take the position.A. who B. whoeverC. whom D. whomever11. _ you lose confidence, you can never expect to do your work well.A. Twice B. BeforeC. OnceD. Unless12. _ we have finished the course, we shall take a new one.A. Now that B. Since that C. Since now D. By now13. Well go to Paris for our holiday _ it isnt too expensive.A. Except B. providedC. so far as D. unless14. Well have to _ the well if we want more water.A. enlarge B. widenC. deepen D. sharpen15. She was not _ of his presence in the room.A. astonished B. awakeC. familiar D. conscious16. This collection of short stories is said _ into five foreign languages A. to translate B. to have been translated C. to be translatedD. being translated17. The police _ him of stealing a car.A. warned B. charged C. accused D. threatened18. The museum is _.A.worth to be visitedB. worthy being visitedC. worthy to be visitedD. worth being visited19. When I turned to the person _ next to me, I recognized that he was my schoolmate. A. seating B. seated C. sit D. sat20. Since you have come so far with your experiment, you _ carry it through to the end.A. may B. mightC. may well D. may as well21. Was _ that I saw last night at the concert?A. it you B. not you C. you D. that yourself22. _ in the newspaper that there is another good harvest this year.A. It has reportedB. As is reportedC. That is reportedD. It is reported23. _ winter _ on, its time to buy warm clothes.A. With; comeB. Have; comingC. With; comingD. Having; come24. He would always _ anyone in difficulty.A.lend a hand to B. play his hand toC. shake hands withD. raise his hand against


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