江苏省徐州市高中英语 Unit3 Reading课件1 牛津译林版必修3

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江苏省徐州市高中英语 Unit3 Reading课件1 牛津译林版必修3_第1页
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江苏省徐州市高中英语 Unit3 Reading课件1 牛津译林版必修3_第3页
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Reading Lost civilizations Unit 3 Back to the pastWhere are the places in the pictures?What have you known about them?What else do you want to know about them?PompeiiLoulan1. What country is the author from?2. What is one main similarity between Pompeii and Loulan?3. Who was made director of the Pompeii dig in 1860?4. Who is Professor Zhang?Canada.Both of them became lost civilization about 2,000 years ago.The Italian archaeologist Giuseppe Fiorelli.An archaeologist from the local cultural institute. A A Read the diary entries quickly and answer these questions.C1C1 How well did you understand the details in the diary? Read it again carefully and answer the following questions.1. What happened to Pompeii in August AD 79?2. How was the buried city discovered?Mount Vesuvius erupted and lava, ash and rocks poured out of it onto the surrounding countryside. All the people in Pompeii were buried alive, and so was the city.It was discovered in the 18th century when a farmerfound some stone with writing on it. People started to dig in the area for treasure, which caused much damage. So in 1860, the Italian archaeologist Giuseppe Fiorelli was made director of the Pompeii dig.3. What were the stepping stones along the road in Pompeii used for?4. Why was Loulan an important city about 2,000 years ago?5. How do many people think Loulan disappeared?6. According to the last sentence, how did the author feel about the loss of Loulan?With the stones, people did not have to step in the mud in the streets on rainy days.Because it was a stopping point on the famous Silk Road between the East and the WestIt was gradually covered over by sandstorms from AD 200 to AD 500.She felt that it was a pity! 1 I feel lucky to have won a place on this trip.2 This morning we went to a lecture about Pompeii.3 Unfortunately, all the people were buried alive, and so was the city !4 How amazing !C2 C2 The writers of diaries often record feelings or opinions (emotions) as well as what they have done(actions). Do the sentences below express emotions(E) or actions(A)? E / AE / AE / AE / A5 People started to dig in the area for treasure.6 When I walked around the city, I saw streets just as they had been.7 I am so excited to be here!8 Sven found the remains of building buried under the sand.E / AE / AE / AE / A1 the city 2 which 3 there 4 it 5 thatD2D2 Find the following words in the text and decide what they refer to.Pompeiithe fact that people started to dig in the area for treasurenear PompeiiLoulanthe fact that the desert was once a green land with enormous treesReading strategy: reading diary entriesWhen you are reading diary entries recording someones travels, you should look for: dates and place namesfacts and historical informationpersonal feelings and opinionsPompeiitimeeventin the 8th century in 89 BCon 24th Aug. AD 79in 1860Loulan 2000 years agofrom AD 200 to AD 500100 years ago It was founded.It was taken over by the Romans.Mount Vesuvius erupted. Giuseppe Fiorelli was made director of the Pompeii dig.It existed as a commercial city.It was covered over gradually by sand storms.It was discovered by a Swedish explorer. Find the historical information about Pompeii and Loulan.Discussion1.Is it useful for people to study things from the past? Why or why not?2.Since as long ago as 1553 people have said, History repeats itself. What do you think this saying means? Do you agree with it? Why or why not?Homework1.Read the passage carefully and review the new words and phrases.2. Make a summary of the text.Reading Lost civilizationsUnit 3 Back to the pastBoth Pompeii in _and Loulan in China became _ _ about 2000 years ago. Pompeii was _ in the 8th century BC and was _ _ by the Romans in 89BC. On 24th Aug.AD79, Mount Vesuvius _ and the city were _ _. Loulan was a _ _ on the Silk Road. It disappeared under the _. There are just a few _ left. Some _, such as coins and painted pots, was found.Fill in the blanks with proper words.Italy Iost civilizationsfoundedtakenovereruptedburiedalivestoppingpointstormruinstreasureGive the English words according to the definitions.(of a volcano)throw out of lava and ash act or speak for a group sadly ,unluckily rich parts of a building that remain after it has been badly damaged or destroyed huge take control of provide space foreruptrepresentunfortunately wealthy ruinsenormoustake overhouse


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