四年级英语上册 Unit11 Where’s the cat课件2 (新版)湘少版【课件】

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四年级英语上册 Unit11 Where’s the cat课件2 (新版)湘少版【课件】_第1页
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四年级英语上册 Unit11 Where’s the cat课件2 (新版)湘少版【课件】_第3页
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意思是意思是在哪里在哪里,通常放在通常放在句首构成疑问句,用来句首构成疑问句,用来询询问地点问地点。Where is the bird?It is on the table.在在上面上面Where is the cat?It is in the bag.在在里面里面Where is the cat?It is under the bed.在在下面下面Where is the cat? It is _the table.Where is the cat? It is _ the bag.Where is the cat? It is_the bed. on(在在上面)上面)(在(在里面)里面)in(在(在下面)下面)underoninunder1 12 23 31 12 23 3A: Wheres the ?B: Its in onunder theIs the apple on the bag?Yes, it is.Is the apple in the pencil-box?No, it isnt.Is Hui Tailang in the box?Yes, it is.No, it isnt.Is Hui Tailang under the table?Is Lan Yangyang in/ on/ under the?A: Wheres the ?B: Its in/on/under theA: Isin/on/under the?B: Yes, it is. / No, it isnt.bathroomkitchenliving roombedroomRules:根据单词卡片读单词,当老师读错而学生依旧读正确,就算学生赢;如果学生也跟着读错,就算老师赢。师生之间通过做炒菜、洗澡师生之间通过做炒菜、洗澡等动作和手势互猜单词。老等动作和手势互猜单词。老师做动作时学生猜单词师做动作时学生猜单词;老老师说单词时,学生做动作。师说单词时,学生做动作。Rules:Its in the kitchen.M: Wheres the cat?D: I dont know.M: Puss! Puss! Where are you?D: Is she under the table?M: Is she in the bathroom?D: No, she isnt.M: Is she in the kitchen?D: Yes, she is.A: Wheres the ?B: Its in/on/under theA: Isin/on/under the?B: Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.精品课件精品课件!精品课件精品课件!


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