江苏译林版三上Unt 5 Look at meppt课件6

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看看Hello, everyone! Im Yang Ling.大家好,我是杨玲。大家好,我是杨玲。There is a fashion show in our school next week.下周我们学校有下周我们学校有一场一场时装秀时装秀。Can you help me? 你你们能帮我出出主意吗?们能帮我出出主意吗?Lets go to the clothes shop.小朋友们,让我小朋友们,让我们一起去服装店吧!们一起去服装店吧!a T-shirt 一件T恤衫my T-shirt 我的T恤衫T-shirt T恤衫How do you like the T-shirt?你觉得这件你觉得这件T T恤衫怎么样?恤衫怎么样?Its nice!Look at my T-shirt.看我的T恤衫。A: Look at my .B: Its .T-shirtniceits = it isnice 漂亮的它Its nice!skirt 短裙短裙Look at my .skirtHow nice!多么多么漂亮啊漂亮啊!A: Look at my .B: Its . /How .! Look, look, look at my . Nice, nice,Oh, its nice.skirtT-shirt cap 鸭舌帽Its great. 好极了,很好好极了,很好Look at mygreat好极了,很好好极了,很好jacket 夹克衫A: Look at my .B: Its .greatMagic eyesMake a chant!Look, look, look at my _. Nice, _, Oh, its _.Look, look, look at my _. Great, _, Oh, its _.Watch the cartoon, and find out: What clothes does Yang Ling choose? 观看动画,找找杨玲选了哪些衣服?Watch the cartoonTask 1a T-shirta skirta capTask 2Read the dialogueRead the dialogue, and find out: How does Yang Lings mother give praise? 读一读对话,划出妈妈赞美杨玲的句子。Its nice.How nice!Its great.Great!Task 3Read togetherTask 4If you are going to attend the fashion show, can you design clothes for yourself? 如果你也要参加杨玲学校举办的时装展,你能为自己设计服装吗?A: Hello! Im Look at my.B: Its nice./ How nice!/ Its great./ Great!Homework 1. Show the clothes to your family.把你设计的服装展示给你的家人看。 2. Read and act the dialogue.跟录音朗读课文内容,并表演。


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