2014小升初英语知识点专项复习 专题三 作文 看图写话练习2

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2014小升初英语知识点专项复习 专题三 作文 看图写话练习2_第1页
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2014小升初英语知识点专项复习 专题三 作文 看图写话练习2_第3页
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专题三 作文 看图写话练习2 精品习作 1根据下列六幅图画,用英语写一篇日记,描述小明 5 月 20 日(星期日)一天的活动情况。注意: 1. 日记须包括所有图画内容,可适当增加细节,使内容连贯; 2. 词数 100 左右。 May 20 th Sunday Fine It was such a sunny day that I decided to go fishing. I went out early and sat on the bank of the river. I hoped that I would have a good harvest. A long time passed. Although I waited patiently, there was no luck. When the sun was about to set, I caught nothing, which made me very disappointed. I walke dhome sadly with the fishing pole and the empty basket. I was sure that my mother would laugh at me. Passing a fish market, I suddenly had an idea. I bought two big fresh fish and brought them home. My mother would certainly be happy when she saw the fish and she would encourage me to continue fishing. 精品习作 2仔细看所给图画,然后用英文写出该图所要表达的故事。故事内容要根据图画所示的情节,不可随意编造。写出的故事不得少于 100 个单词。故事的结尾已给出。 Hearing what the old man said, Zhao Gang was at a loss. Smoking didn't burn your house, Zhao Gang thought, but it was destroying your health. It happened on a morning of a weekday. Zhao Gang was on his way to school. He passed by a house and noticed heavy smoke coming out of a half opened window. He was frightened and thought the house must be on fire. So he decided to stop fire burning. He ran away hurriedly to fetch some water, even without taking off his school bag. He quickly ran back with a pail of water in hand, splashed the water through the window into the house. To his surprise, an old man, with a pipe in hand, stuck his head out of the window. He was wet through with water dropping from his clothes. He scolded Zhao Gang, “ Why did you splash water into my house? I was smoking. I'll tell this to your teacher. ” Hearing what the old man said, Zhao Gang was at a loss. Smoking didn't burn your house, Zhao Gang thought, but it was destroying your health.  精品习作 3一天,我和爸爸去湖边散步,遇到了下图所发生的故事。请根据下面六幅图画,用英语写一篇 90 120 词左右的短文。 One day Daddy and I were going for a walk around the lake when a girl rode past us quickly. Suddenly we heard a cry for help. The girl had fallen into the lake with her bike. Daddy and I ran quickly towards her. We managed to pull her out of the water. Then the girl asked us if we could help get the bike out of the water. Then the girl asked us if we could help get the bike out of the lake. Daddy was only too ready to help her. When we pulled her bike out, she rode away even without saying “ Thanks ” to us. I felt quite disappointed at her deed.  精品习作 4为配合“世界无烟日”的宣传活动, English Weekly 开展征文活动。下列图片描述了一天晚上 Jack 家因吸烟所发生的事,请据此写一篇英语短文投稿,词数 100 左右。 (短文的标题和开头部分已给出) I will give up smoking from now on. Jack was a heavy smoker. His mother didn't like him smoking, but he couldn't give it up. At about 9 o'clock one evening. _ “ I will give up smoking from now on ” Jack was a heavy smoker. His mother didn't like him smoking, but he couldn't give it up. At about 9 o'clock one evening, Jack was seen smoking in the living-room again. “ Don't smoke in the living-room, Jack! ” said his mother in an unhappy voice. Hearing this, Jack went back to his own room and shut the door. While he was sitting in bed, he couldn't help smoking again. About an hour later, Jack's mother smelt heavy smoke. She got up and opened Jack's bedroom. Good heavens! Jack's quilt was burning while he was asleep! She quickly too some water and put out the fire. Jack was given a good lesson. “ I'll give up smoking from now on, Mum. ” Jack said in a low but determined voice.  精品习作 5下面六幅画描述的是怀特( White )先生上个月某一天去火车站所经历的事情。请用英语,根据图画所展示的内容写一篇 100 字左右的短文。 One day last month, Mr White stopped a taxi and told the driver that he wanted to go to the railway station. The driver said OK and asked for sixty dollars, but Mr White insisted on paying only 40 dollars. The driver could do nothing but accept that much and picked him up. Thirty minutes later, the taxi stopped suddenly. The driver said something was wrong with the car and asked Mr White to get off and help restart it by pushing it, so Mr White did. But as soon as the car started, the dirver said, “ I'm sorry, sir, but 40 dollars can only take you that far. ” With these words, he drove away and left Mr White angry and worried by the roadside


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