schoolThis is our school.playgroundThis is our playground.classroomThis is our classroom.roomcomputerso many computerscomputer roomThis is our computer room. libraryThis is our library.Wow, so many books!语音教学 orBe quite in the classroom and library. Dont drink or eat in the computer room. Dont walk on the grass in the playground.Dont push at school.Homework1.1.听并熟读听并熟读Unit2 part B 3Unit2 part B 3遍遍, ,签字签字2.2.背诵单词背诵单词playgroundplayground、bigbig、computercomputer、roomroom、librarylibrary、storystory、 sports shoessports shoes、morningmorning。3.3.完成完成活动手册活动手册P1012P1012页页