外研版初中英语九年级下册Module 3 Unit 1 People are healthier today课件

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外研版初中英语九年级下册Module 3 Unit 1 People are healthier today课件_第1页
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外研新标准外研新标准初三下初三下Module 3Unit 1 People are healthier today.ReviewWords and expressions单词回顾单词回顾学生早读时已预习过本单元单学生早读时已预习过本单元单词,可利用几分钟时间带学生词,可利用几分钟时间带学生快速回顾温习。对单词的熟练快速回顾温习。对单词的熟练度越高,阅读的速率也越高。度越高,阅读的速率也越高。Read the words and Read the words and expressions loudly.expressions loudly.Words and expressionsdebateillnesspreventmedicinesupposerelaxed n. 辩论辩论 n. 病;疾病病;疾病 v. 防止;预防防止;预防 n. 医学医学 v. 猜想;假设猜想;假设 adj. 放松的;松弛的放松的;松弛的PastWarming upNowTransportTransportIs life today better or worse than before? Describe the pictures.HousesHousesPastNow EducationEducationPastNowHousehold appliancesHousehold appliancesPastNowEnvironment Environment PastNowSample dialogue A: What was life like in the past?B: There werent so many cars as there are today. A: What is life like today?B: There are more buildings today.Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions.What was life like in the past?What is life like today?1. To understand the conversations of comparing life in the past and now2. To understand comparative degree and superlative degree3. To learn to use the following structures to make comparison: A is er than B. asas/not soasObjectives:Words:debate illness prevent medicine supposePhrases:in the past, as well as, free time, do ones best, on the school trip Patterns:I suppose thatIs life today better or worse than it was 50 years ago?But people dont eat as well as in the past.Listen and answer the questions. Use the words and expressions to help you.advantage composition environment free time homework illness law personal pollution prevent protect safety1. Whats for homework? A history composition.2. Whats the title? Is life today better or worse than it was 50 years ago?23. What does Betty ask about? Betty asks whether they can write about topics such as medicine and pollution.4. What does Daming ask about? Daming asks if they can write about personal safety.5. Does Mr Jackson agree? Yes, he does.Listen and read Now listen to the conversation between Betty and her mother. She has nearly finished a composition. And she is talking about it with her mother. Listen and answer the questions: What does she think of the life today? She thinks it is better. 31. Read the dialogue aloud for a few minutes by yourself;2. Role play in groups;3. Role play in front of the classChoose the best answer.1. People are healthier and live longer today because _. a) were better at preventing illness b) we dont work as hard as we did c) we dont take as much exercise42. Public transport is faster but _. a) it makes pollution b) people take more exercise c) fewer people use it3. Theres more pollution so _. a) children work harder b) life is more dangerous and less healthy c) public transport is better today4. People dont have to work as hard today. However, _. a) they dont live as long b) no one has enough free time c) schoolchildren dont do their best5. Betty will be more relaxed and less nervous about the exams if _. a) she works harder b) she asks Mrs. Li to help her with her composition c) she goes on the school trip to the theatreNow listen again and check.AdvantagesDisadvantagesPersonalhealthMedicineComplete the table and write notes.better at preventing illness, live longerknow more about medicinedont eat as well as in the past and take less exercise5TransportWorkwalk or use their bikes less and public transport is much faster todaylazier; faster transport also makes more pollution. This makes life more dangerous and less healthy. dont have to work as hard as 50 years ago. dont have too much free time. School children today work harder. Complete the sentences in your own words.1. Because its late, Bettys mum thinks that Betty should _.2. Betty is working late in order to _.3. Bettys mum thinks we know more about medicine, although _ _ _.go to bed finish her composition people dont eat as well as in the past and dont take as much exercise as they did 64. Betty reminds her mum that _ _.5. Bettys mum thinks that Bettys school trip and theatre visit will _ _. she is going on the school trip next month make her more relaxed and less nervous before her exams. 英语国家人士在连贯话语中使用不同的英语国家人士在连贯话语中使用不同的语音手段进行交流,包括重音。语音手段进行交流,包括重音。英语句英语句子中,需要重读的词子中,需要重读的词称为称为句子重音句子重音。一。一般来说,般来说,实词实词(名词、实意动词、形容名词、实意动词、形容词、副词等词、副词等)需要重读,)需要重读,虚词虚词(介词、介词、连词、冠词等连词、冠词等)不需要重读。)不需要重读。Thats true. The advantage is that we know more about medicine today. Were better at preventing illness. But people dont eat as well as in the past, and dont Take us much exercise as they did.Listen to the sentences and repeat. Tips: 听的时候注意划线单词需重读。听的时候注意划线单词需重读。7Yes, I agree. People walk or use their bikes less, and theyre lazier. Faster transport also makes more pollution. And that makes life moredangerous and less healthy.Underline the words which you think the speaker will stress.Now listen and check. As you listen, say the passage aloud.8Pair workTalk about your answer to the question. Is life today better or worse than it was 50 years ago?Say whats better or worse in: at home education entertainment environment life medicine transport work9Sample dialogue S1: Do you think life today is better or worse than it was 50 years ago?S2: I think the life today is better. We have better education. Especially we girls have the same opportunity as boys in education. What about you?S1: I also think its better. We have more entertainments and they are more interesting. S2: And there is so much more traffic today and its more convenient. But at the same time, faster transport also makes more pollution. S1: In the past, we know less about medicine, but now we know more about medicine.1. Nearly finished!2. I suppose 3. There werent so many cars as there are today.4. The most important difference is 5. I suppose6. Is life today better or worse than it was 50 years ago?本课时主要句型本课时主要句型课后回顾课后回顾Now 2 mins to test your spelling.1. English-Chinese relaxed illness protect advantage2. Chinese-English 辩论辩论 防止;预防防止;预防 猜想;假设猜想;假设 医学医学 环境环境 作文;写作作文;写作 个人的个人的When finished, exchange your papers to see who does the best.QUIZ注注: word : word 文档文档点击此处链接点击此处链接.从方框内选择适当的单词并用其正确从方框内选择适当的单词并用其正确形式完成句子(每词限用一次)。形式完成句子(每词限用一次)。 suppose debate medical danger ill 1. My dream is to be a doctor, so I plan to study _ at college.2. The old man still feels a bit weak after his _.medicineillness3. What makes you _ that Im against it?4. After a long _, they decided to give up that plan.5. Thats a _ bridge; keep away from it.supposedebatedangerous. 用括号内所给单词的恰当形式填空。用括号内所给单词的恰当形式填空。1. If you use public transport more than private cars, you will reduce air _ (pollute) in your city. 2. To live a _ (health) life, you should exercise more. 3. There are many _ (different) between living in a city and living in the country.pollutionhealthierdifferences4. As everyone knows, listening to music can make people feel _ (relax). 5. When you cross the street, you must pay attention to your _ (safe).6. Thats just my _ (person) opinion, though.relaxedsafetypersonal. 完成下列句子的同义表达(每空一词)。完成下列句子的同义表达(每空一词)。1. Her brother likes playing cards when he is free. Her brother likes playing cards _ _ _ _. 2. She went to England last year so that she could learn standard English.She went to England last year _ _ _ learn standard English.in hisfree timein orderto. 根据汉语意思完成下列句子(每空一根据汉语意思完成下列句子(每空一词)。词)。1. 我会尽我最大努力工作的。我会尽我最大努力工作的。Ill work _ _ _ I can.2. 你洗完那些盘子了吗?你洗完那些盘子了吗?Are you _ _ the dishes?3. 郭明义总是尽自己最大努力去帮助别人。郭明义总是尽自己最大努力去帮助别人。Guo Mingyi always _ _ _ to help others.as hard asfinished withdoes his best4. 说起易思玲,每一个中国人都引以说起易思玲,每一个中国人都引以为豪。为豪。_ _ Yi Siling, every Chinese is proud of her. 5. 他们已经决定去三沙市旅行。他们已经决定去三沙市旅行。They have decided they will _ _ _ _ to the city of Sansha.Talking/Speaking of go on a trip. 根据课文对话填空。根据课文对话填空。 Betty thought life today is _ than it was 50 years ago. The most important difference is that people are _ today and they live _ than they did in the past. People also know more about medicine today and they _ _ _ preventing illness. Besides, public transport is _ _ today. betterhealthierlongerare better atmuch betterHowever, she _ that people dont take as much exercise as they did. And faster transport makes _ _ and makes life _ _ and _ _. People dont have to work _ _ _ they worked 50 years ago, but schoolchildren today work _ than they ever did.supposedmorepollutionmoredangerous less healthy as hard asharderHomework Summarise the features of present life and past life and write them down.1. Preview the passage in Unit 2 Life in the past.2. Try to get more information about your parents childhood.


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