新世纪版英语五下Unit4 What Makes the WeatherPPT课件

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新世纪版英语五下Unit4 What Makes the WeatherPPT课件_第1页
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新世纪版英语五下Unit4 What Makes the WeatherPPT课件_第3页
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Unit 4What Makes the Weather? When we look at the sky, we know what the weather is like. Every day the weather is different. Why? The changing weather has something to do with the sun. 2. When we hear the baby crying, we know_. 3. When_, we know_. 1. When we look at the sky, we know what the weather is like. When we look at the sky, we know what the weather is like. Every day the weather is different. Why? The changing weather has something to do with the sun. have/has something to do withGood marks have something to do with hard working.The changing weather has something to do with the sun. When the sun shines, the earth grows warm. It is a sunny day. We feel warm and comfortable.1.When it is sunny, we feel warm and comfortable.2.When it is spring, we feel_ _.3.When _, we feel_ _.When the sun shines, the earth grows warm. It is a sunny day. We feel warm and comfortable. The water in the puddle seems to disappear. But in fact it has become a part of the air.seem to in fact The sun gives us heat. The suns heat can dry up a puddle. The water in the puddle seems to disappear. But in fact it has become a part of the air. The water in the air becomes clouds. Then it is a cloudy day. The clouds get heavy with water, and the water turns into raindrops. Then we have a rainy day. Do you know more about the weather?Retell the Passage When,we know .have/has sth. to do with grow warmfeel warm and comfortable1.Which area is the coldest? _ .2.Which area is the hottest ?_ .3.Which desert is the driest ?_ .4.Which city is called “Sunshine City”?_.5.Which city is called “Spring City”?_. Professor Boffin has been to China. He visited most parts of China. The weather in the south is quite different from that in the north. In the south its always warm and hot. People never see snow there. In the north of China, its very cold from October to March. Professor Boffin finds Mohe Town(漠河镇)(漠河镇) is the coldest in China. The lowest temperature was -52.30C there on Feb.13th, 1962. Turpan Basin(吐鲁番盆地)(吐鲁番盆地) is the hottest. The highest temperature was 48.90C there. Taklamakan Desert(塔克拉玛干沙漠)(塔克拉玛干沙漠) is the driest. Theres only about 6.3mm of rain per year. Lhasa (拉萨)(拉萨)is called “Sunshine city”. Kunming is named “Spring City”.1.Which area is the coldest?_ .2.Which area is the hottest ?_ .3.Which desert is the driest ?_ .4.Which city is called “Sunshine City”? _.5.Which city is called “Spring City”? _Mohe TownTurpan BasinTaklamakan DesertLhasa (拉萨)(拉萨)is called “Sunshine city”Kunming is named “Spring City”.1.Retell the passage: What makes the weather?2.Read books about the weather.


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