深港版四上Unit 2 our holidaysppt课件1

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Oc-to-ber 十月十月20、June六月1/2Sep-tem-ber 九月九月0Unit2 Our holidays (partA)我们的假日授课内容:第七册授课班级:三(3)班授课教师:吴志红 RevisionReview the Photograms aw wr ar ng ti ay ea oo ou phNew words and phrases pho-to 照片 s u r e 一定 sh a draw a pic-t ure 画一张画 sing a song 唱一首歌 write a po-em 写一首诗 make a card 制作一张卡 Na-tion-al Day 国庆节 Chil-drens Day儿童节 Tea-chers Day 教师节 Christ-mas Day圣诞节221/2000 ch00200000 020Whens National Day?Its on October 1.What can we do on National Day?We can draw a picture.Whens Childrens Day?Its on June 1.What can we do on Childrens Day?We can sing a song.Whens Teachers Day?Its on September 10.What can we do on Teachers Day?We can write a poem.Whens Christmas Day?Its on December 25.What can we do on Christmas Day? We can make a card.What Pat doing now?Shes making a card.Whats Pat doing now?Shes writing a poem for Teachers Day.Christmas DayChristmas DayChildrens DayTeacher s DayMothers Day Think about it.1、 When Childrens Day? Its ( ) June 1 2、Whats Pat doing? Shes ( )a picture . Shes ( )a poem. 3、What are you doing? I am ( )a song. I am ( )a card. ondrawingwritingsingingmakingIm looking at Pats photos.Hi, Tim. What are you doing?Can I Have a look?Sure.Whats Pat doing here?Shes writing a poem for Teachers Day.Review the words and phrases pho-to 照片 s u r e 一定 sh a draw a pic-t ure 画一张画 sing a song 唱一首歌 write a po-em 写一首诗 make a card 制作一张卡 Na-tion-al Day 国庆节 Chil-drens Day儿童节 Tea-chers Day 教师节 Christ-mas Day圣诞节221/2000 ch00200000 020Step6. Homework1. Read and copy the phrases 4 times.2.Recite the phrases and the text.GoodbyeGoodbye0


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