What would you like?Tao Yuan Jia QinfenLets chant Hello, Zoom, hello, Zip. Can I help? Can I help? Yes, thank you. Yes, thank you. Do you like noodles? Yes, I do. Yes, I do. Do you like hamburgers? No, I dont. No, I dont. The The CateCate Street Street美美 食食 街街Hot dogWhat would you like?(你要什么?你要什么?)Id like some(我要一些我要一些)beefnoodlessouphamburgerbreadfishchickencakeFrench friesWhat about you?(你呢?你呢?)Chant:What would you like? What would you like?Id like some soup and beef please.What about you? What about you?Id like some noodles and fish please.MmYummy.Attendant(服务员): Hello, can I help you?Zoom: Yes, please.Attendant : What would you like?Zip: Id like some soup and noodles. Do you like noodles, Zoom?Zoom: Yes, I do. What about you , Mike?Mike: Id like some beef and fish.Attendant : Here you are.Zoom: MmYummy.Italy : Pizza(批萨) France : Cocktail (法国鸡尾酒) Thailand :Thai Chicken-Toe(泰国风爪)Korea : Pickled Vegetable (韩国泡菜) Japan: Sushi (日本寿司) Dont waste food please. 请不要浪费食物请不要浪费食物。Homework:1. Ask your friends “ What would you like for lunch?2. Draw the food what you like,speak them in English. Bye-bye!