江苏译林版四上Unit 4I can play basketballppt课件2

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江苏译林版四上Unit 4I can play basketballppt课件2_第1页
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Unit 4Unit 4 I can play basketballI can play basketball(Story TimeStory Time)Do you like apples?Do you have any crayons?Can you make a fruit salad?Can you eat in class? Rules:规则规则2. If you answer (回答) : “Yes, I ” . You can stand up and say “Yes, I ”Can you play a guessing game? 猜测游戏1. Lets play basketball together, I will know something about you (了解你的信息) .3. If you answer : “No, I ”.You can sit and say : “ No , I ”Play a guessing gameRules(规则):(规则):All the students: Look at the pictures and act. 看屏幕上图片,演一演动作看屏幕上图片,演一演动作One student:Look at the students actions and guess the words.看全班动作,猜出单词看全班动作,猜出单词runjumpplay basketball Try to askTry to ask( (自主提问自主提问) )Look and talk1.Can Wang Bing play basketball?3.Can Liu Tao play basketball?2.Can Mike play basketball?Watch and answerAnswer the questions1. Can Wang Bing play basketball?Yes ,he can .2. Can Mike play basketball? Yes ,he can .He can play basketball .very well非常好非常好3. Can Liu Tao play basketball?1.Can Liu Tao play basketball at first(首先首先)?( )A.He thinks(认为认为) he can . B.He doesnt think(不认为不认为) he can . 2. Can Liu Tao play basketball at last(最后最后)?( )A. Yes, he can. B. No, he cant. Talk and chooseBAListen and repeatLook and readRead in rolesRules规则规则: 1. Three students a group, practise to read in roles.三人一组,分角色朗读。三人一组,分角色朗读。2. Its your turn to read , Please stand up and read , then sit down. 轮到你的角色时,站起大声读,然后坐下轮到你的角色时,站起大声读,然后坐下Good memoryCan you ,Wang Bing? Yes, Nice!Can Mike ? Yes, he can . He play basketball Look!What about you, Liu Tao?Can ?, Liu Tao.Yeah,I can .Great!No, Can you ,Wang Bing ?Yes, .Nice!play basketball I can Can Mike ?Yes, he . He can play basketball Look!play basketballcanvery well .CoolWhat about you ,Liu Tao?Can ?No, .you play basketballI cantGreat! , Liu Tao.Yeah , I Have a trycan play basketball. Rules : 1.Act 2 pictures, you can get . 2.Act 3 pictures, you can get . 3.Act 4 pictures, you can get . Act the story(表演故事表演故事)Can you/ he/ she ?Yes,can./No, cant.What about you?Have a try.Cool./Nice./Great.参考句型参考句型:play football Todays Homework1.Read correctly and act the dialogue . 正确朗读并且表演对话。正确朗读并且表演对话。2.Preview Fun time and Cartoon time. 预习预习Fun time 和和Cartoon time 。


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