湘少版英语四上《unit 12 peter can jump high》ppt课件3

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湘少版英语四上《unit 12 peter can jump high》ppt课件3_第3页
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Monkeys see, monkeys do .Follow me, follow me.Hands up , hands up.Follow me , follow me.Hands down , hands down.Left ,left. Right, right.Turn around, go, go, go.Stop ,go . stop go.Olympic GameHe can jump high. .jump highI can jump high.Can you jump high?Yes, I can.No, I cant.He can jump far .jump farCan you jump far?swim fastI can swim fastCan you swim fast?run fastI can run fast. .Can you run fast?I can fly high.Can you fly high?The Sport Meeting is begining.Lets have a look!运动会开始了,运动会开始了,让我们去看看吧!让我们去看看吧!Listen and answer.1. How many pupils are there? There are four pupils.2. Who are they ? Peter, Lingling, Anne, Dongdong.Listen and matchPeter swim fastLingling jump highAnne run fastDongdong jump farCan(可以)可以)Listen and match跳得高 swim fast跑得快 jump high跳得远 run fast游得快 jump far我是小小招聘员!我是小小招聘员!情景情景:学校运动会要开始了,现在你是队长,你可以去招聘你:学校运动会要开始了,现在你是队长,你可以去招聘你的队员,组织一个运动员小组,然后把你的队员的特长告诉大家。的队员,组织一个运动员小组,然后把你的队员的特长告诉大家。 Questions(问题)(问题): Hi,whats your name? (你叫什么名字?你叫什么名字?) Nice to meet you! (很高兴见到你!)(很高兴见到你!) What can you do? (你会做什么?你会做什么?) Report(回答)(回答): can . can .Li MingswimHeswim fast(招聘时你可以用下面的句子)(招聘时你可以用下面的句子)采访小组三位同学的体育技能,完成表格。采访小组三位同学的体育技能,完成表格。A: Can you ?B: Yes, I can./ No, I cant.


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