广州版五上UNIT 13 The Are Going to the Zooppt课件2

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广州版五上UNIT 13 The Are Going to the Zooppt课件2_第1页
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Module Five Zoo AnimalsUnit 13 Work with Language Elephants boom boom, Elephants boom boom Do you like elephants? Yes I do .I like elephants. I do too. I like elephants one two three, I like elephants, and they like me.Elephants boom boom, Elephants boom boom, Do you like elephants? No, I dont. I dont like elephants. No, I dont. I dont like elephants one two three. I dont like elephants .They dont like me.Whats your favourite animal?My favourite animal is theWhat animals can you see in the zoo?I can seea beara polar bearan elephanta liona tigera deera snakea polar bear and a beara deer and a giraffeLook at the pictures and write the letters of the words under the animals.A. bear B. panda C. giraffe D. monkey E. polar bear F. elephant G. deer H. kangaroo I. snake J. tigerABCDEFGHIJ Dont pick the flowers. Dont walk on the grass. Dont climb the trees.Dont sleep on the bench. 不要践不要践踏草地踏草地Zoo143265(What cant we do in school?)DontFor example: Dont write on the wall. Look at the pictures write some school rules.1. Copy the new words and the new sentences.2. Write some rules in the zoo or in the school.


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