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NaturalismBy Elena Chapter 8 Romanticism, Realism and NaturalismNaturalism The birth of Naturalism: After the failure of Napoleons war, the French nation was thrown into a state of depression and pessimism(悲观情绪悲观情绪). But people still cherished(怀有怀有) good memories of Napoleon and increased their hatred(讨厌讨厌) of Louis XVIII and his successors(继继任者任者) when the Bourbon Dynasty (波旁王朝波旁王朝) returned. Later, Napoleons grandnephew took advantage of his prestige(威望)(威望) and became the supreme administrator(统治者统治者)of France. But this pretentious(自命不凡的自命不凡的) politician threw France into chaos(混乱混乱) and disaster. France was eventually invaded by Germany.自然主义的诞生自然主义的诞生拿破仑战争失败后法国国家陷入了沮丧和悲观的状态。但人们还是珍惜关于拿破仑的美拿破仑战争失败后法国国家陷入了沮丧和悲观的状态。但人们还是珍惜关于拿破仑的美好的回忆,但是当波旁王朝时期回来的时候,人们开始增加对路易十三和他的继任者的好的回忆,但是当波旁王朝时期回来的时候,人们开始增加对路易十三和他的继任者的仇恨。之后,拿破仑的外甥以拿破仑的声望为优势成为法国的最高管理员。但这自命不仇恨。之后,拿破仑的外甥以拿破仑的声望为优势成为法国的最高管理员。但这自命不凡的政客让法国陷入混乱和灾难。德国最终侵入了法国凡的政客让法国陷入混乱和灾难。德国最终侵入了法国。 Under such circumstances(环境环境), many writers and intellectuals become more pessimistic, they believed that modern man was characterized by weak-ill, spiritual (精神的精神的) frustration(沮丧沮丧) and the tendency to give up spiritual pursuits.追求追求). For these reasons, they tried to reflect and represent real life.在这样的条件下,许多作家和知识分子变得更加悲观,他们相信那个时代的人应该是 虚弱的 精神上很沮丧并且倾向于放弃精神追求。由于这些原因,他们试图反映,表现出真实的生活。Representative Novelists of NaturalismEmile Zola Emile Franois Zola (French pronunciation: ; 2 April 1840 29 September 1902)was a French writer, the most important exemplar of the literary school of naturalism and an important contributor to the development of theatrical(夸张的) naturalism. He was a major figure in the political liberalization of France and in the exoneration of the falsely accused and convicted army officer Alfred Dreyfus, which is encapsulated in the renowned newspaper headline JAccuse. 左拉,左拉,法国作家法国作家,自然主义创始人,自然主义创始人,1872年成为年成为职业作家,左拉是职业作家,左拉是自然主义文学流派的领袖自然主义文学流派的领袖。19世纪后半期法国重要的世纪后半期法国重要的批判现实主义批判现实主义作家,作家,自然自然主义文学理论的主要倡导者主义文学理论的主要倡导者,被视为,被视为19世纪批判世纪批判现实主义文学遗产的组成部分。现实主义文学遗产的组成部分。 Zola was born in Paris in 1840. His father, Franois Zola (originally Francesco Zolla), was an Italian engineer. With his French wife milie Aurlie Aubert, the family moved to Aix-en-Provence in the southeast, when he was three years old. Four years later in 1847, his father died leaving his mother on a meager pension. In 1858 the Zola moved to Paris, where miles childhood friend Paul Czanne soon joined him. Zola started to write in the romantic style. His widowed mother had planned a law career for mile but he failed his Baccalaureate examination(学士学位考试) .Before his breakthrough as a writer, Zola worked as a clerk in a shipping firm and then in the sales department for a publisher .He also wrote literary and art reviews for newspapers. As a political journalist, Zola did not hide his dislike of Napoleon III, who had successfully run for the office of President under the constitution(宪法) of the French Second Republic, only to misuse this position as a springboard(助跳板) for the coup dtat that made him emperor.Greatest representative novelist of naturalism-Emile Zola(埃米尔埃米尔 左拉左拉) The writing of naturalism novelist intentionally offered no moral judgment by assuming(呈现呈现) scientific determinism(决定论,个性或行决定论,个性或行为个人不能决定为个人不能决定) that emphasized mans accidental(偶然的偶然的), physiological(生理的生理的) nature rather than his moral or rational(理性的理性的) qualities. Zola was no exception, he held that the artist should seek answers from life and science if he wanted to represent life. According to Zola, the novelist was no longer to be a mere observer, content to record phenomenon(现象现象), but a detached (公正客观的公正客观的) experimenter who subjected (使臣服,使顺从使臣服,使顺从)his characters and their passion to a series of tests and who worked with emotional and social facts as a chemist works with matter. Hence, we can say that zola was a great believer in science. Zolas main works:Rougon -Macquart series(卢贡卢贡马卡尔家族马卡尔家族),it traced the social and natural history of a family whose members were under the controlling power of heredity(遗传遗传) and environment.Germinal(萌芽萌芽), he handled subject as diverse as a miners strike.The Drunkard(小酒店小酒店) and The Kill and Nana(娜娜娜娜)working-class alcoholism(酒精中毒酒精中毒)and the sexual decadence(堕落堕落) of the upper classes. Apart from these, There are also The Three Cities(三名(三名城)城),The Four Gospels(四福音书)(四福音书),and so on.左拉传记(Zola biography) 十九世纪末。在巴黎的僻静街区,有一幢简陋的房屋,顶楼里十九世纪末。在巴黎的僻静街区,有一幢简陋的房屋,顶楼里住着作家左拉和印象派画家赛尚。两人生活清贫,但志同道合,住着作家左拉和印象派画家赛尚。两人生活清贫,但志同道合,奋发创作。左拉的一本描写妓女悲惨命运的小说奋发创作。左拉的一本描写妓女悲惨命运的小说娜娜娜娜问世问世后大获成功,为自己呕心沥血的巨著后大获成功,为自己呕心沥血的巨著卢贡卢贡.马加尔家族马加尔家族增增添新的篇章,这时在法国发生了轰动的德雷弗案件,德雷弗是添新的篇章,这时在法国发生了轰动的德雷弗案件,德雷弗是犹太裔炮兵大尉,因涉嫌间谍罪,被捕入狱。他自己叫冤上诉,犹太裔炮兵大尉,因涉嫌间谍罪,被捕入狱。他自己叫冤上诉,他的老婆慕名来向左拉求援。左拉了解案情后,深为德雷弗感他的老婆慕名来向左拉求援。左拉了解案情后,深为德雷弗感到不平,于是呼吁舆论,发起了广泛的声援行动。左拉本人则到不平,于是呼吁舆论,发起了广泛的声援行动。左拉本人则遭到军方右翼势力的非难。不久,德雷弗被宣判无罪获释。左遭到军方右翼势力的非难。不久,德雷弗被宣判无罪获释。左拉维护正义的行为博得公众赞许。一九拉维护正义的行为博得公众赞许。一九二年,左拉因煤气中二年,左拉因煤气中毒而身亡。法国人民怀着悲痛的心情悼念左拉,作家法朗士发毒而身亡。法国人民怀着悲痛的心情悼念左拉,作家法朗士发表了悲壮的悼词。左拉的遗体安放在旁代翁宫。表了悲壮的悼词。左拉的遗体安放在旁代翁宫。 现实主义作家左拉现实主义作家左拉 1919世纪后半期法国重要的世纪后半期法国重要的批判现实主义批判现实主义作家,作家,自然主义文学理论的自然主义文学理论的主要倡导者主要倡导者,一生写成数十部长篇小说,一生写成数十部长篇小说,代表作为代表作为萌芽萌芽。左拉的创左拉的创作和世界观充满矛盾:一方面对现存的制度进行毁灭性的批判,一方面作和世界观充满矛盾:一方面对现存的制度进行毁灭性的批判,一方面又对资本主义社会抱有不切实际的幻想。又对资本主义社会抱有不切实际的幻想。他的创作从理论到实践都有其他的创作从理论到实践都有其特色。早期作品短篇小说集特色。早期作品短篇小说集妮侬的故事妮侬的故事(18641864)、长篇小说)、长篇小说克洛克洛德的忏悔德的忏悔(18651865),脱不开对浪漫主义作家的模仿。后来,),脱不开对浪漫主义作家的模仿。后来,他对现实他对现实主义和自然主义逐渐产生浓厚兴趣。主义和自然主义逐渐产生浓厚兴趣。在泰纳的环境决定论和在泰纳的环境决定论和克罗德克罗德贝贝尔纳的遗传学说的影响下,形成其自然主义理论:主张以科学尔纳的遗传学说的影响下,形成其自然主义理论:主张以科学实验方法写作,对人物进行生理学和解剖学的分析;作家在写实验方法写作,对人物进行生理学和解剖学的分析;作家在写作时应无动于衷地记录现实生活中的事实,不必搀杂主观感情。作时应无动于衷地记录现实生活中的事实,不必搀杂主观感情。但在左拉身上,自然主义、现实主义两种倾向兼而有之。但在左拉身上,自然主义、现实主义两种倾向兼而有之。 左拉作品(左拉作品(Zolas works) 他受巴尔扎克他受巴尔扎克人间喜剧人间喜剧的启示,的启示,创作一套长达创作一套长达600600万字、万字、由由2020部长篇小说构成的巨著部长篇小说构成的巨著鲁贡鲁贡玛卡尔家族玛卡尔家族,反映了,反映了法国第二帝国时代社会各方面情况。法国第二帝国时代社会各方面情况。描写罢工斗争的描写罢工斗争的萌芽萌芽和反映普法战争、第二帝国崩溃、巴黎公社起义的和反映普法战争、第二帝国崩溃、巴黎公社起义的崩溃崩溃最最为重要。为重要。他还写了三部曲他还写了三部曲三城市三城市、卢尔德卢尔德(18941894)、)、罗马罗马(18961896)、)、巴黎巴黎(18981898),以及),以及四福音书四福音书中中的前三部:的前三部:繁殖繁殖(18991899)、)、劳动劳动(19011901)、)、真理真理(作家死后的(作家死后的19031903年出版),第四部年出版),第四部正义正义尚未完成。左拉尚未完成。左拉因煤气中毒而逝世于因煤气中毒而逝世于19021902年年9 9月月2929日。日。他的他的小酒店小酒店、娜娜娜娜、金钱金钱、妇女乐园妇女乐园亦十分著名。亦十分著名。19081908年,法兰西年,法兰西共和国政府以左拉生前对法国文学的卓越贡献,为他补行国葬,共和国政府以左拉生前对法国文学的卓越贡献,为他补行国葬,并使之进入伟人祠。并使之进入伟人祠。 GerminalRougon -Macquart seriesThe Drunkard NanaNaturalist Art Among so many artists of that time, Vincent Van Gogh may be the most famous one.Vincent Willem Van Gogh was a Dutch(荷兰) post-Impressionist(后印象派) painter whose work, notable(著名) for its rough beauty, emotional honesty, and bold(大胆的) color, had a far-reaching(深远的) influence on 20th-century art. After years of painful anxiety and frequent bouts of mental(精神的) illness, he died at the age of 37 from a gunshot wound, generally accepted to be self-inflicted(自身造成的). His work was then known to only a handful of people and appreciated by fewer still.Van Gogh文森特文森特威廉威廉梵高梵高 文森特文森特威廉威廉梵高梵高(Vincent Willem van Gogh,18531890),荷兰),荷兰后印象派后印象派画家。他是表现主义的先驱,画家。他是表现主义的先驱,并深深影响了二十世纪艺术,尤其是野兽派与德国表并深深影响了二十世纪艺术,尤其是野兽派与德国表现主义。梵高的作品,如现主义。梵高的作品,如星月夜星月夜、向日葵向日葵与与有乌鸦的麦田有乌鸦的麦田等,现已挤身于全球最具名、广为等,现已挤身于全球最具名、广为人知与昂贵的艺术作品的行列。人知与昂贵的艺术作品的行列。1890年年7月月29日,梵高日,梵高终因精神疾病的困扰,在美丽的法国瓦兹河畔结束了终因精神疾病的困扰,在美丽的法国瓦兹河畔结束了其年轻的生命,时年他才其年轻的生命,时年他才37岁。岁。 文森特威廉梵高(Vincent Willem van Gogh,18531890),荷兰后印象派代表性画家。 1853年3月30日生于津德尔特,早期因为表达内心的悲痛,曾割断了自己的耳朵。1890年7月29日在法国瓦兹河畔因患精神病自杀身亡。早年经商,后热衷于宗教,1880年以后开始学习绘画。曾在巴黎结识E.贝尔纳、P.西涅克和P.高更等画家。 早期作品受印象主义和新印象主义画派影响,代表作有食土豆者、塞纳河滨等。曾两次在咖啡馆和饭馆等地向劳工阶层展出自己的作品。不久厌倦巴黎生活,来到法国南部的阿尔勒,开始追求更有表现力的技巧;同时受革新文艺思潮的推动和日本绘画的启发,大胆探索自由抒发内心感受的风格,以达到线和色彩的自身表现力和画面的装饰性、寓意性。 Art Feature(艺术特色)(艺术特色):pointillism pwntilizm (点彩画法点彩画法) Master work(代表作):(代表作):sunflower向日葵、The postman LuLan 邮递员鲁兰、Cafe night market 咖啡馆夜市、The Starry Night 星月夜、包扎着耳朵的自画像Wrap the self-portrait of the ear 、 星光灿烂、Van Gogh in Michaels bedroom 梵高在阿尔勒卧室、Near the bridges 阿尔附近的吊桥等,都包含着深刻的悲剧意识(a sense of the tragic)以及强烈的个性(strong individuality)和形式(form)上的独特追求。 Creative concepts(创作理念创作理念) 印象主义印象主义(Impressionism)梵高着意于真实情感的再现,也就是说,他要表现的是他对事物的感受,而不是他所看到的视觉形象(visual image)。 梵高在巴黎结识了印象主义画家之后,他的调色板就变亮了。他发现,他唯一深爱的东西就是色彩,辉煌的、未经调和的色彩。他手中的色彩特征,与印象主义者们的色彩根本不同。即使他运用印象主义者的技法,但由于他对于人和自然特有的观察能力,因而得出的结论也具有非凡的个性。 梵高把他的作品列为同一般印象主义画家的作品不同的另一类,他说:“为了更有力地表现自我,我在色彩的运用上更为随心所欲。”其实,不仅是色彩(colour),连透视(perspective)、形体(body)和比例(scale)也都变了形,以此来表现与世界之间的一种极度痛苦但又非常真实的关系(In order to performance and the world between extreme pain but very real relationship )。而这一鲜明特征在后来成了印象派(Impressionism)区别于其他画派而独立存在的根本。 Creative concepts(创作理念) 表现主义表现主义(Expressionism) 梵高死后不出几年,一些画家就开始模仿他的画法,为了梵高死后不出几年,一些画家就开始模仿他的画法,为了表现强烈的感情,可以不对现实作如实的反映,这种创造性的表现强烈的感情,可以不对现实作如实的反映,这种创造性的态度被称作表现主义(态度被称作表现主义(Expressionism) ,并且证明是现代绘,并且证明是现代绘画中一种历久不衰的倾向。即为了主观意识而对物体进行再塑画中一种历久不衰的倾向。即为了主观意识而对物体进行再塑造。造。 尽管高更和梵高的名字双双成为现代表现主义的先锋,成尽管高更和梵高的名字双双成为现代表现主义的先锋,成为极端个性化的艺术家的典型,但要设想他们的个人特点有多为极端个性化的艺术家的典型,但要设想他们的个人特点有多在不同则是很难的。梵高更是个攻击传统观念(在不同则是很难的。梵高更是个攻击传统观念(Against traditional idea)的人,语言刻薄()的人,语言刻薄(mean about words)、)、玩世不恭(玩世不恭(cynicism)、冷漠无情()、冷漠无情(apathy),有时蛮横无),有时蛮横无礼(礼(insolence) 。而梵高对于共事的艺术家,则充满了一种。而梵高对于共事的艺术家,则充满了一种天真的热情的深沉的爱天真的热情的深沉的爱And for the artists to work with van gogh, is full of a naive enthusiasm of the deep love. 。 Creative concepts(创作理念) Artistic sense of mission(艺术使命感艺术使命感) 梵高是一位具有真正使命感的艺术家,梵高在谈到他的创梵高是一位具有真正使命感的艺术家,梵高在谈到他的创作时,对这种感情是这样总结的:作时,对这种感情是这样总结的:“为了它,我拿自己的生命为了它,我拿自己的生命去冒险;由于它,我的理智有一半崩溃了;不过这都没关去冒险;由于它,我的理智有一半崩溃了;不过这都没关系系”. Van Gogh never gave up his faith :The art should care about realistic problems, explore how to awaken our conscience, changing the world 。 梵高从来没有放弃他的信念:艺术应当关心现实的问题,探索梵高从来没有放弃他的信念:艺术应当关心现实的问题,探索如何唤醒良知,改造世界如何唤醒良知,改造世界艺术影响艺术影响(Art effect) 当时他的作品虽很难被人接受,却对西方20世纪的绘画艺术有深远的影响。 法国的野兽主义、德国的表现主义以及20世纪初出现的抒情抽象主义等,都从他的主体在创作过程中的作用、自由抒发内心感情、意识和把握形式的相对独立价值、在油画创作中吸收和撷取东方绘画因素等方面,得到启发,形成了各自不同的绘画流派。 梵高摒弃了一切后天习得的知识,漠视学院派珍视的教条,甚至忘记自己的理性。在他的眼中,只有生机盎然的自然景观,他陶醉于其中,物我两忘。他视天地万物为不可分割的整体,他用全部身心,拥抱一切。梵高很晚才作为一位极具个性化的画家而崭露头角,距他去世时只有八年。 Posthumous fame(死后的成就)Following his first exhibitions in the late 1880s, van Goghs fame grew steadily among colleagues, art critics, dealers(商人们) and collectors(收藏家). After his death, memorial exhibitions were mounted in Brussels, Paris, The Hague and Antwerp. In the early 20th century, there were retrospectives in Paris (1901 and 1905), and Amsterdam (1905), and important group exhibitions in Cologne (1912), New York (1913) and Berlin (1914).These had a noticeable impact on later generations of artists. By the mid 20th century van Gogh was seen as one of the greatest and most recognizable painters in history. In 2007 a group of Dutch historians compiled the Canon of Dutch History to be taught in schools and included van Gogh as one of the fifty topics of the canon, alongside other national icons such as Rembrandt and De Stijl. Together with those of Pablo Picasso(巴勃罗毕加索 ), Van Goghs works are among the worlds most expensive paintings ever sold, as estimated from auctions(拍卖) and private sales. Those sold for over $100 million (todays equivalent(等价的)) include Portrait of Dr. Cachet(嘉舍医师的画像) , Portrait of Joseph Rollin and Irises(鸢尾花 ). A Wheatfield with Cypresses(麦田与松树)was sold in 1993 for $57 million, a spectacularly high price at the time, while his Self Portrait with Bandaged Ear(戴着绷带失去耳朵的自画像)was sold privately in the late 1990s for an estimated $80/$90 million.Wrap the self-portrait of the earSun flower夜间咖啡馆圣-雷米阿尔的房间夜间咖啡馆The Starry NightVincent (Starry starry night) by Don McleanStarry starry nightPaint your palette blue and greyLook out on a summers dayWith eyes that know the darkness in my soulShadows on the hillsSketch the trees and daffodilsCatch the breeze and the winter chillsIn colors on the snowy linen landNow I understand what you try to say to meAnd how you suffered for your sanityAnd how you tried to set them freeThey would not listenThey did not know howPerhaps theyll listen you nowStarry starry nightFlaming flowers that brightly blazeSwirling clouds in Violet hazeReflect in Vincents eyes of china blueColors changing hueMorning fields of amber grainWeathered faces lined in painAre Soothed beneath the artists loving handNow I understand what you try to say to meAnd how you suffered for your sanityAnd how you tried to set them freeThey would not listenThey did not know howPerhaps theyll listen you nowFor they could not love youBut still your love was trueAnd when no hope was left inside On that starry starry nightYou took your life as lovers often doBut I could have told you VincentThis world was never meant for one as beautiful as youStarry starry nightPortraits hung in empty hallsFrameless heads on nameless wallsWith eyes that watch the world and cant forgetLike the stranger that youve metThe ragged man in ragged clothThe silver thorn in a bloody roseLying crushed and broken on the virgin snowNow I think I know what you try to say to meThat how you suffered for your sanityAnd how you try to set them freeThey would not listen theyre not listening stillPerhaps they never willThank youThank youElenaElena


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