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INTRODUCTION概论:什么是“吊具” 结构和功能介绍 一种自动化的集装箱抓取设备 Bromma吊具每年约抓取1亿2仟5佰万个集装箱INTRODUCTION介绍0:0吉构吊具中间箱梁伸缩梁(x2)附件介绍上架联接点旋锁结构中间箱梁:伸缩吊具的中间箱梁 :由以下几部分组成:2 x主梁 2 x起重横梁2x上架联接靴上架联接靴主梁起重横梁结构主梁顶板-Weldox 700 (EH 130用 30mm; EH600用25mm)主梁顶板-Domex (EH 130 和 EH600用 10mm)主梁底板-Domex(EH 130和EH600用 8mm主梁侧板Domex主梁中板-Domex主梁底板-Weldox 700(EH 130和EH600用 40mm)结构结构结构结构主梁上下加强板的目的,是为了提高当吊具伸展到最大尺寸时 的承受强度。结构起梁<1加强筋板的作用一 加固起重梁 减少起重梁的应力起重梁结构板方钢一维修通道用于加强筋板的支撑结构上架碗吊具通过上架与桥吊联接上架的设计必须符合用户的规格要求所有的设计基于以下的几种通用的联接形式: 2 轴销联接二个轴销联接装置分布在中间箱梁的两端部中央应用特点最适合于小型码头的应用采用二个轴销的设计,吊具可作前后倾运动,以吊运 箱与箱空间较小的集装箱。:4轴销联接四个轴销联接装置分布在中间箱梁的四个角上上架与吊具的联接和分离较为困难:应用特点联接可靠、承重力;1旋锁联接四个旋锁联接锁槽分布在中间箱梁的四个角上上架通过四个旋锁分别锁进吊具上的锁槽完成与吊具 的联接应用特点上架与吊具的联接方便兼容性好两轴滑轮联接二个轴销联接的滑轮装置分布在中间箱梁的两端部降低上架联接吊具后的整体高度在设计时需要获得较多的起重机参数应用特点对起升净空高度非常在意的场合:例如:在RTG的使用中,为了尽可能堆高集装箱。滑轮装置结构减摩板' >减少接触而积以减 少摩擦滚轮(选件) 用于重载场合 '、例如:EH195伸缩臂导板油马达安装基座旋锁箱端梁:根据用户的要求,有二种、 形式的端梁可供选择。注意:端部的弯曲设计 是为最大限度地减少吊 具在频繁操作中所受到 的冲击。加强筋板当伸缩梁全部伸岀时,这里受到 的应力为最大。加强筋板加固伸缩梁。为了在45尺位置时能够负载50吨。端梁用于连接一对伸缩臂:端梁上包括旋锁机构,集装箱导向装置和一些液 压阀端梁有二种规格<标准规格缈梁席手学M的吊具另注规格乐魄适唾跟备固定导板的吊具端梁:标准端梁用于需要安装活动导板的吊具:主要适用于岸桥的吊具,如SSX40-45、STS45.端梁用于需要安装固定导板的吊具不考虑使用活动导板通常用于轮胎吊,如YSX40-45导板辅助吊具对准集装箱主要有五种标准规格的导板可供用户选择:标准导板的规格:_整体活动导板秽彈簧钢妙饨活多导板严翼対嚳忖倚板、7Z-可o雄萸松结构集装箱导向动导板由多块板焊接而成非常坚固:.维修费用高维修费用高主要是导板若有损坏需要整体更换弹簧钢的相舌动导板各板之间用螺栓联接卜没有整体式导板来得坚固维修费用比整体式导板便宜.n耒简审協士巳叶砧汞处通常主要用于EH5吊具(门机)欧洲市场的吊具也常选用这种导板形式可缩回的垂直导板卜配备这种导板用于操作8英尺6英寸的集装箱.4+i7rr hi 土品/壮炜、/住妆iq苗 中隹习士钻-J丿-L结构集装箱导向固定导板使用这种导板可使集装箱间的放置间隙尽可能的小卜不象活动导板,固定导板不占用端梁的空间 :.主要用于EH8和EH132轮胎吊的吊具霜准配置彗个固定导种f可根据需要配置多达6个导机械结构机机械结构机械结构伸纟统机械结构机械结构伸纟统机械结构机械结构伸纟统机械结构机械结构伸缩驱动装置由液压马达通过一个无尾链驱动吊具作伸缩 运动。机械结构伸统-机械结构机械结构roi机械结构机械结构机械结构T伸缩系统机械结构T伸缩系统链O动:链条驱动装置(侧视图)左伸缩杆连接点减振器360 oxoI 三 lllpfEii伸缩主动轮无尾链链条松紧调节器35X03X232X20ii!i右伸缩杆连接点减振器支承轴承机械结构T伸缩系统链O动减速齿轮箱机械结构T伸缩系统减速齿轮箱机械结构T伸缩系统链条理装置减速齿轮箱机械结构T伸缩系统减速齿轮箱机械结构T伸缩系统I I-I减速齿轮箱机械结构T伸缩系统减速齿轮箱机械结构T伸缩系统左伸缩杆连接在无尾链的上方,右伸缩链连接在无尾链的下方。 当伸缩驱动装置逆时针旋转时,上方的链条带动左伸缩杆向左边 移动,而下方的链条带动右伸缩杆朝右边移动。当伸缩驱动装置 顺时针旋转时,伸缩杆的移动方向刚好相反。BROMMA 申减速齿轮箱机械结构T伸缩系统减速齿轮箱机械结构T伸缩系统由液压马达提供动力, 通过减速齿轮箱驱动无尾液压马达/I链。链轮减速齿轮箱机械结构T伸缩系统伸缩杆电缆链:伸缩杆上安装了电缆链,当吊具伸缩时方便所有到端梁的油管和电缆的移动。电缆链液压油管和电缆保护电缆和油管。减速齿轮箱机械结构导板回转系统用于翻转导板位于端梁的角上Flipper Arm导板执行机构端梁机械结构”务视图机械结构机械结构机械结构机械结构特征E连接轴导板安装部位一减速齿轮箱内有带导板连接 轴的大齿轮液压马迖连接驱动小齿启 带导板连接轴的大齿轮。特征由液压马达驱动动力经减速齿轮箱传递导板的号囱范通常为150mm 輿的玩舉为矩轉知250Nm 板的聯时间,为57秒(0-180度) 如果翻转速度过快胡谨厂装新效率提高了,但对于 维修人员,会皑乗更矢的危险。机械结构旋锁机械结构旋锁机械结构机械结构特征由液压油缸驱动的机械机构着箱销上装有机械连锁块,确保只有吊具正确着箱彥集装箱上时,旋锁才可以转动。 _当着箱时,机械连锁块被顶起, 允许旋锁转动。当提箱起升时,机械连锁块随 着箱销一起退回原位以阻止旋 锁转动。着箱销旋锁 Hydraulic Damping (Impact & Noise Reduction System - INRS) Spreaders can be equipped with a hydraulic damping system Twistlocks are installed in avertically movable, single-piecetwistlock box Twistlock box is allowed to travel afixed distanee Up to 80% of the verticalshock is absorbed by the Hydraulic Damderf hydraulic damper System is equally effective during bothI DistanceSingle-piece twistlock boxlanding and hoisting processes/Twistlocks Hydraulic Damping (shock absorption) Adva ntages Allows for up to 80% reduction in vertical shocks Effective in upward and downward motions In both cases<there is no recoil Makes for a bounce-free, spreaderProvidea constant force to decelerate the loadsysjem Is simple and compact液压系统液统定义通过流体来控制机械执行机构。特征速度可调可逆性可堵转紧凑乂鑿载保护护二,0 怡点斥丿斥影响速度二流量不影口斤推力BasicFrinciples3. The piston rod extends.1. In this position ofthe directional valve.2. pump delivery is directed to the cap end of the cylinder.DIRECTIONAL VALVE4. Exhaust oil is pushed out of the rod end and directed to the tank.液压系统BasicFrinciples5. In another position, oil8. The relief valve protects the system by momentarily diverting flow to tank during reversing, and when piston is stalled or stops at end of strokemma+lycl rati I i cFowerPack液压系统T Bromma液压动力站 Hydraulic Pump Circulates hydraulic fluid through the system液压系统T Bromma液压动力站液压系统T Bromma液压动力站COMPENSATORSHAFT SEALBEARINGVALVE PLATEROTATING GROUPSWASH PLATEYoke pivots to change swash plate angle.POFTTCONNECriONSPINTLEHOUSINGDRIVE SHAFTHYDRAULICS -> Bromma Hydraulic Power PackowerPackVoinponentsHYDRAULICS -> Bromma Hydraulic Power Pack翌塑啤PwerFackQoiTiponents Hydraulic Reservoir Primary Function Con tains hydraulic fluid for the system Secondary Functions Acts as a heat exchanger by transferring waste heat through its wall*Allows air to dgeiSp and escape, while solid/ (contarrjjjaants settle to the bottomHYDRAULICS -> Bromma Hydraulic Power PackowerPackVoinponentsHYDRAULICS -> Bromma Hydraulic Power Pack翌塑啤PwerFackQoiTiponents Hydraulic Reservoir - Comp on ents Oil Level Gauge Either a sight glass or two portholes to check the upper and lower fluid limits without the use of a dipstick Breather Assembly Allows air to be filtered as hydraulic actuators are activated Filler Opening: Part of the breather assembly Filters (not shown)乂 Used to ensure 尸 contaminates enter the systemr ' rDesign totter out particles as smalLaslOum HeateTfnot shown)Can be installed in the reservoir for systems that are subject to extremely low ambient temperaturesHYDRAULICS塑回 yd rati lie卡Iti id Functions Transmit power Lubricate moving parts Seal clearances between partsHYDRAULICS塑回 yd rati lie卡Iti idyd rau I icFI u id Power Tra nsmission Fluid must flow easily through hoses and comp orients Resista nee results in power loss and inefficiency Fluid must be in compressible Ensures instantaneous action when pump starts or valve shifts Lubrication Most hydraulic comp on ents are lubricated by the hydraulic 应 Moving parts glide along a thin film of fluidFluids containing antiwear additives are crucial for long comp on ent lifeHYDRAULICS塑回 yd rati lie卡Iti idHYDRAULICS塑回 yd rati lie卡Iti idand res Sealing Fluid is often the only seal against pressure inside a hydraulic comp on ent Close mechanical fit and viscosity of oil determine leakage rate Coolingows through the hoses ir oka hydraulic system.,塑回 yd rati lie卡Iti id Viscosity Measure of fluid's resistance to flow The Compromise High viscosity In creased Frictiones才 High Resistance to Flowincrease High Tempe尸tun f 4ow visjGOSitySK fnternal leakages i Excessive wear under heavy loads Decreased pump efficiencyHYDRAULICS Pour Point Lowest temperature at which a fluid will flow Crucial for hydraulic systems that are subject to extremely low temperatures Should be 20°F (6.67 °C) lower than lowest temperature to be ewcountered、塑回 yd rati lie卡Iti id Contamination Course Particles (>15|jm): Sudden Break down of components Fine Contamination (5-15|jm): Wear and tear of components Internal leakages Control inaccuracies: Valve blockages:- Acceleration in oil ageiog广 Fine Contamination (<2-5|jm) Sludge accumulation in the oil / $ Acceleration in oil ageing Water in thte oil Corrosion” "Increase in wear and tearHYDRAULICSHydraulic+loses Types used by Bromma Single Braid Specma R1ATSAE100 R1AT Double Braid Specma Pulslife 722SAE100 R2AT SuctionJMose Specma 6Q2 Specma R1AT Application: Hydraulic systems with working pressures between 210-226 bar Suitable for low pressure hydraulic system and asa return hoseSteel wire braidExtruded synthetic, oil/ resista nt rubberOil & weather resistant rubber cover Specma Pulslife 722 Application Hydraulic systems where high dema nds are made on compressive strength, resista nee to temperature, weather and wearFor working pressu瞒恥435-47迪亂ed synthetic, zresista nt rubberOil & weather resistant rubber coverExtruded synthetic, oil resista nt rubber Specma 602 Application: For return and suction applications in a hydraulic systemReinforcement of textile braidExtruded synthetic, oil resista nt rubberOil & weather resistant rubber coverFully embedded steel spirals Types Metric (Bromma's Standard) JIC (Commonly used in Far East Ports) Combination Metric/JICStraight - P86Elbow - P87HYDRAULICSFittin g s&GotrpHngsStraight - P84Elbow - P49HYDRAULICS Coupling DescriptionHydraulic+loses Hose Description Hose Type Hose Length KL Coupling 1 Coupling 2疔Example: R1AT-Q6 /KL 2770 / P86 / P87HYDRAULICSDi rectionaWa I ves Electrical impulses energize coils which are used to operate valves to direct the flow of hydraulic fluid Numerous types available for various applications | General variants Two Position ValveTwo Position ValveThree Position Valve Three Position Valve Two Position Valve Has only one coil Valve has two positions Neutral En ergized Two Position Valve 一 ExampleABTp1TNeutral PositionHYDRAULICSDirectionalA/alves Two Position Valve 一 ExampleABJLTPnTEnergized Position Three Position Valve Has two coils Valve has three positions Neutral Left Coil Energized Right Coil EnergizedDirectionalA/alves Three Position Valve 一 ExampleABJLTpTNeutral PositionHYDRAULICS Three Position Valve 一 ExampleLeft Coil EnergizedDirectionalA/alves Three Position Valve 一 ExampleABJLTPnTRight Coil Energized Remarks Neutral position of solenoid can vary depending on application Solenoids are rated by amperage and voltage Solenoids can be used forXFinite positioningChange of flow direction is immediate v Infinite positioning Change of flow direction is gradual Used for 'slow start/stop' telescopic motionHYDRAULICSReliefSIves Vital comp on ent in all hydraulic systems Limits pressure in the system to a preset maximum by diverting fluid to the tank when the pressure setting is reached Relieves back pressure resulting from mechanical activatiorohydraulic components Manually rnovinthClipper arms Manuallyjoving thejelescopic beamsBack pressure can damage hydraulic components if it is not relievedHYDRAULICSReliefSIvesHYDRAULICSReliefSIves Examg1. Spring holds piston seated心 occ o»<jUy4. and can beadjustedINLET(FROM PUMP)1 Spring tension determines setting.2. When pressure here is less than valve setting, valve remains closed.5. When valve setting is reached, pump flow is directed to tank.HYDRAULICSReliefSIvesOUTOperating below preset pressureOperating at preset pressureHYDRAULICS T Hydraulic Actuators1 ydrau licTkctuators Purpose used to convert hydraulic energy to kinetic energy Hydraulic Actuators used on spreaders ydraulicHVIotor Properties Reversible operation Speed dependent on input flow Telescopic system汗ixed displacement piston motor /<rFli Ppa Gerotor mdtorHYDRAULICS T Hydraulic Actuatorsyd ra ul icHVIotorVALVE PLATECYLINDER BLOCK SUBASSEMBLYPISTON AND SHOE SUBASSEMBLYPORT CONNECTIONSSHOE RETAINER PLATESHAFT SEALDRIVE SHAFTBEARINGHOUSINGThese parts rotat &Swash plate is stationary.HYDRAULICS T Hydraulic Actuatorsyd ra ul icHVIotorHYDRAULICS T Hydraulic Actuatorsyd ra ul icHVIotor Fixed(5. As the pision passes the inlet, it begins to return into its bore because of th© swash plate angle. Exhaust fluid id pushed into the outlet port.4. The pistons, shoo plate, and cylinder block rotate together. The drive shaft is splined to the cylinder block.OUTLET PORTINLET PORTSHOE RETAINER PLATE3. The piston thrust is transmitted to the angled swash plate causing rotation.久 Oil under pressure at inlet.2. exerts a force on pistons, forcing them out of the cylinder block.DRIVE SHAFTHYDRAULICS T Hydraulic Actuatorsyd ra ul icHVIotorHYDRAULICS T Hydraulic Actuatorsyd ra ul icHVIotorSTATIONARY RING GEAR (STATOR)ECCENTRIC(ROTOR)ARM Gerotor MeterHYDRAULICS T Hydraulic ActuatorsHyd rau I icCyl i n derROD END HEADCUSHION COLLARROD END PORTN SEALSROD BEARINGEND HEADEND PORTTIE RODPISTON RODROD SEALPISTONROD WIPERCUSHION PLUNGERSWIC SEALBODYOPTIONAL AIR VENTS (FOR BLEEDING AIR FROM CYLINDER) HvQraulic 创1呃型MfUT m IMU-25CYl: CA-65B5-250/8235I23I24品)g-* *f xf-KARTtLE No. 39856SIGN.OATESEXRAL ASSY17660UMM. Z.6564-71SPREADW TYPESTS 45OCSIGNEDsc2WM6-09PLOT DATE®SotTOGHOLFHYDRAULIC DIAGRAM ZPMC/ NINGBO IVSCALEREVISIONDRAWING NUMBER39856務田号:SET01A芒T :®盍慮瓷s<柔琵蛊龛赭9曙竇辔8ffl課# 李虽蛊 譚“器<请妥 艮聲一 zhos'ach Msr-.lm也 g _.1 JJ1 穴二匕蓉主畫。 VR-3缰罡Mf目J 69® JBd 9S區I


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