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Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks.蔼乱腑加肥袼. Analysis of the Teaching Material蔼乱腑加肥袼1. Status and Function蔼乱腑加肥袼In this unit, students learn to express what kind of volunteer work they would like to do. And they will know much about the volunteers and volunteer work. And they will learn to choose a volunteer job based on their own skills. Students will understand to do some volunteer work is good for both themselves and the others. All the students will be interested in the volunteers and volunteer work and they will make great progress in English after learning this unit.蔼乱腑加肥袼(1) The first period mainly provides some new vocabulary to the students, especially some phrasal verbs. Most new vocabulary and phrasal verbs are very useful on helping the children express what they would like to do and what they could do. And the first period gives the children lots of practice in writing, listening and speaking with the target language.蔼乱腑加肥袼(2)The activities in the second period provide the students much more listening practice and oral practice using the target language. And the students will get chances to practice the phrasal verbs by listening and speaking. All these will help蔼乱腑加肥袼much in improving the students English.蔼乱腑加肥袼(3) In the third period, students will read an article on volunteers. They will practice getting detailed information from an article. And they will do some writing and oral practice as well. Students can improve their reading skill and know more about the volunteers.蔼乱腑加肥袼(4) The fourth period provides much practice on understanding and using the new phrasal verbs. It also gives much more listening and speaking practice. Students will enjoy the story of Jimmy and make much progress in listening.蔼乱腑加肥袼(5) The fifth period will train the students how to make notes based on an article. It also provides some practice on phrasal verbs. Students can do much speaking practice through groupwork as well.蔼乱腑加肥袼(6)The sixth period is designed to train the students writing skill. It also provides some more practice on using the new phrasal verbs.蔼乱腑加肥袼2. Teaching Aims and Demands蔼乱腑加肥袼(1) Knowledge Objects蔼乱腑加肥袼In this unit, students learn to express the volunteer work they would like to do and give suggestions to the others. They will also learn some new phrasal verbs.蔼乱腑加肥袼(2) Ability Objects蔼乱腑加肥袼To train the students to use the phrasal verbs, and to train the students listening, speaking and writing skills using the target language.蔼乱腑加肥袼(3) Moral Object蔼乱腑加肥袼Being a volunteer is great!蔼乱腑加肥袼3. Teaching Key Points蔼乱腑加肥袼To help students learn and grasp the phrasal verbs and the target language.蔼乱腑加肥袼To let students know something about the volunteer work.蔼乱腑加肥袼4. Teaching Difficult Points蔼乱腑加肥袼To train students listening, speaking, reading and writing skills with the target language.蔼乱腑加肥袼To train the students to use the phrasal verbs.蔼乱腑加肥袼5. Studying Way蔼乱腑加肥袼Get students to be interested in volunteer work and do something really on it.蔼乱腑加肥袼. Language Function蔼乱腑加肥袼Offer help蔼乱腑加肥袼. Target Language蔼乱腑加肥袼 1. Id like to work outside.蔼乱腑加肥袼 2. Ill help clean up the city parks.蔼乱腑加肥袼 3. You could give out food at a food bank.蔼乱腑加肥袼. Structure蔼乱腑加肥袼 Phrasal verbs蔼乱腑加肥袼. Vocabulary蔼乱腑加肥袼put off, hand out, call up, give away, run out of, clean up, set up, take after, fix up, cheer up, give out hunger, sign, repair.蔼乱腑加肥袼. Recycling蔼乱腑加肥袼come up with, put up, think up hospital, park, bank, food, lunch, bike, money, outside, volunteer, advertisement蔼乱腑加肥袼. Learning Strategies蔼乱腑加肥袼 Sequencing蔼乱腑加肥袼 Deducing蔼乱腑加肥袼. Teaching Time蔼乱腑加肥袼 Seven periods蔼乱腑加肥袼蔼乱腑加肥袼The First Period蔼乱腑加肥袼. Teaching Aims and Demands蔼乱腑加肥袼1. Knowledge Objects蔼乱腑加肥袼(1) Key Vocabulary蔼乱腑加肥袼clean up, hunger, homeless, cheer up, give out, volunteer, food, bank 蔼乱腑加肥袼(2) Target Language蔼乱腑加肥袼Id like to work outside.蔼乱腑加肥袼You could give out food at a food bank.蔼乱腑加肥袼2. Ability Objects蔼乱腑加肥袼 (1) Train the students to express offering to help with the target language.蔼乱腑加肥袼 (2) Train the students listening skill.蔼乱腑加肥袼3. Moral Object蔼乱腑加肥袼 Offer help to the others as much as possible.蔼乱腑加肥袼. Teaching Key Points蔼乱腑加肥袼1. Key Vocabulary蔼乱腑加肥袼 clean up, hunger, homeless, cheer up, give up蔼乱腑加肥袼2. Target Language蔼乱腑加肥袼 How to express offering to help with target language.蔼乱腑加肥袼. Teaching Difficult Points蔼乱腑加肥袼1. Teach the students how to use the new phrasal verbs.蔼乱腑加肥袼2. Teach the students to express offering to help with target language.蔼乱腑加肥袼. Teaching Methods蔼乱腑加肥袼1. Teaching by giving sample sentences and making up sentences.蔼乱腑加肥袼2. Teaching by showing pictures.蔼乱腑加肥袼. Teaching Aids蔼乱腑加肥袼1. A tape recorder蔼乱腑加肥袼2. Some pictures on volunteers offering help蔼乱腑加肥袼. Teaching Procedures蔼乱腑加肥袼Step Revision蔼乱腑加肥袼1. Revise the language points in Unit 7.蔼乱腑加肥袼Ask some questions like this: Where would you like to go on vacation? (Id like to/Id love to/l hope to )Why?蔼乱腑加肥袼(Because)蔼乱腑加肥袼2. Revise the contents in Unit 7. Say to the class like this:蔼乱腑加肥袼What things Who can say something about Singapore?蔼乱腑加肥袼 do you like there and what things dont you like about it?蔼乱腑加肥袼Ask them to give the answers without looking at the books.蔼乱腑加肥袼3. Check homework by asking some students to read their sentences theyve made with the verbs. Let them hand in their homework.蔼乱腑加肥袼4. Dictate ten words in Unit 7.蔼乱腑加肥袼Step la蔼乱腑加肥袼This activity introduces the key vocabulary and provides some writing practice.蔼乱腑加肥袼In this unit we learn to offer to help.蔼乱腑加肥袼Well use some phrasal verbs. Each phrasal verbs has two or three words, such as clean up, cheer up, give out.蔼乱腑加肥袼Here is an example on how to use clean up. Look at the title of Unit 8. Ill help clean up the city parks. Repeat it twice, please.蔼乱腑加肥袼Ask the children to read the title twice.蔼乱腑加肥袼Then go on saying, clean up means make a place clean and tidy, put things there in order. Lets see another example, We should always clean up after a picnic.蔼乱腑加肥袼Who can explain this sentence in your own, words?蔼乱腑加肥袼Ask one student to explain the sentence.蔼乱腑加肥袼He or she may say like this. This sentences means we should burn wastepaper, collect litter and empty bottles, etc.蔼乱腑加肥袼Then say to the class. Who can make more sentences with clean up?蔼乱腑加肥袼Ask several students to share their sentences to the class.蔼乱腑加肥袼Do the same with the other phrasal verbs.蔼乱腑加肥袼Some sample sentences蔼乱腑加肥袼1. clean upmake a place clean and tidy, put things in order蔼乱腑加肥袼We should always clean up the dirty parts of the sea.蔼乱腑加肥袼2. cheer upmake someone feel happy蔼乱腑加肥袼The good news cheers everyone up.蔼乱腑加肥袼3. give outhand out, distribute蔼乱腑加肥袼Lin Tao helped the teacher give out the new textbooks to the class.蔼乱腑加肥袼Read the instructions to the students.蔼乱腑加肥袼Please look at the picture now. We can see a bulletin board and two children in it. What is the bulletin board about? 蔼乱腑加肥袼Help students to answer: Volunteer Today!蔼乱腑加肥袼Then continue saying, Who can tell me the meaning of volunteer?蔼乱腑加肥袼Ask one student to try to explain it. Then tell them the meaning of it. Volunteer means a person who offers to do something unpleasant or dangerous. It means a person who offers to help the others sometimes. Volunteer is used as a verb in this lesson.蔼乱腑加肥袼Draw the students attention to the three posters on the board.蔼乱腑加肥袼We can see one sentence in each poster.蔼乱腑加肥袼And we can see some people in each poster, too. What are the volunteers doing in each poster? Please work in pairs and talk about the posters.蔼乱腑加肥袼Give the students a few minutes to talk about what they will say. Let them talk about all the three items. Move around and help the pairs as needed.蔼乱腑加肥袼Then read the sentences in the posters to the class. Ask the pairs of students to explain what the sentence means in their own words. Or tell what the volunteers are doing in the posters.蔼乱腑加肥袼For example, for the first poster, a pair might say:蔼乱腑加肥袼It means there is trash in the park. There are papers on the ground. We can help clean up the park by picking up papers and trash. We can make the park clean.蔼乱腑加肥袼After the students have finished all the items, ask the students to add some other ways they can help people. Get them to write the ways down in the box below the picture.蔼乱腑加肥袼At last, ask some students to share their ideas with the class. Write any new words or phrases on the board and explain these words to the class, if necessary.蔼乱腑加肥袼Some sample answers:蔼乱腑加肥袼Visit some single elderly people and help them with housework.蔼乱腑加肥袼Help clean up the neighbourhood.蔼乱腑加肥袼Cheer up the people who look sad.蔼乱腑加肥袼Help the teacher give out the papers to the students.蔼乱腑加肥袼Save money to help the poorer children.蔼乱腑加肥袼Step 1b蔼乱腑加肥袼This activity gives students practice in understanding the target language in spoken conversation.蔼乱腑加肥袼Call the students attention to the two lists in the box in Activity lb. Ask some students to read the eight sentences on the lists to the class. Explain any new words and phrases in it.蔼乱腑加肥袼Make sure that all the students can understand the meanings of the eight items.蔼乱腑加肥袼Then get the children to read the instructions together.蔼乱腑加肥袼Say, we will hear four conversations.蔼乱腑加肥袼Your task is to match the items in the two lists. We can see the blanks in front of the first line of each conversation. Listen to the conversations and write the letter in front of the first line of each conversation. Put the letters of the second line of conversations in right places.蔼乱腑加肥袼Point out the sample answer to the class.蔼乱腑加肥袼Play the recording the first time. Tell the students to only listen.蔼乱腑加肥袼Then play the recording a second time.蔼乱腑加肥袼Tell them to write a letter in front of each numbered sentence this time.蔼乱腑加肥袼Check the answers.蔼乱腑加肥袼Answers蔼乱腑加肥袼1. c 2. a 3. d 4. b蔼乱腑加肥袼Tapescript蔼乱腑加肥袼Conversation 1蔼乱腑加肥袼Boy 1: Id like to work outside.蔼乱腑加肥袼Girl 1:You could help clean up the city parks.蔼乱腑加肥袼Conversation 2蔼乱腑加肥袼Boy 2:Id like to help homeless people.蔼乱腑加肥袼Girl 1:You could give out food at the food bank.蔼乱腑加肥袼Conversation 3蔼乱腑加肥袼Girl 2:Id like to cheer up sick kids.蔼乱腑加肥袼Girl 1: You could visit them in the hospital.蔼乱腑加肥袼Conversation 4蔼乱腑加肥袼Girl 1:Id like to help kids with their schoolwork.蔼乱腑加肥袼Girl 2:You could volunteer in an after-school study program.蔼乱腑加肥袼Optional activity蔼乱腑加肥袼Ask the students to choose a volunteer job they might like to do and draw a picture of it. They can draw a picture like the posters in the textbook. They can also add a sentence describing the job. They may do this in several groups. After theyve finished, display the pictures on a bulletin board and discuss these pictures with the class.蔼乱腑加肥袼Step 1c蔼乱腑加肥袼This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.蔼乱腑加肥袼Read the instructions with the class.蔼乱腑加肥袼Call their attention to the example in the speech bubbles in Activity la. Ask a pair of students to read this conversation to a class. Then let them practice in pairs.蔼乱腑加肥袼Note their pronunciation of like to in phrases such as, Id like to help hungry people. Tell them English speakers usually pronounce the words like to as if they were spelled like-tuh.蔼乱腑加肥袼Play the Id like to statements on the recording to demonstrate this pronunciation.蔼乱腑加肥袼After theyve finished practicing the sample conversation, ask them to make up similar conversations based on the other two posters. Get two pairs to demonstrate two conversations first. They may say like this:蔼乱腑加肥袼SA: Id like to cheer up sick kids.蔼乱腑加肥袼SB: You could visit sick children in the hospital.蔼乱腑加肥袼SA: Id like to help homeless people.蔼乱腑加肥袼SB: You could give out food at a food bank.蔼乱腑加肥袼Then let the whole class practice in pairs.蔼乱腑加肥袼After that, play the recording of activity 1b and let the children read after it twice.蔼乱腑加肥袼Then ask them to practice similar conversations using the information in Activity 1b.蔼乱腑加肥袼Step Summary蔼乱腑加肥袼Say, In this class, weve learned how to express offering help. And weve learned several phrasal verbs. At last, we did some oral practice using target language.蔼乱腑加肥袼蔼乱腑加肥袼Step Homework蔼乱腑加肥袼1. Make up one sentence with each of the following phrasal verbs:蔼乱腑加肥袼clean up, cheer up, give out蔼乱腑加肥袼2. Write out three conversations of activity 1c.蔼乱腑加肥袼蔼乱腑加肥袼Step Blackboard Design蔼乱腑加肥袼蔼乱腑加肥袼Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks,蔼乱腑加肥袼Section A蔼乱腑加肥袼The First Period蔼乱腑加肥袼Phrasal verbs:蔼乱腑加肥袼1. clean upmake a place clean and tidy, put things in order蔼乱腑加肥袼We should always clean up the dirty parts of the sea.蔼乱腑加肥袼2. cheer upmake someone feel happy蔼乱腑加肥袼The good news cheers everyone up.蔼乱腑加肥袼3. give outhand out, distribute蔼乱腑加肥袼Lin Tao helped the teacher give out the new textbooks to the class.蔼乱腑加肥袼The Second Period蔼乱腑加肥袼. Teaching Aims and Demands蔼乱腑加肥袼Knowledge Objects蔼乱腑加肥袼(1) Key Vocabulary蔼乱腑加肥袼clean-up, sign, put off, set up, establish, come up with蔼乱腑加肥袼(2) Target Language蔼乱腑加肥袼Ill help clean up the city parks.蔼乱腑加肥袼2. Ability Objects蔼乱腑加肥袼(1) Train the students listening skill.蔼乱腑加肥袼(2) Train the students communicative competence using the target language.蔼乱腑加肥袼(3) Train the students to use the new phrasal verbs: cheer up, set up, come up with, put off/蔼乱腑加肥袼3. Moral Object蔼乱腑加肥袼Plan a City Parks Clean-up Day with your good friends and come up with some ideas to tell people about it.蔼乱腑加肥袼. Teaching Key Points蔼乱腑加肥袼1. Listening practice with target language.蔼乱腑加肥袼2. Make communications with target language.蔼乱腑加肥袼3. How to use the phrasal verbs.蔼乱腑加肥袼. Teaching Difficult Points蔼乱腑加肥袼1. Make communications with target language.蔼乱腑加肥袼2. Use the phrasal verbs.蔼乱腑加肥袼. Teaching Methods蔼乱腑加肥袼1. Listening蔼乱腑加肥袼2. Pairwork蔼乱腑加肥袼3. Role play the conversation蔼乱腑加肥袼. Teaching Aids蔼乱腑加肥袼A tape recorder蔼乱腑加肥袼. Teaching Procedures蔼乱腑加肥袼Step Revision蔼乱腑加肥袼1. Revise the knowledge points on Page 60. Ask several students to tell some ways they could help people with books closed.蔼乱腑加肥袼2. Check homework by asking several pairs to read their conversations which they wrote down.蔼乱腑加肥袼3. Check homework by asking some students to read their sentences with the phrasal verbs. Let them hand in their homework.蔼乱腑加肥袼Step 2a蔼乱腑加肥袼This activity provides listening practice using the target language.蔼乱腑加肥袼We can see five pictures in Activity 2a.蔼乱腑加肥袼What can you see in each picture?蔼乱腑加肥袼Ask five different students to describe the pictures. They may say like this:蔼乱腑加肥袼Picture 1: We can see a TV screen in Picture 1.蔼乱腑加肥袼Picture 2: There is a girt putting a sign on the board.蔼乱腑加肥袼Picture 3: A boy is making a call.蔼乱腑加肥袼Picture 4: We can see a copy of newspaper with the advertisement.蔼乱腑加肥袼Picture 5: A boy is giving out advertisements to people.蔼乱腑加肥袼After that, ask a student to read the words on the TV screen, on the sign and in the newspaper.蔼乱腑加肥袼Well hear some students at a club meeting. They are talking about how their club can help clean up the city parks.蔼乱腑加肥袼Ask the class to read the instructions together. Tell them to note the box of each picture, they will have to tick in the boxes of the items they hear on the recording.蔼乱腑加肥袼Now listen to the club members talking about what they can do to clean up the city parks and tick in the right small boxes.蔼乱腑加肥袼Play the recording the first time.蔼乱腑加肥袼Students only listen.蔼乱腑加肥袼Play the recording again. Ask students to check the things they hear.蔼乱腑加肥袼Check the answers.蔼乱腑加肥袼Answers蔼乱腑加肥袼The following pictures should be checked: b c c蔼乱腑加肥袼Tapescript蔼乱腑加肥袼Boy 1: OK. Now we need to come up with a plan to tell people about the city park clean-up.蔼乱腑加肥袼Girl 1: Yeah, but Im hungry, Bob. lets have lunch first.蔼乱腑加肥袼Girl 2: No, we cant put off making a plan. Clean-up Day is only two weeks from now.蔼乱腑加肥袼Boy 2: Youre right. Sally, while we talk, Ill write down all our ideas. Then we can decide which ideas are best.蔼乱腑加肥袼Girl 1: Um Well we could put up signs.蔼乱腑加肥袼Boy 2: Thats a good idea!蔼乱腑加肥袼Girl 2: I11 hand out advertisements after school.蔼乱腑加肥袼Boy 1: OK. Great! And we could each call up ten people and ask them to come.蔼乱腑加肥袼Boy 2: Hey, weve coming up with a lot of good ideas, arent we?蔼乱腑加肥袼Step 2b蔼乱腑加肥袼This activity provides listening and writing practice using the target language.蔼乱腑加肥袼Read the instructions with the class. And let them have a look at the sentences.蔼乱腑加肥袼Read the first sentence to the students.蔼乱腑加肥袼Tell them it is a sample answer.蔼乱腑加肥袼Say, We will hear the same recording again. This time listen carefully to what the students say and fill in the blanks in the sentences.蔼乱腑加肥袼Play the tape again and the students write out the answers.蔼乱腑加肥袼Check the answers.蔼乱腑加肥袼Answers蔼乱腑加肥袼1. come up with蔼乱腑加肥袼2. put off蔼乱腑加肥袼3. write down蔼乱腑加肥袼4. put up蔼乱腑加肥袼5. hand out蔼乱腑加肥袼6. call up蔼乱腑加肥袼蔼乱腑加肥袼Step 2c蔼乱腑加肥袼This activity provides guided oral practice using the target language.蔼乱腑加肥袼Ask students to look at the sample conversation first. Ask a pair to read it to the class.蔼乱腑加肥袼Ask the class to read the instructions together.蔼乱腑加肥袼Say. Youll work in pairs to role play the conversation in Activity 2b.蔼乱腑加肥袼Each pair will make a conversation like the sample one. You can use the sentences in Activity 2b as a guide.蔼乱腑加肥袼Ask the students to work in pairs. More around the classroom, checking the progress of the pairs and offering help as needed.蔼乱腑加肥袼Ask one or two pairs to say their conversations to the class.蔼乱腑加肥袼蔼乱腑加肥袼Step Grammar Focus蔼乱腑加肥袼This activity introduces several phrasal verbs.蔼乱腑加肥袼Say, Do you remember the meaning of cheer up? Who can tell us?蔼乱腑加肥袼Ask a student to explain the phrasal verb cheer up like this:蔼乱腑加肥袼Cheer up means make someone happy.蔼乱腑加肥袼Then get students to make up some sentences with it.蔼乱腑加肥袼Say, Lets learn some more phrasal verbs today. Please open your books at page 61. Look at the content in Grammar Focus and try to tell me the meanings of set up and come up with.蔼乱腑加肥袼Ask two children to tell their meanings like this:蔼乱腑加肥袼Set up means establish or start.蔼乱腑加肥袼Come up with means think up.蔼乱腑加肥袼Then get students to read the sample sentences in the grammar box.蔼乱腑加肥袼Write the phrasal verbs and the sentences on the blackboard.蔼乱腑加肥袼Get students to make more sentences with these phrasal verbs to get a further understanding.蔼乱腑加肥袼蔼乱腑加肥袼Step Summary蔼乱腑加肥袼Say, In this class, weve done some listening and writing practice with target language. We also did some oral practice in pairs. And weve discussed some phrasal verbs as well.蔼乱腑加肥袼蔼乱腑加肥袼Step Homework蔼乱腑加肥袼1. Write two conversations like the sample in Activity 2c.蔼乱腑加肥袼2. Make up one sentence with each of the following phrasal verbs: set up, come up with, put off, hand out, call up蔼乱腑加肥袼蔼乱腑加肥袼Step Blackboard Design蔼乱腑加肥袼蔼乱腑加肥袼Unit 8 Ill help clean up the city parks.蔼乱腑加肥袼Section A蔼乱腑加肥袼The Second Period蔼乱腑加肥袼Phrasal verb:蔼乱腑加肥袼cheer up He looks sad. Lets cheer him up.蔼乱腑加肥袼set up We are going to set up a food蔼乱腑加肥袼bank to help angry people.蔼乱腑加肥袼come up with We need to come up with some ideas.蔼乱腑加肥袼The Third Period蔼乱腑加肥袼. Teaching Aims and Demands蔼乱腑加肥袼1. Knowledge Objects蔼乱腑加肥袼(1) Key Vocabulary蔼乱腑加肥袼major, commitment, veterinarian, coach蔼乱腑加肥袼(2) Target Language蔼乱腑加肥袼Id like to join the school volunteer project.蔼乱腑加肥袼You could help coach a football team for little kids.蔼乱腑加肥袼2. Ability Objects蔼乱腑加肥袼 Train st


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