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国家开放大学试题国家开放大学电大本科人文英语4期末试题及答案试卷号:13902022盗传必究一交际用18 (共计I。分.每小H 2分)1- 5 U:阅读下面的小对话,选择恰当的答语,并将正衲答案选IB填写在答18蛾上.L Thnnk for your tipA# Not thiinkMeH II*% my pleanure Yeah no plans yet.Letf s Mer something npeciaLC Thm a good idea.3. Where have you been thene days?A. Yn 1 haveB. Actuallyi I have moved to the country.C You arc wanted on the telephone1. Molly, look ot thisA. 1*hai would he Kreat】R No problem.C. It is obvious5.P vr got a bad cold today.A. It venous.B. 1 hank you for telling me.C. ()h dear! 1 hope you get better ewon.二、词汇与始构(共计部分每小喉2分)6-2()勉溷读下面的句孑,从A、B.C三个选项中逸出-个能堵入空白处的佳选项并将正 确答案选项填写在答网纸上。国家开放大学试题6. |)l(l you notice the guyA. whohrad looked like big P*uinu7Il which国家开放大学试题国家开放大学试题C. whomthe W.v of Indepndrnrrt thr fmtrd Static wm mi Eiuthih cokmy.A BeforeC In& No rnnitrr the link 心er manAgrtl io round the sherp up umi lnvr themA. H wan snowingK hrd H wnnwinitC. how hard it wn% Rnawingto hr quite IwaiitlfuLA. Millft told1()9 Although hr did not know London wr|h he mnA in the lineH an the lineC. on the line ol15. The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanketthe desert.A coveredC. to cover国家开放大学试题1们 Therein lot* of fruitI was i/ikt?n good rare of in thnfihe tree. Our liulr cat * also hi the g.A. in: on17 I he lilm brought the hourR bnrk to rnc rrmntc village.国家开放大学试题国家开放大学试题A- whenH. whereihnl thr northerners have a pwrticuhr likmR for dumplings while theoiifhrrnrr urc fond of nce commonBe IoiaI KcncrnlNL would be mudyh增 at the hmvrrify now II hrthr rnirAncerxArninatiofuA. pAARrdK huvr |ambed20. Hr ha ot n rcmnrknlilrfrom hit injury*A. rrmarkIt rcroveryC rest三.阅读理解共计40分.每小It 4分,21-25:阅读下列短文.从A.B、C三个选项中选出一个正确答案,并将正确答案选项填写 在答H蛾上。People Ray that money cannot buy happiness This was inw for Howard Hnghr*. He was one qf the richest and most powerful rnen of his time. He ha But hr did have love or frirndnhip because hr couldn* t buy them. AU his life he used hi、money to rontrul everything nnd everyone around him. In the cnd he lost control of everything! even himself.Hownrd Hughes whn lxrn in 1905 in Houston. fcxas father Htarted the Hiighrs Tool Company. Kc wa a workaholic 工作狂and maHr n lot ol money. He bouRht everything he wanted He even gave money to schools so I loward could get into thuni. From hift fathrr Howard k*mrd tu be a successful hut merciless businessman. HugheS mother Allenr alw had a big influence an hi life. Howard wa her only child. She protected him and gave him everything. Unforrunatcly Allenr had mental problems- She was afraid of germ nnd disease!u She ws obsessed with Hownrd health* and hr became obstMui with it too.Allene died when Howard was 16 years old. Two ycar Fool %otnp*ny 1 hrn hrEllu Ricts Hf and 卜moved to 1xAngels. Ci|iomh It was there that Howard Hughe* began to hrcom Hr bccurne uRrwcd with pawrr And control When he couldn#i getkgnlly. hr vr nionry 【olnirinnn andbuMlneMtncn o they wnult! help hhn. lit owned lol c4 buniiirzE, inciuding Rirplnnr EEpmnz, 4 mavir mndic那I J| 厂,Lm VrRn* hoirlw. uoid find silver ruinw. d rndtci imd televiiun tmiuniu ncv he bought n celevitnon Mtudio no he could watch movies all nights He A ho bought A hotel becuunr hr wanted to nuy in hi fnvurHc r2 L AccordinR to the mnsagr f I low ord Hughes wun nol A. good* look muFL weAhhyC friendly22. Which of the following about Hughes/ father is NOT TRUE?A. He AtAricd the Hughes Tool Company.K He drank alcohol a loLC He worked hard23. Howard Hughes* parents died.A. when hr was 16 years oldH before he was 19 years oldC after he got married24. The word objicsscd tn Paragraph 2 probably means.A. troubledB. reducedC related25. From the pa$5agrf we learn what Mr. Hughes hrked in his life was.A. education氏 loveC. money26-30 :清根据短文内容判断给出的唐句是否正确,正确的写T 错误的写F,井将正确 答案选项堵写在答【纸上All eommuniration begins with the sender and enth with the receiver. The srndrr iv responsible for successful conveyance- The sender f w personaliTy t beliefs* cultural and educAtional background all influence the message and it js important for the sender to be iiware of this an he or nhe is encoding the message. Simply put. encoding translating information into symbols that represent the ideas or concepth of the tneagc that needs sending. Thef?c国家开放大学试题Mymboh are unuilly word, in written or spoken iorm. To ennure 岫Ml communication. thhou,d know Euch about bin or her audience the receiver - M poniilble in to Iocur and sup|xrt the rncacling proccIn addition to thit AWnmeM of ndf and encodings the lender muit choose the proper c,Mnnr, lor COhVey,n lhc nicAMige. Uhing fhr wrong chjinnrl may result in niiRconnnunirntion. Like thr *rndrr. rrccivtrji are influenced by intrrnnl Mm、their personality* their recrepuvity to the message or thetr relationship to the sender- Additionally their current feelings, mood, or state of mind can affect a message. Once the messRgc moves through the channeh the receiver then decodes iu The receiver uses has or her own experience and the context of the message to interpret itM meaning.Feedback ts the return message from the receiver to the sender. It is feedback tlwt enables the render to know whether the message was received successfully or not Therefore it i。essential to the communication process.This process* though very common fraught with potential breakdown al every turn. Spoken or written Innguagc is inherently easy to misinterpret. In conclusion etfective and successful Communication ukw place when the message is luccessfwlly received and the receiver provider the render with deairable feedback.26. The senders gender dho influences the message.27. Encoding is a process that translating information into symbols which serve at the ide&B or concepts of the mcdMgc thm will be rnf Inter.28. These symbols are usually words and sentences in written form.29. Channel i not crucial for conveying the mrssage3U Feedbacks enable the sender to know whether rhe receiver has received the message successfully or not 四、厨作共计20分31.根据要求完成作文,以The Importance of Effective ComTnunicAtiont 有效交tfi的ti 胃性为题写一筒短文 字教不少于120试题答案及评分标准:一.女际阳俱rttt m分.向小U分hB1 5 :阅俄下面的小对.逸拇恰*的答并料正毓答sttinmw存答ntni.2. A二H|汇与馆网共计3U分点小H 2分国家开放大学试题6下面的句子.从.Jk三个逃璃中谊出一个能境入空白处的佳选项,并符正确答宴遗项填号在苔H岐上。0.7. C9.AIOCILA12. C13. Ai h hir.A17 A18-C2i. n三、阅读理仲共计m分,每小IB I分 %楚:阅读下列短文.从AJU三个堆项中选出一个正答案.并将正答*选项填写 在答88雄上.Z1.C22. B23. H24. AZ5.HX- 3题:谓根据妁文内容判断给出的语句是否正确,正的写I 错谟的与F,并将正靖 答寰迭项填写在答短纸上。2虫 F27. T2M.F2亿 F30. T31. Communication at work occupy a very important initiative, no communication, no results.Ask to say, the initiative eager to excel, even if the error does not matter. Never step faster than others, the growth will be faster. If we create our own world, we should pay attention to this point. It can be said that contacts and exchanges between the enthusiasm is a magic weapon for success,it is no longer a personal hero of the times, the need to unite forces can win. As the companys slogan: intelligent release, is the accumulation of wealth. How smart released, without unity, disunity is not the acquisition of wealth. From top to bottom integration, communication accessibility,reach goals faster 10 times no doubt. Such individuals, as a result of large companies more so.四,写作共计2。分3lMIN9求完戒作文I.计分厚删仲为2o分血:mw分2计分时.九根ttC文n的-和讷占粉少娴定儿听次.用U彳以次的虾Ri彼.稀定或筮件次崎绐分.顷评分时战h ct的.内为t内祚点.句解变化.wfl hiwi/hamw的men.仍t的连贸性jb辑h n的我求(uif分时.如拼匕in wuy w e以金畛响it彳南分性降低一个n次2.务V次的治分最削和火求10 2D 分充全完成rusii您建的任,并, fflSWW内宕强Rh讷诙m构.句*禅Mtr寄变化; ift旺靖构M用坷部琉6 讷义途tn.逮耕性强,。作 IKKfltdL分约好雄完成r试地舰定的任务3句型和啊上可变化8由法饴构fUMIff:笔作橄确.帅许精01 1笠时由点试使川较&柴心比 结构成的工所致8沿义某木连9L 一定的谒聊fh。作格式较为焜旭.6分成r试蹲舰定的任若,K&所有内、点8m注恂种同运川方血的磁力。满足竹务的求, /I火。构成诃H 川的橘皆质,tfl ffttAOti 加mm 土卡1牌, V作IRK基木Mt借.37分小力粗不星以应或规定的任务1仪贯盏僧分kWWtt.或一此无穴内,HttttAm in wimmffi h am 伸01ft 5 W或id fl 伽的响r4舄作内W的理IW i ift z下连的.里掘性阂何,作恰式不X危,1-2分米呢戒反IHIMt定的任务1句F不处魂成无州解8册族M构成Mil h而tAiilH*l内H的押辨1 ifl h岫川lit 力新讷义不洒隧尤涅帆,。件格式不现他.(分木朴四,成,TEUW人,却叫.,.


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