广州版英语三上Unit 8 Pleae Lend Me Your Rulerppt课件

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广州版英语三上Unit 8 Pleae Lend Me Your Rulerppt课件_第1页
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广州版英语三上Unit 8 Pleae Lend Me Your Rulerppt课件_第3页
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Miss ChingUnit7 Wheres My PencilModule 3 stationeryWheres my pencil?Ben: Mum, wheres my pencil?Mrs Webb: Is it on your desk?Ben: No.Mrs Webb: Is it on your bed?Ben: No, it isnt.Janet: Is it in your pencil-case?Ben: Wheres my pencil-case?Ben: Janet, wheres my pencil-case?Janet: Is it on your desk?Ben: No, it isnt.Janet: Is it on your table?Ben: No, it isnt.Janet: Here it is!Lets ChantPen, penWheres my pen?Where is my pen?In the desk?On the desk?Its on the desk.Ruler, rulerWheres my ruler?Where is my ruler?In the desk?On the desk?Its on the desk.Book, bookWheres my book?Where is my book?In the desk?On the desk?Its on the desk.Ask and AnswerIs it in the table?No, it isnt. Wheres the pencil?It s on the table.Is it in the bag?Yes, it is.Is it in the bed?No, it isnt.Wheres the bag?It s on the bed.Is it in the box?Yes, it is.Is it on the table?No, it isnt.Wheres the ruler?It s on the desk.Miss ChingModule 3 stationeryUnit8 Please Lend Me Your Rulerpack your bag ! OK! pack 收拾收拾,包扎包扎Pack, pack, pack your bag.Open your books, children . open 打开打开Open, open , open your books. close 关闭关闭Close, close, close your books.Oh, Wheres my ruler ?Jiamin, please lend me your ruler. lend 借给借给Lend, lend, lend me your ruler. please 请请Please lend me your ruler.OK, Here you are .Jiamin, please lend me your ruler. Here you are.给你给你.Thats OK !Thank you ! lend me your rulerRaise your armsClean your earsWash your faceBrush your hairClean your teethClose your bookPack your bagOpen your bookAll right!OK!Here you are!Thank you!Wheres the _?Its in/on the _.The bag is on the bed.Wheres the _?Its in/on the _.


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