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英语学习辅导报答案 篇一:初一英语学习辅导报 一、单项选择。(每小题1分,共40分) ( )1.Can you help me_my EnglishA. toB. withC. atD. for ( ) 2. There are two _ on the desk. A. paper B. radioes C. radios D. dictionaries ( ) 3. -Thank you very much. A. Dont thank me. -_. B. Thats all right.C. No problem.D. OK ( ) 4. This is _ bedroom. They like it very much. A. Lucy and Lily B. Lucys and LilysC. Lucys and Lily D. Lucy and Lilys ( ) 5. What are you going to do _ the weekend A. in B. on C. atD. for ( ) 6. I_my email. A. am going to check B. is going to checkC. are going to check. D. checks ( ) 7. Im going to have a piano lesson _Saturday morning. A. inB. at C. on D. ( ) 8. Im going to stay _bed in the morning. A. inB. onC. at D. under ( ) 9.Then Im going to revise _my test. A. of B. over C. for D. at ( ) 10. When do you plan _ your holiday A. to take B. take C. taking D. takes ( ) 11. I _ to you now. A. am wanting to talk C. am wanting to talking A. leaves A. be: be A. in future B. want to talkingD. want to talk D. leave ( ) 12. Hurry up! The train _ soon. B. is leaving C. going to leave B. is; be C. are; be ( ) 13. There _ going to _ two concerts this weekend. D. are; are D. in futures ( ) 14. Everyone wants to live a happy life _, so we must study hard now. B. in a future C. in the future C. buying C. buys ( ) 15. We used the money _ a second-hand car. A. buy B. to buy A. watching ( ) 16. The Greens _ a ballet at the moment. B. are going to watch C. is watching D. are watching B. doesnt working ( ) 17. Charlie _ here next month. A. isnt working C. isnt going to working D. wont work ( ) 18. Do you often talk to him _ A. on a phone B. on the phone C. in the phone D. by a phone ( ) 19. I need _ to do my home work. A. some piece of paperB. some pieces of paper C. some piece of papers D. some pieces of papers ( ) 20. No one will be cold and there will be _ hot water. A. manyB. lots ofC. lot ofD. lots ( ) 21. It will get warm _ the North Pole so the seas will be very rough. A. inB. atC. toD. on ( ) 22. There will be _ rain and _ winds. A. heavy, strongB. strong, bigC. big, heavyD. large, big ( ) 23. There will _ lots of free time in the future. A. haveB. be C. has D. is ( ) 24. _ are you going to do this evening Im going to watch TV. A. HowB. WhenC. WhatD. Where ( ) 25. Sorry, Im busy now. I have _ homework to do. A. much too B. too much C. too many D. many too ( ) 26. At Spring Festival we often _ “Happy New Year” to each other. A. speak B. say A. In B. AtC. tell D. talk C. On D. For ( ) 27. _ the night of October 31, Americans enjoy the time of Halloween. ( ) 28. At the moment, everyone here _ dumplings. A. are eatingB. eatting C. is eatingD. eat C. helpD. helps ( ) 29. Thank you for _ me. A. helping B. to help ( ) 30. Now were in Beijing. Were _ Beijing tomorrow. A. leave for B. leaveing for A.Is; does B. Is; is C. leavingD. leaving for -Yes, she _. ( ) 31. - _ she reading in the library C. Does; isD. Does; does ( ) 32.We want _this book now. A. reading B. am reading C. read D. to read ( ) 33. Our teacher is _a sweater. A. putting on B. put on A. listen B. listensC. wearingD. wear C. listeningD. listening to ( ) 34. That boy isnt _the teacher. ( )35My mother is _a cake _my birthday. A. making, toB. making, forC. doing, toD. doing, for ( ) 36. -_you _the windowYes, I am. A. Do, clean A. take off B. Is, cleaning C. Are, cleaning D. Do, cleaning ( ) 37. Its cold today. You must _the coat.B. put on C. take down D. put in ( ) 38. I have two pencils. One is green, and_is red. A. one B. other C. the other D. others ( ) 39. Dont _late next time! A. is A. doesB. /C. do B. are C. be D./ ( ) 40. Mary doesnt _her homework after lunch.D. doing 二、阅读理解(每小题2分,共40分) (A) An old tiger is in the forest. He doesnt want to look for food. He wants other animals to give him something to eat.He sees a monkey and says, “Im hungry, monkey. Go there and give me something to eat.” “Oh, tiger,” says the monkey, “I can not do that now. There is another tiger over there. He wants something to eat, too. He doesnt let me give any food to you. Im afraid of him.” “What Where is he I must see him.” “Come with me,” says the monkey.The monkey and the tiger go to a bridge. “Now, look down at the water. Do you see him” “Yes, I do. I must eat him!” With these words, the tiger jumps into the water. ( ) 41. How many tigers are there in the story A. There is only one. B. There are two. C. There are some. D. There are many. ( ) 42. Other animals in the forest _ the old tiger. A. are heavier than B. are much bigger than C. are afraid of D. are stronger than ( ) 43. The monkey goes to the bridge _. A. to find some foodB. to help the tigerC. with the tiger D. with other animals ( ) 44. When the tiger sees another tiger, he is very _. A. happy B. hungry C. worried ( ) 45. Which sentence is right A. The tiger jumps into the river eats another tiger (B) Two little children come to a new city. Their names are Peter and Tom. Certainly they live with their parents. Their family is very rich. They have a driver and a lot of servants(仆人).Peter and Tom are going to a new school. On the first day their parents say to them, “Peter and Tom, be modest at your new school. Dont say we are rich.” And they say, “Yes, Dad and Mum.” So they B. The monkey jumps into the river.C. The tiger D. The monkey likes the tiger. D. angry go to school. They see their new teacher. And they sit down with other children. The teacher says, “Hello, children! The first exercise today is a composition, My Family,” So all the children write a composition. This is Peters composition. “My name is Peter. My family is very poor. Both my father and my mother are very poor. Our driver is very poor and all the other servants are poor” ( ) 46. Peter and Toms father is very _. A. poorB. richC. tall ( ) 47. The subject of the composition is _. A. My FamilyB. My School C. My BrotherD. My mother ( ) 48. There are _ in their family. A. a lot of drivers and a lot of servants C. two servants and two drivers B. a servant and a driver D. a lot of servants and a driver C. a teacher D. driver D. old ( ) 49. Peter is _.A. a man B. a boy A. 高兴的B. 谦虚的 (C) C. 努力的( ) 50. The word “modest” in the passage is _. D. 安静的 Im going to have a great weekend. Ill go across Canada with my parents by car. Well drive seven or eight hours a day. In Toronto, well stay in a big hotel. The food is very delicious. Theres a big swimming pool and a lot of game rooms. I think Ill play there happily. But therell be lots of people in the hotel, so I think well sleep in one room. And its expensive. Then we are going to stay in a small cabin(小木屋) in the mountains. I really love it. The cabin is clean and quiet. Well have two rooms, so I can get up late in the morning. But we have to get up early because we want to go swimming. There is a beautiful lake near the cabin. We also can go fishing and cook food outside. ( ) 51.Wherere they going to stay in Toronto A. In a small hotel.B. In a big hotel.C. In a small cabin. D. In a room ( ) 52.Whats the problem of the hotel A. Theres no swimming pool in the hotel. B. The food there is not delicious. C. There are lots of game rooms. D. There arent enough(足够的)rooms for them. ( ) 53.What can they do in the mountains A. They can play in the game rooms. B. They can have lots of delicious food. C. They can go swimming and fishing and cook food D. They can go swimming. ( ) 54.Wheres the lake A. Its near the swimming pool. B. Its in the mountains. C. Its behind the playroom. D. Its in the hotel. ( ) 55.What do you think is the best titleof the passage A. Delicious Food in a Hotel B. A Beautiful Cabin C .A Pleasant Weekend Plan (D) Tom Green likes fish very much. He often buys some fish in the shop and takes it home. But when his wife sees the fish, she says to herself, “Good! I can ask my friends to have lunch, and we can eat the fish. They like fish very much.” So when Tom comes home in the evening, the fish is not there and his wife always says, “Oh, your cat eats it”, And she gives Tom some bread for his supper. Tom is very angry. He takes the cat and his wife to the shop near his house and weighs(称重) the cat.Then he turns to his wife and says, “My fish weigh one kilo(公斤). This cat weighs one, D. Visiting Canada. too. My fish is here, you see, then where is my cat” ( ) 56. ( )eats the fish. A.Mr GreenB.Mrs Green C. The cat D. His fiends ( ) 57. What does Mrs Green do with the fish A. She eats the fish before Tom comes back B. She cooks the fish for Tom. C. She asks her friends to come to eat the fish with her D. She puts the fish in the fridge(冰箱)and waits for her husband ( ) 58. Mr Green weighs ( A. the fish) in the shop with his wife. C. his wife D. his friend B. the cat ( )59. How much fish does Tom often buy A. one kilo B. two kilo C. three kilo D. four kilo ( )60. Tom likes ( ) very much.A. catB. his wife C. fish 第II卷 D. his friends 三、任务型阅读(第小题1分,共5分) BLUE SKY HOTEL 150 rooms 2 restaurants (24 hours) 篇二:英语学习辅导报初二 英语学习辅导报初二 (注:若发现本文档中出现错误,请多多包涵或及时联系) 说明:1.本文档是一篇有关英语的学习资料; 2.本资料以划分单元、项目的形式出现; 3.每个单元主要包括单词、词组、重点句子,有的单元还涉及语法; 4.重要内容用黑体标识或字下加点。 Unit 1 一、单词。 1.clean:adj.干净的;v.打扫;清除(do some cleaning大扫除) 2.车站:stop(小地点);station(大地点) 3.pool(水池,n.) poor(可怜的,adj.) 二、重点句子。 1.你在干什么?我正在打电话。 What are you doing Im talking on the phone. 2.他正在给他父母写信吗? Is he writing a letter to his partens 3.让我们6点去看电影吧!那听起来真有趣! Lets go to the movies at 6:00. That sounds interesting! 4.他正在公共汽车站等公交车。 He is waiting for a bus at the bus stop. 5.这是一张我的全家福。 Here is a photo of my family.(倒装句) 6.我的哥哥正在游泳池里游泳。 My brother is swimming at the swimming pool. 三、语法一般现在时与现在进行时。 Unit 2 一、单词。 1.描述天气的单词(v.adj.):rainrainy(多雨的) snowsnowy(有雪的)sunsunny(阳光灿烂的)cloudcloudy(多云的)windwindy(多风的) 2.weather(天气) whether(是否) 3.pretty:adv.相当(pretty good);adj.漂亮的 4.lie的现在分词是lying(躺). 5.heat:(n.)热度;(v.)加热。 6.scarf的复数形式有两种:第一种:scarfs;第二种:scarves. 二、重点句子。 1.北京的天气如何?阳光灿烂。 Whats the weather like /Hows the weather in Beijing Its sunny. 2.情况进展如何?好极了! How is it going Pretty good! 3.这里有很多人在度假。 There are many people here on vacation. 4.一些人在照相,另一些人躺在沙滩上。 Some are taking photos,others(代词) are lying on the beach. 5.看那一群正在打沙滩排球的人们。 Look at this group of people playing beach volleyball. 6.我很惊讶他们能在这种热度下玩。 Im surprised they can play in this heat. Unit 3 一、单词。 1.like:喜欢(v.);像(介词) 2.straight:直地(adv.)直走;go straight;笔直的(adj.) 3.high高的(adj.) height(n.)高度 4.build:建造(v.);体格;体形(n.) 5.look:看(v.);看起来(系动词);外表(n.). 二、重点句子。 1.你长什么样?我中等高度。 What do you look like Im medium height. 2.我的朋友Bob有点胖。 My friend Bob is a little bit heavy(fat). 3.他留着一缕胡子。 He has a beard. 4.你记得那位戴着搞笑眼镜的演员吗? Do you remember the actor with funny glasses 5.他是校篮球队的队长。 He is the captain of the school basketball team. 6.他喜欢讲笑话,并且从不停止说话(喋喋不休)。 He likes to tell jokes,and he never stops talking. 7.我最喜欢的音乐家是约翰,他留着短的、棕色的卷发。 My favorite musician is John,he has short curly brown hair. 8.我可以去购物,并且没有人知道我。 I can go shopping,and nobody knows me. Unit 4 一、单词及词组。 1.shop:商店(n.);购物(v.) 2.health(健康,n.);healthy(健康的,adj.) 3.grade:年级(Grade 1);成绩(get good grades.取得好成绩). 4.the same as与相同;be different from与不同 5.当然of course=sure 6.保持健康:keep/stay healthy/fit(4种) 7.表频度的时间状语:always,often,sometime(at times),hardly ever,never 8.与How有关的疑问词的区分 1.你多久在网上冲浪一次? How often do you surf the Internet 2.我一周锻炼三四次。 I exercise three or four times a week. 3.每天喝奶对我们的健康有益。 Drinking milk every day is good for our health. 4.你最喜欢的节目是什么?动物世界。 Whats your favorite program Animal World. 5.他十分健康,因为他每天跑步。 He is pretty healthy,because he runs every day. 6.他关心他的健康,并且试着每周仅吃一次垃圾食品。 He looks after his health,and tries to eat junk food only once a week. 7.我健康的生活方式帮助我学习更好。 My healthy lifestyle helps me study better. 8.她的生活习惯与你的一样吗? Is her lifestyle the same as yours Unit 5 一、单词及词组。 1.matter:问题(n.);要紧(v.) 2.cold:寒冷的(adj.);感冒(n.) 3.month(月份) mouth(嘴) 4.stay:保持;停留 5.一条建议:a piece of advice 6.部分adj.变为n.:illillness;happyhappiness;sicksickness 二、重点句子。 1.你怎么了? Whats the matter/Whats wrong with you 我患了重感冒。 I have a bad cold. 你最好躺下休息。 Youd better lie down and rest. 2.我现在感觉不舒服。 Im not feeling very well. 3.他发烧了。他应该喝加了蜂蜜的热水。 He has a fever. He should drink hot tea with honey. 4.他很紧张,他应该听音乐来放松。 He is stressed out,he should listen to music to relax (himself). 5.我希望你不久能感觉更好。 I hope you feel better soon. 6.我认为平衡饮食很重要。 I think eating a balanced diet is important. 7.听说你感觉不好我很抱歉。 Im sorry to hear that you are not feeling very well. 8.有时我学习到(凌晨)2点。 Sometimes I study late until 2:00 at night. 篇三:英语学习辅导报九年级第21期 Units 1-3 综合测试参考答案 I 1-5 ACBDC6-10 ABDAC 11-15 BDCBD II 16-20 DBABA21-25 DBBDA III 26-30 BDCDC31-35 CACDB 36-40 CADDC 41 . They make food taste delicious . 42. In the 1950s. 43. They can keep food fresh for a long time 44. To tell people many foods we love most are the least healthy. 45. They make the brain think we are not full yet, so we want to eat more. Iv. . A) 46 corner47 convenient 48 warn 49 attention 50 speed B) 51. warmth52. repeating 53. admire .54. politely 55. ability . C) 56. is interested in 57. because of 58. is similar to 59. is good at - 60. is taking notes V. 61. dessert 62. same 63. tradition64. spend 65. Garden 66. relaxing 67. flowers 68. time 69. complete . clear .71-75 BDCGA .One possible version: Dear Linda, Now Id like to tell you something about the English corner in our school. Every Thursday afternoon,we have the English corner in the meeting room of our school.Not only students but also some teachers who teach English take part in it. We read some English books and practice Spoken English.The teachers also teach us Some interesting English songs. My spoken English has improved since I took part in it.Now Im able to speak English with confidence in public.And I find it not so difficult to learn English as before. Wang Peng 第21期轻松阅读参考答案: A篇:1-3 CCA B篇:1-3 DCA C篇:1-3 BCC 阅读新题型: 1. protect 2.prevent 3.instead 4. throw 5.harmful 6.wise 7.better 8.plastic9.waste 10.environment 第21期“攻克要点”参考答案 1. relative 2.discovered 3. warns4.aloud 5.connects 6.dead 7.at 8.for 9.because of 10.because 11.so that 12.so; that 13.He doesnt know where they are going. 14.My cousin asked me if / whether I liked chocolate. 第21期“练练吧”参考答案 单词专练 I.1.aloud 2.presents 3.polite 4.review II.1.conversation 2.discovered 3.relatives 4.lay 5.postcard 6.correct /right III.1.stole 2.secret 3.dessert 4.east 5.repeat 6.suggested IV.1.speaker 2.to go 3.pronunciation 4.courses 5.dead6.increased 短语专练 I.1.put on 2.Go along 3.found out4.passed by 5.In common II.1.is good at 2.fell in love with 3.is similar to 4.so that 5.take notes III.1.worry about 2.lay out 3.How often 4.between;and 5.are looking forward to 语法专练 I.1.working2.playing 3.to go 4.to sing 5.to visit 6.setting II.1.to know2.what to say 3.to bother 4.not to go III. 1-5 BDBCC IV. 1.where the post office is 2.if / whether these mooncakes are delicious 3.what I did yesterday afternoon 4.if / whether he will come tomorrow 5.where he lives now 综合练习 1.becoming 2.teaches 3.using 4.to study 5.classes 6.dont 7.ourselves 8.quickly


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