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依据模板写作文以下模板为四六级作文常考类型,大家只要熟悉模板,坚持模仿,写作文一定会得心应手。一. 现象解释型模板一Topic (1)_has become a common part of peoples life. (2)And _has always aroused the greatest concern. (3)What impresses us most is_. (4)the reasons_ are varied.(5)Among the various reasons,_ plays an important part. (6)That is to say, _.(7)what is more, _. (8)For example, _. (9)When talking about_, _ (10)On the one hand, _.(11)On the other hand, _. (12)in brief, _.现象解释型模板二Top(1)_has been brought into focus. (2)Nowadays, _(3)In addition,_. (4)Many reasons contribute to _. (5)Generally speaking,_. (6)First of all, _.(7)Moreover, _.(8)Therefore, _. (9)As far as I am concerned, _.(10)As we know, _.(11)Furthermore, _.(12)In a word, _.现象解释型模板三Topic(1)There is no complete agreement among people as to _(2)Some people consider_(3)However, others think_.(4)Some people may say_.(5)They hold this opinion because_.(5)However others believe_.(7)They argue that_.(8)Personally, I am in favor of the _.(9)Firstly_. (10)Secondly,_. (11)Most important of all,_.(12)Taking above-mentioned factors into consideration, we/I may reasonably conclude that_.例:Students playing PC games has been brought into focus. Nowadays, many students often spend their evenings playing such games. In addition, the harm resulted from PC games bring great concern of the parents and the society. Many reasons contribute to the concern. Generally speaking, the reasons for the increasing concern on students playing games can be listed as follows. First of all, playing PC games is an enormous waste of time and we will make us have little time for our study. Moreover, those who play PC games day and might will be harmed physically for lack of rest and sleep. Therefore, we may say playing PC games really do harm to us. As far as I am concerned, we should try to resist the temptation of PC games carefully. As we know, study is our priority, and we shouldnt spend too much time and energy on games. Furthermore, most of us are not financially independent and we shouldnt put another burden on our parents. In a word, we should try to avoid the harms of PC game.练习题: Educating and Employment1 现在大中专的毕业生供过于求,而技工却供不应求。2 解释这种现象产生的原因3 你的态度 Cards1.持卡的人越来越多2.持卡的人越来越多的原因3.持卡的现象发展趋势的推测及理由 二、对比选择型模板一Topic(1) Different people have different views on _ (2)Some people prefer_.(3)Others tend to_(4)As to me, I agree with/to_.(5)Of course, _.(6)For example, _. (7)But_.(8)The following reasons can account for my preference.(9)The main reason is_(10)A good example to illustrate is_(11)Foranother,_(12)From the foregoing, _.对比选择型模板二Topic (1) There is no complete agreement among people as to _. (2) Some people consider _. (3) However, others think _.(4) Some people may say _. (5) They hold this opinion because _. (6) However, others believe _. (7) They argue that _.(8) Personally, I am in favor of the _. (9) Firstly, _. (10) Secondly, _. (11) Most important of all, _. (12) Taking above-mentioned factors into consideration, we/I may reasonably conclude that _.例: Do “lucky numbers” really bring good luck?Different people have different views on lucky numbers. Some prefer the view that lucky numbers have nothing to with their luck. Others tend to believe that lucky numbers really bring good luck to them. As to me, I agree with the former that lucky numbers cannot bring us good luck.Of course, some people hold that lucky numbers may make them feel peaceful so they can they can solve problems better. For example, some superstars have their own lucky numbers to bless themselves. But it is indeed a kind of superstition in spite of some coincidence. The following reasons can account for my preference.The main reason is that lucky numbers can never change the objective reality and make miracle. A good example to illustrate is that patients are cured by experienced doctors but not by lucky numbers. For another, if lucky numbers really worked, we were not to fail anything. From the foregoing, only by exerting our efforts instead of believing in luck numbers and things like that can we attain the anticipated result.练习题:Telephone or letter?1.打电话的优点和缺点2.写信的优点和缺点3.我的看法 Can we change our fates?1. 有人认为不得不听从命运的安排2. 有人认为必须向命运挑战3. 我的态度和做法Should Private Cars be Encouraged in China?1. 有些人认为有必要发展私家轿车;2. 有些人则持反对态度;3. 你的看法。Love and Study.1. 有些人认为谈恋爱会影响学习;2. 有些人却认为谈恋爱会促进学习;3. 你的看法。Study Abroad or In China?1. 很多人认为有志向的学生应当到海外留学,理由是. . . . . .2. 也有人持不同的意见,. . . . . .3. 我的看法。三问题解决型模板一(!) With the development/improvement of _. (2) It is necessary that _. (3) On the one hand, _. (4) On the other hand, _. (5) Therefore, how to _ is worth paying attention. (5) Firstly, _. (7) Secondly, _. (8) For example, _. (9) Thirdly, _ (10)In other words, _(11) In fact, the ways to _ are countless. (12) Its time that _.问题解决型模板二(1)There has been a discussion recently about _. (2) It is obvious that _. (3) Additionally, _. (4) So it is high time _.(5) First of all, _. (6) The reason is _. (7) Secondly, _. (8) That is to say, _. (9) Thirdly, _.(10) In fact, more than three ways can be adopted. (11) As for me, _. (12) All in all, _.例: Skills of listening to speeches With the improvement of educational level, more contemporary celebrities are invited to delivery speeches on campus. It is necessary that college students master the right skills of listening to speeches so as to better their understanding. On the one hand, if listeners can understand the speeches well, they will learn something that cannot be learnt from books. On the other hand, if they better understand the speeches, they will be confident of exchanging ideas with these famous people. Therefore, how to listen to speeches is worth paying attention. Firstly, listeners should collect some references about the topic. Secondly, taking notes is the best way to keep a good record of the speech. For example, listeners can write down main ideas. Thirdly, I think that an active mind will deepen listeners understanding. In other words, I highly recommend that listeners think actively and share their ideas with the speakers through a discussion.In fact, the ways to listen to speeches are countless. Its time we chose a best one that most benefits ourselves.练习题:How to Deal with Anger?1.许多人容易生气,而专家提醒,生气危害健康;2.如何有效地控制或减轻愤怒情绪;3.我的看法。四观点论证型模板一Topic(!) It is true that_. (2) However, _. (3) I think_. (4)_ can be listed as follows.(5) Firstly, _. (6) Secondly, _. (7) For example, _. (8) Thirdly, _. (9)A case in points is _.(10) It goes without saying that _. (11) There is no doubt that _. (12) In conclusion _.观点论证型模板二Topic (1) Some people believe that _. (2) The truth is deep and profound. (3) As we know, _. (4) In addition, _.(5) There are numerous examples_. (6) A case in point is _. (7) This is close to suggest _. (8) For another example, _ (9) Moreover, _.(10) All mentioned above tell us _. (11) But one thing we have to notice is that_. (12) In short, _.例: It pays to be honest Some people believe that many dishonesties, such as cheating, overcharging, fake commodities, etc. ruin our normal life, and they maintain that being honest is not only beneficial to others but also to oneself. The truth is deep and profound. As we know, if one is honest, other people will deeply respect him or her. In addition, being honest can make peoples life easier and more harmonious.There are numerous examples supporting the argument. A case in point is that Singapore which is a society of trustworthiness and integrity has a comparatively low criminal rate. This is close to suggest that honesty can make our society more stable, and all people can live a peaceful life there. For another example, buyers usually like to make a deal with the dealers they trust. Moreover, the dealer is more likely to survive the fierce market competition.All mentioned above tell us that it is high time that we took action to fight against dishonesty. But one thing we have to notice is that sometimes we need white lies to comfort the patients who have suffered serious illness. In short, we should let the dishonesty have no place to stay in our society.练习题:Development and Environment.1.发展与环境的关系;2.试举例说明。五批评、抱怨、投诉信模板 DateDear_,(!) My name is_. (2) I am _. (3) I venture to write you a letter about _.(4)The focus of the complaint is _. (5) For one thing, _. (6) For another, _.(7) Honestly speaking, _. (8) But _. (9) Besides, _.(10) All in all, there is still much room for improvement. (11) I do hope_. (12) Thank you for your time and kind consideration. Sincerely yours, Signature练习题:你参加六天的旅游团去西安,途中导游的服务态度和伙食令你不满,写信投诉。1为何写信2投诉内容3提出批评六建议信模板 DateDear_,(1) I am delighted to learn that _. (2) It _. (3) In my opinion, _. (4) On the one hand, _. (5) On the other hand, _.(6) As to _, I suggest _. (7) If _. (8) It is unnecessary for you to _. (9) In addition, _. (10) I am sure _.(11) Please inform me _. (12) I am looking forward to _. Sincerely yours, Signature练习题:Choice after graduation from university.1建议先工作或是先考研;2先工作或是先考研的原因;3找工作或是考研应该注意的事项。七求职信模板 DateDear _,(1) I am applying for the position of _ advertised in _. (2) I major in _. (3) My training in _ definitely meet your qualifications. (4) My complete resume is attached.(5) I will graduate on _ from _. (6) In addition to the required courses of this program, I have _. (7) I also have some experience in _. (8) I believe my training and experience _. (9) You will find me to be _. (10) I hope that you will consider me for your position. (11) May I have a personal interview at your convenience? (12) I can be reached by telephone_ and_. Sincerely yours, Signature练习题:1. 申请中学语文(政治.)职务2. 说明自己的专业3. 请求面谈6 / 6文档可自由编辑打印


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