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PEP小学五年级下册英语第一单元测试题一、听音,选择所听到的内容,并把字母编号写在括号里。( )1、A、wait         B、rain         C、day( )2、A、watch        B、wash        C、water( )3、A、at3:30        B、at5:50       C、at4:15( )4、A、when         B、what        C、where( )5、A、go shopping   B、go to bed     C、go hiking二、选择题 (  )1: _ do you usually go to school?      A: what     B: where     c: when (   ) 2: what sports do you like?        _      A: Breakfast      B: football      C: My parents (   )3: Look! Many boys like playing _ after class.      A: a basketball     B: the basketball    C: basketball (   )4: Look! The girl is playing _.      A: a piano     B: the piano     C: piano (   )5: Students like playing _.     A: sports      B: the sport     C: a sport三、请根据每组对话上下文的意思,填上适当的单词,使句子完整。(每格一词)    1. A: _ do you get up?   B: _ 7:00.2. A: _ your favourite _?   B: I like apple.3. A: What do you do _ the evening?  B: I usually _ the piano.4. A: Thank you _ telling me about your day!  B: _ welcome.5. A: _ _ any pictures on the wall?  B: No, there arent.四、补全对话。A. What time is it?    B. What day is it today?     C. When do you play ping-pong.    D. What do you do on Saturday?    E. Yes, I like.    F. Yes, I do.    G. Yes, I can. A: Hello. _?        B: Its Saturday.A: _?         B: I often play ping-pong.A: _?       B: I play ping-pong at 4:00.A: Can you play football?           B: _.五、根据答句写问句。(1)A: _?B: I often watch TV on the weekend.(2)A: _?B : We have Chinese、English、match and science on Mondays.(3)A: _?B:I have rice、fish and potatoes for lunch.(4)A: _?B : No, I dont go shopping on Sundays.(5)A: _?B:I have English class at 10:00.六、阅读理解:阅读短文,然后判断后面的句子是否与短文内容相符,相符的打“”,不相符的打“×”。Hello! Im John. I am a policeman. I work at night. I drive my car and go to work at 9:00 inthe evening every day. So I eat dinner at 8:00. I go home at 5:00 inthe morning. I eat breakfast at 5:30 a.m. , then I go to bed. I get up at 1:30 inthe afternoon. Usually I eat lunch at 2:00 and read some books at about 2:30. I like to play sports from 4:00 to 5:00. On the weekend, I usually go hiking with my family.     (    ) 1. John is a policewoman.     (    ) 2. John goes to work at 9:00 inthe morning.     (    ) 3. John goes home at 5:00 inthe afternoon.     (    ) 4. John reads some books in the evening every day.     (   ) 5. John usually goes hiking with his family on the weekend.


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