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解题技巧(前五题)解题技巧(前五题)1技术资料Outline (提提 纲纲) 一、一、高考大纲关于听力的要求高考大纲关于听力的要求1二、高考英语听力二、高考英语听力解题步骤解题步骤2三、高考英语听力三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧解题策略与技巧32技术资料要求考生听懂有关要求考生听懂有关日常生活日常生活中所熟悉中所熟悉话题的话题的简短对话和独白简短对话和独白。 考生应能:考生应能:(1)理解)理解主旨和要义主旨和要义;(2)获取事实性的)获取事实性的具体信息具体信息;(3)对所听内容作出)对所听内容作出简单推断简单推断;(4)理解说话者的)理解说话者的意图、观点和态度意图、观点和态度。一、高考大纲关于听力的要求一、高考大纲关于听力的要求13技术资料201020112012Text 1 打算打算戏剧戏剧 地点地点Text 2 价格价格 地点地点 时间时间Text 3 打算打算 时间时间 打算打算 Text 4 时间时间 打算打算 打算打算Text 5 地点地点 打算打算 道歉道歉4技术资料(排除法,推理法)(排除法,推理法)(密切关注题干中的(密切关注题干中的疑问疑问 词词,选项中的,选项中的不同点不同点)2、(抓住关键词,(抓住关键词,信号词信号词first, but, whats more, however导引思路,表示导引思路,表示态度,注意态度,注意语气语调语气语调)二、高考英语听力解题步骤二、高考英语听力解题步骤25技术资料听前听前:2. 听好试音部分听好试音部分,尽快进入,尽快进入听音状态。听音状态。3. 掠读题目,掠读题目,比较选项差异,预测比较选项差异,预测内容内容。听中:听中:听后:听后:1. 安定情绪,集中精力。安定情绪,集中精力。带着问题捕捉信息,带着问题捕捉信息,速记要点速记要点。速决速断,速决速断,相信第一感觉相信第一感觉。6技术资料常见听力推测题的设计有:常见听力推测题的设计有: 1、对谈话、对谈话地点地点、时间时间等的推测;等的推测; 2、数字数字判断和简单计算;判断和简单计算; 3、对谈话者、对谈话者职业职业、身份及他们的、身份及他们的关系关系的推的推测;测; 4、对谈话话题、中心大意、对谈话话题、中心大意、态度态度、观点观点的的推测;推测; 三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧37技术资料三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧3uWhere does the conversation take place?uWhere is the man woman now?uWhere are the two speakers?提问方式提问方式 8技术资料1. Which place are the speakers trying to find? (2011-2) A. A hotel. B. A bank. C. A restaurant.2. Where did this conversation most probably take place? (2010-5) A. In a store B. In a classroom C. At a hotel I seem to have lost my room key. W: Wait a minute, the Chinese restaurant, the national bank, there it is, the Radisson Hotel.9技术资料通常所涉及如下地点:通常所涉及如下地点:1、At hospital:examine、headache、cold and flu、pill、blood pressure2、In a house:family、parents、kid、r e l a t i v e 、 h o u s e w o r k 、 w i f e 、husband3、At hotel:room key 、 book a room、a single/double room做地点题时的解题指导做地点题时的解题指导三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧310技术资料 4、At restaurant:menu、order、bill、beer、wine 5、In the library:book、magazine 6、In the bank:cash、check 7、At airport:flight、take off 8、At a shop:size、color、style、discount 、on sale 、bargain11技术资料【2012-1】 Where does the conversation probably take place?A. In a bookstore. B. In a classroom. C. In a library. Man: How long can I keep the book?Woman: For one month. Please make sure you return the book before its due.12技术资料三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧3uWhen does the conversation take place?uAt what time will the two speakers meet?提问方式提问方式 13技术资料首先要明确时间的几种表达方式:首先要明确时间的几种表达方式:am、pm、half past six、a quarter to ten、after、before、early、late、delay,left当涉及的时间有多个时,一定弄清楚当涉及的时间有多个时,一定弄清楚谁在什么时候做谁在什么时候做了什么了什么,弄清楚,弄清楚时间的先后顺序时间的先后顺序,有时候时间也涉及简,有时候时间也涉及简单的计算。单的计算。做时间题时的解题指导做时间题时的解题指导三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧314技术资料1. At what time will the two speakers meet?2011-3 A. 5:20 B. 5:10 C. At 4:40三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧3W: Well. Could we make it 20 past 5?W: Thats a bit late for me. I could manage 10 past.M: OK. See you then.15技术资料2.When does the bank close on Saturday?2010-4A. at 1:00 pm B. at 3:00 pmC. at 4:00 pm on Saturday we close one hour earlier at 3:00 16技术资料【2012-2】 What time will the film begin?A. 7:20. B. 7:15. C. 7:00. Man: Hurry up, Jenny. Its already seven. Well be late for the film.Woman: Dont worry dear, we still have twenty minutes. And it takes us only fifteen minutes to get there.Well be there just in time.17技术资料 直接听取或简单计算直接听取或简单计算 提问方式提问方式 uHow long did the meeting last?uWhats the price of ?uHow much does the woman have to pay for the dress?三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧318技术资料创造一套自己能看懂的创造一套自己能看懂的符号符号,快速准确快速准确地记下对话中出现的所有数据,地记下对话中出现的所有数据,并标明各数据间的并标明各数据间的关系关系,进行快速计算。,进行快速计算。三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧319技术资料【2010-2】 What was the normal price of the T-shirt?A. $15.B. $30.C. $50. W: So what did you buy?M: A T-shit, it was a real bargain I got it half price, saving 15 dollars.20技术资料职业职业/ 身份身份说话者之间的关系说话者之间的关系判断判断uWhat does the womanman do ?uWhats the most probable relationship between the two speakers?提问方式提问方式 三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧321技术资料2.人物关系及身份题人物关系及身份题仔细辨认对话中的仔细辨认对话中的职业相关词职业相关词,抓住其相关的抓住其相关的关键词进行答题。关键词进行答题。1. Who is Chris Paine? A. A computer engineer B. A book seller C. A writer W: I like to read Chris Paine.M: So do I. I hear he writes on his computer and his new book will come out next week.W: Great. 22技术资料2. Between whom did this dialogue probably take place? A. husband and wife B. teacher and student C. doctor and patient解题技巧解题技巧:b.分析选项目分析选项目,预测可能出现的词汇预测可能出现的词汇,短语短语,句子句子.细听细听,捕捉关键消息判断人物的职业捕捉关键消息判断人物的职业,身份及人物关系身份及人物关系.M: Now tell me your trouble, Mrs. White. W: I havent been sleeping well recently. And last night, I had a terrible headache. 23技术资料Tips 在听人物之间关系的题目时,说话人之间在听人物之间关系的题目时,说话人之间的的语气语气尤其重要,尤其重要, 如果是如果是上司跟下属上司跟下属之间的关系,语气一般之间的关系,语气一般较强硬,有命令的意味;较强硬,有命令的意味; 如果是如果是夫妻之间夫妻之间,则语气较为甜蜜,随意;,则语气较为甜蜜,随意; 朋友之间较亲切朋友之间较亲切;服务员对顾客服务员对顾客一般较尊敬。一般较尊敬。 总之揣摩语气与做题能否成功也有很大的总之揣摩语气与做题能否成功也有很大的关系。关系。24技术资料doctor and patienttrouble、check、pain、sore溃疡、溃疡、fever、heart、stomach、lungs、blood test、prescription药方、药方、when did it start、open your mouth, whats wrong with you?.shop assistant and customersize、color、try on、price、discount、Can I help you?What size do you wear?teacher and student professor,subject, homework, questions, major(专业专业),hand in, why are you late? husband and wifedear、darlingsweetheart、my love、cook、picnic、TV、dinner常见的人物关系有:常见的人物关系有:25技术资料uWhat does he/she mean?uWhat will the man/woman do this weekend?uWhat can we infer (conclude) from the conversation?提问方式提问方式 三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧326技术资料1捕捉捕捉“弦外之音弦外之音“,如降调表示赞同如降调表示赞同肯定;升调表示疑问否定。肯定;升调表示疑问否定。2侧重侧重but/however/though等词后的信等词后的信息,息,这些词后往往表转折。这些词后往往表转折。逻辑推理题的解题指导逻辑推理题的解题指导三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧327技术资料1.What will Dorothy do on the weekend? (2010-1)A. Go out with her friendB. work on her paperC. Make some plansW: Thanks, but I am going to work on mypaper all weekend.三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧三、高考英语听力解题策略与技巧328技术资料【2010-3】 What has the woman decided to do on Sunday afternoon?A. To attend a wedding.B. To visit an exhibition.C. To meet a friend. M:There is a new exhibition of Indian art. Want to come with me?W: Id love to, but my best friend is getting married on Sunday, and I wont miss it for anything.29技术资料【2011-4】 What will the man do?A. Change the plan. B. Wait for a phone call.C. Sort things out. M: What time are we leaving for the outing?W: Ill phone you tomorrow. I should have everything sorted out by then.30技术资料【2011-5】 What does the woman want to do?A. See a film with the man. B. Offer the man some help C. Listen to some great music. W: Thanks for all youve done for me. Hey, listen, would you like to go to see a film sometime?M: Yeah, thatd be great. Id love it.31技术资料【2012-3】 What are the two speakers mainly talking about?A. Their friend Jane. B. A weekend trip. C. A radio programme. M: I heard on the radio that itll be sunny during the holiday weekend. Maybe we can take a trip to Boston.W: That sounds great. Ill call Jane to see if she likes to join us.32技术资料【2012-4】 What will the woman probably do?A. Catch a train. B. See the man off. C. Go shopping. W: Woman: In that case, let me go with you. And you drop me off at the city center. Ill go to the open market.33技术资料题型示例方法地点地点方向题方向题Where does the conversation most probably take place?时间与时间与数字题数字题When does the conversation take place?a.仔细辨认对话中的仔细辨认对话中的语境相关词语境相关词,特别是特别是场景场景词汇及习惯用词汇及习惯用语语. b. 注意对话中注意对话中肯定与肯定与否定否定 回答回答. 要明确时间的几种表达方要明确时间的几种表达方式:式:am、pm、half past six、a quarter to ten、创造一套自己能看懂的符创造一套自己能看懂的符号,快速准确地记下对话号,快速准确地记下对话中出现的数据,并标明各中出现的数据,并标明各数据间的关系数据间的关系34技术资料题型示例方法 推理推理判断题判断题What does the woman mean? 人物关人物关系及身系及身份题份题 1捕捉捕捉“弦外之音弦外之音“,如,如降调表示赞同肯定;升调降调表示赞同肯定;升调表示疑问否定。表示疑问否定。2侧重侧重but/however/though等词后的信息,这些词后等词后的信息,这些词后往往表转折。往往表转折。仔细辨认对话中的仔细辨认对话中的职业相关词职业相关词,抓住其抓住其相关的关键词进行答题。相关的关键词进行答题。b.分析选项目分析选项目,预测可能出现的词汇预测可能出现的词汇,短语短语,句子句子.细听细听,捕捉关键消息判断人物的职业捕捉关键消息判断人物的职业,身份及人物关系身份及人物关系.What does the womanman do ?Whats the most probable relationship between the two speakers?35技术资料


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