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本科毕业论文外文参考文献译文及原文 学 院 经济管理学院 专 业 工商管理 年级班别 2003级5班 学 号 3203004638 学生姓名 刘筠炀 指导教师 何花 惠青山 2007 年 6 月 15 日目 录1 外文文献译文(1).12 外文文献原文(1).73 外文文献译文(2).164 外文文献原文(2).171 外文文献译文 (1)企业文化已经是一个旧题目了,自从企业存在以来,企业文化就随之而来了。任何一个企业都需要选择一种具体形式的企业文化。企业文化有很多种不同的形式,而这些不同的形式又有其各自的适应性。不同的环境,不同的企业,不同的规模,不同的管理者都会造就不同的企业文化。企业文化的改变总是跟随着时代的变迁和以满足企业日益增长的需求为目的的。在初期,小型企业的古典企业文化是一片荒芜。渐渐地,它才呈金字塔式地发展起来。现代企业在最高管理者处衍生出一些自然的变动。企业总是把焦点集中在下行沟通的层面上,但企业文化依然呈金字塔式地受控于垂直和水平的组织结构。90年代以来,全世界的企业都起了变化。与此同时,随着世界经济的一体化,虚拟企业得到了大力的发展。一些专家初步断言,为了适应信息化、自动化和网络化改革的需要,典型的企业文化模式将会成为未来的网络开发工程。海尔是世界最大的家用电器制造企业之一。它也是中国的电信企业前列之一。海尔拥有240间分公司和在超过30个国家建立本地设计中心、生产基地和贸易公司。他们想要实现全球化。雇员人数超过五万。2005年,海尔的营业额达到10.39亿人民币。海尔的总裁张瑞敏提出指导战略,这是闻名世界的。1993年,海尔成为中国第一品牌。这个品牌被认为是中国最有价值的品牌。海尔制造了很多家用电器。其中一些在中国很著名和受欢迎的,例如,冰箱、空调、洗衣机、电视、热水器、电脑和手机。2005年8月30日,海尔被英国财富杂志评为最完美品牌。海尔成为了国际品牌。在改革的过程中,海尔推出“OEC”管理模式、“市场链”管理模式、“订单式生产”管理模式。管理上的发展吸引了国际管理部的加入。面对新的竞争环境,海尔需要制造新的变化来达到全球化。对海尔三次变革的分析从十九世纪八十年代末到九十年代,海尔都不缺乏改革。它的变革包括八十年代末的“OEC”管理模式、九十年代的“市场链一体化”管理模式以及2005年的“订单式生产”管理模式。海尔的结构重组不仅包括管理模式上的变化,还包括了精神上的重组。八十年代末到九十年代的最后两次重组唤醒了海尔的组织活力。第一次变革上个世纪八十年代末,家用电器处于“供不应求”的时期。意思是家用电器是缺乏的。产品一被生产出来后,就会被抢购一空。在那时,所有的工厂都扩大了产出,但海尔的领导却作出了至今仍然令员工记忆犹新的惊人决定砸碎了76台有瑕疵的冰箱。从那时起,海尔开始从日本企业学习管理经验,即“全面质量管理”,这就是“OEC”管理模式。“OEC”管理模式就是:“日事日毕,日清日高”。每天员工们都要把当天的工作做好,然后写好在记账卡上,再检查一遍后把记账卡交给他们的管理者。不管做到几点钟下班,管理者都要在上面签名,并上交给车间管理者。你也不能够在第二天离开自己的岗位。“OEC”管理模式在海尔的多样化扩充中扮演着一个重要的角色。海尔是从制造冰箱起家的。随着需求户的增长,海尔必须达到多样化。“OEC”管理模式很管用,海尔的第一次变革因为“OEC”管理模式的施行而成功。第二次变革随着“OEC”管理模式的成功,海尔完成了多样化。同时,另一家大企业成了海尔的竞争对手。海尔一些部门的管理者没有和他们的属下沟通,所以这些属下的工作热情减退了。海尔需要第二次变革。1998年,海尔开始进行“市场链”的方法。在这次组织变革中,海尔将金字塔式组织结构改革成平衡型组织结构。这种方法减少了管理层次。在下属的层面上,每位上司都是自我管理的。每个人都有自己的目标市场、营销目的和营销 战略去尽可能快地创造新的市场和新的需求。而在过去,员工根本不会听管理者的话。海尔的每一个部门都必须面向市场。同时,每个部门都对利润和损失承担责任,所以现金和股票都被保证了有更好的流向。海尔的第二次变革又成功了。第三次变革去年,“订单式生产”管理模式是更深层次的改革。每个员工都需要面对市场和进行竞争以得到产品订单。如果一个部门或者一个员工不能满足市场的需要,他们可能会被抛弃。目前,海尔在三个月之前推出“订单式生产”管理模式。这种新模式在国内的发展中施行得很好。然而,在海外却是行不通的。这是一个文化问题。很多国 家都有着自己的语言。沟通对组织效益有很重要的影响。不同语言是沟通的障碍。海尔的困难是文化多样化。这个克服过程非常地长,它花了海尔很长一段时间来适应和修正。结果,海尔第三次组织开发的成功与否成了悬念。;建议可见,海尔的服务和品牌操作系统是成功的。海尔由其高质量服务的得益太多了。因此,海尔看起来是靠其服务取胜的。尽管海尔的竞争者都知道,没人会提供比海尔更好的服务。事实上,其他企业也可以提供和海尔一样好的服务,但他们并没有足够的时间和金钱。代价太高了,而且锻炼知识、技能和经验是需要花费很多时间的。现在问题是海尔能否在服务以外的方面提高,这需要海尔的战略改革能和高质量的服务并行不悖。如果我们认真地审视海尔,会发现海尔不只是在实现国际化,最少这个说法并不全面。海尔过多地看重短期市场效益,因此他们投入了过多的精力到电脑、手机、生物制药和家用厨房设备中去。显然,海尔是要使用多样化战略来支撑组织开发。海尔的服务无处不在。整个系统显示出海尔的传统价值观“像家庭般暖”。在海尔,可能产品并不完美,但服务一定要做到最完美。海尔仍然充满了不稳定性,最大的因素是对企业文化的依赖。海尔的文化和其想要达到的国际化一致吗?作为一个组织开发者,我为组织改革提出下列五点:一、 提出战略提出战略是改革的第一步。一种好的战略是企业的指南针,它可以将企业运转向好的方向发展。如果没有战略或者战略不清晰,满足市场需求和达到商业目标是很难的。其实,战略是一种在内、外环境都要积极和清晰的商业决策过程。企业目标包括长期目标和短期目标。因此,企业战略不仅要具有可适应性,还要具有长远性。海尔产品已经实现了差异化,那么它应该聚焦于全球化。二、 建立和战略并行不悖的企业文化企业开发战略有一个共同特征就是可适应性。企业资源必须适应外因和内因的变化。这种适应是一个复杂的调整过程。一方面,企业必须加强其内部管理,另一方面,企业必须持续地推行有效的企业文化。换而言之,企业应该推行和战略一致的企业文化。首先,分析现行企业文化的优劣势,然后发展出更适合的企业文化模式。接着,通过合适的管理模式施行战略。最后,选择最合适的人才来确保战略的推行。在这方面上,每个人都必须为海尔的组织而努力。不仅要向员工施加压力,还要给予动力。三、 战略性地配置人力资源人力资源和知识资源在战略性竞争领域里是很重要的。如果企业能把人力资源和知识资源配置得当,那么企业的战略就能得到实施,也就能达到目标。这确实反映了这两种有价值的资源在战略系统中不能被忽视。人力资源应该在战略执行过程中被强调的。海尔在人力资源这方面是成功的。通过对海尔的分析,可以发现海尔的成功来源于人力资源开发和利用的成功。一个完美的企业是由完美的人才所组成的。海尔的观点是以个人价值推进企业发展。在海尔,员工和企业是共同发展的。雇员勤劳工作的时候,企业的价值才能得以体现。总裁张瑞敏说,我对人才有一种深刻的看法,这是一些人所没有的。关键的任务是建立一个人才培训机制。在海尔,我们有一个不断培训新人才的机制。年轻人能很快地学习和接受新知识,但同时他们的自我意识也很强。因此,为了保证他们能很好地完成任务,我们为所有年轻人制造机遇。压力和竞争是组织开发中重要的部分。海尔对提升员工培训质量持“以人为本”的观点。这可以让员工的积极性得到最大的提高并充分地开发人力资源。因此,企业维持着高速而稳定的发展。四、 信息技术资源另一个战略型资源就是信息技术资源了。在信息时代,企业的前景是光明的。不仅抓住了各种各样的信息,还加强了我们的语言文化。毕竟,我们的战略目标是达到全球化,进攻国际市场。五、 实施绩效管理为了战略的顺利实施,我们必须及时进行评估和反馈。企业通过反馈才能认清绩效,所以我们必须控制绩效评估,例如激励机制。综上所述,组织开发成为企业发展中一个困难问题。一个成功的企业必须在变革中的每一个细节都做好。战略并不能保证企业是成功的,我们也必须不断地改进战略。因此,组织改革是一个长期的过程。结论对海尔的影响海尔在1984年于山东省青岛市的一个大企业开始了它的事业。当它进入战略性发展的阶段时,组织结构需要来一次大改造。在二十世纪八十年代,海尔采用了垂直结构作为其组织结构模式。这就是“OEC”管理模式。这个模式主张权力集中体制。进入九十年代后,组织变革的内容是多元化管理,“市场链”管理模式。企业开始将精力分散到局部管理中去。海尔的组织开发手段从“OEC”管理模式转为“市场链”管理模式。这个新的改革进程取得了很好的成果。1999年和2000年的销售收入分别达到268亿元人民币和400亿人民币以上。这是一次巨大的增长。准确无误地弄清改革的方向和机遇是很重要的。这个变化对处于竞争中的企业组织同样有益。如果一个企业要发展,那么它必须适应复杂而又飞速变化的环境。我们必须掌握和适应企业的内部结构信息。哈默博士说,这种改革对被放逐的囚犯一样具有同等意义。企业改革打破了原始混浊的企业环境,它也必然会为企业环境和利润带来一些影响。为了平衡新的组织变革,组织结构需要经历混乱期、磨合期、发展期和稳定期。在混乱期,员工会因为焦虑而表现得垂头丧气。与此同时,企业的运作效率会因为顾客对企业缺乏信心而降低。在改革的末期,企业的运作效率会逐步提升。到了那时候,企业就会在一个稳定的状态中发展。当一家公司维持一种战略不变时,企业运作效率会逐渐降低。企业的组织改革必须以外部环境和内部规章制度为依据。一些因素决定了企业必须改革,例如市场环境、技术环境、外部竞争、业务拓展、工作多样化、国际化趋势、企业比例管理以及复杂化。所有这些因素都使企业必须改革。相反地,如果企业频繁地进行改革,企业就会面临破产。包括员工、顾客、供应商和合作伙伴内的企业利益相关者,他们都需要足够的时间进行反馈。否则,组织变革就会被打败。组织结构的功效曲线是波动不平的。组织变革过程也是充满危机的。正如张瑞敏所说的,“对海尔而言,最大的挑战正在改变。海尔的现行组织结构是相当好的,这是一场在信息时代下的竞争,在这个时代,我们必须打破这种组织结构,这是非常困难的,就像一场地震。如果企业经常需要这样做,这个挑战也太大了。如果不这样做的话,企业就会失去竞争力。这是一个我们必须面对的巨大挑战。”评估与执行组织开发战略是一个复杂的系统,最初是通过战略系统来改进战略信息系统和战略执行系统。最终,这种战略可以帮助企业维持竞争优势。怎样构建一个组织开发战略只是第一步,怎样去实施这个战略才是最重要和最困难的环节。有学者指出:一个成功的企业需要战略、企业管理者的执行能力以及运气。因此,我们必须认识到执行战略的重要性。在组织开发战略的执行过程中,我们必须考虑一系列的细节,包括:制定组织战略,建立和战略并行的组织支持系统,准备人力资源和信息资源以及执行绩效管理。只要我们把这些细节做好,组织开发战略就能够成功地实施。良好的组织管理能带来竞争优势。组织变革是建立合适的环境和发展生产力去适应新的组织形态的行动。如果企业拥有一套合适的组织结构,它就可以很快地生产新产品。同样地,合适的组织结构可以产品的质量来全面达到顾客的要求。这不同于传统的组织结构。组织开发有五个构思要素:战略、人力资源和自然资源、组织结构的、测评系统以及不同的技术。2 外文文献原文 (1)Organizational structure of enterprises is an old topic, since the business exists, organizational structure is associated. Any enterprise must choose the specific organizational structure forms. The organizational structures of enterprises have numerous forms, and these various forms of organizational structures have applicability. Different environment, different enterprises, different size, different managers, will have the most appropriate form of organization.Since the 90s, enterprises have made the revolution all over the world. At the same time, along with the world economics integration approach, the hypothesized organization develops vigorously. Some expert initial assert: in order to fit for the request information revolution, digitized and the network, enterprises typical organizational structure pattern will be the opening network structure in future. “Haier is one of the largest household appliance manufacturers in the world. It is also in the top of the Chinese electronic information enterprises. Haier has 240 filiale and distribute in more than 30 countries to establish local design centers, manufacturing bases and trading companies. They want to come true the globalization. The total employees are over 50,000. In 2005, the turnover of Haier is RMB103.9 billion yuan.”2The CEO of Haier, Zhang Ruimin, established strategic guidance, it is well known all over world. In 1993, Haier became the first famous brand in China. This brand was considered the most valuable brand in China. Haier produced many household appliances. Some products are famous and enjoyable in China, such as, refrigerators, air-conditioners, washing machines, televisions, water heaters, computers, mobile phones. August 30, 2005, Haier was considered as the excellent brand in British Financial Times. Haier has become a world brand. In the practice of innovation, Haier carried out the OEC management model, the market chain management model and follow order management model. The development of management has attracted international management sector. Faced the new competitive conditions, Haier needs establish the new change in order to achieve globalization. Analysis Haiers three times changes Haier is not lack of change from the end of the 1980s to 1990s, it involves “OEC model” at the end of the 1980s, “market chain integration method” in the 1990s, and in 2005 “follow order management model”. Haier organizational restructuring which has not only changed the management model, but also Haier has raised to the spiritualization. The last two changes from the end of the 1980s to 1990s are all achieved the organizational goals- awaken organizational vigor.The first organizational development changeAbove century at the end of 80s, the electrical appliances exist in the age of “demand exceeds supply”. It means the electrical appliances are lack. So long as products are produced, they will be sold out quickly. In that time, each factory enlarges the output, but Haiers leader made a stupendous decision which made all Haier person bear in mind until now-destroyed the whole 76 refrigerators with flaw. From then on, Haier started to learn from the management method from Japanese enterprise, which is “Total Quality Management” work. This is the pattern of “OEC model”. “OEC model” represents as: The daily work must be completed every day, and the works must be cleaned up and must have the enhancement everyday. Every day the staffs clean up their work and fill in accounting cards, and then they inspect again and give the cards to their managers. No matter several oclock off duty, even if it is too late, the managers must sign cards and hand them to the directors in workshop. You must not leave the work on the next day. “OEC model” played an important role in the period of diversified expansion in Haier. Haier begins with producing refrigerators. Along with the increscent demand, Haier must achieve diversification. “OEC model” is very helpful. The first organizational development change in Haier is very successful because of “OEC model”.The second organizational development change With the success of OEC management model, Haier completed the diversification. At the some time, the other large organizations became Haiers competitors. Some managers in various departments did not communicate with their employees, so the enthusiasms of employees reduce. Haier needs the second change.In 1998, Haier began recycling “market chain integration method” process. In this organizational development change, Haier changes the pyramid structure to the balance structure. This method reduces management levels. In the aspect of staff, each manager is self-governed in operating management. Each people have his/her target market, market goals, and marketing strategies to create new markets and new demand as soon as possible. In the past, the employees must obey to their supervisors.Each department of Haier must face to the market. Simultaneously, each department has the responsibilities for profits and losses, so the cash and stock are guaranteed to flow better. The second organizational development change in Haier is also successful.The third organizational development changeLast year, “follow order management model” is the further reform. Each person must face market and they will have the competition in order to get the order of products. If the departments or employees do not suit the markets demand, they may be given up.At present, Haier carried on “follow order management model” three months ago. The new pattern was implemented all right in the domestic progress. However, it is not very good in overseas. This is a culture problem. There are several different languages in different countries. Communication has a significant effect on organizational performance. The different languages are the barriers for communication. The difficult problem in Haier is the culture diversity. This implementation process is extremely long. It takes Haier the long time to adjust and the revise this process. As a result of these, it is not certain that the third organizational development change is successful.ProposalBy this token, Haier is successful in its services and brand operating system. Haier gets excessive profits by the high quality service. Thus, it appears that Haier compete with the other enterprise through their services. Although all of them know that, no one can provide higher quality service than Haier. In fact, the other enterprise also can do these good services like Haier, but they do not have enough money and time. The cost is too high, and it takes much time to carry out the training for knowledge, skills and experience. Now the problem is that whether Haier can develop or not by the high quality service only. It needs that the high quality service must be consistent with Haiers strategy. We take a serious look at Haier, will be found Haiers strategy is not only internationalization. At least it is not comprehensive. Haier overemphasizes the short-term market efficiency, so they plunge into too much force in the computer, mobile phone, biopharmaceuticals, and family kitchen field. In a word, Haier is obviously going to carry out diversified strategy to support the organizational development. Haiers service exists everywhere. The system shows the traditional value of Haier- warmth as family. In Haier, maybe the products are not the best, but the service must be the best. Haier is still full of uncertainties. The main factor is dependence of corporate culture. Does Haiers culture accord with internationalization? As an organization development practitioner, I provide the following five aspects for the organization change. 1. To establish strategiesTo establish strategies is the first step for change. The good strategy is an enterprises compass and it guides the operation of enterprises in the right direction. Without the strategies or the strategies are not clear, it will be difficult to satisfy market demand and achieve business goals.In fact, the strategy is a business decision-making which is must be positive and clear in external or internal operating environment. Enterprise objectives include long-term goals and short-term goals. In order to achieve the goals, the strategy also needs long-term strategies and short-term strategies. Therefore, enterprise strategies are not only adaptive, but forward-looking.Haier products have achieved diversification strategy, so it should focus on the global internationalization, which is also called globalization.2、Establish the organizational structure which is commensurate with the strategies Enterprise development strategy has one of the important characteristics is adaptability. Enterprise resources must adapt to the external environment and internal organizational conditions change. The adaptation is a very complex adjustment process. One hand, enterprises must strengthen their internal management, on the other hand, enterprises should continuously take effective organizational structure. In the other word, enterprises should establish organizational structure that is consistent with strategy. It includes three aspects: First, analyze inferior and advantages of organizational structure and they develop the comfortable organizational structure models. Second, achieve strategies by appropriate management methods. Third, choose the most suitable talent in order to ensure the implementation of the strategy.In this point, everyone must work for corporation in Haier. Not only give the pressure to the staff, but also gave them impetus. 3、Configure strategic human resourcesHuman resource and information resource are important in strategic competition area. If enterprises allocate human resources and information well, the strategy can be reached and the goal can be achieved. It did reflect that the two valuable resources must not be ignored in strategic system.Human resource should be emphasized in strategic implementation process. Haier is successful in this human resource. To analysis Haier, human resource development and utilization is the main reason for success. Wonderful enterprise is made up of the wonderful talents. Haiers view is personal value improve the enterprise development. In Haier, the staff must develop with enterprise in the synchronization. The employees work hard, and the value of business is incarnated.“The CEO Zhang Ruimin say, “I have the profound understanding about talent, a few people can not achieve. The key assignment is to establish a system for talent training. In Haier, We have a very good system to create new talent constantly. Young people accept new knowledge adaptable and quickly, but at the same time their self-awareness are strong. Therefore, in order to ensure they will achieve an excellent task, we provide opportunities for all the young employees. The stress and competition are part and parcel in organization development.”3 Haier has”people-oriented” ideas to improve the quality of personnel training. It can maximize their individual vitality and exploit human resource fully. As a result of this, enterprise maintains a rapid and stable development.4、Information technology resourceThe other strategic resource is information technology resource. With the knowledge and information era, the enterprise will have the nice future. Not only grasp various resources, but also our cultural language should be strengthened. After all, our strategic plan is to achieve globalization, enter international markets.5、 Implement performance management In order to implement strategy favoring, we must evaluate and feedback in time. Enterprisers realize the performance through feedback, so we must control performance appraisal, for example, reward system. Based on the above, the organization development change becomes a difficult problem in the development of enterprises. Successful enterprises must do well in every detail in change. The strategy does not guarantee the company is successful. We also must be able to improve it ceaseless. Therefore, organization development change is a long-term process.ConclusionEffect on Haier One of the biggest organizations in Qingdao city, Shandong province, Haier started an undertaking in 1984. When it entered the new strategic development phase, the organizational structure must carry on a significant change. In the 1980s, Haiers organizational structure adopted the straight line structural style. It is “OEC model”. This model maintained the centralization system. Enters 1990s, the organizational changes-over is the multiplex management, the “market chain integration method”. The company started to divide power and carry out the partial managementHaier change the organizational development from a general “OEC model” to the “market chain integration method”. This great organizational innovation achieved good results. The sales revenue amounted to RMB26.8 billion yuan in 1999 and more than 40 billion yuan in 2000. This is a huge increase. It is important to make sure the direction and opportunity of innovation accurately. This change is also benefit for enterprise organizations in the competition. If an enterprise exists and development, it must fit the complex and fast-changing environment. We must get information and adjust internal structure. Doctor Hamo say, the innovation is equivalent of exiling prisoner, all were chaos.4The change of enterprise breaks the original environment of company. Inevitably, it could bring some impact on the companys environment and benefit. In order to balance the new organizational development, the organizational structure experiences the chaotic time, grinding time, growth time and steady time. In chaotic time, because of angst, the staff will behave the despondency.At the same time, the operating efficiency will be reduced because the customers lack of confidence in the organization. In the end of the organizational reform, the organizational efficiency will gradually increase. At that time, the company will develop in a steady period.Organizational efficiency will reduce gradually when the company maintains a static and no change. Changes in the organizational structure of enterprises depend on the external environment and internal rules. Several factors decide the company must change, for example, the market environment, technical environment, competitive in the external environment, business development, operating diversification, internationalization tr


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