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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上我的梦想每个人都有自己的梦想,有的想成为宇航员,有的想成为科学家,有的想成为歌唱家.而我的梦想是成为一名杰出的服装设计师。我非常喜欢画画,我经常会给我的芭比娃娃设计衣服,并动手给她们制作衣服,看到芭比娃娃穿上我制作的衣服,我开心极了。我是个爱美的小女孩,我也梦想着有一天能自己为自己设计出漂亮的衣服,并穿上它,走上国际的舞台,走向世界。我要为全世界的人设计美丽的服装,让她们都穿上我设计的衣服。我要为我们敬爱的老师设计一套服装,那是庄严的教师服。是浅灰色的,上身是几瓣花片,从空中慢悠悠地落下来,还有一些大树和一些小苗。我仿佛看到老师穿着我设计的衣服在教室里讲课,讲得是那么的好,同学们都听入了谜。我还要为全世界的妈妈设计一套服装。那是一套淡粉色的连衣裙,上面有一位妈妈在为自己的孩子讲故事,还有一位妈妈在为自己的孩子洗脚。谁看到了这身衣服,肯定会买下来。穿上这身衣服,会让孩子体会到母亲深深的爱和对自己孩子无微不至的照顾。我更要为全世界的爸爸设计一套服装,那是一套西服,穿上很帅气。上面没有特别醒目的花纹,却有几颗大大的心,上面写着“Love”,这会让孩子知道父爱也是在生活中不可缺少的。这就是我的梦想,我相信,经过我的努力,我的梦想一定会实现的。Everyone has a dream. Some want to be astronauts or scientists, and the others want to be singers. And my dream is to be an outstanding fashion designer.I love painting very much. I often design clothes for my Bobbi Doll by hand. When I see the Bobbi Doll wearing clothes I made, I am very happy. I am a little girl. I also dream of designing beautiful clothes for myself one day. I will wear it on the international stage. I want to design beautiful dresses for people all over the world, and let them wear my clothes.I want to design a dress for our beloved teacher. It is light grey with a few flower petals on it falling down from the sky slowly. There are also some trees and seedlings. I seem to see the teacher wearing my designed clothes in the classroom. She teaches so well that all the students are fascinated to listen to her.I would also like to design a set of clothing for the mother of the world. It is a pale pink dress. There is one mother telling stories to her children and another mother washing feet for her baby. Who sees the clothes, she will certainly take them. With these clothes, children will feel the deep love for his mother.I want to design a suit for the father around the world. Its a cool suit. There is no particularly eye-catching patterns, but a few pieces of big hearts and love. Thus, children know that fatherly love is in the life an indispensable. This is my dream. I believe it will come true with my efforts.专心-专注-专业


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