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1. 突然做某事。她突然开始朝我发火。2. 假定. ; 请换位思考一下。3. 最终 做某事; 一个月后我终于停止长肉。4. 对不了解的话;对顾客不了解,就没法提供好的服务。5. 考虑到;考虑到雨一直下,尽管如此,还是来了很多顾客。6. 全靠了;全靠你了。7. (我觉得)好像;那个空缺的职位好像已经找到人了。8. 知道(擅长做某事);他是知道怎么花钱。9. 为担心;我担心她收到伤害。10. 比起来;比起以前来,工作环境变好了很多。11. 也能做(可能性);我也能做那件事。12. 再一想再一想,我们的上司也没有那么坏。13. 我如果是你我如果是你,会顿顿好好吃饭。14. 如果, 会怎么样?如果她没有回邮件怎么办?15. 关于说到数码相机,那个人可能是专家。16. 过分我觉得请求并不过分。17. 假如就好了。能再见那人一面就好了。18. 即使即使他会伤心,也要把事实说出来。19. 不管用什么办法要想方设法和那个人联系上。20. 不, 不是今天不工作,做什么呢?21. 不管是还是不管他直接来还是打电话过来,都一样。22. 打赌我打赌你会成为百万富翁。23. 别说(都没能做)。别说读完了,这本书还没开始呢。24. 得看看是否我得看看这个方法是否行得通。25. 说让让我在一楼等。26. 差点差点从台阶上摔下来。27. 值得那个电影值得一看。28. 怕怕不能准时赶到,打车来了。29. 具备的条件。没有条件搬到更宽敞的地方。30. 要是,还能要是来得早些,你还能得到一张优惠券31. 担心担心您没有听到,所以跟您说的。32. 确定是否你确定锁门了吗?33. 够 做水不够热,冲不开咖啡。34. 一定要在打印报告书之前,请一定再检查一遍。35. 进展得你的报告怎么样了?36. 为了为了看起来方便,用红笔做了标记。37. 要想之后,再我想和父母说过之后,我们再来谈这件事38. 本没有的想法本来不想给你带来任何麻烦的。39. 别再 别再抱怨啦,人人经历过困难阶段。40. 时而时而雨时断时续。41. 需不需要给您需不需要给您拿来一个塑料袋?42. 如果是这种情况如果是这种情况,为什么不直接问他呢?43. 已经如此既然已经如此,只能支持他了。44. 你认为怎么样?你认为新来的上司怎么样?45. 我希望你我希望你能到我的新地方来参观一下。46. 不管怎么不管我多么尽心尽力,总是不见好转迹象47. 发现是发现他是个天才。48. 说的话说他的优点的话,我觉得他很知性。49. 好像你说起来像是个局外人似得。50. 怎么变得办公室怎么变得这么乱?51. 什么时候做某事设计公司说什么时候给你答复?52. 想马上我买了电子产品,总迫不及待地想马上用用看。53. 多长时间内正在做某事。现在是我忙这个的第三天了。54. 不管什么做某事还有问题的话,随时联系我就行。55. 不确定与否我不确定到现在商店还有没有开着门。56. 有的预感我感觉事情进展顺利。57. 以前曾经做过某事我以前曾喜欢过他,现在不了。58. 否则的话告诉他今天之内结束,否则就超期了。59. 好像不能做某事今天好像完不成了。60. 有做 的几率(可能性)如果你是狮子座,我很有可能跟你约会哦61. 让人担心今天发生的事真让人担心。62. 因为花费(时间等)怎么花费了你这么长时间?63. 明白了为什么会所以工资停发了啊。64. 接连不停地最近雨不停地下。65. 与有关系最近异常的天气与全球变暖有关系。66. 偶然在剧院偶然碰到公司的同事。67. 原本应该这门不是理应锁着吗?68. 考虑要不要做某事我正在考虑要不要去留学。69. 的可能性大看起来这一点以后也会持续地成为问题。70. 意图是搞不懂这部分是要讲什么。71. 了也没用和这些人好说歹说了半天,全无用处。72. 除这个之外只剩下这个了。73. 意识到了不知不觉已经这么晚了。74. 是这样么?模样(原本)如此吗?75. 现在一回想现在一回想,开会时约翰好像没有来。76. 听说听说你辞职了。77. 一旦一旦弄清要领,就不难了。78. 更不要说了我们公司付给正式员工的薪水很低,更不用说临时工了。79. 的一会功夫临时出去一小会,回来就发现钱包不见了80. 不喜欢做我不喜欢做饭。81. 甚至连也没能别说晚饭了,我连午饭也没吃。82. 的类型我属于那种不爱提前担心的人。83. 不得不做某事我不得不去参加例会。84. 需要做某事午饭后我需要去一趟银行。85. 做怎么样?请我吃午饭怎么样?86. 可以吗?我可以把空调温度调低些吗?87. 需要帮你吗?需要我帮你搬家吗?88. 容易我本来很容易散漫。89. 我来做某事我帮您拿会儿。90. B中任选其一我让约翰或卡尔文帮你一下。91. 不喜欢/讨厌做某事我不喜欢参加重要会议迟到。92. 正要做某事我正要说那件事。93. 宁愿做某事跟他一起吃饭,还不如一个人吃呢。94. 去下班后去百货商店一趟。95. 一定还有一定还有更好的方法。96. 做时顺便请顺便给我也复印一张。97. 或许您或许知道什么地方卖这种风格的衣服?98. 没听说没有听说会议取消了。99. 不会我每次失误他都不会放过。100. 只拿来衡量,只从的观点来看如果只拿钱来衡量,我以前的工作更好。101. 不的话不让他试一试的话,我们无法知道他能不能做。1. Start to do She started to get upset with me. 2. Suppose (that) S+VSuppose you were in my place.3. end up + 名词形式I end up putting weight back on in a month4. Without knowledge ofYou cant provide good service without knowledge of your clients.5. ConsideringWe had many guests considering it rained the entire time.6. Up toIts totally up to you.7. I guess (that ) S+VI guess that the job vacancy has already been filled.8. Know how to He knows how to use his money.9. I feel bad (that) S+VI feel bad that she got hurt.10. Compared toOur working conditions are much better compared to in the past.11. Chances are S+VChances are I will take the job.12. On second thoughtOn second thought, my boss isnt so bad. 13. If I were youIf I were you, I would never skip meals.14. What if?What if she doesnt email me back?15. When it comes to When it comes to digital cameras, he is the expert.16. Its too much to doI dont think its too much to ask.17. If only S+VIf only I met him just once more.18. Even if S+VJust tell him the truth, even if it offends him. 19. Whatever it takesContact him now, whatever it takes.20. Instead of +名词形式What are you doing today instead of working?21. Whether or?Its the same whether he comes in person or talks to me on the phone. 22. I bet S+V you will be a millionaire!23. Far from doing, not evenFar from finishing the book, I havent even started it yet. 24. See if S+VI need to see if it really works. 25. Be told to do I was told to wait on the 1st floor. 26. Almost do I almost fell down the stairs. 27. Be worth doing The movie is worth seeing.28. I was afraid, soI was afraid I wouldnt get here on time, so I took a taxi. 29. Can afford ( to do )I cant afford a bigger place. 30. If you had P.P. , you could have P.P. If you had come a bit earlier, you could have had a free coupon. 31. In caseIn case you havent heard about it. 32. Make sure (that) S+VDid you make sure you locked the door?33. enough to doThe water is not hot enough to make coffee.34. Be sure to do Please be sure to double-check the report before you print it out.35. How is going?How is your report going?36. So that canI marked the reports in red so that you can check them easily.37. Id rather not untilId rather not discuss the matter until Ive talked to my parents about it. 38. Didnt mean to doI didnt mean to cause you any inconvenience. 39. Stop doingJust stop whining. Everybody goes through hard times.40. On and offIts been raining on and off. 41. Can I get you?Can I get you some plastic bags?42. if thats the caseIf thats the case, why dont you just ask him?43. Such being the caseSuch being the case, I cant help but support him. 44. What do you think of?What do you think of the new boss?45. I hope (that) you +VI hope youll come to visit me at my new place. 46. No matter howNo matter how hard I try, I cant see any signs of improvement.47. Turn out to beHe turned out to be a genius.48. Speaking ofSpeaking of his merits, I think he is very intelligent. 49. As if S+VYou speak as if you were not involved at all. 50. How come?How come our office is so messy?51. When do you expect to do?When do you expect to hear back from the design office?52. I cant wait to doI cant wait to try out new electronic products when I buy them. 53. Ive been doingIve been working on this for 3 days.54. Feel free to doFeel free to contact me, if you have any further questions.55. Im not sure if S+VIm not sure if the store is still open. 56. My hunch is that S+VMy hunch is that things are going well.57. I used to doI used to like him but now I dont. 58. OtherwiseIts better to let him finish it today, otherwise he wont be able to meet the deadline. 59. Be unlikely to doIm unlikely to finish this today.60. There is a good chanceIf you are a Leo, there is a good chance Ill go out with you. 61. Im worried aboutIm so worried about whats happened today.62. It takes 人+时间How come it took you so long?63. That explains whyNow that explains why the payment was stopped.64. Keep doing It keeps raining these days. 65. Have something to do withThe strange weather these days has something to do with global warming.66. Happened to doI happened to bump into one of our coworkers at the movie theater.67. Be supposed to do Isnt the door supposed to be locked?68. Be thinking of doing I am thinking of studying abroad.69. Its more likely that S+VIts more likely that this issue will affect us later on. 70. Get atIm not quite sure what you are getting at here.71. There is no point doingThere is no point arguing with these people. 72. This is the only thingThis is the only thing that remains.73. I realize (that) S+VI didnt realize it was so late. 74. Is that whatIs that what it looks like?75. Now I come to think of itNow I come to think of it, I dont remember seeing John at the meeting. 76. I heard (that)I heard you will quit your job. 77. Once S+VOnce you get the knack of it, it isnt difficult. 78. Not to mentionOur company pays little to full-time workers, not to mention temps.79. While S+VI got my purse stolen while I was out. 80. I dont feel like doingI dont feel like making dinner. 81. Not evenI didnt even eat my lunch let alone dinner. 82. Tend to doI tend not to worry about potential problems. 83. Have to doI have to attend the annual meeting.84. Need to doI need to drop by the bank after lunch. 85. Why dont you do?Why dont you buy me lunch?86. Do you mind if?Do you mind if I turn down the air conditioners?87. Do you want me to do?Do you want to me to help you move?88. Get easilyI get easily distracted. 89. Let me doLet me hold it for a moment.90. Either A or BIll let either John or Calvin help you out.91. Hate doing I hate arriving late to important meetings. 92. Be about to do I was about to talk about that issue. 93. Id rather dothan do Id rather eat my lunch alone than eat with him.94. Be going to Im going to the department store after work. 95. There must be somethingThere must be something else that works better. 96. While you are at itWhile youre at it, please print me out a copy of the itinerary. 97. Do you possible?Do you possible know where I can find this style of clothes?98. Be not informedI was not informed that the meeting had been canceled. 99. Never fail to doHe never fails to tell me when Ive made an error. 100. In terms ofMy former job was better only in terms of money. 101. Unless S+VWell never know if he can do it unless we let him try.


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