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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上一 词汇运用。1 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写出单词。1.Kate needs to take some medicine because she has the f.2.Can I go to the movies, Mum?C. But you must be back by nine oclock.3.Put your w in a safe place. There is too much money in it.4.If you m blue and yellow, you will get green. 5. What is your sister doing now?C up the onions.6.I cant use the new m. I hear it can make popcorn. 7My brother is a lazy boy, and he h ever exercises every day.8.I often help my mother do some h, such as washing, sweeping the floor and so on. 9. Tom was old e to work and make money.10.She is writing something on a piece of p. 11.I think Ill live in an a with my best friend,because I dont like living alone.12.John told his friends about the spaceship, but no one b his story.13. When I was younger, my hwas collecting stamps, but now I like painting.14. After he finished high school, my brother went to cfor further education.15. Frank, take off your w (湿的)jacket so you dont catch a cold.16. He went to Chongqing for a trip(没有)telling me.17.I gave him some money, but he(拒绝). 18.The(开幕式) of the sports meeting will begin at 8:30 tomorrow morning. 19.How are the(准备工作) going? Everything is OK. 20.Come on,Sandy. Everybody will be lucky or(成功的)sometime in their life.Thanks, Ill try again.21.Does Mr. King like Chinese(文化)?22.His parents(期待) him to get good grades.23.Whats the(主要的) idea of this passage?24.I dont like soap operas, because they are(毫无意义的).25.Do you think it(必要的)to have a friend who has cool clothes?26.(然而),many young trees died ten days ago.27.Is your father as(严肃的)as your teacher?28.I can (分享)my photos with my friends on the Internet.29.Dont (触摸)drugs(毒品)forever.30.David was very careless. He made so many (错误)that he failed the exam.31.Im sure your cousin can do these exercises (自己).32.(相信)him! He has no difficulty to work out the problem.33.How much (盐)do we need to add to the noodles?34.The little boy shouldnt (倾倒)water onto the floor.35.(健康)is important to everyone.36. It is a good habit to brush your teeth at least(两次) a day.37.There is something wrong with his teeth. He should see a(牙医).38. The food tasted great because I was(饿).39. Will you go(任何地方) interesting on vacation this summer? 40. Please find out some(不同)between the two pictures. 41.Robots will do(有危险的)and hard work.42.They have put this new kind of machine to use (已经).43. Many children enjoyed tin the park yesterday.44. Do you need to (讨论)the problem in groups?45. His parents are both(工程师).46.The lady came in and took a(座位) near the window.47.How much is the(饭)? Its 100 yuan. 48.(几乎) everybody in my class likes watching game shows. 49.There are so many toys in the shop that I cant decide which one to(选择). 50.The old people are living a(舒适的) life at the old peoples home. 用所给词的适当形式填空。51.I look forward to(visit) Beijing one day.52. Where would you like(go)on vacation? Id love to go somewhere relaxing.53.Dont mind. Im glad (help)you.54.People can know places and events without (go)to see them.55.The best way (pass)an exam is to work hard every day in a year.56I have something important to(discussion)with you through video talk.57.I think news is(education) than soap operas.58.The students are having a(discuss) about how to learn English well. 59.The boys mother died when he was only seven years old.Oh, he is really a(n)(luck) boy. 60.She says she cant stand(work) for a long time.61.You must be more (care)from now on.62.Im sorry I have no time(watch) TV now.63.Her mother asks her not to play computer games too much. If she(do), her mother will be mad at her.64.Dont forget(take) away what you bring here.65.(watch) TV for a long time is bad for your eyes.66.The farmer is (dig)holes to plant trees. 67. (final),enjoy the Super Sandwich.68.My mother(mix)the milk and the juice together and drank it.69.Please tell me how (celebrate)your success.70.For dinner, I often have two (sandwich)and a glass of milk. 71.What do you think is the best way(relax)?72.Mo Yan is a famous(write)and he is from Shandong.73.There are many(different)between the two books.74.Alice uses the Internet(two)a week.75.Its not good to relax by(use)the Internet every day.76. I bought something special for my parents, but nothing for ().77. She(stay) at home last night.78.Her mother enjoys(dance) very much.79.What(activity) do you do after class?80.We didnt do(something) special last weekend.81.There will be(many)people in the future.82.Kids (not go)to school in the future.83.There are many different kinds of (pollute)in the world.84.(predict)the future for us is very difficult now.85.Its (possible)for us to fly like a bird in the sky.86. This success marked the new (begin)in his career.87.I have quite a good(relation) with my sister. 88.If you are clever enough, you could guess the(mean) of the text.89.If you want to study English well, you should practice_(speak) English. 90.We go and do the(week) shopping every Thursday.91. Mr. Green is so serious that he always thinks (careful)before making a decision.92. Tu Youyou is one of the Nobel Prize (win) in 2015. Were proud of her.93. Does Gold Theatre have (comfort) seats of the five in your city?94.I like watching others (perform)on TV.95.Dont take what he says so (serious).根据汉语意思完成句子(每小题2分,共10分)96.直到下个月格林一家才离开中国。The Greens China until next month.97.知道他拒绝了我的邀请我很惊讶。I to know that he refused my invitation.98.我想邀请他参加我们的俱乐部。I want to join our club.99.初中毕业后每个学生都有很多东西可以期待。Each student can many things after they leave junior high school.100.这个男孩经常在街上闲逛。The boy often in the street.101.中国因长城而闻名。China is the Great Wall. 102.我不能忍受外面的噪音。 I the noise outside.103.易老师是位好老师,她总是乐于帮助有困难的学生。Miss Yi is a great teacher and she help students in trouble.104.我计划查明这件事的真相。I the truth about the event.105.我希望代替他去完成这项工作。I his to finish the work.106.你我都来自第三中学。you I are from No. 3 Middle School.107.事实上, 他害怕在公共场所演讲。 ,he is afraid of making a speech in public.108.最好的朋友可以帮助我表现出最好的自己。The best friend helps to the best in me. 109.你在意比赛的结果吗?Do you the result of the competition?110.现在在年轻人当中,微信比QQ更受欢迎。At present, WeChat is than QQ among young people.111.约翰太粗心了,不能照看好他的宠物。John islook after his pets well. 112.和别人分担一个问题,问题就像被减半。Sharing a problem with others is likeit.113.我们不应该逃避现实。We shouldntreality. 114.学英语不要害怕犯错误。Dontmake mistakes in learning English.115.如果我们坐飞机去那里,我们就不会看到很多美丽的地方。If wethere by plane, wemany beautiful places.116.把鸡蛋、肉和生菜一样一样地放进有热汤的锅里。Put eggs,meat and lettuce in the pot of hot soup, .117.我通过每天读书来提高自己。I improve myself books every day.118.出去之前确保关掉收音机。Make sure to the radio before you go out.119.刚才他们需要两调羹糖。They needed sugar just now.120.这儿有一个为新年大餐制作饺子的方法。Here is one dumplings for a New Year dinner.121.他做运动至少一周两次。He plays sports twice a week.122.昨天他给他的父母写了一封800字的信。Yesterday he wrote to his parents.123.多吃蔬菜和水果对你的健康有益。It your health to eat more vegetables and fruit.124.他几乎不看电视。He watches TV.125.我懂四种语言,比如日语和英语。I know four languages, Japanese and English.126.她决定下周去上海旅行。She travel to Shanghai next week.127.你买特别的东西了吗?没有,我什么都没买。Did you buy ?No,I .128.假期我们照了很多照片。 Wequite aphotos on our vacation.129.因为天气不好我们没有去黄山度假。We didnt go to Huangshan for vacationthe bad weather.130.大家,请安静。我有一些重要的事情告诉你们。Please be quiet, everyone. I haveto tell you.131.如果你一遍遍地做这简单的工作,你会感到无聊吗?Will you feel bored if you do the simple job ? 132.对人类来说,要活到200岁是不可能的。Its man live 200 years old.133.我在寻找丢失的钥匙时跌倒了。Iwhen I was the lost key.134.我难以想象未来火星上的生活会是什么样。I cant imaginethe life on the Marsin the future.135.一百年后人们将不再使用钱,因为一切将会免费。People wont use money in 100 years because.136.为了确保他的信息正确, 他反复核对。To his information was right, he checked it again and again.137.请在你的笔记本上写下这些单词。(write down)138.在新学期开始的时候我们每个人都做了自我介绍。At theof this new term, each of us made a self.139.下周将有一场足球运动会。There is a school sports meeting next week.140.吉姆是个电脑迷并且长大后他想成为一名计算机程序设计师。Jim is a computer fan and he wants a computer programmer when he .根据汉语意思及括号内的提示翻译句子。141.这个地方离家最近。(close to)142.他们有某些相同的特征。(have.in common)143.这个书店卖各种各样的书。(all kinds of)144.你不要把这个问题看得太认真。(take.seriously)145.他在决定这个节目方面发挥了作用。(play a role in.)按要求完成句子。146.Mike is not so quiet as his brother.(改为同义句)Mikes brother is Mike.147.They both went to the party yesterday.(改为同义句) went to the party yesterday.148.The two girls look the same in some ways.(改为反义句)This girl is that girl in some ways.149. She speaks French.Her twin sister speaks French, too.(合并为一句)of the twin sistersFrench.150.Lin Hui asked me,“Do you help your parents with the housework?”(改为同义句)Lin Hui asked meI my parents with the housework. 二单项选择1.Because of G20, _visitors come to visit Hangzhou.Yes, my hometown is one of in China.A. many and many; the most beautiful citiesB. more and more; the most beautiful cityC. more and more; the most beautiful citiesD. more and more; the beautifulest city2. Who listens, Tom, Jack or Bill? A. the most carefully B. more carefully C. the most carefulD. more careful3. Whats way to travel from London to your hometown, by train, by coach or by plane?A. cheap B. cheaper C. the cheapestD. cheapest4.all the boys in his class, Tom is the strongest. A. OfB. FromC. ForD. In5.What bad weather!Yes. The radio says it will be eventomorrow.A. badB. badlyC. worseD. worst 6.Did Mike do his homework yesterday?Yes. And he wrote asas his sister.A. careful B. more carefulC. more carefullyD. carefully7.Jim is funnier and more outgoing thanin his class.A. any other studentB. any studentC. any studentsD. all the students8.Its interestingother peopletheir talents.A. to watch; to showB. watch; to showC. to watch; show D. watch; show9.Peoples Park is the best placeon weekends in Xiaogan.A. to goB. to go to C. goin gD. going to10.Simon spentmoney on CDs of all, but he hadCDs.A. the least; the mostB. the most; the most C. the fewest; the least D. the fewest; the most 11.Although they look the same, they have nothing common. I think they are not twins.A. at B. withC. onD. in12.I really like to watch the TV program I AM A SINGER.Me, too. Its one of theTV programs Ive ever seen.A. least boringB. least interestingC. most boringD. most interesting13.Guess what! Teresa makes her own clothes.Wow, she is so. I could never do that.A. simple B. creativeC. popularD. energetic14.The new store isto my home. I often go there.A. closest B. close C. nearest D. the next15.The relation between the two countries gets. A war seems to break out soon.I hope they will make peace with each other.A. worse and worse B. better and betterC. more and more peaceful D. less and less16.Can I go now?Pleaseyou leave nothing here.A. make sureB. find outC. think of D. think about17. My uncle wanted to be engineer when he was young, but now he isuniversity teacher.A. an; aB. an; anC. a; anD. a; a18.Julie, I think my life is very boring.Why dont you some hobbies like singing or dancing?A. grow upB. put upC. take upD. make up19. I hear that my brother won the singing competition last Friday, but Im not sure that. A. overB. onC. aboutD. in20.As young adults, it is necessary for us our hometown clean and beautiful. We must do something for it.A. to keepB. keeps C. keepingD. keep21. Its not good to ask questions about someoneslife.A. busyB. simple C. personal D. healthy22. He wastiredgo riding.A. too; thatB. such; that C. so; thatD. too; to23. Ithe shops. Can I get you anything?A. go toB. went to C. have gone toD. am going to24.theof the class, he played a very beautiful song.A. In; beginB. At; beginC. In; beginningD. At; beginning25.Do you think the answer is correct?You had better ask our teacher.A. Im afraid so. B. Im not sure.C. I think so. D. I dont know26.I think its easy to make promises but difficult to keep.So I hardly make promises.A. Sorry to hear thatB. Thats quite rightC.I dont think soD. Im afraid not27. The summer holidays are coming, so the twins as well as Jack to Hong Kong for vacation.A. is goingB. are going C. goesD. go28.What would you like to say to your before leaving school?Id like to say “Thank you very much! Ive learned a lot from you in the past three years”.A. teachersB. workers C. doctorsD. engineers29.Im going to take part in Chinas Got Talent next month. !I am sure you will win.A. Never mind B. Good luck C. What a pity D. My pleasure30.David,why are you so excited?My father has made athat he will take me to Tibet next month.A. faceB. promise C. mistakeD. plan31.Do you want to beastronaut when you grow up, Michael?No, I want to becomputer programmer.A. a;aB. an; aC. an; the D. the; the32. Today there are already robotsin factories and restaurants.A. workB. to workC. workingD. worked 33.Therea talk show on CCTV at nine this evening.A. will haveB. is going to beC. is going to haveD. is having34. There arepeople waiting in the airportthe bad weather.A. two hundred of; because B. two hundreds; because ofC. hundreds of; because of D. hundreds of; because35. Maybe kidsgo to school in the future. They will study at home on computers.A. doB. dontC. willD. wont36. I feltwhen I heard thenews. A. boring; bored B. bored; boringC. boring; boring D. bored; bored37. There will be cars in the city because people will prefer the subway.A. fewerB. lessC. more D. better38. They allLaura about building a museum here.A. waited for B. handed inC. agreed with D. knocked at39.Summer holiday is coming. What are you going to do?Im not sure. Maybe Ito the beach.A. goB. went C. will go D. have gone40.Some people think robots will fight with humans.I think they will be friendly to us.A.I disagreeB.I agreeC.I think soD. Thats a good idea41.We can see many stars in the. It will be a sunny day tomorrow.A. earthB. riverC.skyD. hole42. In this test, were asked to write a passage of about_.A.80-words B.80-word C.80 words D.80 words43.I hope there less pressure on us today.If so, weenjoy a more pleasant life.A. is; can B. will be;canC. will be; shouldD. is;should44.Lets play a partthe room.That sounds great! A. clean B. cleaning C. to clean D. in cleaning45.I got a message saying my phone number won a prize worth $3,000.Too good to be true. Dontit.A. doB. holdC. makeD. believe46.Emily is glad that she for her honesty at that meeting. A. praises B. praisedC. is praisedD. was praised47.Where would you like to go this summer?Id like to go.A. anywhere coolB. cool anywhere C. somewhere coolD. cool somewhere 48.When can you come to my party tomorrow?Im not sure, but Ill to arrive early.A. waitB. forgetC. learnD.try 49.Do you have to say for yourself?No, I haveto say.A. something; everything B. something; somethingC. everything; anything D. anything; nothing 50.How do you like the talk show?I think its,but some people think its so.A. wonderful enough; boredB. enough wonderful; boring C. wonderful enough; boring D. enough wonderful; bored 51.Im, Deng Lan. Why not eat some bread or hamburgers? They are both delicious.A. hungryB. angryC. happy D. lucky52. He decideda letter to his uncle in New York City.A. writes B. to writeC. writingD. write53.Hi.Yes. Its been a long time.A. Long time no see. B. How are you?C. How do you do?D. Nice to meet you.54.students can answer the question, because its very difficult.A. LittleB.A littleC. FewD.A few55. Harry has decidedan online shop after graduating(毕业)from school.A. openB. to openC. openedD. opening56.How often do you have a school trip this term?. Since several accidents happened to some schools, all the school outdoor activities have been asked to stop.A. Always B. Hardly everC. Sometimes D. Often57. You should not eatmeat because its bad for your health.A. too many B. many too C. much too D. too much58. Sam is late for school. He is always the first to come to school. A. oftenB. always C. neverD. usually59.A lot of fruit and vegetablesyou keep healthy.A. wantB. get C. helpD. have60.My grandfather is over seventy years old. He is very well because he always.A. stays upB. sleeps lateC. plays computer gamesD. takes exercise61. It is very important for us English well. A. learnB. to learnC. learningD. learned62.Does David like to exercise?Yes. He can do many sports, soccer, basketball and tennis.A. because ofB. such as C. as for D. as well63. No one knows the answer the question.A. forB. to C. withD. at64. do your parents take exercise, William?Less than three times a week.A. How long B. How muchC. How soon D. How often65. American people and British people speak the same language, their cultures are quite different.A. Since B. If C. Although D. Because66.hours do they exercise every week?About 40 hours,I think.A. How manyB. How longC. How oftenD. How67.Jim,you look sleepy. Whats wrong?Ito write a report last night.A. looked upB. ended upC. stayed upD. took up68.My brother likes fruit a lot and he eats it threefour times every week.A. andB. butC. orD. so69.In our class,85% of the students take the bus to school. Sostudents in our class get to school by bus.A. allB. most C. a fewD. almost70.Eating lots of vegetables and enough meat canyou healthy all the time.A. haveB. getC. keepD. stay71. Pour the milkthe blender, please.A. inB. intoC. onD. at72. Susan, get some eggs and butter and .A.mix it upB.mix them upC.mix up it D. mix up them73.I eat birthday cakes on my birthday. What about you?In China, ourfood for birthday is long noodles.A. educational B. traditionalC. personalD. international74. I want to make a banana milk shake, but I dont knowmilk I need. A. how manyB. how long C. how muchD. how fast75.Rememberoff the lights when you leave the classroom.A. turnB. to turn C. turning D. turned76. Cutthese bananas and apples. Lets make fruit salad.A. up B. down C. intoD. off77. I cant see anythi


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