新世纪版英语四下Unit9 What’s the Weather LikePPT课件

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新世纪版英语四下Unit9 What’s the Weather LikePPT课件_第1页
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新世纪版英语四下Unit9 What’s the Weather LikePPT课件_第3页
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The sun is in the sky. Its _. sunny sunsunny theIts sunny today. Some children are playing in the sun.What do you do on sunny days?We can see lots of clouds in the sky. cloudyIts _. cl _ _ dcloudyWhat can you hear?What can you see?The wind blows hard. Its a _ day.windywindTherere lots of dark clouds in the sky. Maybe its going to _.rainrainrainythe sunsunnycloudcloudywindwindyrainrainysnowsnowyNoun(名词名词)Adjective(形容词形容词)太阳太阳云云风风雨雨,下雨下雨雪雪, 下雪下雪下雪的下雪的下雨的下雨的刮风的刮风的晴朗的晴朗的多云的多云的foggy有雾的有雾的; 雾气朦胧的雾气朦胧的 Lets spell! Lets spell!/ D /frogdogf_g雾雾/ i: /freefreezebr_ze微风微风store/ :c /storyst_m暴风雨(雪)暴风雨(雪)oeeorfogfoggybreezebreezystormstormy Lets try! Lets try!Noun(名词名词)Adjective(形容词形容词)微风的微风的有雾的有雾的暴风雨暴风雨(雪雪)的的(一)(一) Weather What weather do you like? I like _ weather because I can play on the beach. Its nice and soft on the sand. And I like _ weather, too, because I can fly my kite. Its my favorite thing to do. Do you like _? I like _ weather because I can jump in puddles. Its fun. I think you like _ weather, and so do I. I like _ weather because I can make a snowman. Im going to put a hat on a snowman this winter. Lets listen! Lets listen!sunnywindyrainrainysnowysnowy(二)(二)A: Mum, can I go out and play football today?B: Im afraid you cant. Its a _ day. A: But it isnt _ now.B: Look out of the window, Tom. Therere so many dark clouds in the sky. Its going to _. Youd better stay at home.A: All right, Mum. Lets listen! Lets listen!What do you like to do on rainy days? Lets talk!Lets talk!What is the man doing in the rain?sing in the rain walk in the rain( , , , )A: Dad, is it going to _ today?B: Maybe! The weatherman says its a _ day. A: But when? It isnt _ now.B: Look, Jenny. Whats this? A: Oh, _. Hurry up, Dad! Lets go and make a snowman.snowysnow snowing Lets try! Lets try!snowWhoo- whoo! The _ blows hard. Its a _ day. ( , )What a _ day! There is much_ here and there. Look, its _ again.( , , )What a_ day! The _ is shining. ( , ) Lets choose! Lets choose!sunnysunListen! Pitter-pat! Pitter-pat! Its _ outside. Its a _ day. Theres lots of _ in spring.( , , ) rainrainyrainingI can see many _ in the sky. Its a _ day. ( , )cloudycloudswindywindsnowysnowsnowingIts raining cats and dogs.Its raining cats and dogs.to rain cats and dogs, to rain heavilyheavy rainto rain lightlystormdrizzle to rain with strong wind and thunder(雷雷)shower to rain for a short time Lets match! Lets match!( , , , )_ :_ :_ :_: 毛毛雨毛毛雨阵雨阵雨暴风雨暴风雨倾盆大雨倾盆大雨 Lets read! Lets read! In winter, it usually snows heavily in the north of China. Harbin is one of the famous Snow Worlds. Theres lots of snow in winter there. People in Harbin like skiing in winter. However, we have little snow in winter in Shanghai. But the winter before last it snowed heavily in Shanghai and other southern places. We could see a lot of snow here and there. Everything was white. It looked like another Snow World. Children were very happy because they could make a snowman. In winter, it usually snows heavily in the north of China. Harbin is one of the famous Snow Worlds. Theres lots of snow in winter there. People in Harbin like skiing in winter. However, we have little snow in winter in Shanghai. But the winter before last it snowed heavily in Shanghai and other southern places. We could see a lot of snow here and there. Everything was white. It looked like another Snow World. Children were very happy because they could make a snowman. Answer the following questions:1. Is there lots of snow in winter in the north of China?2. Whats the weather like in winter in Harbin?3. Does it usually snow in Shanghai or in Harbin?4. Could you see snow everywhere in Shanghai in 2007?5. What do you like to do in winter?My Favorite Weather _ Lets write! Lets write!1.Read and copy Unit 9 Wonderland.2.Finish your writing: My Favorite Weather.The cloud looks like a _.


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