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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Chapter 1. Courtesy EnglishUnit 1: GREETING & FAREWELLSl VOCABULARYwelcome 欢迎 friend 朋友 farewell 告别identify 识别 definitely 肯定 safe 安全的enjoy 喜欢 pleased 高兴 sure 当然trip 旅游 weekend 周末 again 再look forward to 盼望 satisfaction 满意l PHRASES ON THE JOBGood morning Good afternoon Good eveningWelcome back Hi早上好 下午好 晚上好 欢迎回来 嗨Hello How do you do? How are you? Fine, thank you, and you?你好 你好 你好吗? 很好,谢谢,你呢?Fine, thanks, and you?Good-bye Good night Good-bye for now很好,谢谢,你呢? 再见 晚安 再见It was nice to see you again.Have a good evening See you later. It was nice seeing you.很高兴又见到你。 晚上愉快。 回头见。 很高兴见到你。Have a good weekendHave a safe trip Have a good dayHope to see you again周末愉快。 一路平安。 祝您愉快。 希望再见到您。Thank you for coming (Thanks for coming) Look forward to seeing you again感谢光临。 盼望再见到您。l LISTEN TO THE CONVERSATIONListen to the guest and then fill the gap in each sentence.The guests name is . The staffs name is .The guest will today.Hell live in next time he comes.l TALKING TO THE GUESTStaff :Good morning. Mr. Smith. How are you today?Guest:Good morning. Jane. Im fine, thanks, and you?Staff:Im fine too. Are you checking-out today?Guest:yes, I think soStaff:Did you enjoy your stay here?Guest:Yes, I did.Staff:I hope our service is to your satisfactionGuest:Sure. Im very pleased with everything here.Staff:Thank you. I wish you a nice trip home and look forward to seeing you again.Guest:Thank you. Ill definitely come to the Sheraton next time Im in Tianjin.PAIR WORKFind a partner and play the roles of the staff and the guest who will be on holiday soon.OXFORD HUMOURThe more I study, the more I know.The more I know, the more I forget.The more I forget, the less I know.So why study?UNIT 2:INTRODUCTIONSVOCABULARY.introduce 介绍 happy 高兴 spell out 拼写出来meet 会见 glad 高兴 first name 名pleased 高兴 nice 很好 last name 姓certainly 当然了 pleasure 高兴 enjoy 喜欢PHRASES ON THE JOBMy name is John Smith Its nice to meet you.It s nice meeting youi.我叫约翰.史密斯。 很高兴见到您。 很高兴见到您。Im Mary Copper Im pleased to meet you Im glad to meet you.我叫玛丽.库伯。 很高兴见到您。 很高兴见到您。Let me introduce you to John Smith Id like to introduce you to Mary Copper.我把你介绍给约翰.史密斯。 我想把你介绍给玛丽。Id like you to meet Mr. Thomson. I dont think weve met before希望你认识一下托玛斯先生。 我想我们以前没见过。Have we met before? Youre new here, arent you?我们以前见过面吗? 你是新来的,对吗?LISTEN TO THE CONVERSATIONTALKING TO THE GUEST:Staff:Good morning, sir, May I know your name?Guest:Certainly. My name is John SmithStaff:Would you please spell your last name?Guest:Sure. P-a-r-k-I-n-s-o-n, Parkinson.Staff:How do you do Mr. Parkinson? Welcome to our hotelGuest:How do you do? Very nice to meet you.Staff:Hope youll enjoy you stay here.Guest:I think I willStaff:See you later.Guest:See you.PAIR WORKIntroduce yourself to a partner.EXERCISEPut in articles where needed.A:Would you like cold milk?B:Yes, please. Id like glass of beer if youve got it.A:Ill go and have a look in kitchen.Yes, theres bottle here, but it isnt coldB:Never mind. Can I have piece of ice in it?A:Sure. There is quite a lot in refrigerator.IDIOMS:No pain no gain.As busy as a bee.Hand and foot.As proud as a peacock.As hungry as a wolfBeat about the bush.UNIT 3: APOLOGIESVOCABULARYExcuse 原谅 apologize请求原谅 mistake 错误forgive 原谅 mind 介意 assure 保证sorry 对不起 Right away马上 happen 发生bill 帐单 check 检查PHRASES ON THE JOBExcuse me Im sorry please forgive me. Thats Ok打扰一下。 对不起。 请原谅。 没什么。I do apologize Thats all right Please accept our apology.我很抱歉。 没关系。 请接受我们的 歉意。Would you please wait a moment? Would you mind waiting a second?请稍等好吗? 请稍等好吗?I didnt mean for that to happen. I assure you it wont happen again.我是不想出这种事的。 我向您保证以后不再发生这种事。TALKING TO THE GUESTGuest:Excuse me. I think there is a mistake in my bill.Staff:Im sorry to hear that. Ill check for you right away. Would you please wait a moment?Guest:OK. ( a moment later)Staff:I do applogize, Mr. Smith. There is a mistake in your bill. I assure you it wont happen again.Guest:Well, thats all rightEXERCISEPut in the missing word.Mr and Mrs Miller are from Austria. They often go shopping without their German guide.But they cant to the taxi driver as they can a word of Chinese.They dont know how to him where they want to go. And the driver doesnt know how to to them because he dosent German. Mr. Miller to himself. “ I wish I could some Chinese.”UNIT 4:OFFERING HELPVOCABULARYAppreciate喜欢 grateful感谢 offer 提供assist 帮助 favor 喜欢 desire 希望request 要求 Besitate犹豫 mind 介意trouble 麻烦 welcome欢迎 follow me跟corridor 走廊 Show 展示 serve 服务end 尽头PHRASES ON THE JOBAnything I can do for you? If theres anything I can do to help, please let me know.我能为您做些什么? 如果有我能帮忙的话,请告诉我。Can I help you? If I can be of assistance. Please do not hesitate.我能帮忙吗? 如果要我帮忙,别犹豫,尽管讲。Do you need any help? Id be very glad to help you.要帮忙吗? 很高兴认识你。Can I give you a hand? If you wouldnt mind.要帮忙吗? 如果你不介意。If you dont mind. If its no trouble如果你不介意。 如果不麻烦的话。Theres no h urry please take your time不着急。 不着急。Going up? Going down.上楼吗? 下楼。LISTEN TO THE CONVERSATIONStaff:Excuse me, May I help you?Guest:Yes, Im looking for my room.Staff:May I know your room number, please?Guest:Yes, my room number is 358.Staff:Thats at the other end of the corridor. Follow me. Please. Ill show you to your room.Guest:Thank you. Its very kind of you.Staff:Its my pleasure to serve you. Please enjoy your stay.Guest:Yes. I will.Staff:Going up, sir?Guest:YesStaff:Watch your steps, please, The floor is wet.Guest:OK, Thank you.Staff:By the way, may I help you with your luggage?Guest:Sure, Thats very kind of you.Staff:Youre most welcomePAIR WORKFind a partner and play the roles of the guest and the staff. The guest wants to find the fitness center.EXERCISEPut little, a little, few or a few into the sentences.We need more staffThere is milk left. Go and get some.He asked for more salt.UNIT 5:THANKS AND REPLIESVOCABULARYRepair修理kitchen厨房wire电线light灯noisy吵indeed的确by the way顺便说一下Electrician电器师colleague同事as soon as possible 尽可能早help sb with sth帮助某人做某事PHRASE ON THE JOBThanks Thank you very muchThank you ever so much谢谢。 非常感谢。 太感谢了。I appreciate that/itThats very kind of you.You are so sweet我很感激。 你太好了。 你真甜。Thank you just the sameYoure most welcomeIts my pleasure to serve you.同样得感谢您。 不客气。 很荣幸为您服务 。Thats quite all rightIm pleased to be of services of you I know next to nothing.一点儿关系也没有。 愿意为您效劳。 我几乎一窍不通。LISTEN TO THE CONVERSATIONListen to the talk between the guest and the staff an then decide whether the following statements are right or wrong.The problem is in the bedroom.One of the lights is broken.Something is wrong with the TV as well.The electrician will repair the TV right away.TALKING TO THE GUESTStaff:Good afternoon. Miss Thomson. Im here to repair your light.Guest:Thats very nice. Its this one in the kitchen. It doesnt workStaff:Let me have a look. Oh, a wire is loose. Now, its all right.Guest:Yes, it is. Thank you very much indeed.Staff:Its my pleasure.Guest:By the way, my telephone is too noisy. Could you please help me with this?Staff:Sorry, Im an electrician. I know next to nothing about telephone. But Ill call my colleague to come as soon as possible.Guest:OK. Thank you just the same.Staff:Not at all. Good-bye, Mrs. Thomson.Guest:Good-byePAIR WORKFind a partner and play the roles of the guest and the staff. The guest wants a baby cot.EXERCISEPut the verbs into correct tenses:A:Which country (be) you from, Ms. Miller?B:I (be) from Brazil.A:Did you (come) yesterday?B:No. I (come) the day before yesterday.A:So you (stay) here from 2 nightsB:Yes, and I leave for home tomorrow.UNIT 6:REQUESTSAND REPLIESVOCABULARYFavour喜欢over there在那边do sb a favour为某人帮助next to紧挨者look for寻找request要求Easy容易reply回答trouble麻烦problem问题PHRASES ON THE JOBWould you please do me a favour?Could you do me a favour?能帮我个忙吗?帮我个忙好吗?Could I ask you a favour?Could you do a favour for me?帮我个忙好吗?帮我个忙好吗?Could you possibly do a favour for me?Of course帮我个忙好吗?当然。No problemNo trouble at all.Id be glad to meet you没问题。不麻烦。我会很高兴的。LISTEN TO THE CONVERSATIONListen to the talk between the guest and a staff and then answer 2 questions.Whats the guests request?Where could he find it?TALKING TO THE GUESTGuest:Excuse me.Staff:YesGuest:Could you please do me a favour?Staff:Certainly. What can I do for you?Guest:Im looking for the Sales DepartmentStaff:Thats easy. Its over there, next to the Information DeskGuest:I see, Thanks a lot.Staff:My pleasure.PAIR WORKFind a partner and play the roles of a guest and a staff. The guest wants to send a letter.EXERCISERespond to the following using “Neither, Either or So”I cant speak English.Christmas is an important holidayI dont like fish.Im very fond of sweet and sour pork.UNIT 7:LONG THIME NO SEEVOVABULARYAge年代pretty相当的on holiday度假daughter女儿granddaughter孙女grandson孙儿Aunt姨、姑、婶uncle叔、伯、舅son儿子first cousin 第一代表兄弟姐妹second cousin第二代表兄弟姐妹PHRASES ON THE JOBLong time no see.I havent seen you for ages.CongratulationsLISTEN TO THE CONVERSATIONListen to the talk between the guest and the staff and then fill in the table with the informationThe guests name is She wentShe has grandchildrenTALKING TO THE GUESTStaff:Good morning. How are you Ms. Jackson? Havent seen you for ages.Guest:Yes. Long time no see. Im fine, thanks. How are you?Staff:Pretty well. Did you go on holiday?Guest:Yes, I went back home because my daughter had a baby.Staff:CongratulationsGuest:ThanksStaff:A girl or a boy?Guest:A girlStaff:So you have a granddaughter nowGuest:A granddaughter? Ive got threeStaff:Three granddaughtersGuest:Yes, and a grandson as well.Staff:They must be very lovelyGuest:Sure. I enjoy them greatly.PAIR WORKFind a partner and play the part of a guest and a staff. The guest went back home because her brother was ill.UNIT 8:ASKING PEOPLE TO REPEATVOCUBULARYReservation预定nationality国籍at least至少Im afraid恐怕Australian澳大利亚人plan计划Pardon原谅Beg请求On the fourth floor在四楼repeat重复possible可能intend打算PHRASES ON THE JOBPardon?Please say it slowly.I beg your pardonI didnt follow you没听清?请慢慢讲。我没听清。我没听懂。Would you please say it again?请您再说一遍好吗?LISTEN TO THE CONVERSATIONListen to the conversation between the guest and the staff and then answer the following questions:When did the guest get to the hotelWhats his name and nationality?How long did he plan to stay?What room did the staff give him?TALING TO THE GUESTStaff:Good evening, sir, do you have a reservation?Guest:No. Im afraid not.Staff:May I know your name, please?Guest:Yes, Im David WhiteStaff:Your nationality?Guest:Im AustralianStaff:Sorry, I beg your pardon?Guest:Im AustralianStaff:I see. How long do you intend to stay?Guest:At least a week. Possibly longer.Staff:Good. I can give you a room on the 4th floor, is that all right?Guest:Yes. Its quite all right. Thank you very much.Staff:Youre most welcome.ADDITIONAL EXPRESSION AND PHRASESSorry to have kept you waiting抱歉让您久等了。Excuse me for interrupting抱歉打扰一下了。It doesnt matter没关系。Please take your time别急。Ill try my best我将尽力而为。Its my pleasure to serve you为您服务很荣幸。May I call you back可以给您打回去吗?Can I assist you further?还能给您帮什么忙吗?Sit down at this table, please请坐这张桌子。Ill take care of that.我来处理这件事。Would you mind waiting for a moment?请稍等,您介意吗?One for the road走前再喝一杯。Ill have another on ice我再要一杯加冰的。Follow me, please.请跟我来。Welcome back欢迎您回来。Let me help you我来帮您。There is no hurry别着急。Ill be with you in a moment我马上就来。After you.您先请。Chapter 2 General EnglishThe hospitality industry in Chian is a growing industry with unique challenges. These challenges will be met by motivated and well trained professionals such as yourself. The English language is a tool that will enable you to communicate with a majority of the guests you meet a Sheraton. In addition, a new world of information and resources will be open to you as you can learn from people form different countries and cultures.In todays ever increasing competitive enviroment, the most valuable employeses are those people who have the ability to work in many different areas of the hotel. We call this ability “multi-skilled”,and in China one of the biggest barriers to achieving this goal is the language barrier.Study hard, strive for excellence, and remember that at all times you represent Sheraton to our guests., other employees, and the community. Every week we spend 5 days or more per week at work. Why not make this time an investment in your future by taking on more responsibilities, being proactive, and learning as much as you can about our dynamic PEOPLE DRIVEN industry? With your new found “multi-skilled” English abilities and SGSS I guarantee you will have a bright, rewarding, and successful future!UNIT 1:FINDING PLACESVOCABULARYFax传真miss错过colleague同事lift电梯get off下left左right右send 发达Take 乘 then 然后Front Office前台Business Centre商务中心PHRASES ON THE JOBCould you please tell me?Its on the second floor请你告诉我好吗?在二楼。Its on the right side of the corridorTurn left在走廊的右边。左拐。LISTEN TO THE GUESTListen to the conversation between the staff and the guest and then fill in the blanksThe guest wants to send a He should go to He may go by Its on the floorTALKING TO THE GUESTStaff:Good morning, madam.Can I help you?Guest:Yes. Could you please tell me where I can send a fax?Staff:You may go the Business Centre. My colleague there can do it for you.Guest:But where is the Business Centre?Staff:Its on the second floor, just above the Front Office. You may take the lift here, get off on the second,and then turn left. The Business Centre is on the right side of the corridor. You cant miss it.Guest:Thank you very much. Youve been of great help.Staff:Its my pleasure to be of service.PAIR WORKThe guest wants to find the apartment buildingFind a partner and play the role of the guest and the staff.Using what you have learnedMake sentences with the following phrases:Youd betterGet ready for / toHave a day offin timeSet the tablelook forward to UNIT 2:TIMEVOCABULARYBeijing Time北京时间special特殊的rate价格correct正确的rate价格seem似乎Cheaper更便宜in the morning在早上at night夜里urgent紧急的downtown市中心Hour小时difference不同、差别oclock钟PHRASES ON THE JOBTheres a time difference of 6 hours.Id better make the call in the evening时差6小时。我最好晚上打电话。Thats greatIs it the correct time?Its 5:50 by my watch.太棒了。时间准吗?我的表是5点50分。LISTEN TO THE GUESTListen to the talk between the guest and the staff and then decide whether the statements are right or wrong.Its 2:35 in the afternoon Yes/No.The guest wants to make a call to PolandYes/NoThe special night rates start from 9:00 pmYes/NoThe time difference is 3 hoursYes/No.TALING TO THE GUESTGuest:Excuse me. What time is it now?Staff:Its 2:25 by my watch;Guest:Is it the correct time?Staff:Yes, I think so.Guest:You use Beijing Time here, dont you?Staff:Yes, we doGuest:Do you know what time it is now in Holland?Staff:I guest it is about half past eight in the morning. There is a time difference of 6 hoursGuest:I see. I want to call back home. It seems Id better make the call in the eveningStaff:I think so if nothing is urgent, because there are special rates at night after 9:00Guest:Do you mean cheaper?Staff:YesGuest:Thats great. Thank youStaff:My pleasurePROVERBSA light heart lives longHealth is better then wealth.A man becomes learned by asking questions.UNIT 3:GETTING INFORMATIONVOCABULARYCheck检查German德国人over there在那边American美国人second秒mean意思Wonder奇怪stand for 代表taxi出租车apartment building公寓楼PHRASES ON THE JOBWhat does this stand for ?Thank you for your help.Please wait a second这代表什么?感谢您的帮助。请等一会儿。Ill check for youNo wonder.我给您查一下。难怪呢!LISTEN TO THE CONVERSATIONListen to the conversation and then fill in the table with the information about the ladys friend.NAMEROOM NUMBERNATIONALITYFIRST NAMEFAMILY NAMETALKING TO THE GUESTStaff:Good morning, maam. Anything I can do for you?Guest:Good morning. Im here to see my friend. But I dont know which building she lives inStaff:Do you have her room number?Guest:Yes, Its 408Staff:May I know your friends name?Guest:Sure. Her name is Shelly, Shelly WilsonStaff:Is she an American?Guest:No, she is GermanStaff:Please with a second. Ill check for youGuest:OKStaff:Yes, here it is. She lives in Room 2408 in the apartment building over thereGuest:What does 2 mean?Staff:It stands for the Apartment Building Guest:I see. No wonder. Thank you for your helpStaff:Youre welcome.GUESSING RIDDLESI go out every day but I never leave my home. What a


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