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At an English conversation schoolA: Hi, Kumiko. How are you?B: Im fine. And you?A: Not bad.B: So what are we studying in class today?A: I have no idea.B: Really?A: No. Just kidding. Were going to study some useful expressions.B: I see. A: And were going to have a test.B: A test?A: Dont panic. Its just a short test.B: Im glad to hear that.A: Well, its almost time for class.B: Yes, wed better get going. After you.Birthday PartyA:Guess what?B: What?A: Tomorrows my birthday.B: Thats cool.A: Im having a party tomorrow night. Can you come?B: I wish I could, but I have to work.A: Thats too bad.B: Ill buy you dinner sometime. I promise.A: That would be nice.B: Well, Ive got to run. Have fun.A: Thanks. See you later.B: Yeah. Bye.Have a nice tripA:So, you leave for France tomorrow?B: Yes, I cant believe it. Ill be in Paris for a whole month.A: Maybe youll be speaking French when you come back.B: Well, well see. So youre not going anywhere for vacation?A: No, Im just staying here. I only have one week off. But thats life.B: I guess so.A: Well, its getting late. You have a big day tomorrow.B: Youre right. I should get a good nights rest.A: Have a nice trip.B: Thanks. And dont work too hard.A: I wont. Send me a card from Paris.B: Ill try.A RequestA: Hello. Come in.B: Thank you. What a nice apartment!A: Im glad you like it. Sit down. Make yourself comfortable. Would you like something to drink?B: Maybe later, thanks. Um, I have a favor to ask of you.A: What can I do for you?B: Well, as you know, Im getting married.A: Uh-huh. B: I need someone to give a speech at the reception.A: Youd like me to give the speech?B: Thats right. If its no trouble.A: Id be honored.B: Thats great. I was worried I couldnt find someone.At a restaurantA: Im really hungry.B: So am I.A: What shall we order?B: Lets see. How about the steak dinner?A: Fine with me.B: Should we have bread or rice?A: I dont care. Either one is OK.B: Maybe we should have some wine.A: Great idea. Do you mind if I choose?B: Be my guest.A: Lets try the 96 bordeaux.B: Sounds good. Should we get anything for dessert?A: Well, we can always order something later.B: Thats true. I guess were ready to order.Telephone ConversationA: Is Richard there?B: Sorry. Hes out now.A: I see. Can I leave a message?B: Sure. Let me get a pencil OK.A: Tell him Ill be half an hour late.B: I didnt get your name.A: Oh, sorry. Tell him its Aya.B: OK. Does he have your number?A: Yes, I think so. Oh, I forgot. Please ask him to call me.B: Whens the best time to call?A: The sooner, the better.B: OK. Ill tell him.Life in JapanA: Do you think youll live abroad?B: Who knows? Now, of course, its impossible, but maybe sometime in the future. Do you want to live in Japan for a long time?A: Actually, yes. I like my life here. Its interesting.B: Thats good. Some people have a lot of trouble herea different culture, different language, and different food.A: Not me. By the way, hows Mary doing?B: Pardon?A: Mary, your girlfriend. B: Oh, Mary. Fine. Shes doing fine. Why do you ask?A: Just curious. She has a new job, right?B: Her jobs going OK.A: Isnt she a little busy? B: Not really. Hey, that reminds me. I have to call her about our date tonight.ComplaintsA: Whats the matter?B: Im really fed up?A: How come?B: Ive worked for six years at my company, but Im still doing the same thing. Its not fair.A: Just a thought. Have you talked to your boss about it?B: Actually, no.A: Maybe hed understand your feelings.B: I doubt it.A: But at least try.B: Well, Ill think about it. Thanks for the advice.A: Anytime.MovingA: May I ask you a favor?B: Sure. Go ahead.A: Can I use your truck on Saturday?B: What for?A: I have to move to a new apartment.B: OK, but be careful. Dont scratch it up.A: You can count on me. Ill pay for gas. B: Dont be silly. Im sure you wont use very much gas.A: Well, thanks a million. I owe you one.B: Forget it. Its no big deal.A: OK. So Ill come by your place at 9:00 on Saturday to pick up the truck.B: All right.Watching baseballA: Fancy meeting you here.B: Yes. Long time no see. Hows everything going?A: The same as usual. I didnt know you liked baseball.B: I sometimes go to the games.A: I hope the Giants win today.B: So do I. But theyre not doing very wellA: No, Im afraid not. Theyre four runs behind. Therere still four innings. Maybe they can catch up.B: Yes, lets keep our fingers crossed.A: Well, I should get back to my friends.B: OK. It was nice talking with you. A: Yeah. Bye.A gift for motherA: Hi, Brian. Shopping?B: No, I work here.A: Really? I didnt know that.B: Didnt I tell you?A: I dont remember. Maybe you did, maybe you didnt. Hey, maybe you can help me. I need to find a gift for my mother.B: Thats a piece of cake. How about this blouse? Its on sale.A: I dont think so. Purple isnt her color.B: Then how about this one?A: Perfect. I know shell love it.B: Anything else?A: No, thats it.A driveA: Thanks for driving me to the train station.B: Dont mention it. Its on my way.A: Heres the train schedule.B: Which train are you taking?A: Oh, dear! The last train has already left. What should I do?B: Dont worry. Ill drive you home.A: Are you sure? Its pretty far.B: No problem. I kind of feel like taking a drive tonight. By the way, where do you live? A: I live in Shinagawa Ward.B: Really? What a coincidence! So do I.A: Gee, thats great. Maybe were neighbors.B: Could be. Well, lets go.


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