冀教版(一起)四上Lesson 5 How Many Do I Haveppt课件

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冀教版(一起)四上Lesson 5 How Many Do I Haveppt课件_第1页
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冀教版(一起)四上Lesson 5 How Many Do I Haveppt课件_第3页
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1 one 11 eleven 20twenty2 two 12 twelve 30thirty3 three 13 thirteen 4 four 14 fourteen 5 five 15 fifteen 6 six 16 sixteen 7 seven 17 seventeen 8 eight 18 eighteen 9 nine 19 nineteen10 ten 40for40fortyty( (圈上圈上) ) 50 fif50 fiftyty 60 six60 sixtyty 70 seven70 seventyty 80 eigh80 eightyty(圈上)(圈上) 90 nine90 ninetyty 100 one hundred 100 one hundred Lets learn more numbers!让我们学习更多的数字!Lets+动词原形例如: Lets learn Lets play Lets sing twenty+ twenty fifty twenty+ twenty fifty twenty-fivetwenty-five* *2 fifteen2 fifteen eight + seven one hundredeight + seven one hundred fifty + fifty eighty fifty + fifty eighty fifty-three + twenty-seven forty fifty-three + twenty-seven forty 连线:连线:Lets play a game-Dannys gameSixteen!Lets put eight books on the eight books. How many books are there on my desk?Puton把把放在放在上面上面How many(多少)(多少)+可数名词复数可数名词复数 Lets put twenty-nine books on the sixteen books. How many books are there? One book!Oops!1.A:How many _(eraser,erasers)do I have ? B: I have erasersthree erasers.Lets do it.How many chairs in our classroom?How many chairs in our classroom?There are six chairs in our classroomThere are six chairs in our classroom. . 根据规律写数字根据规律写数字 2.2.one three five _ _one three five _ _ fourteen sixteen _ twenty fourteen sixteen _ twenty sevennine eighteen3.Lets _ ( putting , put, puts) two 3.Lets _ ( putting , put, puts) two books_ (in, on, of) the three books.books_ (in, on, of) the three books.1.To make a dialogue about lesson5.2.To say some words about numbers .3.Preview the new lesson.


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