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外 研 版 英 语 四 年 级 下 学 期期 末 测 试 卷(时间:45分钟 总分:100分)第一部分听力(40分)(一) 听录音, 选出你所听到的单词。(10分)()1. A. cool B. cold C. close()2. A. was B. were C. are()3. A. Tuesday B. Thursday C. Wednesday()4. A. long B. short C. hair()5. A. went B. bought C. found(二) 听录音, 给下列图片排序。(10分) () () () () ()(三) 听录音, 选择合适的答语。(10分)()1. A. Yes, it is. B. Its Linglings house. ()2. A. Yes, it was. B. Yes, I was. ()3. A. No, it wont. B. No, I wont. ()4. A. Yes, he did. B. Yes, I did. ()5. A. I bumped my head. B. I was on holiday. (四) 听录音, 将句子补充完整。(10分)1. This is _ White. 2. Did you _ by train?3. My father works in a _. 4. It will be _. 5. Were you at the _ yesterday?第二部分笔试(60分)(五) 选出每组单词中不同类的一项。(5分)()1. A. week B. Sunday C. Friday()2. A. yesterday B. today C. Saturday()3. A. drank B. cooked C. buy()4. A. short B. clean C. house()5. A. tell B. game C. fly(六) 根据图片及首字母提示补全单词, 完成句子。(注意单词的适当形式)(10分)1. The bird is f . 2. They are my grandparents. They were y then. 3. Amy has got a c today. 4. Did you w your clothes yesterday?5. We are having an English l . (七) 单项选择。(5分)()1. Lingling _ her bike yesterday. A. fall off B. fell off C. falls off()2. Sam _ short then. Now he _ tall. A. is; is B. was; was C. was; is()3. It will _ in Sanya next week. A. rain B. rains C. rainy()4. Did you travel by plane? _ A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, I do. C. Yes, I did. ()5. Will you fly a kite? _ A. Yes, you are. B. Yes, I will. C. Yes, I was. (八) 用所给词的适当形式填空。(10分)1. Daming _ (sing) beautifully. 2. I_ (do not) play football last Tuesday. 3. It will be_ (cloud) in Shandong. 4. I_ (am) five then. 5. I_ (buy) a book yesterday. (九) 情景交际。(10分)Were you at home yesterday?2. _1. _Did you buy any books? Is it sunny in New York?4. _I will help my mum.3. _ It s me.5. _ A. What will you do next week? B. Yes, I did. C. No, its cloudy in New York. D. Whos that little girl?E. Yes, I was. (十) 按要求完成句子。(10分)1. Did you go to school by bike? (作否定回答)_2. I am short. (用then改写)_3. I will take my kite tomorrow. (改为一般疑问句)_4. of, they, ate, lots, food, delicious(. )(连词成句)_5. our, housework, will, we, do(. )(连词成句)_(十一) 阅读短文, 选择正确答案。(10分) Last week was a holiday. On Monday it was sunny. I played basketball with my friends. On Tuesday I went swimming. On Wednesday I visited my uncle. He lived in England. On Thursday I went to the park with my sister. On Friday I helped my mother. On Sunday I played computer games. ()1. It was _ on Monday. A. sunny B. rainy C. windy()2. On_ I went swimming. A. Thursday B. Tuesday C. Friday()3. My uncle lived in_. A. China B. England C. America()4. I went to the park with my_. A. mother B. sister C. uncle()5. On Sunday I_. A. helped my motherB. played computer gamesC. watched TV参考答案听力材料:一、1. close2. were3. Thursday4. hair5. bought二、1. This is my uncle. Hes very clever. 2. They sang beautifully. 3. Did you buy an ice cream? No, I bought a watermelon. 4. The Tshirt was dirty then. Now it is clean. 5. Sam played on the computer. 三、1. Whose house is it?2. Were you at home yesterday?3. Will it be windy in Shanghai?4. Did you buy a pen?5. What happened to your head?四、1. This is Mrs White. 2. Did you travel by train?3. My father works in a hospital. 4. It will be windy. 5. Were you at the cinema yesterday?答案: 一、1. C2. B3. B4. C5. B二、5 2 1 4 3三、1. B2. B3. A4. B5. A四、1. Mrs2. travel3. hospital4. windy5. cinema五、1. A点拨: Sunday和Friday是一周中具体的某一天, week是“周, 星期”, 是个统称。2. C3. C点拨: drank和cooked都是动词过去式, buy是动词原形。4. C点拨: short和clean是形容词, house是名词, 词性不同。5. B六、1. flying2. young3. cold4. wash5. lesson七、1. B2. C3. A点拨: rain为动词原形, 意为“下雨”, will后跟动词原形。4. C5. B八、1. sings2. didnt点拨: 此处考查一般过去时的否定形式, do变为did, 后面加not。3. cloudy4. was5. bought九、1. B2. E3. A4. C5. D十、1. No, I didnt. 2. I was short then. 3. Will you take your kite tomorrow?4. They ate lots of delicious food. 5. We will do our housework. 十一、1. A2. B3. B4. B5. B


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