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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上Oxford English 3B Exercise1 姓名_ 一、正确抄写句子 what can you see alice i cant see _ 二、翻译词组 一架飞机_ 几辆公共汽车_ 几个孩子_ 窗边_ 落下_ 一艘玩具轮船_ 三、用所给的词正确形式填空 1. This is my _( rulers ). 2. Look at _( I ) bag. Its nice. 3. I see two _(bus) 4. I can hears some dogs. Can you hear _(they)5. I can hear _(a) aeroplane. 四、根据要求回答问题 1. What can you see?一个苹果_ 2. What colour is the door? 灰色_ 3. What colour are the books? 绿色_ 4. Are they rubbers? 是的_ 5. Is this an orange? 不是_ 五、根据要求改变句子 1. What is it? Its abus. (复数) _ 2. My hair is brown.what colour _ 3. I can see an apple. 否定句_ 4. I cant see a bag. 肯定句_ 5. I can see a bird. (用what提问) _ Oxford English 3B Exercise 2一、任意填空每格一词。 1. - _ _ is the desk? - _ black. 2. - What _ you hear? -I can hear _ aeroplane. 3. - _ you like bananas? - _, I dont. 4. -Touch the bear. _ does it _? - Its _ and _. 5. - Touch the pineapples. How _ _ feel? - _ rough and hard. 二、按要求改写下列句子。 1. The cake is soft and rough.(用how提问)_ 2. How does the bag feel?(又软又粗糙) _ 3. They are smooth glasses.(对划线部分提问) _ 4. How do the glasses feel?.(硬的和光滑的) _ 5. I can draw a circle.(否定句) 6. Miss Wang can hear a monkey.(对划线部分提问并做否定回答)_4、 用所给词填空每词限用一次 in at to on for with 1. There are six ships _ the shop. 2. There are many apples _ the tree. 3. Listen _ the teacher and look _ the blackboard, please. 4. I can touch and feel _ my hands. 5. Dont be late _ school again. Oxford English 3B Exercise3 一 正确抄写句子 how does it feel is it hot yes it is _ 二 用所给词的适当形式填空 1. Look thats _(aeroplane). Its big. 2. Ming can hear _(dog). But he _(can) hear a car. 3. I can see two paper _(bus). 4. My _(hair) is black. My _(eye) are big. 5. How _(do) the desk feel? Hard and smooth. 6. There is some _(salt) in the bowl. Its very _(salt). 三 用所给的词正确形式完成对话 what, colour, can, it, how, touch, feel, smooth, see, hard A: What _ you feel? B: I can _ a toy car. A: _ _ is it? B: _ is red and black. A: _ the toy car. _ does it _? B: Its _ and _. 五 改变句子 1They are ice-cream. (改为单数句) _ 2. He is my father.(对划线部分提问) _ 3. I can see red and black.(对划线部分提问) _ 4. My ears are big. (改为一般疑问句,并做否定回答) _ 5. The apple is smooth.(对划线部分提问) _ 6. Its a red apple.(对划线部分提问) _ 六、阅读回答 Hello! Im Sam. Im a dog. My ears are long. My tail is short. Im thin. Im small. Im black and white. Look! This is my friend, May. May is a cat. Its ears are small. Its tail is long. We like to play with the ball. We are happy. 1. Is Sam a cat? _ 2. Are Sams ears long? _ 3. What colour is Sam? _ 4. Is Mays tail short? _ 5. Are Sam and May happy? _ Oxford English 3B Exercise4 一正确抄写下列句子。 close your eyes taste this is it salty _二任意填空 1. Here _two cakes. They_nice. 2.Taste is . _it sour? Yes,it_. 3.Mr White_a toy rabbit. Its tail_short. 4. Taste the apple. How_it taste? 5._the salt.Its salty. 6.I can _with my nose. 7.I can_with my hands. 8.I can_ and _with my eyes and ears. 9.Feel the glasses. They are _ and_. 10.Lets _ and_ some food, Alice. 三根据括号内内容回答问题 1. How much are the apples(5元) _ 2. How does the salt taste?(咸的) _ 3. How do the bananas smell?(好闻的) _ 4. How do the sweets taste?(甜的) _ 5. How do the pineapples feel?(粗糙的) _ 6. How does the glass feel(又光滑又硬) _ 四按要求回答问题 1. Do you like dogs?(否定回答) _ 2. _? Six, please. 3. My Moon bread is nice.(对划线部分提问) _ 4. The apples are six yuan. (对划线部分提问) _ 5. The big apples are sweet. (改为否定句,意思不变) _ Oxford English 3B Exercise5 二正确抄写下列句子。 do you like monkeys kitty yes i do _二用所给词的正确形式填空 1._ you like _( apple)? No, I _ (do). 2. I like _ (elephant). I like that _( elephant). 3. I can see some _(fox) in the zoo. 4. Our school _ (be) nice. My dolls _(be) lovely. 5. _ (it) are toy dogs. I like _(they). 6. How _( do) the toy bear feel? Its soft. 7. Uncle Bai _(have) many _(hat). 8. Whos he? Hes_(I)father. 9. Do you like_(monkey)?No, I _(do) 10. Touch the _(glass). How_(do) they feel? 三改变句型 1. Do you like dogs? (否定回答)_ 2. The monkeys like the bananas. 一般疑问句_ 否定回答_3. The boys can ride bicycles. 一般疑问句_ 肯定回答_ 用what提问_ 4. We like the big lion.一般疑问句_ 否定句_ 对划线部分提问_ 5. Kitty likes pandas. 一般疑问句_肯定回答_ OxfordEnglish3B Exercise6一正确抄写句子thesebicyclesaresuperilikethisbicycle_二 选择 ( ) 1. Theyre big. Theyre grey. Theyre _. A. snakes B. elephants C. pandas ( ) 2. Do you like pandas? No, _ dont like pandas. A. we B. you C. he ( ) 3. _ bicycles are super. I like _ bicycles. A. Thisthese B. Thesethis C. Thesethese ( ) 4. The milk isnt cold. It is _. A. sweet B. hot C. white ( ) 5. I like these _. A. robot B. a robot C. robots 三用this或these填空1._isanewdoll.Are_dollsnew,too?2._aregreenfrogs._frogsarebig.3.Is_abluebicycle?No,itisnt.4._bicyclesarepink.Ilike_pinkbicycles.5.Doyoulike_snakes?Yes,Ilikesnakes.6.Ilike_zebra.Idontlike_lions.7._orangesaresour.Idontlikethem.8.Taste_.Itssweet.五改成否定句1.Ilikethetoylion._2.Theylikethesesuperboats._3.Thesnakesarelongandsmoot.(意思不变)_六划线提问1.Iliketheseducks._2.Icanseeaskateboard._七单数改复数,或复数改单数1.Theserobotsaresuper._2.Thisisabear._3.Aretheseyourbicycles?_4.Thesearebeautifuldolls._5.Whatsthis?Itsatoy._OxfordEnglish3B Exercise7一划线提问1.Wecanseeanaeroplane._2.Thosearenicebutterflies._3.Thesesocksaregreen._4.Mymotherisfine._5.Thecoffeeissour._6.Theapplesarehardandsmooth._7.Kittyistenyearsold._8.Thosetoyaeroplanesaretenyuan._9.Mybrotherisintheclassroom._10.Thisismyfather._二把下列句子改成一般疑问句并作肯定和否定回答。1.Yoursisterisatallgirl._2.Myfriendsliketoys.(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)_3.Mytrousersaretooshort._4.MissFangcanrideabicycle._5.Ilikepandas._6.Thispictureisfunny._OxfordEnglish3B Exercise8一、读一读,用合适的词填空,每空一词Dad,were_._areyoutoday?-Very_.-Areyou_?-No,weare_.Wewantsomecakes.-Therearesomecakes_you._youare.-_,Dad.-_isyourcake,Alice?-Its_star.Ilikeitverymuch.-Look_mycake.Itsa_.Hownice!二、改变句型1.Thesetreesarerectangles.(否定句)_(单数句)_(一般问句)_(肯定回答)_(否定回答)_(划线提问)_2.Therearefivestars.(划线提问)_3. Ihaveacircle.(划线提问)_4. Itsabigstar.(改为否定句,意思不变)_OxfordEnglish3B Exercise9一选择题()1.Bob_ayellowcat.A.haveB.areC.has()2.Atrianglehas_sides.A.fiveB.fourC./()3.Itsbright._offthe_.A.Turn/lightB.Take/lightC.Turn/coat()4.Thesunisa_.A.circleB.starC.square()5.Whatcolouraretheseclothes?_blue.A.ItisB.TheyareC.Theseare()6.Doesshelikerabbits?No,she_.A.doesB.likesthemC.doesntlikethem.()7.Ilikethedogs.They_clever.A.CanB.doC.lemons()8.Itsspring.Theleavesare_andthecloudsare_.yellow/whiteB.green/blackC.green/white()9.Mymotheristhinandbeautiful._nameisRose.A.HerB.SheC.His()10.Whatsthat?Its_apple.A.aB./C.an二划线提问1.Thissmallbagispink._2.Marycanhearaboat._3.Thoseelephantsaregrey._4.Itisapurpledress._5. MyEnglishbookisarectangle._6. Thesearestars._三按要求改变句型1.MyfriendandIcandrawatree.(否定句)_Welikerobots.(单数句)_Thosearerectangles.(单数句)_Ihaveagreenkite.(用Tom代替I)_Thereisabook.(用howmany提问)_OxfordEnglish3B Exercise10一、用所给词的正确形式填空1. Lookat_(that)clocks.They_(be)beautiful.2.Counttherabbits_(rabbit).There_(be)five.3.Ben_(have)aniceballoon.It_(be)yellow.4.Howmany_(flower)arethereonthedesk?5.There_(be)one.6.Icansee_(a)ant.It_(have)sixlegs.7.Kitty_(have)abigsquare.It_(be)red.8.Lookat_(this)pictures.They_(be)nice.9.MayIhavesome_(bread)?Sure.10.Canhe_(make)ahouse?No,he_(can)11.Astar_(have)fiveangles.12.Thispairofshoes_(be)white.13.Themonkeyslikes_(eat)bananas.14.Peter_(have)atoymouse.It_(be)grey.15.It_(be)coldinwinter.I_(notlike)wnter.二、用am,is,are,have,has填空1.I_anewpupil.I_anewbag.2.Ben_abicycle.It_black.3.Mycoat_white.Myshoes_black.4.Ourteacher_abluecar.It_super.5.Thispairofgloves_formygrandma.6.Atriangle_threesides.7.Whatshape_yourcake?It_acake.8.How_yourfather,Peter?He_fine.三选择题()1.Bob_ayellowcat. A.haveB.areC.has()2.Atrianglehas_sides. A.fiveB.fourC./()3.Itsbright._offthe_. A.Turn/lightB.Take/lightC.Turn/coat()4.Thesunisa_. A.circleB.starC.square()5.Whatcolouraretheseclothes?_blue. A.ItisB.TheyareC.Theseare()6.Doesshelikerabbits?No,she_. A.doesB.likesthemC.doesntlikethem.()7.Ilikethedogs.They_clever. A.CanB.doC.lemons()8.Itsspring.Theleavesare_andthecloudsare_. A.yellow/whiteB.green/blackC.green/white()9.Mymotheristhinandbeautiful._nameisRose. A.HerB.SheC.His()()10.Whatsthat?Its_apple. A.aB./C.an四划线提问1.Thissmallbagispink._2.Marycanhearaboat._3.Thoseelephantsaregrey._4.Itisapurpledress._5.MyEnglishbookisarectangle._6.Thesearestars._五按要求改变句型1.MyfriendandIcandrawatree.(否定句)_Welikerobots.(单数句)_3.Thosearerectangles.(单数句)_4.Ihaveagreenkite.(用Tom代替I)_5.Thereisabook.(用howmany提问)_专心-专注-专业


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