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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上汇总剑桥国际少儿英语第2册单词句型KB-2包含:字母26个,词汇163个,句型30个;一、重点内容:重点词汇118个,重点句型28个,要求学生能听、说、读、写和运用;二、了解内容:了解词汇45个,了解句型2个,要求学生能听、说、读。Unit11、字母(26)26个字母; 2、了解词汇(1)ant; 3、重点句型(3) Whats her/his name? Can you spell (your name), please? Yes. (Tom. T-O-M.) /No, I cant. to be句型; Unit21、四会词汇(18)board, bookcase, cupboard, desk, ruler, teacher, whiteboard, wall, 数字11-20; 2、了解词汇(1)insect; 3、重点句型(4) Is this a (pen)? Yes. /No. What are these? Theyre (books). How many (rulers) are there? There is (1). / There are (11). 复数名词, There isnt There arent; Unit31、四会词汇(8)camera, watch, kite, robot, lorry, computer game, that/those; 2、了解词汇(1)whale; 3、重点句型(2) Whose is it? /Whose (kite) is this/that? Its (his/ hers). Whose (robots) are these/those? Theyre (Suzys).Unit41、四会词汇(6)mat, lamp, clock, phone, sofa, mirror; 2、了解词汇(3)hide and seek, armchair, hair; 3、重点句型(1) Which (bag is yours)? The (yellow) one (is mine). 4、了解句型(2) Well done. Im coming. Our World1、了解词汇(5)Canada, Canadian, snow, igloo, world; Unit51、四会词汇(16)family, cousin, mummy, daddy, grandma, grandpa, baby, catch, clean, fly,get, hit, jump, run, sleep, throw; 2、了解词汇(1)superhero; 3、重点句型(1) 所有格s,现在进行时表示现在正在进行的动作:I/he/she/it/they(陈述句和否定句),现在进行时的拼写。Unit61、四会词汇(14)bread, brown bread, water, milk, juice, chicken, eggs, chips, rice, potatoes,carrots, pears, lemons, meat; 2、重点句型(2) Can I have some (fruit juice), please? Here you are. Were having breakfast with our mum.Unit71、四会词汇(18)farm, cow, duck, goat, lizard, sheep, spider, zoo, tree, frog, farmer, flowers, pineapple, coconuts, lime, onions, show, give; 2、了解词汇(5)moo, baa, quack, croak, cluck,3、重点句型(3) So do I. I love (goats). I dont. Unit81、四会词汇(11)park, shop, street, hospital, caf, flat, town, music, between, behind, in front of; 2、了解词汇(2)funny, octopus; 3、重点句型(2) 名词复数的规则变化。 Whos that (girl next to the table)? Thats (my sister). Our World1、了解词汇(8)Australia, Internet, correcting his exercises, doctor, Todd, lesson, talk to, class Unit91、四会词汇(10)dress, handbag, glasses, hat, shirt, jeans, watch, sunglasses, gold, mask; 2、了解词汇(1)jaguar; 3、重点句型(2) Has he/she got? 使用have got/has got 的疑问句和回答。 Youre/Theyre wearing Unit101、四会词汇(6)play hockey, play table tennis, play baseball, play badminton, play soccer, sports; 2、了解词汇(13)reading about, hobby/hobbies, team, player, touch, goalkeeper, cooking,gardening, driving, likes, dislikes, painting, take a photo; 3、重点句型(3) I like/love ing. I dont like ing. Does he/she like (running)? Yes, he/she does. No, he/she doesnt. Unit111、四会词汇(5)sausage, lemonade, fries/chips, watermelon; 2、了解词汇(1)Happy birthday. 3、重点句型(3) Look at them/her/his/us/me/you. Would you like (some bananas)? Yes, please. /No, thank you. What would you like to drink/eat? Id like (some lemonade). Id like (a sausage). Unit121、四会词汇(6)mountain, sea, sand, beach, sun, shell; 2、了解词汇(3)pick up, on holiday, yak; 3、重点句型(2) Where do you want to go (on holiday)? I want to go (to the mountains). Do you want to go to (a big city)? Yes, I do. /No, I dont. 专心-专注-专业


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