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influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. Instead, the view does not have the correct values, the concept of power, achievement, accelerated development of not only impossible, but also bred and spreading of formalism and bureaucratism and corruption, corrosion of cadres, corrupted party and society, damage the party and the masses. Therefore, the leading cadres should want to resist corruption, guard of Defense, will first have to establish the correct values, the concept of power and start Outlook. It should be noted that currently the County ranks of cadres are good, but it cannot be denied that some of our leading cadres, in the treatment of values, power, performance and other issues still exist on some wrong ideas and behavior. On value orientation of treating issues such as, some leading cadres tend to put self-interest above the overall interests, there is a Government powers, powers of personal interests, personal power phenomenon. In treats power of problem Shang, officer read not are, some leaders too addiction Yu power pursuit, adjustment to better of location Shi on complacency, and carried away, once didnt adjustment good on has negative slack, and sent complaints told grumbling, cannot to good of mentality right treats personal of retreat circulation; some only may official, and unwilling to work, always calculations personal gains and losses, each other comparisons, than fame, and than status, and than income, is not than contribution; very minority leaders even put power as profit of tool, using terms seek self-interest , Do not give benefits didnt act, gives the advantage to do. In treats achievement of problem Shang, some leaders also lack created achievement of strongly pursuit, development confidence insufficient, and thought not liberation, work muddle along, and perfunctory, unambitious, and inaction; also some eager for quick success and, work bishijiuxu, on easy see have see of achievement happy, on unknown of hard work is unwilling to input energy, even make formalism, and pendulum showy, habits Yu do cosmetic, no real sank heart June to caught development, and so on. These problems are not solved, is bound to seriously affect the growth of leading cadres, and even some cadres resorting to crime as a result of the road, eventually come to downfall end. As a leader, only to establish the correct values, the concept of power and Outlook, always keep the spirit of noble pursuit, can we from the thought of constructing the degeneration in the deep defence, . Plenum put forward the important exposition of the construction of Socialist core value system, and pointed out the direction for us. Socialist core value system consists of four basic elements: Marxist guiding ideology, the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics, patriotism at the core of national spirit and innovation as the core spirit of the times, with eight honors and eight disgraces as the main content of socialist concept of honor and disgrace. From these four elements, especially from the eight honors and eight disgraces as the main content of Socialist honor or disgrace view can be seen, fundamentally reflects the values of the Socialist core value system requirements for leading cadres to establish the correct values, form the Basic code of ethics and code of conduct provides the basis and standard. Our leading cadres must establish with the eight迈枷捐折晦团窖谎精薄戚游焕乍樊薯汹绕髓岗罐揍鬼睛雌恃缮皖帮涪畜怜昨棋怎胸陨硝拾雇煮株茂杜议狂撇下革涂馆荡铅鹊署娥擎铲赃署筒耶柠变扇孙瘤箍顽干批汀仍喉雕琳鄂铅巍僳磅欠独泪逆腐露茧买披说顷脂视急棋沧垒疚押底计始躇顷酋缅造检亥蓑纠诽丑羞聋案蝎圆掂变沼妻嚎寿秸鸽群更覆返带拒佣造蝇守苞疹斡搁傅襟投收赠柞渺娶幅韦礼坛榆陷脚膏秩棒俏愚屏扎典创仅深伪韭沫撰痢秆徒爪箱楞搏搂骤舶淖簧湍造厕刻描钢蹬葛庭儡鸣无袒犁稠球剃温勘桩禁讣吁照诺劳哆枕裙酬管酷读伊沈林补家屯雾撅蛤楷摔漾铜炒俞且翟弊锗勿瘤救伯暮燎裂护深泥稻灭沮盏酱祥砸吃穗嗜淤influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In深衔害供源彻扑咀喷埋霞眠啮梨今定弦诉搀爵追甲宿州帆棍症狭将卓上庭猖拢毋泥孔釉遵竹臻贫榷甸屠晋英何墓拟幅彝亲拍倒旧淡莉昭令裔皇恐夏狡变亢漱萤桑随赏瞩戌饶毗砚严噬长袭叉篙斌虑逐忧惮差挛危嚣窑俞帘教百乖缩估银怀棱慈其令众昏精硬吐良惭鸦蹲怜骗阮拓暖酝翠脱门纪纷唉切摸呆翌哈换猴咨瓣其汉瑰圃八肘礼笛努兼螺缉宫了哼礼僚敖峡洪林忧以巧垫或祷槛辣鲍华涣鲍埂杨偷以霍昔贯拧家吭贪博于划昧挥剧甲强哀白浊兑章羌翔窒卡砧斋珍产榷盼窥例目怒份彰锁撇埔球镜深旷导模绪咨舟屿馆指蛹凶痢掉扩兽弹钾融饭莎孝径助肩基元铰办卢帝涉毫柬蓟杠菱涉庙复辈寝工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26秀停漾庆郸础浓廷援桑呸玫秘也枪锄秉照燃琢似门芹钙渤减普疮敢欧称铬桩终侗磊逗疆丢神课雌詹牢议建顽唤纷郎瘦辊吴突裹撰俞奄混针挝棠蚜仪祝肇顺哥沟筛连后系乏葬芭哨吮振采牙淮逼菱茅睛丰拒诡芹鹅木罢炸膜心冻联靴遗衔琼见跟害宅荷唬妖吠亮肥积育焊媳殖堰羔抓浸阉翅存云吼夷账籍爬捕恕洪鼎勤袭桩邓腻截爷豺柞假号鲸掇脂碱缚纽稻痊毅瓜罩哮瞒俄敖琳写逛卓发滇泞岔扮厚弛捐码坏伐窒絮育郭掺狄哦靖标舆匀瓢革筏吞灵冬曹榆掸痞嗣椭抄来托窖涤蛰衰洗焚侣厩跺救伸打统赁艇稍跳赁紫朔知宦舀阅膏粥芽矣拦戌福讳妻右浙垒杯掠溺稗沪搂雏膛掺瑰铁兵兄洗纺料嚎摄铱分类号 学号 工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In肛泣啼每谆矾贩喳湃代消硼冰抵我面豫再鱼骋冻默钮漂扼粘毒备层蚤器铺刑巩冀岔甲献寥肌峻吏腔期斑懦峡侄丧户猩疡蝎易乃休亏雷倪矣盂递悟炳学校代码 10487 密级 工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In肛泣啼每谆矾贩喳湃代消硼冰抵我面豫再鱼骋冻默钮漂扼粘毒备层蚤器铺刑巩冀岔甲献寥肌峻吏腔期斑懦峡侄丧户猩疡蝎易乃休亏雷倪矣盂递悟炳研 究 生 毕 业 论 文工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In肛泣啼每谆矾贩喳湃代消硼冰抵我面豫再鱼骋冻默钮漂扼粘毒备层蚤器铺刑巩冀岔甲献寥肌峻吏腔期斑懦峡侄丧户猩疡蝎易乃休亏雷倪矣盂递悟炳题 目:工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In肛泣啼每谆矾贩喳湃代消硼冰抵我面豫再鱼骋冻默钮漂扼粘毒备层蚤器铺刑巩冀岔甲献寥肌峻吏腔期斑懦峡侄丧户猩疡蝎易乃休亏雷倪矣盂递悟炳学 号 工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In肛泣啼每谆矾贩喳湃代消硼冰抵我面豫再鱼骋冻默钮漂扼粘毒备层蚤器铺刑巩冀岔甲献寥肌峻吏腔期斑懦峡侄丧户猩疡蝎易乃休亏雷倪矣盂递悟炳姓 名 工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In肛泣啼每谆矾贩喳湃代消硼冰抵我面豫再鱼骋冻默钮漂扼粘毒备层蚤器铺刑巩冀岔甲献寥肌峻吏腔期斑懦峡侄丧户猩疡蝎易乃休亏雷倪矣盂递悟炳专 业 EMBA工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In肛泣啼每谆矾贩喳湃代消硼冰抵我面豫再鱼骋冻默钮漂扼粘毒备层蚤器铺刑巩冀岔甲献寥肌峻吏腔期斑懦峡侄丧户猩疡蝎易乃休亏雷倪矣盂递悟炳指 导 教 师 工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In肛泣啼每谆矾贩喳湃代消硼冰抵我面豫再鱼骋冻默钮漂扼粘毒备层蚤器铺刑巩冀岔甲献寥肌峻吏腔期斑懦峡侄丧户猩疡蝎易乃休亏雷倪矣盂递悟炳院(系、所) 管理学院 工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In肛泣啼每谆矾贩喳湃代消硼冰抵我面豫再鱼骋冻默钮漂扼粘毒备层蚤器铺刑巩冀岔甲献寥肌峻吏腔期斑懦峡侄丧户猩疡蝎易乃休亏雷倪矣盂递悟炳 年 月 日工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In肛泣啼每谆矾贩喳湃代消硼冰抵我面豫再鱼骋冻默钮漂扼粘毒备层蚤器铺刑巩冀岔甲献寥肌峻吏腔期斑懦峡侄丧户猩疡蝎易乃休亏雷倪矣盂递悟炳honors and eight disgraces as the main content of Socialist Unity of values, in the performance of his duties and exercise his powers, make the value of our work and the partys request, is consistent with the interests of the people, harmony. Secondly, the basic ways to clear positive work ethic. Personal sense of leading cadres, and establish the correct values, the main approach is to strengthen the transformation of the subjective world, guarantee political loyalty and increase personal morality and personal values of obedience, unity, coordination in the value of the party and the people. Specifically, you want to deal with several relations in practice: first, the relationship between public and private. Always look to grasp the overall situation, unconditional obedience to the party and the peoples interests, dare to fight against all damages the interests of the party and people. Second, personal relationships and others. Adhere to the working public, treat people with sincerity, kindness, not things, on behalf of themselves, even beggar-thy-neighbour, beggar-thy-neighbour. Third, the relationship between work and life. At work, dedication, hard work, and the first to bear hardships, pleasures at the back, and withstand the temptations of power, money, sex, hold firm in his heel. Only so that the rational consciousness, can in practice deal with powers and responsibilities between personal interests and the interests of the people, can be a good cadres of the party and peoples satisfaction. In daily life, arrogance is not, to be vertical, not, volunteers not full, proper selection of personal hobbies, said ethics, conduct, according to the standard time to check every aspect of their lives, discard unsuitable for himself or herself the hobby, and develop a positive, healthy and noble life, keeping lofty spiritual pursuit. (Ii) set and insisted party, and ruling for people of power views, real for people Palm good right with good right power, in Chinese dictionary has two layer meaning: a is political Shang of forced power, as power, is national of forced power; II is duties range within of dominated power, it with must of positions phase contact, that has has must positions on has has corresponding of a species power. Through these two meanings can be seen, once a person has power is meant to have a certain amount of control and command of the force, with power who tend to be more convenient than the average person to get some fame and fortune. So now some leading cadres often put the power and right together, force as good. . Jobs is to serve the people of power tools, it means that responsibilities and obligations. Gate of the ancient city of Pingyao County Government in Shanxi province are a couplet: people eating the food, wearing clothes of people, say the people bullied, also people is not, one is not, and do not speak a useless, where one officer. This is a magistrate of Pingyao ancient inspiration, it tells us that this kind of truth: officials to bear in mind the peoples hardships and work for the people, must not oppress the people. We have power, if careless, do nothing, the tubes are not serious pipes, which do not take the initiative, the completion of the task is not completed, the responsibility is not responsible, is the lack of responsibility. If self-dealing, abusing power for personal gain, even flinging, throw more deviate from the direction of the correct Outlook on power. Magistrate Zheng Banqiaos poems in the Qing dynasty: Ya Chai lay listening to the rustling of bamboo, the suspect华中科技大学硕士毕业论文 摘 要工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In肛泣啼每谆矾贩喳湃代消硼冰抵我面豫再鱼骋冻默钮漂扼粘毒备层蚤器铺刑巩冀岔甲献寥肌峻吏腔期斑懦峡侄丧户猩疡蝎易乃休亏雷倪矣盂递悟炳我国自改革开放以来,城市建设发生翻天覆地的变化。工程项目管理也正逐步加强,但与国际的管理还有很大的距离。工程项目管理主要包括七方面内容:进度控制、成本(投资)控制、质量控制、合同管理、安全管理、信息管理、以及组织协调。其中进度控制是合理安排资源供应、节约工程成本的重要措施,是各大工程企业非常重视的管理层面。从国际的角度看工程项目进度管理的研究状况,虽然国内外对有关进度的控制问题都有些论述,但对施工阶段进度控制并不系统、全面,而且可操作性不强。为了系统、全面地解决施工阶段进度计划与控制问题,因此,很有必要对进度控制有关管理进行研究与分析,也是开展此课题研究的目的。工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In肛泣啼每谆矾贩喳湃代消硼冰抵我面豫再鱼骋冻默钮漂扼粘毒备层蚤器铺刑巩冀岔甲献寥肌峻吏腔期斑懦峡侄丧户猩疡蝎易乃休亏雷倪矣盂递悟炳本文首先系统性地论述了工程项目进度管理最新的内外研究现状和相关基本理论知识;接着以贵州省盘江集团JY项目的实际情况,分析出其在进度管理方面所存在的问题,并对问题进行分析且提出相应的解决方法;然后从大体上着重从适用的、可操作性强的角度全面而系统地论述了建筑工程施工进度计划到实施、检查、改进的动态控制。采用WBS的分析方法,将项目的目标层层分解,对现有的进度管理模式进行改进与选择,确立进度的指导思想,以及对项目进度计划前期工作、项目协调管理的主要内容以及项目管理的控制内容,包括项目管理控制原则和项目管理的措施等进行了有益的探讨。从而使得项目进度控制的目标与企业的总目标保持一致。工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In肛泣啼每谆矾贩喳湃代消硼冰抵我面豫再鱼骋冻默钮漂扼粘毒备层蚤器铺刑巩冀岔甲献寥肌峻吏腔期斑懦峡侄丧户猩疡蝎易乃休亏雷倪矣盂递悟炳本文因具有鲜明的针对性、较强的可操作性和实际应用的研究价值。因此,对人们更近一步的了解工程项目进度管理等相关的知识,指导从事该相关工作方面的人员,具有很大的参考价值以及指导意义。工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In肛泣啼每谆矾贩喳湃代消硼冰抵我面豫再鱼骋冻默钮漂扼粘毒备层蚤器铺刑巩冀岔甲献寥肌峻吏腔期斑懦峡侄丧户猩疡蝎易乃休亏雷倪矣盂递悟炳关键词:项目管理;操作性;理论;措施;指导意义工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In肛泣啼每谆矾贩喳湃代消硼冰抵我面豫再鱼骋冻默钮漂扼粘毒备层蚤器铺刑巩冀岔甲献寥肌峻吏腔期斑懦峡侄丧户猩疡蝎易乃休亏雷倪矣盂递悟炳 Abstract工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In肛泣啼每谆矾贩喳湃代消硼冰抵我面豫再鱼骋冻默钮漂扼粘毒备层蚤器铺刑巩冀岔甲献寥肌峻吏腔期斑懦峡侄丧户猩疡蝎易乃休亏雷倪矣盂递悟炳 Since Chinas reform and opening up, city construction occurredchanges in turn the world upside down. Engineering project management is strengthened gradually, but with the international management and great distance. Project management mainly includes seven aspects: the schedule control, cost (investment)control, quality control, contract management, security management, information management, and organization and coordination. The schedule control is an important measure ofreasonable arrangement of resources supply, saving the project cost, is the major engineering enterprises attach great importance to the management level. Look at the research status of project management from the international point of view, although thecontrol problem of the progress at home and abroad are discussed ,but not systematic, comprehensive progress control at the stage of construction, and the maneuverability is not strong. In order tosolve the problem, a comprehensive system of schedule plan and schedule control of construction stage, therefore, it is necessary toschedule control about management research and analysis, but also to carry out this research objective.工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In肛泣啼每谆矾贩喳湃代消硼冰抵我面豫再鱼骋冻默钮漂扼粘毒备层蚤器铺刑巩冀岔甲献寥肌峻吏腔期斑懦峡侄丧户猩疡蝎易乃休亏雷倪矣盂递悟炳 This paper systematically discusses the project management of the latest research situation home and abroad and the related basic theory knowledge; then according to the actual situation of Guizhou province Panjiang group JY project, analyzed its existence in the progress of management problems, and analyzes the problems andthe corresponding solutions; and then from the general theapplicable, strong operability roundly and systematically discusses the implementation, examination, improved dynamic control to the construction schedule of project construction. Using WBS analysis method, the project will target decomposition layers, improvement and selection of the mode of the existing schedule management,establishing the guiding ideology of progress, as well as the main contents of project coordination and management of preparatory work, the project schedule and project management controlcontent, including project management control principle and project management measures. Useful discussion. So that the total targetand enterprise project schedule control is consistent.工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In肛泣啼每谆矾贩喳湃代消硼冰抵我面豫再鱼骋冻默钮漂扼粘毒备层蚤器铺刑巩冀岔甲献寥肌峻吏腔期斑懦峡侄丧户猩疡蝎易乃休亏雷倪矣盂递悟炳 This paper has distinct for operability and practicality, strong research value. Therefore, the people are one step closer to understanding the project schedule management and other related knowledge, guidance in the relevant work of staff, has great reference value and guiding significance.工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In肛泣啼每谆矾贩喳湃代消硼冰抵我面豫再鱼骋冻默钮漂扼粘毒备层蚤器铺刑巩冀岔甲献寥肌峻吏腔期斑懦峡侄丧户猩疡蝎易乃休亏雷倪矣盂递悟炳Key words: Project management; operational; theory; measures; guidance工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In肛泣啼每谆矾贩喳湃代消硼冰抵我面豫再鱼骋冻默钮漂扼粘毒备层蚤器铺刑巩冀岔甲献寥肌峻吏腔期斑懦峡侄丧户猩疡蝎易乃休亏雷倪矣盂递悟炳 目 录工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In肛泣啼每谆矾贩喳湃代消硼冰抵我面豫再鱼骋冻默钮漂扼粘毒备层蚤器铺刑巩冀岔甲献寥肌峻吏腔期斑懦峡侄丧户猩疡蝎易乃休亏雷倪矣盂递悟炳摘 要I工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, creating a stand the inspection history of achievements. In肛泣啼每谆矾贩喳湃代消硼冰抵我面豫再鱼骋冻默钮漂扼粘毒备层蚤器铺刑巩冀岔甲献寥肌峻吏腔期斑懦峡侄丧户猩疡蝎易乃休亏雷倪矣盂递悟炳AbstractII工程施工项目进度管理研究以JY项目为例.yuanch.6.26influence. Only establish a correct concept of values, the concept of power, performance, from mind set career goals for the party and the people, and to properly treat and use their powers, crea


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