食品安全体系评价:Establishing Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point Programs

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HACCPEstablishing Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point ProgramsSection I: HACCP and HACCP PrinciplesIntroduction to Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point SystemsHazard Analysis and Critical Control Point SystemsBasic Steps in the Development of HACCP SystemsPillsbury Company1974USDALow acid canned foodsAQIS1980sStart in Aust.1995Conference1997/8Food Safety PlansHACCP(Historical- Perspective)1996/7Food Poisoning Cases1950s Space ProgramIntroduction to Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point SystemsHACCP Concept1.The Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) system is a preventive system for assuring the safe production of food products. Principles to the food production process from field to table: basic agriculture food preparation and handling food processing food service distribution systems consumer handling and use2. HACCP is simply a methodical and systematic application of the appropriate science and technology to plan, control and document the safe production of foods. The most basic concept underlying HACCP is that of prevention rather than inspection. Anyone who related to the food production can identify where a food safety problem may occur and how it will occur. where and how are the HA( Hazard Analysis) part of HACCP. The objective is to make the product safely, and to be able prove that the product has been made safely. the proof of the control of processes and conditions is the CCP (Critical Control Point) part .3.HACCP concept covers all types of potential food safety hazardsbiological, physical , and chemicalwhether they are naturally occurring in the food , contributed by the environment or generated by a mistake in the manufacturing process. Chemical hazards - most feared Physical hazards - most commonly identified Biological (microbiological) hazards - most seriousOrigin of HACCP1.Development of Foods for the Space Program Developed by the Pillsbury Company in response to the food requirement imposed by NASA for “space foods” produced for manned space flights beginning in 1959. NASA had two principle safety issues: Food particlescrumbsin the space capsule. Absolute assurance of freedom from pathogens and biological toxins. (more difficulty to address) Dr. Howard Bauman: Zero Defects Programs: non-destructive testing Modes of Failure developed by the U.S. Army Natick Laboratories: it predict what might go wrong (a hazard), how it would occur, and where it would occur in the process. select points (critical control points) at which measurements or observations could be made whether or not the process was being controlled.The Original HACCP System first presented to the public at the 1971 National Conference on Food Protection. the initial HACCP system consisted of three principles:1.Identification and assessment of hazards associated with growing/ harvesting to marketing/preparation.2.Determination of the critical control points to control any identifiable hazard.3. Establishment of systems to monitor critical control points. The preventive nature of the HACCP system:1.Identify any safety-related problems which are related to this product and process.2. Determine the specific factors which need to be controlled to prevent these problems from occurring.3. Establish systems that can measure and document whether or not these factors are being controlled properly.Early uses of HACCP 1970s: FDAtrained its inspectors in the elements of HACCP, instituted special HACCP inspections of food plants. the low-acid and acidified canned food regulationsTitle 21, Code of Federal Regulations Part 113. 1980s: a report on microbiological criteria was issued by a subcommittee of the Food Protection Committee of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS).HACCP Verify Flow Diagram1.Conduct a hazard analysis. Prepare a list of steps in the process where significant hazards occur and describe the preventive measures.2.Identify the CCPs in the process.3.Establish critical limits for preventive measures associated with each identified CCP.4.Establish CCP monitoring requirements. Establish procedures for using the results of monitoring to adjust the process and maintain control.5.Establish corrective action to be taken when monitoring indicates that there is a deviation from an established critical limit.6.Establish effective recordkeeping procedures that document the HACCP system.7.Establish procedures for verification that the HACCP system is working correctly.


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