人教版高一英语上册Unit 5 The Silver Screen Integrating Skills说课稿

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人教版高一英语上册Unit 5 The Silver Screen Integrating Skills说课稿各位评委、各位老师,上午好。我是来自,我今天说课的题目是人教版高一英语(上)第五单元的第五课时-综合技能课。一说教材首先,我们谈谈教材。本套教材在原高中英语教材(SEFC)的基础上,根据当前教改精神而进行了重新编写。它较好地衔接了初中义务教育教材,体现了“中小学英语教学一条龙”的设想。本单元围绕The Silver Screen这一主题开展听、说、读、写多种教学活动。影视作为人类文明的一大体现,作为当今社会人们主要休闲、娱乐方式之一,是一个非常贴近生活、具有时代性、可挖掘性强的教学主题。语言素材广泛,涉及中外名片、电影明星、著名导演,有利于学生了解中外文化,增强世界意识。素材选择兼顾高一学生的知识面、已有词汇、生活经历等,体现了教材编写的“以学生为中心”,以及“听说领先,读写跟上”的教学理念。二说学情除了了解教材,还必须了解所教班级的学生的具体情况。1首先,由于我所任教的是一所农村中学,而本单元的主题是The Silver Screen,涉及中外名片、著名演员、著名导演。农村学生对于外国名片、外国演员的了解有一定的局限性,因此需要教师在本单元开始前及本单元的前三个课时做好大量的铺垫。但本节课的内容是中国的名导演张艺谋所导演的名片一个都不能少,学生对此会较感兴趣,会很积极,会有较强的表现欲。2. 学生在9年级上期第6单元已经接触过对电影黄河渔夫(Yellow River Fisherman)和演员Kim Amy的评论,有一定的基础。3学生刚升入高中一年级,口头表达能力不强,知识面不够广泛,因此要多鼓励他们用英语大胆地说,大胆地写出自己的观点。教材重组经教材分析,结合我班学情,我将教材进行了重组,使本单元可以用六个课时完成。1 将WARMING UP,SPEAKING和Workbook中的TALKING整合在一起,设计成一节任务型的“口语课”。2 将LISTENING 和Workbook中的LISTENING整合在一起,设计成一节 “听力课”。3将PRE-READING, READING和POST-READING三个活动整合在一起上一节“阅读课(一)”。4将LANGUAGE STUDY 与Workbook中的PRACTISING的语法练习题整合在一起上一节“语法课”。5 将INTEGRATING SKILLS 中Reading and Writing 上成一节“读写课。6 将Workbook中INTEGRATING SKILLS” 上成一节“阅读课(二)(泛读课)。我今天要说的就是本单元的第五课时-读写课。是使学生的语言技能由听说读上升到写的一个重要环节。三说教学目标由于这一节课的主要任务是在阅读的基础上写一篇影评,因此我确立了以下几个教学目标:1.语言目标Target language学生能运用以下重点词汇和短语stay away, primary school, leader, take ones place, lock sb.up, run after, bring sb.back, determine, live, on the air, comment, think highly of. 通过阅读影评一个都不能少,提高学生的读、写能力,熟悉并会使用电影评论的框架。1.First, tell the story in your own words.2.Second,make comments on different things about the film, for example:How do you feel about the film?What is the film about?Are the actors/actresses very good or not?What do you think of the ending of the film?3.Finally, give your opinion about the whole of the film.I like /dont like this film because 2.能力目标Ability goals通过让学生读该篇课文,发展学生读的能力,提高学生写的能力即写影评的综合语言运用能力。通过小组活动,指导学生积极与人合作,与人交流,培养他们的团队合作精神。3.情感意识目标通过学习影片,增强学生的爱心与同情心,培养学生关心他人,关心教育,关心社会的意识,引导他们珍惜时间,珍惜生活。通过了解世界著名影视文化,培养世界意识;通过中外影视文化对比,加深对中国影视文化的理解。教学重点这节课的教学重点是训练学生的读写能力,学会写影评,对影视界名人及电影发表自己的观点。说教学难点这堂课的教学难点在于通过学习,提高学生的读(输入)和写(输出)的综合能力。四说教学方法(Teaching methods):上述教学目标和重难点的确定是基于“TEFL教学理论及方法”和“整体语言教学理论”,其中渗透当前课程改革的一些理念。为达成上述教学目标,我将运用以下教学方法以达成目标:1任务型教学法(Task-based method)这篇文章内容易懂,我设计了一些任务,通过感知、体验、参与和合作等活动方式,使学生的主体地位得到充分体现。例如,要求学生阅读文章,填写信息表。2多媒体教学法这一单元以影视为主题,利用多媒体展示电影片段,帮助学生用自己的话概括主要内容,提高课堂教学效率,增强学生学习兴趣.3. 合作学习法.(Cooperative method)学生通过小组合作,两人合作等学会积极与人合作,与人交流,培养他们的团队合作精神。4. 学案导学法教师根据所授内容的重.难点设计学案,引导学生自主学习,强化双基.把握重难点.五.教辅手段(完成教学目标离不开必要的教辅手段)1. A computer 2. A projector六说教学步骤教学过程是课堂教学的中心环节,我计划通过以下步骤来完成教学任务:Step1.Lead-in (5)Activity1. Duty report(2)Share information about Zhang Yimou活动一:交流学生课前所完成的学案中的张艺谋的个人信息表。使学生对张艺谋及其主要作品更为熟悉。然后在多媒体上呈现张艺谋的有关信息表格:NameZhang YimouSexmaleBirth dateNov. 11, 1951OccupationPhotographer / Actor /directorBirth placeXianSome of the films he filmed/acted/directedYearName of the films1984Filmed Yellow Earth1987Acted in Laojing1987Directed Honggaoliang1990Judou1991And I Hate You So(大红灯笼高高挂)1998Not One Less1999My Father and Mother2000Happy Time2002HeroActivity2Enjoy the film Not One Less (3)活动二:欣赏电影一个也不能少的片断,激起学生兴趣及对中国教育现状的思考。提问一个也不能少的有关情节,为阅读作铺垫。Have you ever heard of/seen it?Who plays the main role in it?What is the story about?Step 2 Reading (15)Activity1.Fast reading ( Judging True or False)活动一:学生快速阅读,了解文章大意,并快速对学案中所给的五句话做出正确与否的判断。(4)(该活动的目的是训练学生快速寻找文章细节的能力。)( F )1 Mr.Gaos mother is ill and he asks Minzhi to take his place instead ;(F )2 The 13-year-old girl is able to teach the pupils as well as Mr. Gao;( T )3 Generally speaking, “the young teacher”Minzhi is in charge of the childen well;( F )4 Finally the leader of the radio station invited her to speak on the air;( T )5 People like this film only because it is simple but moving.Activity2 Careful reading (6)活动二: 学生仔细阅读,勾出文章中的疑点、难点,教师进行必要的解释并在黑板上板书。(使学生学会主动学习)为使语言点得以巩固,我设计了学案练习3和4,要求学生课后完成。Language points:1)take sbs place/take the place ofsb/sth./take place2)live, living, alive,lively3) determine to do sth/ be determined to do sth.4)not only but also.Activity3 Over-all reading (complete the table on page 35)活动三: 整体阅读(个人活动)阅读Not One Less;回答问题,填写课本35页信息表。通过填写表格,让学生抓住文章的主要内容。(5)Title:Not One LessDirector:Zhang YimouWhats the film about? Tell the story in your own words.The film is about a 13-year-old girl,called WeiMinzhi,who takes care of the village school when the teacher,MrGao, is away for a month. She has to make sure that all the students stay in the school.When one of them runs away to the big city, she follows him and brings him back.Does the film have a happy ending? Why?The film has a happy ending. Minzhi finds Huike and brings him back to the school, together with the people from the TV station.What do you think about “Not One Less”? And why?I think the story gives us hope.The film shows us that people care for each other. Even people in the city will take care of people in the village when knowing about their problems.How do you feel about the ending of the film? Why do you think so?I like the film because it is so moving. I think the ending of the film is happy, but you almost have to cry.Step 3 Before writing(3)Activity 1: Discussion活动一:(小组活动)学生分成4人小组,根据上面表格,讨论影评的写作思路;鼓励学生用英语大胆地讨论,发表个人观点.我认为要学会写,首先要学会说.因此我设计了这一活动,让学生把这节课所学的运用到实际问题中去.(教师将讨论结果写在黑板上)Activity 2:Read TIPS on page35 to help you on how to make comments on a film.活动二:学生读35页上的提示,巩固写影评的步骤。Step 4 While writing(10)Activity 1. Write a short passage about a film you have seen .(80 words).活动一:(个人活动) 模仿前面所学,写一篇80字左右的影评。为了让学习有困难的学生不至于无话可说,我在屏幕上给出以下框架(以降低写作影评的难度)。The story is about_.I think the story is_. The actors/actresses are_. The ending of the film is_.The plot(情节)is_.The scenes(场景)are_. In a word, I think it is a_film. I think/dont think it is worth seeing.Step 5 After writing (5)Activity1.Evaluation(3)活动一:评估(两人活动) 交换作文,从影评内容、时态、单词拼写、所用词汇等方面相互交流、修改。Activity2.Presentation(2)活动二:展示(班级活动) 推荐一名学生在班上交流所写影评。Step 6 Consolidation.(2)总结归纳:(个人活动) 总结归纳本节课所学内容,加深记忆。Step 7. Homework学生再次修改作文,并工整、清晰地卷写。使学生养成好的写作习惯。Recorrect your writing and copy it clearly and tidily.六说板书设计最后,我谈我的板书设计.我将黑板分成三部分。正上方写本课标题;左边用来写语言点;右边用来写影评的一些要素。这样的设计使本节课的要点清晰明了,使学生更容易抓住重点,其他的教学内容将通过多媒体的方式展示,这样将更节约师生的时间。Unit 5 The Silver Screen - Integrating SkillsLanguage points:1)take sbs placetake the place ofsb/sth.take place2) determine to do sthbe determined to do sth.3)live, living, alive,lively4)not nly but alsoHow to make comments on a film:1.First, tell the story in your own words.2.Second,make comments on different things about the film, for example:How do you feel about the film?What is the film about?Are the actors/actresses very good or not?What do you think of the ending of the film?3.Finally, give your opion about the whole of the film.I like /dont like this film because Learning plan1. Try to find information about Zhang Yimou and fill in the table before class.NameSexBirth dateOccupationBirth placeSome of the films he filmed/acted/directedYearName of the films1984198719871990199119981999200020022. Fast reading ( Judging True or False)( )1 Mr.Gaos mother is ill and he asks Minzhi to take his place instead ;( )2 The 13-year-old girl is able to teach the pupils as well as Mr. Gao;( )3 Generally speaking, “the young teacher”Minzhi is in charge of the childen well;( )4 Finally the leader of the radio station invited her to speak on the air;( )5 People like this film only because it is simple but moving.3. Translate the following phrases.( Try to find them in this text)不在家,外出代替,就座小学将某人锁于某处,将某人监禁起来送回某人正在/停止广播对 高度评价4.Do the following exercises after class.1) Not only_learn for our country, but(also) well work for the future.A. we do B. do we C. will we D. we will2) Not only I but also you _ to blame.A. is B. are C. be D.am3) Fill in the blanks using live, living, aliveA 150-year-old manin a lonely mountain cave since he was young. He was badly bitten by somescorpion(蝎子) days ago. Yesterday some reporters found him stilland they interviewed him. He said that though he lived alone but hea happy life.


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