高考英语一轮复习 Unit 5 First Aid押题专练含解析新人教版必修5

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First Aid李仕才第一节阅读理解阅读下面的短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D项中选出最佳选项。AThe other day, I noticed a message on a friends page. It made me very sad. She says she is the one who reaches out to people, but rarely do they reach out to her. So, after communicating with her for a while, I began to challenge my friends. “Contact someone right now. Send messages or call someone who you havent spoken to for a while, or who you only talk to when they message or call you. Let someone who may feel alone in the world right this moment know that they are not alone. That is my challenge to you. Please do it, and let me know once you have. Either by calling me back, or by sending me a message. Be the change that you want to see in the world.”The response was great. 28 people liked my post, and another 10 posted that they did, and I got about a dozen messages telling me that they did. And there was one very special message.“I just want you to know what has happened. That day, I sent a message to a friend who I hadnt heard from for a while. She and I talked for a whole day back and forth on messages and then on the phone. She said she was so incredibly sad. Nobody has spoken with her in two weeks. By the tone of her voice, and by the conversations we were having, I think she was about to take her own life(自杀). After our conversation, she has agreed to talk to someone. Your message of kindness has saved her. I cant wait to tell you how thankful I am for people like you in the world, who care when nobody else will. I am proud to call myself your friend. Thank you!”I didnt quite know what to say after reading the message. I was wondering how best to use it for greater good. I decided that sharing what we have done is the most powerful way. I know that I am a cheerleader when it comes to making the world a better place with kindness, because if I help someone, it makes me feel better. I do it because I need to feel better.篇章导读:本文为记叙文。文中讲述作者的朋友在网上发帖说她总是联系别人,但是很少有人联系她,这使作者非常伤心,于是她决定联系需要帮助的人。1What made the author unhappy?AShe cant reach out to anyone.BNo one responds to her friend.CNone of her friends contacts her.DShe has no time to visit her friends.答案:B细节理解题。根据第一段可知,作者的朋友发帖说她总是联系别人,但是很少有人联系她,这使作者非常伤心。故选B项。2What did the author challenge her friends to do?ATurn to their friends for help.BVisit their families and relatives.CContact someone in need of help.DShare their problems on their page.3What do we know about the special message?ASomeone was saved by her friend.BPeople were too busy to talk with others.CThe girl was sad because no one liked her.DThe author helped her friend by calling her.答案:A推理判断题。根据第三段的内容可知,发帖人主动联系一个朋友,并与她交流很长时间,这次及时的网上沟通挽救了朋友的生命。故选A项。4Which word can best describe the author?ADetermined.BColdhearted.CStubborn.DInspiring.答案:D推理判断题。由文章的内容可知,作者非常有感召力,网上发帖鼓励自己的朋友联系别人,让孤独的人振作起来,而且最后一段中作者也说自己是一个振奋人心的人。故选D项。BSquare dancing is a form of entertainment and physical exercise, which is a good thing. However, a group of senior Chinese ladies dancing in New Yorks Sunset Park were recently faced with noise complaints from nearby residents. The local court even served a summons (传票) related to a certain Ms Wang.The news soon caused heated discussion across China, with many believing the incident to involve a cultural conflict between the East and West, while others view it as a form of discrimination against Chinese in the United States.The United States is a diverse society, and in many cases, Chinese dancers are tolerated and even appreciated. Meanwhile, the United States is a society based on the rule of law, and due to cultural differences, local regulations seem to be very different from those in China. As a result, some old Chinese ladies dancing in New Yorks Sunset Park found themselves caught in an embarrassing situation. Locals and immigrants from other nations view such noise as a violation of their right to enjoy tranquility. Calling the police is regarded as the most efficient way to solve such a problem.Before, these ladies probably did not understand local customs and rules. However, since the incident took place, they should perhaps know a little better next time and keep the noise to a minimum. People from different nations are often supposed to reach compromises, respecting and tolerating each other.Whatever your choice of entertainment, it is important not to affect other peoples lives. Square dancing is only one of many activities during which people should mind their behavior.As for US police practice, there might still be some room for improvement. Some were said to be rather rude, leading to the socalled “racial discrimination”, which is a sensitive topic in US society.If the involved parties could be more tolerant, and solve such problems without involving the court, perhaps immigrants would mix more.篇章导读:本文是一篇议论文。文中讲述了一群中国大妈在美国因跳广场舞而被诉至地方法院的事情。作者从中美两国文化差异的角度分析了出现这种事情的原因,并呼吁两国人们要多理解、包容和互相尊重,以促进两国文化的融合和交流。5The writer mentions the incident in Paragraph 1 to _.Ashow his opinionBmake complaintsCbring up the topicDcriticize the local police答案:C推理判断题。根据第一段讲述的内容,以及第二段及下文对该话题的讨论可知,答案为C(引出话题)。6The underlined word “tranquility” in Paragraph 3 can be replaced by _.AentertainmentBquietnessCfreedomDquality7What will the senior Chinese ladies most probably do after the incident?AGo back to China.BFight for their right. CAsk America to change its law.DKeep the noise lower.答案:D推理判断题。根据第四段中的第二句关键信息“keep the noise to a minimum”可推知,中国大妈将会尽量将音量降低。8Whats the writers attitude towards senior Chinese ladies dancing in New Yorks Sunset Park?AHe thinks all parties involved should be more tolerant.BHe strongly supports the action of the local police.CHe considers it a shame for senior Chinese ladies to do so.DHe suggests such kind of problem should be solved in the court. 第二节完形填空阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从120题所给的A、B、C和D项中,选出最佳选项。Does your family often get together?Well,my family often does.As long as I can remember,my family has always_1_the holidays together.As a young_2_,I made the trek up whats called the Old Spiral Highway above Lewiston,Idaho.This was usually done in November when it was_3_with snow and ice.The drive was important,_4_we were on our way to Grandparents house for_5_There our aunt,two uncles and plenty of_6_would join us.As soon as I walked into their house,I could_7_Grandmas fresh pecan and pumpkin pies sitting on the counter to cool.The days leading up to the“big dinner”were spent_8_with my relatives.I remember one time we chased a deer through the _9_Other times,we played games with Grandma.Those holidays at their house are in my _10_forever and bring such goodness and joy when I think back to those times. Grandma died in 1989,and Grandpa in 2010.Later, my parents were_11_, too. One thing we have learned from them is the importance of keeping _12_ alive. To this day,my siblings and I have been pretty faithful about getting together for holidays. This is a (n)_13_way for our family to spend some quality face time together.Everyone_14_ a variety of food, so the host or hostess usually just needs to cook the meat. There is _15_ enough food left over for evening snacks as we can never finish it all at dinner.We take our family gettogethers very_16_We knew it made our parents and grandparents_17_to see their children get along so well together.And we know they are _18_ at us now because to this day, we still do that and get along well.We may have got separated by_19_ , but our hearts will forever be _20_because we are family.1A.compared BspreadCcreated Dcelebrated2. Adriver BinventorCchild Dparent3A.decorated BfacedCcovered Dreplaced4. Abut BbecauseCand Dso5. AEaster BThanksgivingCHalloween DChristmas6. Afriends BteachersCrelatives D. neighbors7A. taste B. makeC. appreciate D. smell8A. sitting B. playingC. arguing D. fighting9A. wood B. houseC. lake D. rock10A. memory B. excitementC. plan D. childhood11A. changed B. goneC. killed D. moved12A. schedules B. hobbiesC. traditions D. dreams13A. funny B. easyC. new Dgreat14A. finds B. storesC. eats D. brings15A. almost B. hardlyC. usually D. never16A. sadly BseriouslyC. excitedly D. worriedly17A. proud B. concernedC. difficult D. kind18A. smiling B. shoutingC. pointing . Dlooking19A.accident BchanceCdistance Dforce20A.alive BniceCopen Dclose语篇解读:作者小时候他爸妈经常带他参加家庭聚会,作者长大后也继承了这种传统。1解析:根据后文作者一家去他爷爷奶奶家一起过节的语境,可知这里是指他们总是在一起“庆祝”节日。答案:D2解析:作者在回忆小时候的事情,所以这里是指自己当时还是一个“小孩”。答案:C6解析:这个是家庭聚会,故在一起的应该是亲戚们,选C项。答案:C7解析:根据“fresh pecan and pumpkin pies sitting on the counter to cool”可知这里是指一进屋子就可以“闻到”那些食品的味道。答案:D8解析:根据后文的描述,可知他们在那里一起“玩”。答案:B9解析:根据“we chased a deer”可知他们是在“树林”里追赶一只鹿。答案:A10解析:根据“when I think back to those times”可知那些事情都深深地印在作者的“记忆”里。答案:A14解析:根据“so the host or hostess usually just needs to cook the meat”可知来参加聚会的人会自己带很多“食物”。答案:D15解析:根据“as we could never finish it all at dinner”可知“经常”会有食物剩下来当宵夜用。答案:C16解析:作者他们经常进行家庭聚会,这说明他们很看重家庭聚会,take sth. seriously意为“很看重”。答案:B17解析:根据“to see their children get along so well together”可知作者觉得他们的父母和祖父母看到这些会很“自豪”。答案:A18解析:根据“we still do that and get along well.”可知作者认为他们的父母和祖父母会对他们“微笑”。答案:A19解析:根据got separated可知这里是指“距离”将他们分隔开来。答案:C20解析:他们经常进行家庭聚会,故距离虽然将他们分隔开来,但是他们的心很“近”。 答案:D第三节语法填空阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。A Thanksgiving Day story in the newspaper told of a school teacher who asked her class of first graders to draw a picture of something they were thankful for.She thought of how little these children from poor neighborhood 1._(actual) had to be thankful for. But she knew that most of them would draw pictures of turkeys or tables full 2._food. The teacher was taken back with the picture Douglas handed ina small childishly hand!But whose hand? The class was 3._(puzzle) by the abstract drawing.“I think it must be the hand of God 4._brings us food,”said one child.“A farmer,”said another,“because he 5._(feed)the turkeys.”Finally, when the others were at work,the teacher 6._(bend) over at Douglas desk and asked whose hand it was.“Its your hand,Teacher,”he said in a low voice.She remembered that frequently at break she had taken Douglas,a small lonely child,by 7._hand.She often did that with the 8._(child)But it meant so much to Douglas.Perhaps this was everyones Thanksgiving,not for the material things 9._(give) to us but for the chance,in whatever small way,10._(give)to others.语篇解读:一位教师要求自己的学生在感恩节画一张自己需要感恩的东西的画。她想大多数学生会画火鸡或有丰盛食物的餐桌,然而有一个孩子却画了一只手。1解析:考查副词。此处需用副词作状语。答案:actually4解析:考查定语从句。关系词为the hand of God,先行词在定语从句中作主语,故用that或which。答案:that/which5解析:考查时态和主谓一致。因为为直接引语,根据语境要用一般现在时,又因为主语为第三人称单数,所以谓语动词为feeds。答案:feeds6解析:考查时态。根据语境,此处应为一般过去时,与were及asked一致。答案:bent7解析:考查冠词。“动词sb.介词the身体某一部位”为固定搭配。take sb.by the hand拉着某人的手。答案:the第四节书面表达最近,部分学校开设了一些特色课(special classes),诸如烹饪课、传统戏曲课等。针对这一现象,你们班同学进行了讨论。请根据下表写一篇100个词左右的英语短文。 标准范文Recently some schools offer their students some special classes, such as cooking classes, traditional opera classes and so on. Is it necessary to offer these classes? We had a discussion in our class. Opinions vary. Some students think it really necessary to do it. First, its good for students to develop their interests. Whats more, these classes are helpful for them to improve their life skills which are useful for young students.However, others have different opinions. They hold the idea that its a waste of time and its not helpful for their lessons.In my opinion, its a good idea to offer these classes. Thats because they are not only good for our study but also for our growth. 6EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F3756EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F3756EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F3756EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F3756EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F3756EDBC3191F2351DD815FF33D4435F375


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